Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Don't want to wash hands (1)

After coming out of the style and sports classroom, Liao Fanyi never stopped sweating coldly.

The look in Qi Lei's eyes changed, and he was suddenly curious, "Who have you played with until now?"

Who are these people? How did you survive?

how to say? Before, Liao Fanyi felt Qi Lei’s character was a bit incomprehensible, but now after seeing this baby and Kou Zhongqi, he feels Qi Lei’s character...

Has been very restrained.


There is no denying that Qi Lei is a child who is already against the sky, but there is always such a perverse childishness in his personality.

What he does is very stable, but the process of doing things is not stable at all.

It's like a roller coaster, up and down, and I like to keep the suspense until the end...

It can be said that at the last moment, you will never know what extraordinary surprises he has waiting for you.

Therefore, Liao Fanyi was not surprised at all when he said he wanted to "scare a few to death," he even felt that this was right, it was Qi Lei's style of doing things.

However, objectively speaking, this is not a good habit.

Why do Dong Beiguo and several leaders tend to deal with the current situation of Beiguang in a prudent manner?

Because at their age, they all understand one truth: that is, there are not many things we can control in this world.

Anything that seems to have no suspense may encounter uncontrollable factors! Thus beyond the scope of personal ability.

Therefore, they have developed a habit and have to leave a little leeway in doing everything and not put themselves in embarrassment. To put it bluntly, it means staying a line in doing things and being a man, and always leaving a good way out for yourself.

However, Qi Lei is just the opposite! He is an adventurer, an adventurer who is not bad luck, and clever...

Always win, but always be thrilling to win! Ups and downs.

It seems that he is more willing to enjoy the process than to pursue the result.

This is not in line with ordinary people's thinking, judging from Liao Fanyi's professional knowledge:

This is like starting a new game. Others are exploring and advancing in the game, carefully, pursuing clearance, and clearing it as quickly as possible.

I was afraid that something went wrong and died, resulting in not seeing the guarding boss.

And Qi Lei... he is not!

how to say? He is playing this game for the second time, and it seems that clearing the level is not very attractive to him.

On the contrary, it is to carefully explore the details of the game, pursue higher scores, and find more exciting gameplay. This is the fun of the Reviver game.

This made Liao Fanyi a little envious, but he couldn't follow.

Yes, life is not a game after all.

Don't be careless or careless. So the vast majority of people are newbies in a hurry to pursue customs clearance.

Few people have the courage of Qi Lei, the game world, every step must be wonderful.

In short, Liao Fanyi has always felt that Qi Lei is a different kind, different from ordinary people!

It's abnormal.

It is even an object worth studying from the perspective of psychology and sociology.

Well, if it weren't for the value of his being alive, Liao Fanyi even thought it was not impossible to slice and study his brain like Einstein.

However, when I saw Kou Zhongqi and Zong Baobao today, Liao Fanyi was shocked.

Suddenly I don't think Qi Lei is too abnormal, there are more strangers than him!

And he grew up with this kind of child, and now he can still look like a "normal person", it is simply a miracle!

"I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all!"

In this regard, Qi Lei said, "Where is this?"

Liao Fanyi was startled, "What do you mean? There are even more weird performances between these two?"

I saw Qi Lei smile indifferently, "There must be more weird performances, but..."

"But are the two of them okay? There is something more abnormal than these two by my side!"

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Qi Lei, "Unfortunately, if you can't go to Beijing and Guangzhou, it would be a waste of the two to study communication."

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Well, Qi Lei is talking about Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi.

Although Liao Fanyi has been to Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, his energy is focused on insights, and he still doesn't know much about Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi.

Which teenager do you see with a black belly to the point of Wu Xiaojian?

Do you see any kid who knows everything, crazy like Tang Xiaoyi?

At this moment, Qi Lei saw three heads exposed at the corner of the building, it was Zhang Yang, Kou Zhongqi, and Zong Baobao.

Then he said to Liao Fanyi: "Go back to the capital the day after tomorrow, see you at the airport!"

Liao Fan has nothing to do, knowing that Qi Lei is going back to his hometown, he must have no time to take care of him.

"Make your own time, see you the day after tomorrow!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he waved goodbye.

Coming to the corner of the building, Kou Zhongqi was talking about Zhang Yang!

He squeezed his neck and locked Zhang Yang, "Just say we are not enough? The university will do it for you."

"Why do you want to treat your old lady to the United States in the future, I will cuckold you!"

Don't talk about Zhang Yang, Qi Lei and Zong Baobao scratched their heads as they listened, "This tiger lady, dare to go out for anything!"

I saw Zhang Yang look bitter and bitter, "Speak as you speak, don't you always use things that I don't have to you to rub me on Lao Tzu?"

When Kou Zhongqi heard that, not only did he not hide, but he also slapped twice, "Isn't you called, did you say that is not long open!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Zong Baobao: "..."

Qi Lei sighed, why is the gap between people so big?

Li Hanhanjue couldn't say this. Um! Xu Xiaoqian can't tell...

When the two of them had enough trouble, the three of them looked at Qi Lei.

Zong Baobao asked, they still don't understand the situation, "What do you mean? Why are you suddenly a college student?"

Zhang Yang is in a different state. There are surprises, but it's just that, and he has the intention to fire off: "Hey, I went to Beijing and Guangzhou by accident? Don't take a lot of money from my grandfather. Rewarding money is not justified."

