Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Young Eagle (4).

Liao Fanyi and the others are progressing very slowly now, it can even be said that the tortoise is crawling fast.

This is not to say that the academic ability of those old scholars is not good, but...

After all, it is an advanced subject, and the Internet has not yet become popular, and it is really difficult for them to start researching from technology to humanistic theory.

Although the insight model shows something, it is still a very small part. It is impossible to clarify the theory of the whole system in the future in less than twenty days.

Therefore, Qi Lei needs to be involved immediately.

This is not to say how outstanding Qi Lei's academic ability is. On the contrary, his academic level is completely inadequate and uneven.

It is his imagination and inspiration. That is to say, a person with a forward-looking vision is needed to be a tool person to design the scene and provide advanced cognition.

In fact, Liao Fanyi and the others are worrying about this problem. Imagination alone cannot support them to go on.

Therefore, when Qi Lei was immersed in the book, Liao Fanyi couldn't wait. In the afternoon, he ran to the Procurement Office to look for Qi Lei. As soon as he came in, I saw Zhao Jiezheng and the people in the logistics department checking the list, and Qi Lei was at the innermost desk. Concentrate on the side.

Sister Zhao knew Liao Fanyi of course, from the deputy head of the department to the deputy head of the department, and she was only in her early thirties.

If Lei Qi’s eighteenth as a purchasing manager is an administrative evildoer, then Liao Fanyi is definitely an academic evildoer.

It was strange to see him push the door in at this time.

Xin said, how did he run the trial?

However, Liao Fanyi glanced at Qi Lei and pointed to Sister Zhao, meaning that he came to Qi Lei.

As soon as Sister Zhao saw it, she didn't say anything, and continued to work on her own.

When Liao Fanyi came to Qi Lei's table, Qi Lei was still immersed in his own business, in a posture of not listening to things outside the window.

Until Liao Fanyi curiously picked up the "Outline of Open Courses" and "Communication from the Perspective of Economics" that he had written, he still didn't find anyone around him.

It is indeed a bit invested.

Holding the two things in his hands, Liao Fanyi just wanted to look at it casually at first, but...

Just read the beginning and it's a bit unbearable. The expression became more solemn, and he simply found a chair and sat down.

Regardless of Qi Lei, he started studying for himself.

Sister Zhao and the people in the logistics department glanced here, and they were speechless.

What is this for? Didn't talk about things, and sat down, using the acquisition office as his office?

After all, it’s an outsider, so if you really want to find someone, it’s a bit awkward if you don’t leave, right?

Finally, Sister Zhao was clever, she simply found a cup from the sundries cabinet, put tea leaves, poured hot water, and made a cup of hot tea for Liao Fanyi.

Then, take it personally.

I was a little bit cautious for fear of disturbing the manager, "Minister Liao...drinking tea."

In fact, the meaning is quite obvious. If you don't leave, I'll make tea for you!

Ordinary people can't hold back this face, right?

Unexpectedly, Liao Fanyi didn't even lift his head, "Let's put it here..."

Sister Zhao: "..."

His face turned black, he took it for granted, can't he go?

In this way, Liao Fanyi sat from more than one o'clock to three o'clock, and read the two things written by Qi Lei, from beginning to end, and then from end to beginning, back and forth three or four times. In the end, the whole person was not good.

I said to myself, "That's it! That's it!!!"

Well, the questions that have been plagued him, including the questions that can’t open his mind, the answers are all in these two things.

He grinned a bit, raised his head and looked at Qi Lei, how did this brain grow?

On Qi Lei's side, he still didn't look up, but he suddenly said, "Did you finish?"

Liao Fanyi was startled, "Do you know I'm here?"

Qi Lei then put down his pen and raised his head, grinning, "You open the door and come in, and I'll know."

This is the basic quality, OK? In an office, the leader can go to get off work in the morning and keep his head down until he leaves work at night.

However, you would be naive if you think he can see nothing.

You really have to look at the six directions and listen to all directions.

Don't talk about who did what in the office, it's awesome, he knows what employees think.

The trial office is here, how could Qi Lei not know?

It's just that he saw it, but his thoughts at the time were concentrating on the pen, and he was about to finish that paragraph before saying hello to Liao Fanyi.

Unexpectedly, Liao Fanyi was also confused, so don't bother anyone.

Look at you, I quickly put what I conceived in my mind into the brush strokes.

In this way, two hours passed. At this point, I just finished writing what I can think of now.

Smiled at Liao Fanyi, "Let's talk, what can I do?"

Liao Fanyi was a little stunned, what am I looking for?

Forget it, "Those... don't matter."

Pushing the article "From Economic Thinking to Communication Studies" to Qi Lei, "Can you tell me this in detail?"

His face was eager, "Now, the biggest difficulty of the New Faculty is that it cannot find a breakthrough to smooth the overall academic logic."

"I think this is a good start."

Now Liao Fanyi and the others, a bit like they are sorting out a mess of hemp rope.

With their academic abilities, they already have a very good understanding of "hemp rope". The insight experiment tells them that there is a priceless treasure wrapped in this mess.

Liao Fanyi and the others know better that once they can sort out the messy hemp on the outer layer, they can follow the twine bit by bit and pull out the treasure bit by bit.

It will have an immeasurable effect on the future society, economy, civil relations, international relations, cultural dissemination, etc.

If science and technology are hard power in the development of a society, then the culture of maintaining social stability is soft power, and this is what Liao Fanyi and the others are doing! !

However, the problem is here, they can't find the "thread end" now!

There is no way to sort out this mess, no matter how much they know about twine, there is no use. The insight model allows them to see the future, but it cannot allow them to infer a complete future.

