On the plane, in the cockpit, Qin Yuanqing looked at the instruments, which meant that the connection with the tower was broken, and even the navigation had disappeared.

Qin Yuanqing's face was extremely ugly. He knew what this meant, that some people wanted to kill him.

What a cruel heart!

What a vicious plan!

This simply didn't give Qin Yuanqing a chance to survive. If the plane lost its signal, it would be like a headless fly flying around and losing its direction.

After losing contact with the tower and losing navigation, even a highly skilled captain has no choice but to keep the plane flying, and then wait until the plane runs out of fuel, falls from the sky, and crashes.

This is simply the most vicious method of killing, killing people invisibly. It is estimated that only those whose ancestors were bandits and human traffickers would do such a deed.

However, do you think that this can achieve your goal?

What a dream!

Qin Yuanqing took out his mobile phone and made a call through satellite. This is also unique to Qin Yuanqing's mobile phone. It is Beidou navigation, avoiding GPS, and can connect to China's satellites. Qin Yuanqing reported to his superiors what he encountered through the satellite phone. matter, and applied for satellite navigation anytime and anywhere, opening the highest precision authority to himself, and at the same time applied for the Air Force to send fighter jets to navigate for him.

Qin Yuanqing never thought about abandoning the plane and parachuting because they had never trained in parachuting. Maybe this jump would be a narrow escape, and it would be better to control the plane and land.

You must know that previous airplanes did not need GPS navigation and could still land safely. Qin Yuanqing believed that he could do the same.

If skydiving is a narrow escape, then when landing in a plane, with the guidance of Beidou navigation and military aircraft, Qin Yuanqing felt that he was still 70% sure that he could successfully land safely.

After all, although a lot of modern equipment and instruments have been added to the airplane, its essence has not changed. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can still land safely.

Beidou satellite navigation, and aircraft for piloting, reporting situations and data at any time. With these foundations, Qin Yuanqing is still very confident.

At a certain air force base, two J20B fighters took off from the airport, and the early warning aircraft also took off. Beidou navigation was also mobilized, and the communication satellites were also moved. In the plane, Qin Yuanqing's mobile phone connected to the Beidou satellite and downloaded a software. This is an extremely precise satellite map. Unless authorized, there is no way to obtain it, and the accuracy of this Beidou navigation reaches an astonishing 0.05m, which is even better than GPS.

On the mobile phone, parameters such as positioning and speed can be displayed.

At the same time, two J20B fighter jets of the Air Force soon encountered Qin Yuanqing's confused aircraft and began to pilot and accompany it. The method of communication was through the radio.

Qin Yuanqing looked very calm and collected, flying the plane and following the guidance of the J20B pilot, while also paying attention to the route and related data on his mobile phone at all times.

Huang Jia, the flight attendant, had already been dispatched by Qin Yuanqing to comfort the passengers. Qin Yuanqing also reported the situation to the passengers from time to time to let the passengers know that the plane was safe, so as to prevent the passengers from doing irrational things in panic.

At this time, everyone had to work together, and Qin Yuanqing had to focus on flying the plane. He had no energy to focus on other things, and even the cockpit was closed by Qin Yuanqing.

Finally, the plane entered China's airspace.

"The air force base is ahead, please start descending." J20B began to lead, directing the plane to descend. Qin Yuanqing controlled the plane and continued to descend in an exquisite way. Gradually, the grassland below was clearly visible, and the instrument panel continued to Displaying basic information such as flight speed and flight altitude, combined with the data on the satellite navigation on his mobile phone, Qin Yuanqing continued to control the aircraft. Gradually, the air force base appeared in his sight, and the runway was cleared of aircraft.

There were already firefighting vehicles flashing lights underneath. It was obvious that the air force base had made all preparations, and the entire runway looked very empty and spacious.

Qin Yuanqing held his breath and began to lower the landing gear, preparing to land. Gradually, the plane landed on the runway and began to taxi. After taxiing for several hundred meters, the plane finally stopped. The vehicles on the ground had also driven over. By the time they reached the ramp, After setting up, Qin Yuanqing informed the flight attendant to open the door and lead the passengers off the plane in an orderly manner.

Qin Yuanqing got off the plane through another gangway. As soon as he got off the plane, soldiers protected Qin Yuanqing from leaving. He came to an underground base and began to undergo various inspections.

After all, all the passengers on the entire plane, including the plane, are inferior to Qin Yuanqing alone.

Once something happens to Qin Yuanqing, it will be a huge loss.

