Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 376 Air Distress (Three-in-One)

Charles de Gaulle International Airport, also known as Paris Airport internationally, is mainly responsible for receiving international flights. It is the primary airport in Paris, the capital of France, a major aviation center in Europe, and the main international airport in France. It is because of its important position that it was named after Charles de Gaulle.

France is very strange. It has a very complicated view of de Gaulle. Many people admire de Gaulle, and many people hate de Gaulle. In France, many important representative things are named after de Gaulle.

Such as this Charles de Gaulle International Airport!

For example, the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier is France's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

After passing the security check, Qin Yuanqing entered the waiting room. This time he chose first class and enjoyed VIP-level treatment.

Most of the people on this trip were Chinese, and they flew directly from Paris.

The entire flight will take about 11 hours.

The plane took off, and Qin Yuanqing looked through the window at Paris below. Paris is an international metropolis, famous for luxury goods and romance, with a population of more than 11 million, accounting for one-sixth of France's population.

Intercontinental flights often take more than 10 hours, and there is no Internet. Everyone just reads newspapers and magazines, and brings a laptop, which they use to watch movies or work.

Qin Yuanqing closed his eyes slightly to rest. Unknowingly, the stewardess brought dinner. The dinner was very rich. Qin Yuanqing had a good appetite. After eating one portion of the dinner, he still felt that he was only 40 to 50 percent full. After asking the stewardess to bring another portion, he felt almost full. .

Several stewardesses came forward to ask for autographs with shy looks, and some stewardesses secretly left their phone numbers and WeChat IDs. Qin Yuanqing smiled, tore up the small note and put it in the trash can.

Although these stewardesses all have beautiful faces and slender figures, and are beautiful women in the eyes of ordinary people, in Qin Yuanqing, they are no different from ordinary people. He has no so-called uniform control and would like stewardesses.

And compared with the young ladies, these flight attendants are actually a bit mediocre. Their faces are not as good as theirs, their figures and bodies are not as good as theirs, and their temperament and temperament are inferior.

The stewardesses all looked disappointed when they saw Qin Yuanqing tear up the small note and put it into the trash can. You must know that Qin Yuanqing is the richest person in China, no, it should be said that he is the richest person in the whole world. Rich It can be an enemy country. If they can be favored by Qin Yuanqing, not to mention marrying Qin Yuanqing, even if they are just his canary, their monthly pocket money will be enough for them to live a wealthy life. Why do they need to work so hard as a stewardess, earning so much in one month? Even some hard-earned money is not enough to take care of yourself.

Then I couldn't help but think of the legend among stewardesses. So far, no stewardess can make Qin Yuanqing take a second look. Qin Yuanqing is known as the man that stewardesses cannot conquer, even if she was once known as the most beautiful stewardess.

Qin Yuanqing read newspapers and magazines, ate some fruits, and then got up and walked around a little. Sometimes it is difficult for Qin Yuanqing to imagine that astronauts in a small space have extremely strong psychological quality and strong will. Otherwise, ordinary people would go crazy in a few days on the space station.

Therefore, every astronaut is a hero!

At about ten o'clock, Qin Yuanqing closed his eyes and went to sleep. The plane would not arrive until about eight o'clock.

"Bang bang bang~~"

Suddenly, Qin Yuanqing seemed to vaguely hear a few gunshots. He frowned in surprise and looked at the other passengers, who did not react at all.

Then at this moment, there was a scream from the direction of the business class, and several business class passengers ran into the first class.

"Killing, killing, someone hijacked the plane..."


These words immediately caused a commotion in the first class cabin.

Bang bang bang~~

Several more gunshots rang out, causing a commotion in the first class cabin. Everyone was extremely frightened and their faces turned pale with fright.

After all, the passengers are just ordinary people. Faced with such matters of life and death, no one is not afraid. Survival is everyone's nature, and no one is truly unafraid of death.

It's better to live than to die, isn't that the truth?

Qin Yuanqing frowned slightly, as if he suddenly thought of something, he quickly exchanged the mastery of a boxing technique, "Bajiquan", and then exchanged it for "firearms mastery"!

For a moment, Qin Yuanqing seemed like a boxer who had practiced all his life. He knew all the essentials of Bajiquan and was also extremely proficient in firearms.