Well, this may be Zhang Yang's second advantage, in addition to his sweet mouth. This product is left with concentration...

They were all trained by Kou Zhongqi. Imagine that starting from junior high school, the girl who played with you until the age began to seduce you... all kinds of unscrupulous tiger and wolf words greet you.

He can actually endure from junior high school to high school, and then from high school to university.

Just say that this guy can bear it.

Looking at Qi Lei, "isn't ten thousand too little? Do you want to extort more from my mother?"

Kou Zhongqi ignored Zhang Yang and looked directly at Qi Lei, "Go ahead, where do you like the old lady? I'll give it!"

"Specially recruited to college, is it a big favor? You can consider reimbursement."

Qi Lei really couldn't catch Kou Zhongqi's words, but he also knew that she was just used to running the train along the way.

After pondering for a while, "I can't explain this in a single sentence, anyway, when you arrive in Beiguang, you just need to act in true colors."

Zong Baobao raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? Brother keeps it all the time. Want to be more authentic?"

Qi Lei, "Rely on your mouth to make a fortune!"

Baby Zong was stunned, "Didn't you go to college? Why did you go to the house?"

Kou Zhongqi said: "Probably understand, is it just relying on my mouth to spray people on you?"

Qi Lei, "That's almost what it meant."

Then he said: "I'll give you enough time for a week? After a week, I will report on my own."

Kou Zhongqi, "No need! Which day will you leave?"

Qi Lei, "The day after tomorrow."

Zong Baobao, "Then chant the day after tomorrow? My prodigal father has bothered him a long time ago."

Qi Lei doesn't matter, "You don't want to be rushed."

After coming out of Twenty-Three, Qi Lei took a taxi to Sanshi, and didn't even enter the door of the office building. He took the car key from Qi Guodong and left.

Lao Geng and Lao Nan looked at them, teasing them without a word.

Uncle Geng: "This is not my own family, but it's different! I don't say to accompany us when I come back. I am anxious to go home and honor my father."

Old Nan glared at Uncle Geng, "Why do you exaggerate him like that? That is going to Qianqian, and he is still a father?"

Qi Lei said with a sullen face, "These two old men, the older they are, the less serious they are."

Driving Qi Guodong's car, he drove away.

Back to Shangbei, it was already afternoon.

After calling Qi Guojun, he found out that Dad was at the fourth aunt's house in Baihezi.

The first batch of autumn grains was about to be harvested, and Qi Guojun was busy checking the classification.

When Qi Lei came home, he had no surprises and no responsibility for being a father. He said faintly: "Go back tomorrow and hang up."

Qi Lei: "..."

I had to go directly to the grain store to find my mother...

Dad don't want us, we still have mother!

Guo Lihua is busy! When he saw his son came back, his eyes narrowed, "You said that after a month away, why did you come back for a while? It's like someone who hasn't been weaned. Walk around, there's no time to take care of you."

Qi Lei, "..."

Why doesn't it feel like your own?

Suddenly he said, "Mom, are you ready to have a cock?"

"Be cautious!"

Guo Lihua glared, "Get out!"

"Raising one is retribution!"

Qi Lei ran away and began to think about a problem...

Qi family of his generation...

Qi Lei, Qi Ye, Qi Xin...

Of course, Qi Xin hasn't come to the surface of the earth yet, Qi Guojun is not up for it.

Then if my mother wants a second cock...what should it be called? gold!

The fourth...

Qi diamond?

What a strange question, go back and ask the old lady.

So Qi Lei drove to see the old man and the old lady.

Finally found the warmth. When the grandson came back, the two old people were happy...

In the evening, Qi Lei made a good table of dishes, during which Qi Lei suddenly raised this question.

If the Haoqi family has a fourth child, what should it be called?

I stopped asking the old couple. Haven't thought about this question?

After Qi Lei left, he pondered for half a night.

Grandma Qi, "You said...Can there be a fourth child?"

Qi Haiting thought about it seriously, hehe, he had a good time, "Then the feelings are good."

"What's it called?"



The second middle school has expanded its enrollment this year.

The reputation has already been beaten out, the results are there, and it has just been upgraded to a provincial key middle school and a county-level education unit.

These sudden changes even disrupted Zhang Nan's original plan.

You should know that the provincial key points have enrollment tasks for the whole province, so that this year will not increase the size of three or five classes.

In the new high school year, ten classes have been added to the original scale, and more than 50 classes have been reached.

There are also no small changes in the second and third year of high school.

Zhang Nan had to re-plan. The biggest change in the third year of high school was that the first, second, and fourteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth classes were merged.

The eight people in the first class no longer have privileges and are reassigned to other classes.

The second class is the same.

In this way, two top-class teachers were freed up.

In Class 14, which originally had more than 50 people, more than a dozen people came in, infused with fresh blood.

But fortunately, the atmosphere of Class 14 has not changed...

It is still the desperate Saburo who yells!

The biggest change is...

Big orange is free!

Song Xiaole was unfortunately assigned to Class 14, and succeeded in finishing at the bottom.

Big Orange finally returned to the throne of Erchengzi, in a very beautiful mood.

And Sanbingzi, finally became a well-deserved Sanbingzi. Third from the bottom, a stable batch.

There is also... the joining of Li Mo and Qian Wenjun did not shake Xu Xiaoqian's position as the boss. Xu Xiaoqian, who had left Qi Lei, seemed to have opened the gene lock and no longer had to keep it.

