Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 283 The most handsome cub in the audience

Chapter 284: The most handsome cub in the audience

The development of an aircraft costs billions or even tens of billions of dollars!

Especially in the field of civilian passenger aircraft, unlike military fighter aircraft, civilian passenger aircraft pursue safety, comfort, and economy. Without sufficient power, it is impossible to build a passenger aircraft.

China's domestically produced large aircraft has yet to see a test flight, and we don't know when we will see it.

Nowadays, China's aviation market is expanding rapidly. In the next twenty years, the passenger aircraft market will be close to 8 trillion yuan. It can be said that this is a huge piece of fat. Boeing and Airbus are coveting the Chinese market, and China is naturally not willing to let it go. Let the two giants take each other, so there is a plan to develop a domestically produced large aircraft.

As early as February 9, 2006, in the "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020)", the major large aircraft project was identified as one of the 16 major scientific and technological projects. In the same year, a major special leadership group for large aircraft was established. After extensive research and demonstration, the first 150-seat medium-sized passenger aircraft with a normal aisle layout was codenamed "COMAC919", which is the famous "C919" domestically produced large aircraft!

It’s just that China is weak in the aviation industry and lacks a team with strong combat effectiveness. The result is that in the past nearly 10 years, although good news has come out every year, for example, some time ago, it was reported that the first rear fuselage of the C919 medium-sized passenger aircraft Delivery of civil aircraft to AVIC Shenyang. But no one knows when the C919 will officially be able to fly into the sky carrying passengers.

At least when Qin Yuanqing left that world in the previous life, he had not officially reached this stage.

After the opening ceremony, when it was officially announced that the J-20 would participate in the Zhuhai Air Show, the entire Zhuhai Air Show became popular instantly. Everyone came to the exhibition area at the same time. Qin Yuanqing also came to the observation platform and saw representatives of military attachés from various countries. He craned his neck and looked around.

Obviously, all parties are very concerned about China's fourth-generation machines!

Suddenly, the unique roar of engines resounded through the sky, and a row of planes appeared near the skyline. There were five planes in this row.

After seeing the appearance of the plane, the scene fell into a sea of ​​cheers. Everyone raised their lenses thicker than their arms and aimed them at the target in the sky.

The bureau leader once said that appearance equals combat effectiveness!

If nothing else, the J-20 is definitely the best-looking aircraft among domestic fighter jets!

That kind of domineering power can be felt from a distance. The smooth lines of the aircraft make people feel full of technology at first glance.

For advanced weapons, appearance equals combat effectiveness, which is very reasonable. This applies not only to US-made weapons, but also to Soviet-made weapons. Many people think that Soviet-made weapons are backward and crude, but look at the elegant beauty of the White Swan and the beauty of the Su-27, which is no less beautiful than any advanced fighter.

"Oh, God! Is it my great America, driving the F22 to participate in China's air show!?" The Americans were dumbfounded at this moment, because these five fighter planes flying from a distance were different from the pride of their country. -22 is so similar!

It’s exactly the same!

"Five! Oh my God, China's fourth-generation aircraft project is much faster than everyone expected. They have all been mass-produced and put into service!" The people watching at the scene were taking pictures and silently counting the number of aircraft, and their hearts surged. Stormy sea.

A total of five J-20s appeared in front of the world. These were not models, they were all eagles flying in the sky.

What’s even more horrifying to professionals is that China’s five J-20s are not equipped with Russian AL-41F aero engines. This means that these five J-20s are all domestic aero engines, and they are vector engines. The tail of the engine can Turn and shrink like an F-22.

This is the first time the Air Force has made a public appearance of the J-20. Previous test flight reports or photos on the Internet are all mosaic photos, and we can only see the general appearance, but I didn’t expect to see five of them today. , many people have already panicked.

It seems that we need to re-evaluate China’s fourth-generation aircraft!

At this moment, many military experts at home and abroad couldn't help but think of it.

As for WeChat and Weibo, the official also released a picture of 5 J-20s taking off. The 5 J-20s drove out of the hangar one by one, arranged in formation on the airport runway, and then passed a short distance Glide and then fly into the air.

At this moment, many people at the Zhuhai Air Show are feeling uneasy.

There are already five J-20s appearing at the air show. According to China's habit of keeping a low profile, if we can see 5, then there may be 50 or even 100 equipped with the troops!

Facing such a powerful air force, the surrounding countries have no power to fight back. From this day on, the entire international situation will change.

But all the media and aviation enthusiasts present were even happier than during the Chinese New Year!

Five of them can be used for flight demonstrations in one air show. You can imagine how many are equipped privately.

Qin Yuanqing also held a telescope and watched the wonderful performance of the five J-20s in the sky. The flexible maneuverability and the terrifying roar of the engines that accelerated instantly all demonstrated the superior performance of the J-20.