This thing Qi Lei vaguely let Liao Fanyi see the position of the thread.

"Talk about it! Talk about it!"

"Well..." Qi Lei smiled helplessly, and looked at the time it was three o'clock.

He made an appointment with Coco Coco Lee at 3:30, and the matter of going to Haidian in the afternoon was indeed very important.

Only said: "This should be a major intersection of disciplines, not the intersection of economics and communication in the previous sense."

"Now I just have a little idea, it's just a concept, and I can't explain it clearly in one sentence or two."

"How about waiting for me to finish these few days?"

With that said, Qi Lei was already packing things up.

When Liao Fanyi saw it, he became anxious, "Wait for you to finish? How can you wait!?"

What's the joke? After holding back Liao Fanyi's problem for so long, he suddenly got eyebrows. How can you make him wait?

Don't say he can't wait, if this is passed back, Pang Qingfang and Zhang Luchen will also have to sleep!

"No! You must figure it out for me now!"

Qi Lei was speechless, "But I'm going out now, there's still something to do with the trial office!"

Liao Fanyi stared, and finally compromised, "Then wait for you to come back!"

Qi Lei couldn't help it, and as he walked away, he responded, "Okay."

Liao Fanyi was overjoyed immediately, "Then I'll wait for you! We'll wait for you! You give me a hurry to come back, a few of us are waiting!"

Qi Lei was stunned, "..." Do you want to be so anxious?

As a result, Liao Fanyi went out and complained, "What kind of plane? Putting you in the acquisition office is a waste of time! I went to the board of directors, and the people from our new department got it in two days? Why is it endless? NS!"

Zhao Lan: "......"

Comrade in the Logistics Department: "..."

Well, since Liao Fanyi and Qi Lei returned to their souls from sleepwalking, the mouths of these people have never been closed.

What's the matter?

Manager Xiao Qi... why is it related to the new department again? Isn't it assigned to us for logistics?

Zhao Lan seems to have discovered a big secret.

Soon, it happened that Li Changfa returned to school from Daxing, and Lao Yao was also free from the warehouse.

Sister Zhao started as soon as the two entered the house.

"I tell you, Liao Fanyi from the Department of Digital Communication is here in the afternoon!"

The two of you are not very interested, so come here to see what excites you, because Liao Fanyi is so young and he doesn't like you half-old mistress.

And Sister Zhao didn't care about them at all, "Guess what? Come to Xiao Qi!"

Yao Guoyuan couldn't listen anymore, "Xiao Zhao, don't take a bite of each other, after all, it's a manager, so you have to have a sense of measure!"

"Hi!" Sister Zhao waved her hand, "What are you doing with so much?"

"Anyway, it was Manager Xiao Qi who came to talk about the construction of the new department. Guess what?"

"People Xiaoqi...Manager, originally from the new school department, temporarily arranged for us to help here!"

"Looking at the posture, you will have to go to work there in a few days, and Deputy Liao has to follow his **** and listen to the command!"

Old Yao: "..."

Li Changfa: "..."

Old Yao was completely confused, not to say how much Qi Lei's going to the new school affected him, nor how shocking the news.

But... it turns out that they didn't stay long, but they helped Yao Guoyuan so much.

Don't forget, Dong Beiguo himself said that Qi Lei asked for his deputy's retirement.

I felt a little uncomfortable.

And Li Changfa...

Now I finally sorted out the clues, and finally understood why Qi Lei had to say those things to him that day.

It turned out that people said that there is no time to supervise the procurement and review process, and they are busy with the new department?

It's all right now.

It's not a taste better than Lao Yao, I really had my heart and soul with you on the first day, and I was still thinking about it all night.

What is this called?

After a long time, Li Changfa suddenly said, "Go to work, Manager Xiao Qi is not a mortal, we have to be happy for him."



In front of the female dormitory building.

The big G was stopped there all afternoon.

This should be the first luxury car to "stand on the street" in front of the female dormitory after the music festival last year.

In fact, it is also the only luxury car in Beijing that has entered the school since that time last year.

It's so conspicuous that a person can see it!

Coco Lee ran to the bedroom after class, followed by Zhou Xiaohan, who kept spitting out, "Auntie, what are you worried about? Isn't this half an hour away?"

The afternoon activity is a large-scale commercial activity of an it company.

Just set up a stage in the mall and invite a few models and little singers to take a step and sing two songs.

The host is Coco Lee, from five to eight, 800 yuan for three hours.

Of course, this is the price given by the company, and there is a middleman, which is 300 in Li Cowen's hands.

But there is no way. Without this kind of acting agent, school students like her like Zhou Xiaohan would not be able to take this kind of work.

Also, you have to bring your own clothes.

And Coco Lee is a temporary replacement for Zhou Xiaohan. She doesn't have professional costumes, so she has to go to Zhou Xiaohan's closet to pick it out.

In addition, she didn't know the convenience and inconvenience of changing clothes in the mall, so to be on the safe side, she would change it at school and put on her makeup before going there. Time is indeed tight.

As for the reward of only three hundred yuan...

For students, that's a lot.

At this time, Coco Li ran ahead, and was too angry at Zhou Xiaohan's complaints.

"You are dying!! Hurry up...time is not enough!"

From the East Fifth Ring Road to the business district near the North Fourth Ring Road, the journey takes at least one hour.

Besides, she had an appointment with Qi Lei at 3:30! !

Zhou Xiaohan pinched her waist and panted, and she wondered: "Why is it more tiring than my old mother to go out on her own!?"

A boy happened to pass by and looked at Zhou Yaojing twice. Zhou Xiaohan first followed his gaze to his waist, and then immediately let out his breath.

"What do you look at! Haven't you seen anything called a Yingying grip!?"