No longer a person!

Li Mo was very miserable. His surname was changed and he became "Qian Momo" in others' mouths.


She really couldn't grab the first school year! Xu Xiaoqian is too livestock.

What's more, she couldn't keep it for the second year of the school year.

Now Li Xin, the chef, has completely taken the learning rhythm and started to exert his strength...

Although he has not yet reached the first monthly exam for the third year of high school, he has not formally enshrined him. But after arriving in Class 14, Li Mo had feelings.

She should not be Li Xin's opponent.

Liu Zhuofu is very troubled...

The performance of Class 14 is getting better and better, but he can't cover up his failed life!

Before the end of the summer vacation, Lao Liu didn't know what to think, maybe he remembered those words before Qi Lei left.

Suddenly proposed to Luo Meili during dinner. The ceremony was very shocking!

"If... let's get the certificate first."


Was scolded by Luo Meili! I'm going to be in the third year of high school soon, would you tell me this?

Besides, there is no sense of ritual at all? , You get a ring the same thing, right?

Gold ones are fine too?

Nothing. I want to trick my old lady away with my job. Let's make your spring and autumn dreams!

But... Luo Meili finished scolding, and added happily, "Send away this year and talk about it...good."

Old Liu: "......"


The time planning for the evening self-study was made by Xu Xiaoqian for everyone.

And Xu Xiaoqian never stingy to waste time, lecturing to everyone.

Who would look for her, she was smiling and explaining carefully.

Although she can't be as provocative as Qi Lei, Xu Xiaoqian's leading role is another flavor.

The fourteenth class is already the fourteenth class.

That is Qi Lei’s 14th class, and everyone’s 14th class.

After evening self-study, Yang Xiao held Xu Xiaoqian like a pendant. Since Qi Lei left, this girl has become more clingy.

At the school gate, I met Wu Ning and Tang Yi, and of course Cheng Lele, Da Ling and Yan Ling.

As usual, a few people came to Sanshi Internet Cafe talking and laughing. Go into the private room.

Homework to do homework, to surf the Internet, to show affection to show affection.

For example, Xu Xiaoqian, when entering the private room, first turn on the computer, open QQ, and see that Qi Lei’s profile picture is gray...

A little lost, and his face a little bleak.

Qi Lei hasn't been online for two days...

Lazily sent a message to Coco Lee, "What has that guy been up to these days?"

Coco Li replied in a second, "I don't know? Just returned to the bedroom from the library."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Oh..."

Coco Lee, "Call him when you think about it?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't fight! See who can survive who!"

Coco Lee, "Be careful! He hasn't mentioned you for several days! There is a young girl chasing him in his freshman year!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Cut! Chasing, if he dares, I will dare to find another one!"

Northeast maidens, no matter what the quality, you dare to say anything when you come up to bluff!

Coco Lee looked at the computer and immediately smiled: "Then I have a hunch..."

"You can get lucky today!"

Xu Xiaoqian didn't take it seriously, nor did he show weakness at all: "I borrow your good words!"


Wu Ning and Cheng Lele show their affection there...

Nowadays, Wu Ning's focus is not even on his senior year review.

More time is left for English, already and preparing for going abroad.

The same goes for Cheng Lele. Having earned the family's consent, try to see if you can send the girl out.

It's just that Cheng Jianguo didn't know that Cheng Lele was 100% able to make it.

Just like Wu Ning, what Wu Xiaojian now considers is not whether she can go out, but which school to choose after going out.

It can be said that Wu Xiaojian can pick the top schools in the world.

This confidence does not come from grades. It comes from an off-campus resume.

The prestigious schools abroad are very realistic. Elite education cultivates the elite class.

And like Wu Xiaojian, who have not yet gone to college, they are already considered as elites. Even if their grades are worse, most schools will be willing to accept them.

The identity of the co-founder of Three Stone Company alone is enough to push Wu Xiaojian to a higher level.

This is like the second generation of a certain Pan, relying on a large amount of money donated by Laozi, it is a reason to enter Haval.

Famous foreign schools are also utilitarian and extremely realistic. Wu Xiaojian is a little more advanced than donating money.

As for Cheng Lele...why is she also 100% capable? This involves some operations.

It is easy for Three Stones to make a beautiful resume and personal statement (an important process for foreign universities) with a sign in hand.

Xiaoer is flipping through her schoolbag...

"Where is my math question bank?"

Everyone looked up at her, "Then who do you ask?"

Xu Xiaoqian said with concern, "Didn't you still use it last night?"

They spent the night at Qi Lei's house last night. Before going to bed, Yang Xiao was holding the math question bank and Xu Xiaoqian was discussing the computer sharing.

"Ah!" Yang Xiao was said by Xu Xiaoqian...

I was stunned, "I fell on the sofa..."

Suffering, "What should I do? Tomorrow Wang Guochen will talk about it!"

Xu Xiaoqian shook her head speechlessly and looked at her, "Why do you always leave things behind!"

Said to Tang Xiaoyi, "Give her the car key and go home to pick it up."

Not far away, after a few minutes, Tang Xiaoyi threw the key over without saying anything, and continued to work on the problem...

Xu Xiaoqian is a bit're welcome?

The fire under the black light really let Xiao'er get it by herself?

But I haven't waited for Xu Xiaoqian to react.