Chinese Kung Fu is not just talk, it actually exists. If you look at the boxers at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, who defeated the strong men of the West with their thin bodies, you will know that the boxers have real Kung Fu. There is also the Broadsword Team, which has caused countless systematically trained Japanese soldiers to have their heads removed and their souls returned to other places.

This firearm proficiency instantly makes him extremely proficient in guns, comparable to a sharpshooter who has experienced hundreds of battles, and can achieve perfect accuracy with every shot.

This is the life-saving method Qin Yuanqing is thinking of! It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. Only by strong personal force can you have a chance to survive in a desperate situation. With Bajiquan proficiency, firearms proficiency, and combined with his level 10 body, the power that bursts out is definitely at the level of a soldier.

Not long after, I saw two masked men approaching the first class cabin, both holding pistols in their hands.


One of the masked men fired a shot at a chair, causing a burst of screams. After shocking everyone, he loudly said to everyone: "Everyone listen, if you want to survive, just stay where you are." , don’t do anything that you will regret for the rest of your life!”

At this time, everyone in the business class was watching the masked man holding a pistol in silence. Under the threat of death, everyone was so scared that their hearts were about to burst.

At this moment, everyone smelled the breath of death, as if they saw the sickle of death swinging towards them.

"Who is Qin Yuanqing! Come out!" The masked man shouted loudly in English.

Qin Yuanqing's eyes narrowed, and he actually came directly to him. It seemed that there was something wrong with this. However, Qin Yuanqing couldn't understand. He had made an impromptu decision to return to China today, and the air tickets were all booked on the fly. Who knew this? His own traces and sent people to target him.

Fortunately, the lights in the first-class cabin were dim. The two masked men looked like Westerners at first glance and could not immediately recognize their identities. Otherwise, Qin Yuanqing himself would not dare to mess around if they were intercepted.


When Qin Yuanqing saw it, the masked man lowered his head to take the photo from his pocket. Qin Yuanqing took a deep breath, stood up suddenly, crossed his feet, swung his arms slightly, put his feet on the ground and exerted force, cooperated with his waist and legs, and stepped out in one step. He was six or seven feet tall, and he pounced directly, as if a mountain had been loaded directly over him. He was fierce, violent, and extremely powerful. He punched the masked man in the chest, and the masked man flew backwards.

Qin Yuanqing took advantage of the situation and kicked the other masked man next to him, knocking him away and hitting the floor. The two fell to the ground motionless, not knowing whether they were dead or alive. Qin Yuanqing picked up the two pistols on the ground, and then After searching the masked man's body, no other guns or grenades were found.

The first-class flight attendant screamed when she saw two masked men breaking in with guns. Then she saw Qin Yuanqing kill the two masked men at once. With Qin Yuanqing's comfort, she slowly It became quiet. As for the other passengers in the first class cabin, they were all panic-stricken and have not reacted until now.

"Tie them up and make sure they are not opened, okay?" Qin Yuanqing said to the two stewardesses. He didn't know if he killed the two masked men in that moment.

The two stewardesses reacted, and one of them took out a rope from a nearby cabinet and tied up the two masked men.

Qin Yuanqing took a deep breath, closed the curtain, and then moved forward!

He didn't know how many extremists had gotten on the plane and had not yet been discovered, how the extremists were distributed, and whether there were any powerful bombs that they could all detonate together.

But he knew that he had to go to business class and economy class to deal with all the masked people, otherwise he would be in danger at any time.

At this time, everyone on the plane is like a grasshopper on a rope, living and dying together.

Entering the business class, I heard two masked people in the business class, shouting threats and warning everyone, obviously not aware of what happened in the first class.

There were seventy or eighty people in the business class, which seemed to be noisy. Two masked men kept firing bullets at the side, threatening everyone to quiet down. They spoke fluent English, but everyone's fear made the entire business class a mess. Yes, and there were screams.

Qin Yuanqing's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand and made two "bang bang" sounds, and the two masked men fell down. Then when he saw the two masked men falling down, the business class became even more chaotic, with all kinds of screams. Sounds everywhere.

Everyone is afraid that they will be hit by a bullet and die. After all, no one wants to die, die on a plane, die at this time.

Qin Yuanqing took a deep breath, grabbed the shivering and pale stewardess hiding in a corner next to him, and said, "Listen, if you want to survive, let everyone calm down, otherwise everyone will die!"

Ordinary people usually brag and imagine that they are heroes, invincible, and can kill a cow with one palm. But at this time, everyone was shaking, unable to stand firmly, and even incontinent.