The boy is also hard-hearted, "School-girl Zhou, please point your face, the fat is squeezed out."


Zhou Xiaohan let go of his hand subconsciously, and looked down. Where is the fat? As a result, boys have long seen that the situation is not easy to drive off.

An angry Zhou Xiaohan stomped his feet: "You wait!"

After that, he hurriedly chased Coco Coco Lee towards the dormitory.

"Wait for me! The old lady is angry!"

Around three ten ten...

The two rushed to the girls' dormitory and found Qi Lei had arrived, waiting downstairs.

The background board behind him is the big G.

Coco Lee passed Qi Lei like a gust of wind, "Wait for me!"

Zhou Xiaohan pouted his lips and said, kind of gentleman, he arrived twenty minutes earlier?

Just in time to meet Qi Lei's eyes, his eyes stood up, "What do you look at? My old lady is thin when she is dressed, and there is flesh when she undresses!"

Qi Lei only noticed the small waist exposed by Zhou Xiaohan.

He shook his head, "I really don't see how thin you are in dressing. Undress...Would you take one off and try?"


Zhou Xiaohan rolled his eyes and made a mistake, muttering, "Nowadays, it's getting harder to take the younger brother!"

Qi Lei grinned and watched her raging past.

But after not taking a few steps, he returned back murderously.

Qi Lei was shocked, thinking that she was going to retaliate with violence.

As a result, Zhou Xiaohan went to the big G...

Toward the tire is a kick, "Broken car! Let you show off! Let you show off!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Did the car provoke you?

Besides, my car is quite fast except for a little showy...

Afterwards, there was a shout from Coco Li in front of the building: "Zhou Xiaohan, you are going to die!"

Zhou Xiaohan: "Here's here...what's the reminder?"

Everything is so clean and beautiful.


Qi Lei is destined to be the destroyer of this warm picture.

Watching the two of them go upstairs, they opened the door and sat in, then opened the car CD, picking and picking... picking the song "Wang Qing Shui".

Well, the thief fits the current temperament!

The windows on all four sides are open, the volume is loud, the seat is flat, the hands are placed behind the head, and there is a sense of temperament from the inside to the outside—there are mountains and guns and owes!

Originally summer green trees, matching red brick dormitories, for the sake of beautiful figures walking through the warm scene...

It immediately became, luxury car hunting, eyes full of smelly and obscene atmosphere!

Especially the song "Forgetting Love"! ! A very good song by Hua Tsai, it was so spoiled.

When the girls in the girls' building saw Qi Lei get into the luxury car, they were all stupid.

Turns out to be his car?

In addition, the rotten and exaggerated music, the figure wading in the car


This is a bit too subverting the Three Views, right?

You have to know that the crackdown on luxury cars started from Reviver. Beiguang’s current campus atmosphere is so much better than it was before last year, which is actually because of Lei Qi.

That concert, indeed, as Qi Lei said, "make the university back to what it was."


It's really unacceptable.

In these eyes...

There is anger, confusion, contempt, and eagerness.

Well, ethos education can indeed change the mindset of some young people and help them follow the right path.

However, there are a few that can't be saved. It's the same everywhere, and it's useless to say anything!

Qi Lei turned a blind eye to these gazes, let's look at it, it's better not to look at it.

In the distance, Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi scratched their heads.

Dong Beiguo regrets it, so he shouldn't indulge him, just let him take it away. This kid is getting more and more shameless!

You can probably imagine how Qi Lei's so-called "scare them to death" was scared to death.

Think about it, now I'm criticizing Qi Lei's performance after the start of school, but it's limited to a few freshman mentors and freshmen.

If he did this today, the whole school would have a lot of discussion.

When the time comes, he will give lectures to the pre-training class and then give lectures to the tutors and scholars of the new department, which can really scare many people.

This is the so-called instability of young people?

But, you are so cool. Isn't the rectification of my school style a waste of it?

But Liao Fanyi thought about a different matter.

What's the matter, you said something is going on, just come here to stand on the street for me?

However, what is more excessive is yet to come.

After a while, Coco Coco Lee and Zhou Xiaohan came out of the dormitory.

The people in front of the girl's building had to turn their eyes from Sao Bao Da G to Coco Li.

No way, sister Hanhan feels a bit radiant now.

2000 was absolutely trendy, sequined tube top dress, Zhou Xiaohan's clothing is still good.

In addition, Zhou Xiaohan is shorter than Coco Coco. Her gown is worn on Coco Coco. Although it is not too small, it is a little tight.

But it is more bumpy.

Coupled with Coco Coco's makeup, the whole person exudes a fascinating charm, and even Zhou Xiaohan, who came down with Coco Coco, is a little gloomy when she stands beside her.

So Zhou Xiaohan was a little sour, "Cut, what's the matter? Sister doesn't look worse than you."

Cocoon Lee chuckled as he walked briskly, "Yes, yes, Xiaohan is beautiful and youthful and invincible, Yingying holds a small waist, okay?"

Zhou Xiaohan was very satisfied, "It's pretty much the same."

Just sweep in front of the building, "Where is Qi Lei?"

Seeing Lei Qiren no longer, Coco Lee frowned to look for it, "Where did you go?"

After scanning for a long time, there was a car horn, which shocked the two of them, and saw that it was the big G.

Zhou Xiaohan saw that the broken car was not pleasing to the eye, so he stared at him and started cursing.


I puff! ! !

Qi Lei's big face was lopsided, and he was lying on the steering wheel and looking at the two happily.

Zhou Xiaohan's brain buzzed, and he couldn't think anymore.

Staring at the eyeballs, looking down at the big G and then looking up at Qi Lei! !

"Depend on!"