Yang Xiao began to play rogues, pulling on Xu Xiaoqian's clothes: "Qianqian~~~~"

Two words, with eight turns...

Pouting, "I don't want to move... what, what, do, yeah?"

Xu Xiaoqian is serious, "Move if you don't want to move! Go! Be good..."

Yang Xiao, "Oh~~~~"

Eight more turns...

"I just don't want to move!"

Xu Xiaoqian was speechless, so she simply put down her homework, "Then what do you want!?"

Yang Xiao smiled happily, her eyes lit up a little, "How go get it for me?"

Xu Xiaoqian squinted! Suddenly found that this girl was a bit abnormal.

Acting like a baby is still acting like always.


Yang Xiao's eyes are not deceiving.

It's always in a state of awake, only when you step on the stage and calculate with her, will it open, but now it is not open anymore.

It's shining!

Squinted in doubt, "Say! What is your conspiracy?"

Xiaoer was taken aback, "What conspiracy can I have..."

"Go... don't want to move..."

Xu Xiaoqian lost to her.

He beckoned to Tang Xiaoyi, "Give me the key..." Then he went downstairs and really fetched the workbook for Yang Xiao.

Seeing Xu Xiaoqian come downstairs, Xiaoer suddenly yelled obediently, "Oh ah!"

I grabbed the math question bank from my schoolbag and started working on it, "Quickly write and write, a lot of homework!"

Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian also shook their heads and laughed. Tang Xiaoyi also jumped out, "There are things of the opposite **** and inhumanity..."

"Brother is really inhumane!"

Cheng Lele didn't quite understand, "What are you talking about?"

Da Ling said over there, "It's okay, Sister Lele, let's do homework."

As for Yan Ling...

Although the homework is also tight in the third grade, but there is no late self-study, after all, it is easy.

Chatting on QQ, a careless posture.

On the other side of QQ is a mysterious person, "your's very naive! What a fancy thing, and you can't see anything new at all. Just tell them that he's back? Alas...Picture. what?"

Seeing the reply, Yan Ling curled her lips and typed, "Come... read it with me."

Mysterious man, "What to read?"

Yan Ling, "Brother Shitou is very good, I am very jealous!"

Mystery man,"......"

Yan Ling, "Read it?"

Mysterious man: "Well, I'm very jealous..."

Yan Ling: "That's right, you have to face your inner sins honestly, to do this question?"

Mystery man:"....."


Xu Xiaoqian did not ride a bicycle, and Tang Xiaoyi's seat was too high for her to reach the pedals.

Not far from the left and right, I strolled around and came to Qi Lei's house.

There was a car parked outside the alley, and I couldn't see what it was, because the lights were on, which just happened to illuminate the black alley...

Xu Xiaoqian secretly called a fluke, she was actually quite afraid of the dark.

Quicken the pace, thinking about rushing to the door of Qi Lei's house while the light is still there...

Fortunately, the car lights stayed on until she opened the door and got into the courtyard. They were still on. This makes Xu Xiaoqian feel good.

Regarding the fact that Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, or Da Ling Erling had forgotten to lock the courtyard gate, he just made a spit in his heart.


Well, it's not that I forgot to lock it, the living room is lit and there are people in the house.

Xu Xiaoqian thought it was Dad and Mom Qi who came back.

I was still a little worried, and cautiously opened the door to enter, but didn't see any figure.

Still strange, changed his shoes and went to the living room to scan around, "Where is the person?"

No matter so many, come to the sofa...

Then I saw Qi Lei leaning over there, already asleep, with saliva hanging from the corners of his mouth...

It can only be said that ideals are beautiful, but reality is very skinny.

Originally, a large number of people were united, and they tried their best to make Yang Xiao deceive, and wanted to give Xu Xiaoqian a big surprise, but the most critical moment came....

Brother Shi didn't hold on.... I went to sleep!

Dog blood!

And panic.

Xu Xiaoqian blinked her big eyes...

Looking at the sofa in a daze, the sleeping posture is by no means a good-looking Qi Lei!

I can't believe my eyes!

Where did he come from?

Didn't Li Hanhan say that he just returned from the library?

Didn't you go back to the bedroom? For a moment, I felt like a stunned melancholy.

Countless question marks popped up, and the answer was immediately available...

Those guys deliberately!


Xu Xiaoqian did not wake Qi Lei immediately.

Slowly squat down, supporting his chin, and admiring Qi Lei's crystal clear saliva...

Slowly smirked again.

Maybe... your romantic surprises in those movies are just beautiful bridges fabricated by literature.

Two people who love each other in the real world do not need to be surprised, just watching is the greatest accomplishment.

It's like old Liu holding his job, like Luo Meili proposing to marriage, like Qi Lei is sleeping dimly, and Xu Xiaoqian is guarding by the side.

Whether it is beautiful or Xu Xiaoqian, just enjoying the fact that "he is by my side" has melted into happiness...

At this moment, Xu Xiaoqian, the wisest, showed the most stupid smile.

She even had to tilt her head and gently stroke the tightness between Qi Lei's eyebrows with her fingertips...

Slowly stretched his brows, thinking in his heart...this time, he should be very tired.

My brows can't be lifted anymore.

Until Qi Lei opened a gap in a daze, half asleep and half awake...

The vague outline appeared in front of him, and it was the familiar figure in the dream.

So Qi Lei also laughed...