It is impossible to rely on them!

On the contrary, flight attendants usually receive training and are trained in various dangerous situations, which makes their psychological quality stronger than ordinary people at this time. After the masked man was beaten to death by Qin Yuanqing, they were able to calm down quickly and actively began to comfort the passengers.

Qin Yuanqing didn't care whether the flight attendant reacted at this time. He walked towards the economy class. He didn't know if there were any masked people or how many people had gotten in.

Qin Yuanqing really couldn't imagine that overseas airport security checks were too casual, and masked people were allowed to sneak in, and they even brought firearms!

Qin Yuanqing couldn't complain in his heart. No wonder everyone has become accustomed to daily milking. This France is really becoming more and more unsightly and does not look like the Wuchang at all. No wonder many countries are clamoring for France to give its Wuchang status to Germany.

After passing through the curtain and entering the economy class, I saw two masked men approaching. The two masked men were tall and strong. At first glance, they were not of Oriental race.

"Shit, James and Yake are really useless. They haven't brought the situation under control for so long. The plane will enter Mongolia and we won't have much time left!" A masked man cursed, obviously noticing the noise in the business class. , and this situation shows that the business class has not been controlled yet, which is obviously inconsistent with their plan.

After all, there are not many people sneaking into the plane. If you want to control the entire plane with just a few people, you must quickly intimidate everyone so that no one dares to move.

"Those two losers, I really don't want to be with them on this mission!" Another masked man also cursed, obviously dissatisfied with the noise in the business class.

"You yellow-skinned monkey, you dare to run around, I will kill you!" When the masked man saw Qin Yuanqing coming to the economy class, he yelled and raised his gun to kill Qin Yuanqing.

But Qin Yuanqing moved faster, with a gun in his left hand and a gun in his right hand. Two "bang bang~" sounds were heard, and the two bullets hit their eyebrows very accurately. The two masked men fell to the ground instantly, and they could not die anymore. die.

Qin Yuanqing also picked up two guns, searched for the bullets in the guns and the bullets on the two masked men, and then threw the guns without bullets into a trash can nearby. He looked at the economy class and found nothing. Other masked men.

Qin Yuanqing looked at the messy situation, and the flight attendants were trembling, apparently losing their rationality in the face of death. However, these flight attendants had received professional training after all, and they quickly calmed down and began to calm the passengers and restore order.

"Academician Qin, I am the flight attendant 'Huang Jia'. Thank you for your help!" A very beautiful flight attendant thanked Qin Yuanqing, then took a deep breath to calm down and said: "Now there is It’s a very bad situation. I can’t contact the captain. There may be extremists in the cockpit. I’m afraid the captain and the others are under control!”

Qin Yuanqing's eyes narrowed. There were six masked people in first class, business class, and economy class. If there were still masked people in the cockpit, how many people had sneaked into the plane.

Damn it!

This security check is too crotch-stretching, this is a joke!

However, at this time, passengers in economy class, business class, and first class must be screened out as soon as possible to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

The way to distinguish is very simple, that is, who is fearful and who is calm. Only extremists will be calm at this time. Ordinary people are fearful.

At the same time, as a precaution, all non-Chinese people were controlled and tied up to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

Sure enough, after screening, there were actually two people pretending to be ordinary passengers. After being discovered by Qin Yuanqing, they attacked Qin Yuanqing. However, Qin Yuanqing knocked them unconscious with one punch, removing their joints and losing their combat effectiveness.

Just in case, Qin Yuanqing went to the cargo hold to check it and made sure it was safe before returning.

Obviously, this group of people thought that they had enough people to control the plane easily, so they did not prepare any other back-ups.

But Qin Yuanqing didn't understand what this group of people wanted to do when they came for him? What are their identities, how did they obtain their information and traces, and how did they get on the plane. You must know that it is easy to get on a plane as a passenger, but it is not so easy to bring a firearm, let alone a submachine gun.

Qin Yuanqing found Huang Jia. After a while, Huang Jia had adjusted and was helping to comfort the passengers. Sometimes I have to admit that beautiful women do have advantages. They are beautiful and have a nice voice, which can easily make people regain their composure.

"Pusher, please take me to the cockpit!" Qin Yuanqing said.

What Qin Yuanqing is most afraid of now is that the masked man takes control of the plane, and then controls the plane to plunge directly to the ground, and that will be the end.