Coco Lee was also stunned on the spot, completely speechless.

At this time, Qi Lei suddenly heard a very real voice, "What are you thinking? Get in the car!"

Qi Lei was still smiling, and added, "This is the real Yingying grip!"

Zhou Xiaohan is so angry! But I didn't scold it...

Qi Lei opened a big G and stopped in front of the girls building...

It really made her unable to complain.

And Coco Lee tentatively stepped forward, " this yours?"

Qi Lei, "said in the car."

Waiting for Coco Li to get into the car with the hem of the dress, Qi Lei kicked the accelerator and passed Zhou Xiaohan.

"Damn!!!" Zhou Xiaohan was provoked again, "It's great to open a big G!? Go to **** you!"

Seeing the big G going away, what was even more exaggerated was that Qi Lei was not in a hurry to get out of the school at all. He drove Coco Li, bypassed the football field, bypassed the south main building, and bypassed the international student apartment...

After swaggering around on the campus of Beiguang University, I made a big circle with a brilliant turn, which attracted a lot of backlashes, and then I walked away contentedly.

Among the students...

I know, Coco Lee's outfit is for the purpose of hosting the event.


Just the look of Han Han sister...

Plus the big G...

Coupled with the driving of the second generation ancestor Qi Lei, how do you look like a corrupt rich man picking up a girl bridge section, reappearing Beiguang.

Dong Beiguo: "......"

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Zhou Xiaohan: "..."

What is he going to do?

A bit too much, right?



After Qi Lei finished his work, it was already past seven o'clock.

Watching the time, he drove the car to the mall where Coco Coco Co. was doing activities and waited for her.

After eight o'clock, Han Han appeared in the parking lot on time.

I saw Qi Lei immediately, jumped into the car and started complaining, "I'm exhausted."

While talking, remove makeup.

She is still not accustomed to make-up, and it's actually nice to have a faceless face.

Qi Lei merged the car into the traffic flow, and there were fewer cars going back to school on the Fourth Ring Road.

I returned to Beiguang in about half an hour, still driving into the school, still making a circle around the school.

Cocoon Lee who was around was speechless, "What are you holding back?"

Said Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "You never thought about it, brother just wanted to swagger?"

Coco Lee thought for a while, "No..."

In fact, apart from just getting in the car, Coco Coco Lee asked, "Is the car yours?"

After getting a positive answer from Qi Lei, Li Hanhan didn't ask more about this topic.

Although she also knew that it was a luxury car, in her eyes, this car was no different from the broken Jetta that her father ran on the construction site every day.

Can open it!

As for going around in school...

Whoever thinks Qi Lei is swagger, she wouldn't think so. I know Lei Lei too much.

Muttered: "I definitely didn't hold my fart!"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "These words don't match your outfit at all."

Coco Lee chuckled, "It really doesn't match..."

Well, Li Hanhan still likes to be simple, this kind of **** route is really not suitable for her.

Seeing the girl downstairs, Qi Lei stopped, she pulled the car door sharply and jumped out of the car, "See you in the library later?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "I guess I can't go." Pointing to the direction of the Discipline Construction Office, "Liao Fanyi is waiting!"

Coco Lee is curious: "It's so late, what else are you doing?"

Qi Lei made a weird sentence, "Waiting to be surprised!"

Coco Lee still didn't ask much, "Oh! Bye bye!"

He rushed back into the building in three steps, and it didn't match the dress.

Qi Lei got off the car too, locked the car in front of the girls building, and walked to the subject construction office.

I still wondered that the place chosen by Xiao Sun was pretty good, so I stopped talking for a few days.

The first review was carried out, and the planning book that was written in the afternoon was held in his hand before going to Liao Fanyi.

As a result, as soon as he entered the discipline construction office, Qi Lei was stupid.

There were more than twenty old grandpas sitting in the room, including Dong Beiguo, and the upper-level team of the new school was basically here.

There are teachers from Beijing and Guangzhou, as well as those recruited from other colleges and universities like Pang Qingfang and Zhang Luchen.

Anyway, in terms of news, communication and network technology, it can be regarded as a luxurious lineup.

Of course, there are many other people at the lower level, such as associate professors, tutors, as well as graduates with master's and doctoral degrees such as Zhao Guohua.

It's just that you are not eligible to participate in this kind of meeting.

At this moment, big eyes stared at small eyes, waiting for him!

When Liao Fanyi saw Qi Lei, "You are back!"

Qi Lei was also a little embarrassed, "Say it earlier? I thought it was just Teacher Liao and Principal Dong! I said earlier that I won't delay that hour."

Dong Beiguo's eyes didn't come out, "What are you talking nonsense? I'm just passing by to take a look, who is waiting for you?"

Qi Lei barked his teeth and said, "You and Teacher Liao stood in the back of the car for 20 minutes around three o'clock, and I saw them all."

Old Dong Beiguo blushed, "..."

But, thinking about it again, isn't it right? Knowing that my great principal is waiting here, you still missed an hour?

Asked casually, "What are you doing so late?"

Qi Lei, "Waiting for the end of the classmate activities."

"I..." Dong Beiguo was even more angry.

I moved irritably, "Let's get started! Xiao Liao said that you found the entry point, and talk about this."

Qi Lei didn't talk nonsense, "In fact, it's quite simple."

Seeing a white board in the corner, I pushed it over and started directly.

"The difficulty we are facing now is that the speed of network development cannot keep up with the speed of theoretical research."

He grinned, "They all say that the humanities are an afterthought, they are a summary of experience. However, what I will do this time is pre-research!"

This sentence is a bit surprising and loud.

This is a very powerful definition. You know, as mentioned earlier, it is difficult to do pre-research in the humanities.