With a quick pull, Xu Xiaoqian slumped back into her arms. The two huddled together on the sofa.

It feels real, um... Qi Lei said, the quality of dreams is good.

Closed his eyes again and smiled.

He hugged Xu Xiaoqian tightly, and rubbed her saliva with her back by the way.

It's not bad, it's the same...

A silly and vague smile-

"steamed stuffed bun....."

Xu Xiaoqian still enjoys this kind of unconscious tenderness...

She is also a human, and she is not so noble, and she has some small evil thoughts from time to time.

I even wondered if I had a tendency to desire women. This close intimacy is also her love.

Listening to Qi Lei talking about buns, I thought he dreamed of eating buns...

He moved gently, making himself as comfortable as possible in his arms, and closed his eyes to enjoy.

But the next second...

Xu Xiaoqian suddenly opened her eyes! The whole body was stiff, and the pupils were a little dilated...

Slowly lowered his head, and saw Qi Lei’s dog paws coming from under the armpit and placed them where they shouldn’t be...

This.... Xu Xiaoqian is not ready at all, is she?

Even more speechless, he still pinched!

"steamed stuffed bun..."

Qi Lei muttered again, with a silly smirk!

Xu Xiaoqian's face is green, this time...

Actually understand.



Qi Lei didn't know how long he slept, the warmth in his arms, and the familiar smell of his breath made him gradually from chaos to Qingming...

From thinking it was embracing in a dream, to really feeling that there was a more person in my arms!

Before I opened my eyes, I realized that Lao Tzu's surprise seemed a bit of a failure!

Why did you fall asleep? and....

steamed stuffed bun...

Finally ate the buns.

It’s just that the scene is a bit awkward and doesn’t end well...

The brain is running fast, looking for a remedy.

Ji Zhongshengzhi, pretending to be awake in the dream, if nothing happened, just ‘master’, and rubbed Xu Xiaoqian’s back, murmured: "Dreaming where we first met..."

Xu Xiaoqian's eyes narrowed! But he couldn't see Qi Lei's expression behind him.

Squinted, "Meeting for the first time?" I believe you a ghost!

Qi Lei was lazy, "Yeah...that examination room."

Xu Xiaoqian, "What else did you dream of?"

Qi Lei, "I dreamed of calling your aunt..."

"Then what?"

Qi Lei, "There are big feet..."

"And then?"

Qi Lei said that you are annoying! ? It's not over! ? I can't make it up!

"Then..." groaned, "Then you went out of the examination room before me, I will chase after you, chase, I can't catch up."

Um! It's the end! So witty!

This time there is no more, and the final scene is a pity, so miserable! So weak....

See how you continue to ask!

But I didn't expect Xu Xiaoqian's tone to be suddenly gloomy, "It's gone?"

Qi Lei, "Nothing..."

"Really gone?"

"Really gone!"

Qi Lei got up as he spoke, rubbed his eyes and crooked on the sofa, his right hand was back behind him, and he moved his fingers...

The heart said that it is not too much to wash your hands for a month?

"Oh..." Xu Xiaoqian also sat up, looked at Qi Lei... and then left the sofa...

I picked up the ashtray on the coffee table and looked at it, then slowly put it back into the proper position...

I got up and walked to the door to find the broom bumps, and looked at it again...

Put it back in a good position.

The sewing machine is holding the jeans that Yan Ling is about to wash, with a belt hanging on them...

Xu Xiaoqian pulled out the belt and took a good look!

No... still too violent.

He put it upright in a good position.

Qi Lei sees her inexplicable behavior...

"What are you doing?"

I saw Xu Xiaoqian smile brightly, "It's okay... I'm upset if I don't put things away!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Xu Xiaoqian does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, right? ?

Finally, after "regulating" a lot of things...

Xu Xiaoqian entered Qi Lei’s room, turned around and took a pillow out...

Pillow of buckwheat husk...

The scale of this is just right!

Qi Lei: "???"

But Xu Xiaoqian's face suddenly changed! Like a crazy little lion!


Shout! Started crazy output....

"Say! Did you go to college! Still eat, bun, and go!"

"Eh eh eh eh!?" Qi Lei passively parry! How did she know the buns? Did I just carry my bag?

Instinctively fled, "I have something to say! It's not right to hit someone..."

From the living room to the Qi Lei room...

Xu Xiaoqian: "Say! What's the matter with the buns!?"

Qi Lei, "What kind of buns? Why are you crazy!?"

Xu Xiaoqian is even more angry: "No wonder whether you wear it or not!"

Qi Lei, "..."

After hesitating for a while, he decided to go back to his death: "Well or not?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Chicken fly ditch jump....


Five minutes later, Xu Xiaoqian was tired and Qi Lei was normal.

The two of them sat cross-legged on the sofa as if nothing had happened.

In the middle are the wrapped shrimp...

You take one bite for me.

"So what did you pick... do it, just do it?"

Qi Lei chewed on the shrimp crackers, "Great, isn't it?"

Xu Xiaoqian pouted her lips and teased: "Call Li Changfa, right!? Dare to make trouble! Kill him!"

Then he said, "Where's Viagra? What does Viagra think, moving so far."

Qi Lei, "Very good, but also lively."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Then why didn't you call Coco Coco Li and Jiang Yao together? Isn't it more lively?"

Qi Lei glared, "What's the idea!? The hostess didn't live, other women are qualified to enter?"

