Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 284 Strategic Transport Aircraft

Chapter 285 Strategic Transport Aircraft

On August 13, Qin Yuanqing returned to the capital.

Qin Yuanqing no longer stayed in the sensational news caused by the fourth-generation aircraft. At this time, he only had big guys like Boeing 747, Airbus A380, and C-17 "Global Dominator" in his mind. The huge fuselage made it difficult to see. I feel shocked.

The Boeing 747 and Airbus A380 are civil aviation airliners with patent barriers, and it takes a long time to get them done. However, the C-17 "Global King" is a military strategic transport aircraft, and there are no patents.

If you can imitate it, that’s your skill!

Qin Yuanqing set his sights on the strategic transport aircraft. When he returned home, he saw that the children were sleeping, so he went to the study room, and then his consciousness was immersed in the system, and he suddenly saw his attributes:

Host: Qin Yuanqing

Age: 24 years old

Emotional Quotient: 115

IQ: 225

Physical fitness: Level 10 (1/100)

Skills: "Advanced Singing Skills", "Yan Zhenqing Font", "Guitar Proficiency", "Advanced Programming Proficiency", "Advanced Architecture Proficiency", "Advanced Computer Proficiency", "Instant Memory", "Invulnerable to All Poisons"

Honors obtained: Top scorer in the college entrance examination, CMO gold medalist, IMO gold medalist, 4 first prizes of the National Natural Science Award, Ramanujan Gold Medal, Wolf Prize in Mathematics, academician of the two academies, 2 Fields Medals, Chen Shengshen Mathematics Award, Morningside Mathematics Award, 3 special prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Nobel Prize in Physics

Professional attributes:

Mathematics: Level 15

Physics: Level 14 (800000/1000000)

Chemistry: Level 12 (2000/10000)

Creature: Level 12 (3000/10000)

Look at the learning coins in the upper right corner of the system: 45,000

As he won the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize in Physics, his learning coins increased a lot again, reaching 45,000.

Then Qin Yuanqing switched to the system mall and searched for the field of strategic transport aircraft. He saw that there were C5 "Galaxy" strategic transport aircraft, C17 "Global Overlord", C130 "Hercules", An-225 "Dream", and An-124 " Ruslan", IL-76, etc.

Among them, the first one is the An-225 "Dream" strategic transport aircraft, also known as the 'Cossack'. It is a very large strategic transport aircraft developed by the Antonov Design Bureau. The aircraft has a take-off weight of 640 tons, making it the largest carry-carrying aircraft in the world so far. The heaviest transport aircraft and aircraft. The only aircraft owned by Ukraine has a cabin weight of 250 tons and a load capacity of 200 tons on top of the fuselage. It is the only one in the world that can be used to transport space shuttles.

The An-124 'Ruslan' was also developed by the Antonov Design Bureau, also known as the 'Vulture'. The aircraft first flew in 1982 and made its first appearance to Western countries at the Paris Air Show in 1985. By 1995, it had a total of 56 were produced. The aircraft has a load capacity of 170 tons and a flying altitude of 10,750 meters. Currently, the Russian Air Force is equipped with 36 An-124s.

Ranked third is the United States' C-5 "Galaxy", which is the largest strategic transport aircraft currently in service in the United States. It can carry oversized cargo around the world and take off and land within a relatively short distance. The aircraft has a volume of 985.29 cubic meters, an empty weight of 169.6 tons, a maximum payload of 118.4 tons, a maximum fuel weight of 150.8 tons, a maximum take-off weight of 379.7 tons, a maximum landing weight of 288.4 tons, a maximum level flight speed of 919 kilometers per hour, and a maximum cruising speed of 908 km/h, economic cruising speed of 833 km/h, practical ceiling of 10,895 m, take-off run distance of 2,530 m, landing run distance of 725 m, and maximum load range of 5,526 km!

Ranked fourth is the American C-17 "Global Overlord" participating in the Zhuhai Air Show. This strategic transport aircraft integrates strategic and tactical airlift capabilities. It is the only aircraft in the world that can adapt to both strategic and tactical missions. Transport aircraft. The aircraft was developed by McDonnell Douglas in the 1980s and first flew in 1991. The aircraft has an empty weight of 125.6 tons, a maximum take-off weight of 285.8 tons, a load capacity of 77 tons, a maximum flight speed of 830 kilometers per hour, a practical ceiling of 13,700 kilometers, and a range of 11,600 kilometers.

Ranked fifth is the Russian IL-76 strategic transport aircraft. This aircraft is a four-engine large-scale military-civilian strategic transport aircraft. It was developed in the 1970s, first flew in 1971, finalized in 1974, and entered service in 1975. The aircraft has a maximum takeoff weight of 210 tons, a maximum payload of 60 tons, a cruising speed of 800~820 kilometers/hour, a cruising altitude of 9100~12100 kilometers, and a range of 4200 kilometers.

In addition, there is the famous C130J "Hercules" strategic transport aircraft, which is a four-engine medium-sized multi-purpose medium and long-range tactical transport aircraft developed and put into use in the early 1950s. To date, more than 1,500 of this strategic transport aircraft have been produced and are known for their reliable performance, sturdiness, and extremely low failure rate.

Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but think about it, weighing the pros and cons.