Unfortunately, it didn't make much waves, and it was even a bit cold.

Well, for one thing, this concept is not the first to come up with Qi Lei.

Why do you think these people are willing to sit here?

It is precisely because of the establishment of the Faculty that it has been known from the time when the colleges and universities transferred people. This is a department that is at the forefront of the first learning, and even the forefront of the times.

Secondly, among the twenty-odd scholars, except for a few, they saw Qi Lei's ability in Shangbei and had an intuitive understanding of him.

Those who came later, just transferred...

The idea is actually the same mentality as Pang Qingfang and Zhang Luchen who went to Shangbei Road.

What genius? What strategist? Where is the 18-year-old humanistic genius?

Even if Liao Fanyi is conclusive, even if the above has repeatedly emphasized that this discipline was created by this kid.

Everyone still instinctively resisted, even questioned!

Isn't it just a look, the "typical, right?"


The words are very dynamic, but unfortunately people haven't seen anything special yet.

After all, they are all at the top of the pyramid in their respective fields. Calmly...

Qi Lei is not anxious when he sees this...

List the various colleges and disciplines of the new department on the whiteboard.

【Network Journalism School】

【Network Television Academy】

【Network Communication Research Institute】

【School of Computer and Cyberspace Security】

【School of Digital Media Theory and Technology】

【Institute of Information and communication】

【School of Data Science and Smart Media】

【Big Data Research Institute】

【Experimental Teaching Center】

"There are three engineering colleges, three humanities colleges, and an interdisciplinary college of technology and communication."

"A research institution, a teaching exploration institution."

There is still no movement below, because it's all bullshit!

Qi Lei, "We won't mention engineering here. Big data research is a national project, and the results that can be provided to us as teaching research are also very limited, so we put it aside for the time being."

"[Computer and Cyberspace Security], which intersects technology and communication, will also be temporarily released."

"Let’s just talk about the network journalism, network television, network communication and experimental teaching center today."

Okay, still nonsense.

Someone couldn't listen anymore, "It's OK, it's OK..." A professor who was neither old nor young pressed his hand.

"Xiao Qi, right? What you said does not need to be discussed today, can you start the topic?"

The tone is quite unfriendly.

In fact, this little old man is called Mu Zhengming, from Peking University.

The level transfer, from the dean of Peking University to the dean of the college of Beiguang, carried emotion in itself.

Moreover, having to be led by Liao Fanyi, a "little young man," makes him even more emotional.

Now there is another eighteen, and he can sit here, which is considered to be a face.

So don't talk nonsense! hurry up!

What is the word count of water?

When Qi Lei heard it, he didn't see it, and continued to point to the small whiteboard, "The difficulty is actually these three colleges and one teaching center."

"Three sets of theoretical foundations! It is necessary to understand, otherwise teaching will not be possible, and even the theory will not be understood. How can we teach students?"

"Not to mention, the teaching center is a place for research and improvement of educational methods. Without theory, without teaching, the center is just a display."

"Then the question is, how to transplant the traditional [Journalism], [Television Studies], and [Communication Studies] to the Internet!"

"Adding the prefix of the word'network' to form a discipline is our top priority now... right."

Mu Zhengming is really impatient, "Do you want to tell me? Don't waste everyone's time!"

Qi Lei gave him a blank look, and said, "You are in a hurry, why don't you go back first?"


Almost choked Mu Zhengming to death!

After moving, he still didn't leave after holding his arms.

He can't go either. Dong Beiguo is here. He can go and try?

Now it’s an emotional problem. If you leave, it’s a problem of work attitude, not a joke.

Qi Lei did not speak when he saw him, nor did he keep chasing him.

Continue nonsense, "The problem now is that the current network environment cannot support the transplantation of disciplines!"

"There is not enough practical experience to support research."

"So, this boss can't start, let alone pre-study."

This time Dong Beiguo couldn't listen anymore. Is this kid deliberately angry with Mu Zhengming?

Keep winking at Qi Lei, meaning you almost got it!

Look old Mu angry?

Qi Lei smiled secretly, all right...

Stop talking nonsense, "Who understands the economy?"

Everyone was stunned as soon as the words came out, and then...

Then they all looked at Mu Zhengming who had withdrawn from suffering!

Mu Zhengming's face is green! Damn it! I can't live this day! Run on me, right?

"What's wrong with me!?"

Okay, the dean of the School of Economics at Peking University, what about making trouble for you?

"Um..." Qi Lei was embarrassed and misunderstood! Pure misunderstanding...

"Then what Mu always?"

I saw the old man suffocating his neck, "No, dare, deceive, call Mu Zhengming!"

Qi Lei has a thick-skinned face, "Mu Lao...Do you know what is called [Seller’s Market] and [Seller’s Market]?"

Mu Zhengming really exploded! !

Who do you look down on? As a college student studying commerce and economics, you know it! !

Test me?

Frozen cheeks, "Shall I recite the definition for you?"

Qi Lei, "No need..."

"I just want to say that the current traditional media is [seller's market], and the era of online media is [buyer's market]."

"This is the starting point for transplanting traditional disciplines to network disciplines!"





Come on!

The entire discipline construction office seems to have been pressed on the pause button! !

It is still the form of rounded eyes and glaring glaringly, but everyone can see that at this moment, Old Man Mu is thinking! In shock! Resuscitating! !

Only there is no anger....

Yes, this moment....

Everyone's expressions were the same as Liao Fanyi's expression when he first saw the copy in the afternoon!

Mu Zhengming seems to have realized it! !

Really enlightened! That feeling, like Einstein, suddenly felt the shadow of the mass equation within a second!

However, it is not all enlightenment! Vaguely, you who provoke...