Xu Xiaoqian said, "Hey!" rubbed Qi Lei's face, "calculate your truth."

Qi Lei is sweating secretly, sending dead questions when I don't know?

All right....

No one mentions the problem of buns anymore, as if it never happened.

The two people just sat and talked until eleven o'clock...

Tang Xiaoyi and the others have not come back.

So Xu Xiaoqian patted the dregs of shrimp sticks on her hands, "Go! Wash your hands and face, feel it!"

Qi Lei, "Can I not wash my hands?"

Xu Xiaoqian said, "Forget about it! Go!" Forced Lei Qi up.

Qi Lei resisted, "I really don't want to wash it!"


"Just grabbed something."


Ahhhhhhh! Xu Xiaoqian is going to run away again, "Lei Qi, you are getting more and more glamorous!"

Qi Lei looked serious, "It's just a big G, which makes my car faster and faster."

Xu Xiaoqian was defeated by him and coaxed, "Good...hurry up."

Qi Lei was pushed by her, "I can't get any faster, I can't get in the car anymore."

The two put on their pajamas, brushed their teeth together, and washed their faces together, that sinful right hand, washed!

Continue to talk on the bed, still in the old pattern, one person with one pillow and one quilt.

After discovering that Qi Lei was getting more and more dishonest, Xu Xiaoqian deliberately wrapped herself tightly. Of course, it was like this at the beginning...

Just the beginning...

right! It's really just the beginning.

"Kou Zhongqi and the three of them have also gone to Beiguang..."

Xu Xiaoqian was still a little unconvinced there, "Even them are ahead."

Qi Lei said, "Catch up with the opportunity. The new department is just short of students like them."

After twelve o'clock, Tang Xiaoyi and the others finally came back on tiptoe, opened the door, and there was no sound when they entered the room...

Then... a few ears are attached to the door of Qi Lei's house to listen to the root of the wall...

There is still a faint chatting voice in the room...

(Xu Xiaoqian): "Don't be too tired... I am tired for you as I listen."

(Lei Qi): "Fortunately..."

(Xu Xiaoqian): "What's okay? You have to take care of the logistics and a new school, just your personality, and you don't want to leave your studies. No one can hold it."

"No, I will chat with Uncle Geng tomorrow, let him look for you less!"

(Lei Qi): "Don't move!"

(Xu Xiaoqian): What's wrong?

(Qi Lei) (as if relieved, repented of injustice): "Yes...yes, yes...that's how it feels."

(Xu Xiaoqian) (full of question marks): "What do you feel? What are you talking about?"

"It's pressing my hair!"

There are also question marks on these heads outside the door...

What are you talking about? How does it feel?

But pressing the hair.... This is a bit of imagination.

Yang Xiao sighed, "Oh~~ The person who took this question bank has not taken it... I'm really disappointed!"

Wu Xiaojian thought, "Then you say...Should we tell him that?"

Tang Xiaoyi, "Or... don't you? This is what you pus and I pus, how terrible it is?"

Yang Xiao, "Let's tell him...otherwise, what can I do tomorrow?"

During the discussion, Yan Ling couldn't bear it anymore, she suddenly raised her voice and sighed: "Oh!!"

Pervertedly yelled, "I don't know which fool it is at the entrance of Hutong, so the lights are on."

There was a muffled noise in the room! Obviously Qi Lei is an exciting spirit!

After a short silence, you can hear the sound of putting on shoes in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Lei rushed out! It disappeared outside the gate in the blink of an eye.

Just leave a sentence messy in the wind: "I didn't lock the car!"

Unlocking the car is not the key. The main reason is that the headlights will turn on until tomorrow morning, so there will be no electricity.

No words for a night.....

Do not! Talk a lot in one night.

Two thoughts intertwined and circled in Qi Lei's mind.

I'm not familiar yet...

steamed stuffed bun...

Not yet cooked...Bun...not yet cooked...

Steamed buns...I haven't cooked yet....

The buns are not yet cooked...

Tangled ah!

Early the next morning, Qi Lei got up with everyone.

I went out of the room with Xu Xiaoqian, and brushed my teeth together...

After brushing her teeth, Xu Xiaoqian flicked water to wash her face, but saw Qi Lei standing still and didn't mean to wash her face.

Xu Xiaoqian frowned, "What do you think? Wash your face!"

Qi Lei put his right hand in his arms, "Don't wash it!"


Xu Xiaoqian stared at Qi Lei, then looked at Yang Xiao and the others in panic...

Hammered Lei Qi violently! "Go to **** you!"

Qi Lei hid, but smiled happily.

Xu Xiaoqian gave him a sideways look, "Do you like to wash or not."

At this moment, between her and Qi Lei, there was another ambiguous joke about the issue of hand washing.

Only the two of them know the secret.

Slightly shrank his neck, so exciting!

Suddenly, Tang Xiaoyi intervened at an angle and shouted Qi Lei, "Forget it, it's dirty! It takes a lot of effort to wash your face...that's not smelly anymore."

But it has attracted Qi Lei's contempt...

"Little boy, know what a fart!"

Xu Xiaoqian was sent to class in the morning, and Guo Lihua called before seven o'clock.

"Do you still have my mother in your eyes?"

"Finally come back to accompany your mother without telling you!?"

Qi Lei, "!!!"

Annoyed to explode! "Little old lady! Let's make it clear! You let me go yesterday!"

