Chapter 308 Research Direction

As soon as the leaders entered the assembly plant workshop, they were shocked by the two mountain-like Y-30 strategic transport aircraft in front of them.

They stared wide-eyed at the Y-30 transport plane in front of them!

Compared with the Y-20, the Y-30 is nearly 10 meters longer, has a wingspan that is also nearly 10 meters wider, and is more than two meters taller. The difference may not be that big based on the data, but when you put it in real life, the gap becomes clear. .

These leaders have basically participated in the Y-20's final assembly and test flight, so they naturally know what they are doing. Comparing it like this, the shock is even greater.

"Okay, great! It's so big. If it were reported, I don't know how many people would be shocked. China also has its own large strategic transport aircraft. It's really inspiring!" A leader said with a smile.

Then the leaders couldn't wait to board the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft to see its true interior and feel how big its belly is!

Qin Yuanqing personally explained the technical indicators of the Y-30 to the leaders. It can be said that the technology surpassed the Y-20 in all aspects.

"Dear leaders, the Y-30 has a design length of 53.04 meters, a wingspan of 51.81 meters, a height of 16.79 meters, a wing area of ​​353 square meters, a main wheelbase of 10.27 meters, a front main wheelbase of 20.05 meters, and a cargo hold size of 22.5×6.5×4.5 meters. The empty weight is 98.2 tons, the maximum take-off weight is 283.2 tons, and the load capacity is 100 tons. The power system uses 4 non-afterburning turbofan engines, with a maximum thrust of 4×185.64kN, a maximum flight speed of 0.678 Mach, or 830 kilometers/hour, and a practical ceiling. 13,700 meters, a range of 11,600 kilometers, and a combat radius of 5,200 kilometers!" Qin Yuanqing introduced the performance indicators of the Y-30: "With the improvement of aero-engine performance in the future, the flight speed and range will increase to a certain extent!"

There is still a lot of room to explore for the Qinling engine. If the engine performance is improved, the performance of the corresponding Y-30 strategic transport aircraft will also be improved.

The leaders nodded frequently. They were quite satisfied with the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft. They all came from the difficult period of the Republic. They were very happy, excited and very happy to see the birth of the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft now. excited.

With the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft, it will not take long for China to build a large air force, which is of immeasurable significance for maintaining national security.

In terms of the air force, the Republic has suffered countless losses. After so many years of frustration, it was finally time to feel proud.

"Dear leaders, during the aircraft manufacturing process, with the joint efforts of R\u0026D personnel and manufacturing personnel, more than 300 major manufacturing technology breakthroughs were achieved, which represents that my country's aircraft manufacturing technology has reached the world-class level!" Mr. He said to the leaders Reporting on technological breakthroughs made in the manufacturing process.

When the leaders heard what Mr. He said, they were all very happy. They knew that China had taken another important step towards mid-to-high-end manufacturing.

In the morning, I took the leaders to visit the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft, introducing the R\u0026D and manufacturing processes of the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft, as well as some difficulties encountered and technological breakthroughs achieved in overcoming them, and introduced the R\u0026D and manufacturing personnel with outstanding performance.

In the afternoon, the offline ceremony officially began in a warm atmosphere.

Director Zhao of XAC Group personally served as the host of the ceremony. He walked to the stage and said excitedly: "Dear leaders and comrades, hello everyone, we are very happy to hold the first batch of Y-30 strategic transport aircraft here today. The offline ceremony of two prototypes. This is a historic moment, and I think everyone here today will never forget it. Now let me introduce to you the leaders who came to the ceremony..."

"The leader is invited to give a speech below!" Director Zhao said.

Suddenly the entire assembly plant burst into warm applause.

The leader made a speech and said: "Comrades! We are here to witness a miracle in the history of our country's aviation industry. This is not only the first time that our country's aviation people have designed and manufactured such a large aircraft, it is also the first time that it has been developed at such a fast speed. Yes! The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Here..."

After the leader finished his speech, there was warm applause, which was affirmed by the leaders. This is the greatest affirmation of their work.

With the end of the offline ceremony, XAC held a small celebration banquet. In addition to the leaders, XAC held a small celebration banquet, as well as engineers involved in R\u0026D and manufacturing.

"Comrade Qin Yuanqing, when do you think we can develop 400-ton transport aircraft like the C-5 'Galaxy' large strategic transport aircraft and the An-124 'Ruslan' large strategic transport aircraft?" the leader asked Qin Yuanqing in a low voice.

Qin Yuanqing smiled and said: "Leader, now the Y-30 is the most suitable for our country's development needs. In the next few years, the Y-20 and Y-30 will be put into service, and our country's strategic transport aircraft can be satisfied. As for 400-ton or even 600-ton transport aircraft , it’s not very difficult to develop, but it’s just not necessary now!”