A relatively advanced transport aircraft that China has successfully developed is the Y-9. This aircraft was initiated as a project in 1969, but was suspended due to various reasons, and was later restarted. It appeared at the Beijing Air Show in 2005, and this time it also appeared as active equipment of the Chinese Air Force. at the Zhuhai Air Show. Y-9 is the aircraft platform of Kongjing-200, Gaoxin-6 and other models. However, although the Y-9 was successfully developed, its technical level is still far behind that of Russia and the United States. Its load capacity is only 20 tons, which is far from meeting China's development needs.

In addition, there is the Y-20, which made its first flight last year. The Y-20 was developed based on the aerodynamic shape and structural design of the Russian IL-76, and incorporated some features of the American C-17. This aircraft is a four-engine turbofan strategic transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 200 tons. It is a large strategic transport aircraft belonging to China, marking China's entry into the ranks of the world's largest aircraft.

But there is no doubt that the Y-20 strategic transport aircraft is still inferior. The maximum load capacity is only 60 tons. It is obvious that the performance is almost at the same level as the Russian IL-76, and even worse in some aspects.

Qin Yuanqing also thought that unless China had a space shuttle, the An-225 strategic transport aircraft would not be needed because it was too huge. Even the airports in China might not be able to accommodate its take-off and landing, so Qin Yuanqing excluded the An-225. .

Immediately afterwards, the IL-76 was also excluded. Although the IL-76 is known as the most successful heavy transport aircraft in the world, with more than 700 aircraft produced in total, it does not have high requirements for takeoff and landing. However, China already has the Y-20 of the same level. If it is exchanged for the IL-76 transport aircraft, there will be overlapping functions, which is a bit of a waste.

As for the C130J "Hercules" strategic transport aircraft, we will not consider it. This transport aircraft was developed early and its performance cannot meet the requirements of this era. From a performance perspective, it is not as good as the Y-20.

In other words, only three strategic transport aircraft, the An-124 ‘Ruslan’, the C-5 ‘Galaxy’, and the C-17 ‘Global Dominator’, are left to exchange technology.

In the end, Qin Yuanqing chose the C-17 "Global Overlord" as a strategic transport aircraft because the costs of the An-124 'Ruslan' and the C-5 'Galaxy' were too high, much higher than the C-17 'Global Overlord' cut.

According to the information collected by Qin Yuanqing, the C-17 "Global Overlord" costs about US$330 million per unit. Of course, the third brother purchased 10 US$5.8 billion with an average unit price of US$580 million per aircraft. This calculation cannot be used.

Qin Yuanqing doesn't know the specific cost of a C-17 "Global Dominator", but there is no doubt that this one is undoubtedly the most suitable, with a larger load capacity and twice the range than the Y-20.

After thinking again and again, Qin Yuanqing exchanged the C-17 "Globe Overlord" technology, and suddenly a whole set of technologies appeared in Qin Yuanqing's mind, including the entire design principle, design improvements, etc. of the C-17 "Globe Overlord".

With so much information in his mind all of a sudden, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. Damn, he really couldn't be too willful.

Qin Yuanqing rested for a long time before he recovered.

The next day Qin Yuanqing went to the Aero Engine Research Institute. In addition to the heavily armed helicopter engine unit, the next development task for others was the aero engine for the strategic transport aircraft. Although it has a complete set of F117-PW-100 engine technology, this is after all 20 A product of the 1980s, Qin Yuanqing also hopes to improve aero-engine technology by combining it with the most advanced technology.

This is the latecomer advantage.

For example, the performance of the "Everest Aero Engine" is actually better than that of the F-119, and the J-20B is also slightly better than the F-22. It is a latecomer advantage, and the avionics system has improved compared to 10 years ago. Quite a few.

Although several main people in charge were surprised that Qin Yuanqing came up with a set of aero-engine technology, if it is a strategic aero-engine technology, it means that with slight modifications, it can be applied to large aircraft in the civilian field.

However, they didn't say anything. Now Qin Yuanqing is known as the father of China's modern aviation engine in the aviation field, and he is definitely the number one person in the field of China's aviation engine.

Qin Yuanqing did not write a project application report. The country has a Y-20 development task. It is estimated that he would not agree to a unit that has never designed a strategic transport aircraft to engage in a development task.

However, this was not a problem for Qin Yuanqing. Qin Yuanqing brought Beihang back. Beihang's strength was not weak. In addition, with the previous two cooperations, Beihang gained 1 billion in revenue. It was considered that Beihang was not treated badly. The cooperation between the two parties was still very pleasant. .

And not only Beihang University, Harbin Institute of Technology is also on Qin Yuanqing's list.

Qin Yuanqing disassembled the entire C-17 "Global Dominator" into several parts, including the engine system, aircraft structure, avionics system, carrier design, etc., to see what domestic technologies can be applied and strive to further improve its performance. .

Qin Yuanqing also personally participated in the improvement of the engine, hoping to further reduce its fuel consumption and further optimize the fuselage structure. After all, this involves load capacity and usage cost.

The C-17 "Globe King" is a well-known "gas tiger", and the terrible fuel consumption is absolutely unimaginable to ordinary people.

When Qin Yuanqing completed the implementation of various parts and signed the cooperation agreement, it was already the end of November. The money in the account of the Aero Engine Research Institute was also 1 billion less, but the research and development expenses were paid in advance to Beihang University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other cooperative units. , after all, these units are not as rich as Shuimu, and some are even too poor to open the pot.

After finishing these matters, Qin Yuanqing also began to prepare to go to Sweden to receive the award and attend the dinner.

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