Guo Lihua, "If I let you go, then you go? Get out of me right away!"

Qi Lei immediately persuaded, "Received."

Rushed to the grain depot without stopping to accompany his mother.


I told my mother what I said to Xu Xiaoqian last night, what I did in Beiguang, one by one.

The feedback I got is completely different from Xu Xiaoqian, "It's pretty big and small, so be busy."

At noon, Xu Xiaoqian went to the Lotus Group to have a meal with Qi Guojun and Qi Lei who had just returned to Shangbei.

I skipped class in the afternoon...

Then, Qi Lei talked about the experience of the first few days of school, that is, what he had reported to Xu Xiaoqian and his mother, and said to Qi Guojun again!

I swear in my heart that I must wait for the staff to arrive at Qiyi next time before speaking!

Otherwise the efficiency is too low!

In the evening, Qi Guojun and Qi Lei sent Qi Lei out of the factory.

Guo Lihua swept away the flies, "Get out, get out, don't run back when it's okay, like someone proud of you."

Qi Lei got used to it a long time ago, and followed his mother's words and said: "Good Lei! Go away."

Guo Lihua finally showed a trace of perseverance and cursed, "Assholes play with..."

Then he stopped talking and watched Qi Lei's car drift away.

In the car, there was a little silence from the factory until the road near the second middle school. Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian hardly said anything.

Finally, his eyes were at the second middle school, Qi Lei couldn't stretch it anymore, and he said to Xu Xiaoqian, the co-pilot, "I actually...can leave tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow is the plane at half past nine in the morning.

If you go from Shangbei in the morning, Qi Lei will have to leave after four o'clock for insurance...

And in a hurry, I have to be calm when I return to Harbin tonight.

But it's worth it to stay with Xu Xiaoqian all night, get up early or catch up a little bit.

In this regard, Xu Xiaoqian is not as greedy as Qi Lei, so she can persuade her, "Let's go...I will suffer tomorrow after staying overnight."

"Besides, who can rest assured that you slept in the morning and drove in a daze..."

Qi Lei also knows that it is not wise...but...reluctant.

"Why don't you leave tomorrow morning..."

At this time, the car has reached the gate of No. 2 Middle School...

Xu Xiaoqian didn't grind his teeth to push the car door, "I'm leaving...Be careful on the road."

Qi Lei knew that this was out of play, and he didn't entangle at the moment, "That's really gone."

When Xu Xiaoqian heard it, she couldn't stretch herself anymore, but she couldn't bear to say, "Let's go, it's not a few months since the winter vacation anyway."

I got out of the car after speaking,

Qi Lei, "bye bye..."

Just about to leave, Xu Xiaoqian suddenly yelled, "Wait a minute!"

Suddenly jumped into the car, and whispered in Qi Lei's ear.

Three words...

"Huh!?" Qi Lei heard those three words clearly, and the whole person became energetic!

Before he could react, Xu Xiaoqian lightly touched his cheek.

Blush, push the door and run away!

Qi Lei looked at her back, and after a long pause, he started the car towards Harbin...

The look is a bit calm...

After all, they are born again! What big storms and waves have you never seen?

Isn't it just three words? What's the matter?

Don't take it seriously.

In the silent cab, Qi Lei looked ahead and drove with peace of mind, and could no longer be calm.

I didn't turn on the radio and didn't play any songs.

After a long time, suddenly wailed! Sing it....

In the meantime, it was accompanied by uncontrolled twisting and jumping of the whole body.

"The one I love has already flown away~~~"

"She who loves me! She hasn't come yet!"

"This love bird has already flown away~~"

"My love bird she hasn't come yet~~~~"

Raise your tone and do it again!

"The one I love is ‘almost familiar’~~~~"

"She who loves me! Where is the love!!"

"This love bird, she's almost familiar with it!"

"My lovebird, it's really getting familiar..."

That is, there is no one else in the car, otherwise the child must be considered crazy.

Early the next morning, Liao Fanyi and Qi Lei, with Kou Zhongqi, Zhang Yang and Zong Baobao, and...

Qi Lei's aunt, Zhang Yang's mother, and Kou Zhongqi's mother, boarded the plane to the capital.

People go there first, and the procedures come later. Beiguang Dong Beiguo applied for a temporary special recruit from the Ministry!

As for why the two moms still follow...

nonsense! On the 10th, I went to the 23rd Middle School suddenly. When the family knew it, they seemed to be in a hurry to pack up.

If Qi Lei hadn't followed, all three families would think it was abducting and selling children!

This is an iron pie smashed down from the sky, brought by my side since childhood, and suddenly said that I was in college, and I was not mentally prepared at all.

Can you rest assured?

So two mothers must follow. As for Zong Baobao, why is there a lonely family...

Haha, in the words of Zong Baobao, "The prodigal couple? I heard that I went to university and left the day after tomorrow. I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night!"

"Especially the next day I was thinking about getting a brother out for me."

"It's too late to leave the next day." Of course, Zong Baobao is a bit exaggerated, but it also truly reflects the family's cultivation of his independent ability.

Just leave, even if suddenly, there is no special treatment.

When he arrived in the capital, he temporarily settled at Qi Lei's house.

As a result, Aunt Qi Lei Guo Lixia, after reading it...

Calling Guo Lihua for an hour or two, I wondered if Zhang Yang could live here.

Later, Guo Lihua was fooled and wanted to buy a house for Zhang Yang in Beijing.