When the leader heard Qin Yuanqing's words, his eyes lit up, and then he thought deeply and sighed secretly in his heart. Sure enough, it would be good to have a top scientist. Many problems will naturally become no longer problems, not because they cannot be developed but because they are not needed yet.

"Comrade Qin Yuanqing, what area do you plan to study next? Are there any difficulties that need to be solved by the country?" the leader asked with concern.

All along, superiors have paid the greatest attention to Qin Yuanqing, created loose conditions for him, and will not take the initiative to arrange scientific research tasks for him.

"Leader, my next research direction will be in chemistry and biology!" Qin Yuanqing said: "In the field of new energy and desert greening, we will conquer the treatment of AIDS!"

"This is the direction of my scientific research in the next five years!" Qin Yuanqing did not hide his plans: "Originally, the plan was in the field of new energy and the development of specific drugs for AIDS. I went to Long Province during the National Day and saw the endless Loess Plateau along the way. , touched me a lot. Only by improving the vegetation in these places can we truly improve the living environment and economic development of these places!"

"Comrade Qin Yuanqing, are there any difficulties that need to be solved by the country?" the leader asked. He did not expect that Qin Yuanqing would study these three fields next. These three fields were far from Qin Yuanqing's current major, but he still chose support.

"Not yet, but when the desert green vegetation comes out, it will probably require the power of the country!" Qin Yuanqing said.

China has 700,000 square kilometers of desert area and more than 500,000 square kilometers of Gobi. The total area is 1.28 million square kilometers, accounting for 13% of the country's total land area. However, the ability of this person is insignificant, and the country is needed. the power of.

They say how powerful a certain company is, but in fact it is insignificant in the face of national power. For example, the "Three North" protective forest project covers the northwest, north China and northeast, and is a large-scale artificial forest ecological project. It has been almost 40 years since the decision was made in 1979 to list this project as an important project of national economic construction, and the entire project The planning period is 70 years and is divided into seven phases. So far, the fifth phase of the project has been carried out. The ecological construction area in NMG has increased by more than 6,700 kilometers, and the grassland area has increased by 26,700 square kilometers. The area of ​​sandpapered land in Shanxi decreased by approximately 593 square kilometers, and the vegetation coverage increased by 22% to 60%. Such a huge project, purely invested in the project, spans as long as 70 years, involves millions and tens of millions of manpower, and hundreds of billions of funds. Let's see which company has it. ability to proceed.

"To get rid of poverty in the Three Norths, environmental improvement is fundamental! It is the birthplace of our Chinese nation, and it is also a huge space for our Chinese nation to survive. If Comrade Qin Yuanqing can solve the desertification problem and completely improve the environment in the Three Norths, then you will be credited The general is famous in history and will become the saint of China!" The leader said: "Our generation is old, and the future of China ultimately depends on you young people!"

Why China has more than 9.6 million square kilometers of land, but living space is very tight. The most fundamental reason is that the conditions in many places are too poor to develop, so people have moved to places with good development.

It is not easy to change nature and defeat it. China's investment in desert management is definitely a very exaggerated level. It mobilized a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources to achieve the current results.

Qin Yuanqing had never thought about challenging such a difficult thing before. After all, this kind of thing could not be redeemed in the system mall, so he had to figure it out on his own. But when he set foot on the Loess Plateau, he was shocked. I have never thought that the Loess Plateau is so desolate and harsh. If it continues like this, it may not take a hundred years for the Loess Plateau to be uninhabitable.

That's why he thought about solving this problem from a biological perspective.

After the celebration banquet was over, Qin Yuanqing followed the leader's business jet back to the capital. Unless there was any big problem, he would not come here again. The Y-30 will next undergo various tests and inspections, and then enter test flight inspection, starting a long and comprehensive verification and testing.

None of this requires Qin Yuanqing to participate or pay attention to.

Back in the capital, Qin Yuanqing saw various rumors online. They were very lively and there were no photos. Some speculated that the Y-20 was officially mass-produced and put into service, and some speculated that the H-6-L or H-6KS might be carrying An improved version of a certain letter has rolled off the production line, and some people speculate that the H-20, a killer weapon, has rolled off the production line and is about to enter its first flight.

Obviously, XAC has done a good job in keeping confidentiality, and no useful information has been leaked so far. However, it is estimated that the news of the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft cannot be kept secret for long. After all, such a big thing will make a lot of noise once it takes flight, and it can easily be photographed by surrounding residents or passers-by.

What's more, there are a large number of spy satellites in space. It is impossible for the test flight of the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft to hide from those ubiquitous spy satellites. Then, after careful investigation, it is logical for the news to be verified. matter.

For a big country, unless you don't show it, there is no secret. Just like the construction process of the United States' nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, it is estimated that countless photos are taken every day.

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