But depending on the situation, it doesn’t look like it, otherwise why would there be photos of myself!

"Okay, Academician Qin!" Huang Jia stood up, took a deep breath, and led the way.

Seeing Huang Jia's performance, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but secretly nod with admiration. It's no wonder that he can become a flight attendant at such a young age. This psychological quality is indeed much stronger than that of other flight attendants. Although other flight attendants are also comforting passengers, their faces are full of anger. There was still a look of panic, but Huang Jia had returned to normal.

When they arrived at the cockpit with the flight attendant Huang Jia, they saw that the cockpit door was locked from the inside. It was almost impossible to enter the cockpit from the outside unless it was opened from the inside.

This function is mainly to prevent bad people from entering from the outside and disrupting normal flight.

Since the major incident that shocked the world in the United States in 2001, airlines from various countries have paid special attention to the safety of the cockpit. Therefore, after the cockpit door is locked, even if it is violently dismantled from outside, there is no way to open it in a short time.

It has to be said that this setting is very necessary. With caution, you can ensure that the cockpit does not lose control.

Qin Yuanqing didn't know if a masked person entered the cockpit, and he didn't know what was going on inside.

Qin Yuanqing whispered a few times in Huang Jia's ear. Fortunately, there was no monitoring equipment in the cockpit, otherwise Qin Yuanqing's actions would have been discovered long ago.

It is said that the main reason why not to install monitoring is because of passenger privacy and other reasons, which is boycotted by all airlines. Of course, according to the survey, those who are most opposed to the installation of surveillance equipment on aircraft are not passengers, but crew members. The reason is unclear.

"The captain is bad, the captain is bad, someone got on the plane with a gun, and now the plane is in chaos!" The flight attendant picked up the intercom and started talking inside.

But there was laughter inside, followed by English and all kinds of ridicule.

Obviously, these people felt that they had a winning chance and had complete control of the aircraft.

"You little bitches, I'll make you happy later!" English swear words came from inside.

Then he saw the cabin door moving. Qin Yuanqing's eyes lit up. He immediately opened the two instruments, stepped forward with his right step, bent his left arm at the elbow, put his hand on his waist, made a fist with his right hand, and pushed out!

Step forward to support the hammer!

The supporting hammer is also known as the collapse of the bow and the rapid movement of the arrow, which illustrates its five characteristics. Collapse, the force will be like a landslide! Bow, shoot like a bow, don't hesitate! Run, run fast and hard! Arrows, punches are as powerful as arrows, they must have the power to pierce! Be urgent, hitting someone is like kissing someone, be urgent!

This Bajiquan is a ferocious boxing technique in Chinese boxing, and it is very powerful. Qin Yuanqing converted Bajiquan because of its lethality.

As the saying goes, with Taiji in literature, the world can be settled, and with Baji in martial arts, the world can be settled! It can be seen that the boxing skills of Bajiquan are fierce and powerful.

Once you take action, the opponent will either die or be injured!


The cockpit door opened, and Qin Yuanqing knocked away the masked man with one punch.

He ducked into the cockpit and saw two big masked men inside. There were four corpses on the ground, all of them were the captain. These masked men were so ruthless that they killed the captain directly.

Qin Yuanqing saw one of the men pointing a gun at him. He threw the gun out and hit the man's wrist. With a "Peng~" sound, the man was hurt by the pistol and the gun fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the gun in Qin Yuanqing's other hand was moved, and he fired four shots in a row, hitting both hands and legs of the masked man, causing the masked man to scream in pain.

"Put your hands up!" Qin Yuanqing pointed his gun at the masked man sitting on the console.

The masked man stood up unexpectedly, and Qin Yuanqing fired without hesitation, hitting the man's two arms and two feet.

"Kill us, and you won't survive!" Although the masked man was struggling in pain, he still shouted.

They have already killed the captain, and they are the only ones on the entire plane who know how to fly. Therefore, this extremist is also a ruthless person. Since they cannot survive, they will die together.

Qin Yuanqing punched him, knocking the masked man unconscious, then found a rope and tied them up to avoid any accidents.

As for not killing them, it was simply because he wanted the plane to be handed over to the relevant departments for a thorough review after it landed. After all, it was really unusual for such a big matter to come directly to him.