At the end.... Put down the phone and go to Kou Zhongqi's mother. I'm out of the house and my son. How about a girl?

Qi Lei doubted how his mother talked?

In the end, Guo Lixia really bought it, and it was a unit away from Qi Lei's house in the North Yard of Power Construction.

This again makes Qi Lei have to doubt that history is always surprisingly similar.

In previous lives, Zhang Yang and Kou Zhongqi lived in the same community as Qi Lei, and they seem to have not changed at all in this life...

Needless to say the admission procedures.

Zhang Yang went to the animation school. He could paint originally, but the culture class was a bit short. Professional courses are no problem.

Zong Baobao and Kou Zhongqi are quite special, and they are not pre-trainees of any faculty.

Directly under the New Faculty [Experimental Teaching Center]-Young Eagle Class.

It is also the first two members of this class.

As for why not pre-training in other faculties...because the courses of the Young Eagle Class are different from other faculties and even pre-training classes!

This is to walk in the face of the times!

In addition to professional basic courses such as communication and journalism.

In Qi Lei’s planning book, the Young Eagle Class is based on [Cross-Cultural Communication], [Comparative Research on Chinese and Western News], and [International Politics and International News]

【History of Chinese and Foreign News】【History of Modern Art】.

In addition to these, there are [Modern Philosophy] [Ancient Chinese History] [Modern History of China] [Ancient History of the World] [Modern History of the World] [Introduction to History] of the Department of Literature and History....

Composed of.

Or does Dong Beiguo say that this young eagle squad is like a former enemy command?

You see what this class says is outrageous!

Everything is prepared for cross-cultural communication.

Of course, this class will not only have two students, and it is not limited to freshmen!

When Liao Fanyi and Qi Lei returned to the Discipline Construction Office, it was already September 13...

The news selling points about Qi Lei have been fermented for a long time in Beiguang School.

As Qi Lei said, if such a big news spot can't make a splash in a media academy, it means that Beiguang Baijiao!

At this time, there has been a lot of discussion about this matter in the forum in Beiguang Park-Walnut Forest.

There are not a few students involved, but no one knows that this is a trap or a test.

Many people have already been targeted!

"It's okay, okay!" Zhang Luchen smiled immediately when he saw Liao Fanyi and Qi Lei, "Fortunately, it's not all idiots!"

Hand over a list, "These are good, I think it fits our requirements."

Looking at Qi Lei, he joked, "I think the Dong School has made a loss!"

"Pull your face down to ask for the top, and finally got three places. As a result, Beiguang's own resources are not bad."

As he was talking, Dong Beiguo came in, "Who lost? Did I lose?"

I took a look at the list and said, "That's a loss?"

Knowing that there are so many qualified people, he really didn't listen to Qi Lei's flickering, what kind of wizards are looking for outside the school?

With his big mouth curled, his back dentures were exposed, "Do you know that this is for personal gain? Let's not take it as an example!"

But I didn't want to, Qi Lei didn't say anything, and Liao Fanyi said, "It's not necessarily true."


Dong Beiguo was taken aback and looked at Liao Fanyi, "What do you mean, Xiao Liao?"


In fact, Liao Fanyi really didn't want to refute the principal's face. But...

"To be honest, these..." pointing to the list, "It's really not necessarily better than those two!"




As soon as this remark came out, not only Dong Beiguo, but other people in the office were also stunned.

Can Liao Fanyi say such a thing? What are the two freshmen like?

"Haha..." Liao Fanyi's eyelids twitched, "Look back and see for yourself."

Those are two pure wonders! Can't be pure anymore!

The best of the best!

And Qi Lei smiled without saying a word, wait, wait for the two ends to settle down, and report.

Just look at it with your own eyes.

At this time, I took the list from Dong Beiguo...

After studying by self-study, he didn't know most of them. After all, the time to come to Beijing and Guangzhou was limited.

However, not all of them are unknown, there are still a few old acquaintances.


. UU reading

Today, from morning to night, there are so many yards, and the body and mind have reached their limits. In fact, everyone should feel that there are more and more low-level mistakes such as typos, missing characters, and reversing the order of words and sentences.

To be honest, I'm really confused, the screen is fuzzy, and my hands don't know what is being typed.

But rest assured, continue to add tomorrow, just a little adjustment.

No thanks for the rewards yesterday, there are too many to sort out. Thank you all tomorrow.

Here continue to ask for tickets, continue to ask for rewards...

How should I put it, before the start of this activity, the old man did not have any extravagant hopes, as you can tell from the goal of asking for votes.

I only set a small goal of 5,000 votes.

I thought, the old man would be satisfied if he could cast these 5,000 votes.

But I really didn't expect that everyone was so powerful and gave old man such a big surprise.

Now is the ninth monthly ticket list.....

To be honest, the old man had never won such a high ranking, a little frightened.

Today Zhang Weiyu told me that we must keep it, we must keep it.

How to protect it? I'm like a stone, I haven't eaten buns?

I can only rely on everyone....

Thank you for your support and hope to get your continued support.

There are less than four hours left, so help...

Help a lot!

Whether it is a reward or a monthly pass at the bottom of the box, it is very important!

Help a lot.

Really keep the top ten...

I don’t wash my hands for a month, so can I give everyone a code? Keep adding more.

(Paste the above after publishing, it does not occupy the number of charged words.)

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