It is transparent and refreshing, and itchy all over.

"Seller's market...buyer's market..."

"Seller's market, buyer's market?"

Mu Zhengming seemed to be possessed by a demon, feeling that there was a layer of window paper behind, but he couldn't break it! !

Suddenly looked at Qi Lei, "Talk about it!"

"Let's put it this way..." Qi Lei really stopped selling, and simply pulled a chair for himself and sat down.

"My father is a capitalist!"

When everyone heard it, they rolled their eyes, saying that your father is a capitalist...

If you let your father hear this, I won't kill you!

The term capitalist in China has never been a commendatory term.

Regardless of so many Qi Lei, what is derogatory and not derogatory, and delayed the exploitation of capitalists?

"My father is a capitalist, so I still understand the market relationship between buyers and sellers."

Seeing that some professors who don't know much about economics have doubts in their eyes.

Qi Lei explained, "[Seller's market] is a market where the supply of goods exceeds demand, buyers compete for purchases, and sellers have the initiative to buy and sell."

"To put it bluntly, if I sell buns, and Beiguang sells buns in my family, the whole school can only buy them from me. The quality of the buns is not in vain, and the price is up to me. Consumers have no bargaining power, or even the right to choose goods. Can you understand it?"

Seeing everyone nodding.

"[Buyer's market] is symmetrical, referring to a market in which the supply of goods exceeds demand, the competition among sellers is fierce, and buyers are in an active position."

"It's like, suddenly there are 10,000 people selling buns, more than buying buns, then the market is where consumers have the final say, whoever buys it cheaply, whoever buys it is big, white and delicious, right? ?"

After listening to those who didn't understand, they nodded again and again.

Unlike later generations, those who use the Internet in later generations will have heard of the relationship between buyers and sellers in the market, but in this era, interlacing is really like a mountain.

But Mu Zhengming doesn't care about others, these are still nonsense in his eyes, he is anxious to know the conclusion!

Anxiously said: "If you don't need to popularize science, just say that this has anything to do with the transplantation discipline you said!!"

Qi Lei, "Don't you understand?"

Qi Lei, "You think, if!!!"

"If we regard information as a commodity!! Then the media is the seller of the information, that is, the [seller]!!!"

"Ordinary people are consumers of information, that is, [buyer]!!!"

"Then you say, now... is it a buyer's market or a seller's market?"

Mu Zhengming blurted out without thinking, "Of course it is [Seller's Market]!"

Qi Lei, "Yes! Because there is only one channel of traditional media! Information can only flow out from here, so the seller is the most advantageous, and the buyer is passive."

"So TV, radio, newspapers... are the only people selling steamed buns in Beiguang school!"

Everyone nodded their heads in thought, there was indeed a little taste.

In fact, it is not a TV broadcast to be precise. The one who sells buns is actually ZF...

Mu Zhengming: "Then what?"

Qi Lei, "Then it's easy to say!"

"The current traditional media can completely apply the attributes of the seller's market for research!"

Everyone: "......"

Everyone thinks again, it is indeed like this.

Qi Lei, "Then think about it again, in the Internet age...everyone is an information port..."

"Information is infinitely developed, and the cost of dissemination is infinitely low! The overwhelming network of information is for ordinary people to choose and ingest."

When Mu Zhengming heard this, he blurted out, "[Buyer's Market]!! The Internet age is a seller's market for information!"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "That's right! Now, let's apply the economics experience of the buyer and seller's market again! Let's take a look."

Seeing everyone lost in thought, Mu Zhengming's eyes changed continuously, but he still couldn't help it.

Qi Lei said: "The [seller's market] pattern is conducive to the sales of products by operators! Producers expand production! Corresponding to traditional media, it is to expand the volume and the efficiency of information dissemination."

"For example, if I am alone, making buns for more than 10,000 teachers and students in Beiguang, the production scale will inevitably be large."

"But the shortcomings are also obvious, which is not conducive to reducing product costs, improving product quality, increasing product varieties, and meeting the various needs of consumers!"

"Anyway, the buns can be sold. I will not invest too much energy in variety, style, and marketing."


Seeing everyone watching him, "Then the problem is coming!"

Suddenly pointed to those three subjects on the whiteboard [Network Journalism]! !

[Network TV Studies]! !

[Network Communication]! ! !

"Now!! The market position is reversed!!"

"Ten thousand people selling steamed buns poured into Beiguang!"

"That is to say, there are more information output ports, and it has become a [buyer's market]!"

"Lao Mu... Tell everyone about the characteristics and laws of the seller's market."

These things Mu Zhengming didn't open his mouth yet?

"The buyer's market, of course, is that the competition among merchants is more intense."

Qi Lei, "Apply to information dissemination, that is, media competition is more intense!"


Mu Zhengming, "Merchants must start to cater to consumers' preferences and frequently adjust their marketing strategies!"

Qi Lei, "That is to say, the media should cater to the information receiver! Adjust the way of information output, choose a more efficient and more acceptable way of information output."

"so nice!"

Qi Lei stopped here.

"Let's discuss first, cater to, and more easily acceptable information output."

"How to cater?"




Everyone.... Breathing started to get quick!

Because, I found the thread! To put it bluntly, isn't this the entry point for the establishment of the discipline?

How to cater?

Zhang Luchen's first thought was...

"Want to cater to the appetite of ordinary people..."

"Then it should be... popular!! Entertainment!! Low quality!! Vulgarization!!"

It may be difficult to accept...

However, this is true.

What is popularization? That is to say, if you can understand the big words, few people understand the official language, but it is a piece of vernacular, but even the illiterate who has not gone to school can understand it.