Qin Yuanqing searched their bodies and confirmed that there were no other weapons or explosives on them, and he felt relieved.

Let Huang Jia check and find out that the captain, two co-pilots, and the pilot were all out of breath.

"It's over, we're all over!" The stewardess said to Qin Yuanqing with a look of despair: "The captain and co-pilot are dead. No one can fly the plane, and we can't survive!"

Originally, when he saw Qin Yuanqing subduing the masked man, he raised his hope of survival, but it turned out that the captain and other people who could fly the plane were all dead.

In the final analysis, flight attendants are just service personnel on the plane. They specialize in serving passengers on the plane. They are no more advanced than train attendants and high-speed train attendants. Flight attendants do not know how to fly a plane.

And no one knows how to fly a plane. When the plane runs out of fuel, it will fall from a high altitude. In that case, no one will survive and everyone will die.

Qin Yuanqing redeemed his advanced aircraft proficiency skills and said, "Tower, tower, if you hear me, please answer!"

Qin Yuanqing contacted the tower and followed the operating procedures to get in touch with the ground tower.

"Tower received, please tell me!" the ground tower replied immediately.

"I am Qin Yuanqing, a passenger on flight ***. There were extremists on this flight. The extremists killed the flight crew. Now the extremists have been subdued and an emergency landing is required!" Qin Yuanqing explained the situation.

Suddenly, there was a panic on the other side of the tower. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

After learning the news, the tower immediately reported it to the leader, who arrived immediately.

"Quickly, check the information!" After the leader arrived, the first thing he did was to check the information. After all, Qin Yuanqing's identity was too sensitive and important.

"Leader, the passenger information has been checked. Qin Yuanqing did take this flight!" But almost breathing, all the passenger information has been checked.

The leader felt like he couldn't breathe and was about to suffocate to death. Why did he get involved in this? If something happened, he would be blamed for being skinned alive!

"Mr. Qin, are there any extremists on the plane now? How is the situation on the plane?" the leader asked.

In the leader's mind, he has already greeted the security check of Paris International Airport thousands of times. Damn it, as an international airport, since there are extremists mixed in.

You must know that since the incident in 2001, airlines and airports have attached great importance to security inspections and invested heavily in strengthening security inspections. As a result, nothing like this has happened again in the past ten years.

But now it has happened, and it is not an ordinary thing, because with the great god Qin Yuanqing on the plane, this matter is not trivial.

"There is nothing abnormal about the current situation of the plane. All the extremists have been subdued!" Qin Yuanqing said: "According to the plane's position information, it is currently in Mongolia and will enter NMG in about half an hour. I recommend landing at a nearby airport to ensure safety!"

When the leader heard this, he felt relieved. Although he didn't know how these extremists got on the plane, as long as the people were fine and the plane was fine, it would be fine.

"Yes, Academician Qin, please keep flying, I will arrange the landing immediately!" the leader said, and then the leader continued to report, layer by layer, alarming the top leaders of the civil aviation company, who broke out in a cold sweat. .

You must know that starting last year, in order to ensure the safety of air flights, China Civil Aviation required passenger planes to report their flight positions every 15 minutes. It was really frightened by the frequent air crashes in the previous two to three years.

"The personal safety of Academician Qin must be ensured. Academician Qin should be advised to parachute at critical moments!" the leader of the civil aviation company said decisively.

Nothing is as important as Qin Yuanqing's personal safety!

As long as Qin Yuanqing's personal safety is ensured, it is more important than anything else. The entire plane is not as important as Qin Yuanqing alone.

"No, leader, we lost contact with the ** passenger plane. We can't contact the ** passenger plane!" The on-site leader on the other side of the tower exclaimed, his legs were shaking, he couldn't stand and he collapsed on the ground, his voice was full of Trembling.

When this happens, there is either a problem with the equipment on the aircraft and it is impossible to contact the tower. Or there is some extreme weather that makes the equipment temporarily unusable. The third situation is that the plane crashes to the ground and there is a crash, so contact is naturally lost.

And they are paying attention to the weather at all times, and satellites in space are constantly transmitting weather information back. The weather in that area is very good, and it cannot be extreme weather at all.

So when this happens, there are two other situations. If it is the first situation, then there is still a possibility of survival. After all, even if the passengers have not trained in skydiving, some of them will eventually realize at the moment of life and death that they can successfully skydive and survive.

And if the third scenario occurs, no one will survive.

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