When the performance ended, I saw only 4 of the 5 J-20s flying away, and the other one fell from the sky. Then I saw the plane only skidded 250 meters before stopping after landing, and then drove to a specially designed aircraft for it. Prepared exhibition area.

The audience applauded warmly, with joy on their faces.

Happiness comes too suddenly!

A few years ago, the discussion in the forum was all about the aerial bayonet fight between the "beautiful man in the air" and the F queen. Every time a Chinese Air Force pilot takes a fighter plane into the sky, he is determined to die with his opponent.

But in just a few years, China actually has a fourth-generation aircraft that is mass-produced and in service, and it is also equipped with domestic engines.

Suddenly, the Zhuhai Air Show became a highly anticipated event!

The J-20 that stayed in the exhibition area became the most beautiful cub in the audience!

But many military experts are confused because this J-20 is very different from the J-20 that was flown before. It is more like the American F-22. Did the United States sell the F-22 to China?

America, Pentagon.

"Fuck, how is that possible! The intelligence department is a bunch of idiots. China is producing so many fourth-generation aircraft but there is no news at all!" The American chief of staff was furious: "And why is this aircraft so similar to the F22? Did someone leak it? confidential!"

"Check, check for me, who dares to leak secrets!" The chief of staff was so angry!

The F-22 is the pride of the United States. It has powerful combat effectiveness and unparalleled performance. It is the trump card in the hands of the United States. In order to maintain confidentiality, the United States has not sold an F22 to any foreign country, not even its die-hard ally, the Kingdom of Britain.

But now, China's J-20 is extremely similar to the F-22. If no one leaks the secret, the chief of staff will never believe it.

"Damn it, it couldn't be that Pratt \u0026 Whitney is shouting that it will sell its technology to China if it doesn't make money!" The chief of staff couldn't help but think, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Pratt \u0026 Whitney has always said that the F-22 does not make money, and hopes that the Air Force will place more orders, otherwise it will be too poor to open the door. However, although the United States has the highest military expenditure in the world, it is still unable to cope with the high price of the F-22. It was initially said to cost US$100 million per unit, but now it has soared to US$200 million.

As for whether the technology will be sold to China, the chief of staff will not choose to believe in the integrity of capitalists. For money, capitalists will do anything!

Not only the United States, but Japan is also jumping on the bandwagon. How can this be done? China has such powerful fighter jets, and Japan’s air force has no advantage.

Several surrounding countries are also holding emergency meetings in a panic to analyze the situation and what countermeasures to take.

On the other side, in a room at the air show, I was cooperating with CCTV to make a report about the equipment of this air show. When I talked about the J-20, I smiled and said: J-20 is nothing. The fourth-generation aircraft, this is a J-10 modification, is at most three and a half generations. It will take several years for China to produce a qualified fourth-generation aircraft.

What? Domestic aviation engines? Aviation engines are the crown jewel of the industry, with very high technical content. China is still unable to use them. In the past few years, China purchased a batch of Russian-made engines. . . . . .

The American intelligence officers who were watching the program rolled their eyes when they saw the bureau chief speaking with a serious face and said, "Believe me, you are such a bad old man!"

After finishing the bureau seat for this program, I felt in my heart that the work of the bureau was getting harder and harder to carry out. I had to think about how to transform, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it after work. If the situation of war and neglect does not work, will it turn to the situation of war and terror? . . . . .

Qin Yuanqing personally witnessed the performance of five J-20s, and he was very happy to see the J-20 become the most beautiful one in the whole show. After all, he created the J-20's domestic aviation engine.

Then Qin Yuanqing returned to the hotel. When he turned on the hotel computer and went online, he found that the Internet was full of news about the J-20.

"F*ck~~~fourth-generation machine! Our fourth-generation machine!"

"Mighty and domineering! This is the Chinese dragon!"

"Call 81192~Call 81192, please return immediately! (Crying)"

"81192 received, I can no longer return, you continue to move forward, repeat, you continue to move forward!!"

"This prosperous age is as you wish! (tears)"

"Woooo~~~My son asked me why I was crying! (Crying loudly)"

"I will not regret joining China in this life, and I will still be a flower farmer in the next life!"


"Those Things That Rabbit That Year" worked overtime overnight, and the special episode was released the next afternoon, which moved countless people and made them cry.

Only more than ten years have passed, and everyone still clearly remembers the figure of the warrior who drove the Eighth Route Army to protect the country's airspace.

The current mass production and service of fourth-generation aircraft means that China's air force has grown significantly.

At this moment, countless people are deeply moved and proud, and their sense of nationality is greatly condensed. At this moment, some new generations are determined to work hard and change their own destiny.

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