What is entertainment? For those who engage in communication, not only is the content becoming more and more entertaining, but also the proportion of information.

In this era, it can be regarded as entertainment, only the variety shows on the platform of "Zhengda Variety Show" every weekend, such as "Happy Camp"

Then there are cartoons at 6 o'clock, TV series at 8 o'clock, and storytelling time at 12 noon. Entertainment is relatively scarce.

But what if it is a buyer's market? In order to attract attention, the proportion of entertainment will inevitably increase substantially.

What is inferiority? You have to watch those popular science programs on CCTV in this era, because there is nothing else to watch. But...what about the buyer's market?

Is there a market for such high-quality programs, popular science?

What is vulgarization? It's grassroots psychology, market philosophy. It completely replaces the mainstream culture and becomes the main cognition of the society.

Zhang Luchen's eyes widened! ! He has found a research direction...

This is not the nature of Internet psychology, Internet communication! ?

Just this little thing, Zhang Luchen can write dozens of partial papers! Derive a discipline!

Liao Fanyi also realized it! Isn't this the characteristic of the Internet news age? Why didn't I expect it?

And Qi Lei, even more amazing words are yet to come.

"Alright!! We have deduced that the information attributes of the Internet are popular, entertaining, low-quality, and vulgar!"

"I will add another condition to everyone..."

"Remember the group of opinion experts in the insight model?"

In this, not only Liao Fanyi and the others participated in the insight experiment personally, but others have also seen related reports and data.

Of course everyone remembers.

Qi Lei, "That's an ideal opinion expert, and it can also be called an internet celebrity."

"So... the initial network attributes are applied to influencers. Do you think the idealized influencers in the insight model are still the only template?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei, "Don't you think these internet celebrities are too serious?"

"If a grassroots wants to rise to the Internet, it is in an era when netizens and the media are ignorant."

"In what way will they rise?"

Everyone, pondering again, this time Liao Fanyi suddenly realized, "Poor quality! Vulgar! Entertaining! Even the netizens' curious psychology and... topicality!"


Lei Qi Lei!

Look, the originators of Internet celebrities, who killed Matt, Sister Furong, Gan Lulu, Sister Feng, have not come out yet!

It has been understood by these experts.

Don't underestimate these phenomena. Many of the wrong values ​​and vulgar ethos of the domestic Internet are brought up from this.

With insight, we can prevent and study solutions. And the theoretical basis of support.

Hearing this, Mu Zhengming was completely convinced, and while "intensifying discussions" with the old man beside him, he praised...

"This kid is good, this kid is really good..."

"Understand, why don't you study economics?"

Okay, Qi Lei heard it, there is a black line in the forehead, why are you people in economics so willing to dig people?

Seeing that everyone started to discuss, I wanted to throw in some more dry goods, but after thinking about it, today's is enough.

Is it enough for both buyers and sellers to change their roles in the market?

Save some and use it next time.

These are all seen by Dong Beiguo, and his heart is beautiful! !

Originally, the new school was stuck there, and he was a little worried!

The three hundred million above has already been sent to the Beiguang account, and all the people who need it have been transferred.

Even Mu Zhengming was sent over, showing how much attention was paid to it.

If the card can't move, it would be a big laugh.

Liao Fanyi kept saying that waiting for Qi Lei, he was still a little uncertain, after all, he didn't see this kid really showing off, and he didn't know what to do.

At a glance today, this is a treasure! !

Fortunately, Big G didn't move!

No loss! !

However, after thinking about it, Dong Beiguo still felt that he had to remind Qi Lei.

You want young people to be happy, you want to be happy, you want to be unstable, but you have to master a certain degree.

Don't be too much!

For example, you can stop at the gate of the girls' dormitory. I still care what car the teachers and staff drive?

But you pick up a female student.... It's too much to go around the field for a week!

Defeated character.

Thinking of here...

"Qilei..." Dong Beiguo moved forward, "I have indeed suffered a lot of grievances recently..."

Qi Lei hid back, how did he feel that the old man was a bit tricky?

"What do you mean?"

Dong Beiguo looked at Qi Lei a little bit of resistance, "It's not interesting, what can be interesting?"

"Just care about you, yes! Care about it."

Qi Lei, "....."

Dong Beiguo bared his teeth... Obviously you can see that in the lower half of the mouth, the third and fourth teeth from the bottom on the left are fake! Because the colors are different.

"That's the case, you are right to solve the problem with young people's methods!"

Seriously, "young people! It's time to report it! It's shameful to pass our manager Xiao Qi like that."

Qi Lei, "Grandpa Dong...or just tell me if you have something to say, it's a fake."


The old man made a big blush, "Fake? It's kind?"

Qi Lei, "Fake!"

"Hi!" Dong Beiguo stopped pretending, "I mean! You almost got it! Whoever provokes you, you slap in the face."

"Don't hit so wide!"

"Take that Li...Li Cocoon today! You still go around the field, why? This is to make the whole school scold you, and you will slap the whole school in the face again?"

"I don't think this is good!"

Half-truth and half-reproach, the tone is beyond doubt, "This way!!"

"I'll be the master!"

"When the freshman military training comes back, organize the pre-trainees and the grassroots faculty and staff of the new department to give a lecture!"

"You are here to speak! This is always okay!"

"Enough to save face!"

"Ok, deal!"

"Hurry up and hit your big G and drive away..." a bitter expression, "Your Grandpa Dong, the school spirit and discipline that I finally established, can't be broken!"

"You scared the two pre-trainees to death, just add another instructor!!"

"Don't harm the whole school, have you heard?"

Ha ha...

I don’t know what the "two pre-trainees" and Zhao Guohua felt when they heard these words, so that the principal gave up...