"Academician Qin, this is our leader, Zhao Aihua!" After Qin Yuanqing completed various inspections, a middle-aged man in military uniform came over and the soldier introduced him.

"Academician Qin, you are frightened. The leaders are very concerned about your safety. Fortunately, you are okay! I am relieved to see that you are okay!" Zhao Aihua said while shaking hands with Qin Yuanqing.

"Leader Zhao, thank you for guiding me in time, otherwise the plane would have gone without knowing where it would have gone!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

"The leader said that when you land safely, you will report to him as soon as possible. Let's go, Academician Qin, to the command center in front!" Zhao Aihua said, and then led the way.

I saw a military command center established an unknown number of meters underground. Various technicians were working nervously and orderly, and then on a large LCD screen, Qin Yuanqing had a video call with his superiors.

After confirming safety, the video call ended.

While Qin Yuanqing was taking a break, there was a turmoil outside. After all, Qin Yuanqing's status was extraordinary and he could be said to be a very important figure. It was impossible for such a big incident to be dismissed with a smile without any reaction.

Ten hours later, Qin Yuanqing took off on a special plane of the Air Force, took off from the Air Force base and returned directly to the capital. Under the arrangement of the Air Force, other passengers would take a car, then transfer to a train, and take the train back to the capital. As for that one A Boeing aircraft needs to be inspected inside and out by experts, and its chips and related instruments will be replaced before leaving here.

When he returned home, it was already midnight. When he returned to the room, he saw two children sleeping soundly. Qin Yuanqing showed a happy smile. This time he walked through the gate of hell, which made Qin Yuanqing feel the true meaning of life even more. He felt that human beings Although life is short, it is very colorful and much more meaningful than some long-lived animals.

Human beings are very complex lives, with emotions, emotions, and desires intertwined together. Although their lifespan is not long, humans are good at creating. Whether it is civilization, wealth, or knowledge, they are incomparable to other lives. Up.

Qin Yuanqing did not dare to say that man is the leader of all spirits in the universe and the most outstanding life in the entire universe. But there is no doubt that human beings are the leader of all creatures on earth and the most outstanding life on earth.

He has never been a human being. Darwin's theory of evolution is correct, but he does not agree that humans evolved from apes.

From a Western perspective, apes and monkeys belong to the great apes. Great apes gradually began to differentiate 40 million years ago. Some eventually evolved into many monkeys today, and some evolved into apes. The apes continued to differentiate and were divided into the Gibbonidae and Hominidae. The family Hominidae continued to differentiate and divided into orangutans and humans. Humans are only a very small branch of it, and other branches are also constantly evolving. Prehistoric humans were born in Africa, and then slowly migrated to different places. They did not spread all over the world from the beginning, nor were they born in different parts of the world at the same time.

But Qin Yuanqing didn't think so, because the modern theory of evolution actually has problems. It can only explain some phenomena, but there are still many questions that cannot be answered. Judging from the development of apes, why humans appeared, full of wisdom and creativity, is something that cannot be explained by modern evolution theory.

Of course, when Qin Yuanqing experienced this life and death crisis, although his enemies were too cunning, he also had some problems of his own. For example, if you own a domestically produced private jet, this kind of thing will never happen. For example, if I don't participate in the Nobel Prize, I won't give the enemy an opportunity.

Originally, Qin Yuanqing felt that as the world's hegemon, the other party always had some bottom lines and would not be too mean. But now Qin Yuanqing realized that although he had tried his best to think the worst of the other party and never went to North America, the results showed that he still thought the other party was too good, and the other party had no bottom line at all.

As long as you go abroad, you will give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of you.

For the sake of his own life, Qin Yuanqing felt that it was necessary to stay in China honestly. He believed that his safety in China was guaranteed, and he still had to take bodyguards with him when he went out.

If he died because of his carelessness, without saying anything, the orphan and widower left behind would be bullied by many people. After all, the principle of people taking tea to cool down is too realistic.

If you are here, with your own backer, I believe that no one will mess around.

So whether it was because he was afraid of death or for the sake of his wife and children, he still had to be cautious.

After kissing his two children's cheeks, Qin Yuanqing made up his mind, no matter what awards or meetings outside that he needed to attend, he would never go abroad.

As for some people and some companies, since they have done something wrong, they have to pay a price, otherwise they will be thought to be easy to bully.

A good person will be bullied by others, a good horse will be ridden by others! If he didn't show his fangs, others would think that he was a scholar who had no countermeasures.

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