I thought that for this reason, Qi Lei should be a donkey, right?

But I didn't want to, Qi Lei also grinned, revealing a sturdy white white tooth, "Grandpa Dong..."

"What's wrong?"

"I ask you something..."


"Did I pull the wind just now?"

Dong Beiguo frowned. What happened to this hapless kid?

But I still thought about it, "Very prestigious!"

The evaluation is still very pertinent, indeed very prestigious...

Qi Lei, "Does that scare you?"


Qi Lei, "Look at..." Swipe up and down to look at Grandpa's Back Pot, "You are so old... I heard that your heart is not very good..."

"None scared... let alone scared..."

"You **** stuff!" Dong Beiguo was anxious, "Who are you talking to!"

Qi Lei quickly appeased, "Yes, yes, wrong, but what I mean..."

puff! ! !

Someone behind can't help it.

Well, the two of them didn't speak loudly, but after all, they were in the house, and they could all be heard from behind.

Everyone has been holding back for a long time, the old and the young are like cross talk!

It's too coke.

Dong Beiguo turned back, "Why are you laughing!? Discuss your academics!"

Everyone is squeaking...

And Qi Lei hadn't finished speaking yet, "You are not scared...the bunch of old people are not scared either."

puff! !

This time it was Dong Beiguo's turn to squirt, and the group behind was dark! This bastard, really can't speak!

Qi Lei didn't suppress his voice at all, "That's what I meant anyway!"

"You can't scare, I can scare them?"


Dong Beiguo was stunned, "Then you...then what are you thinking about?"

"Why do you really want to scare the dull?"

Qi Lei sneered, "I won't be angry, but... it has to be remembered for a lifetime!"

"Do you really treat me as if I'm fine, and I'll be done with a face?"

"You look down on me too much? Are we such a low-level person?"

Dong Beiguo, "Then who are you?"

Qi Lei, "Catch a toad and make shit!"

Everyone raised their heads, looked at Qi Lei, and heard that he continued, "Even if you slap your face, you have to be a high-level slap! The slap is interesting! You have to rip off two catties after the slap!"

He raised his eyebrows, his face was full of wicked interest, "I am unstable, but it's much more interesting than you think."

He stuffed Dong Beiguo with a copy that he had been holding in his hand,

"Look at this!"

Dong Beiguo was a little confused and looked down...

[Experimental Teaching Center].... Young Eagle Planning.

Qi Lei, "Using economic theory to derive the direction of communication in the Internet age is a derivation after all!"

"What we are doing is pre-research!"

"Pre-research has to be a bit pre-research! At least there should be an experimental field to verify theories."

Not only Dong Beiguo will not return, everyone looked at each other, Liao Fanyi asked urgently.

"How about a pre-study?"

Qi Lei, "Cultivate a group of thinking beyond the age! A keen sense of smell! Top teachers and students who have led the development of the Internet!"

"This includes advanced talents in theoretical research, practical operation, model innovation, new media practitioners, etc.!"

Qi Lei scanned the crowd, "We think the other way around, thinking about first taking out the theory, and then going to perfect the experimental teaching center."

"But, it can be the other way around!"

"Although the scale of the current network is small, it can be used to incubate a group of network experts! Let them walk in the forefront of the network."

"Then, we will conduct theoretical research through the phenomena reflected in them."

Everyone look at me, I look at you...

I don't quite understand.

Qi Lei, "Let's put it this way! We in Beiguang, we can cultivate network talents including Internet celebrities by ourselves"

"Even, a large part of what we are doing now is to prevent Western culture from infiltrating local culture through the Internet. Then why don't we seize the opportunity?"

"Why not counterattack the culture first!"

"Cultivate a group of talents who understand the Internet and even understand the connotation of Chinese culture and Western culture!"

"Is the reverse output bad?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, to be honest, I haven't thought about this problem, it's too far ahead.

Qi Lei said more and more vigorously, "Let me make an analogy..."

"At present, the [stereotype] of Chinese goods in the West is that they are cheap... inferior quality, right?"

"But is the actual situation really inferior? The quality of our foreign trade products is very good."

"So, if I have a group of talents, from technology to speaking skills, from culture to thinking. They are all top media talents!"

"Then, I can go to the Internet, to foreigners, and gradually establish the "stereotype" of Chinese products'good quality and low price'."

"When this stereotype is established, will the sales of Chinese goods abroad be good?"

"If it is good, it will form a word of mouth. Capitalists will come to China to build a factory in pursuit of profit, or the distributors have added this as a selling point to promote Chinese products."

"Not to mention the impact on industrial and commercial exports, at least they want to discredit us in terms of goods, it is a bit difficult, right?"

"Doesn't this create a barrier? At least in terms of industry and commerce, the cost we need to invest in the [gatekeeper] link will be greatly reduced!"

"It also promotes the domestic manufacturing industry."

"Then the question is again, can we improve the image of the country? Can we provide some help when others discredit us?"

"Can it be used as our cultural output! A port of cultural invasion?"

Qi Lei said a lot, but he didn't even notice it, so he missed it!




A bunch of people are stunned to talk!

Dong Beiguo's eyes were dull, his brain buzzing, " do I feel, you are not an education center..."

"This is the former enemy headquarters, right?"

Why did you listen to him talking about this stuff? Which is like teaching? It's like cultivating a group of cultural war mongers! !


Qi Lei was embarrassed and vaguely said, "I meant that anyway, just to give an example!"

"Not that serious...."

"Chucklings!! Breeding a batch of young eagles!!! Become the forerunner of the Internet age!"

Looking at everyone, "You can't count on my foresight to drive the entire department."

"To make more people think like me."

"At least I have to think about it."

"In this case, I believe this messy situation like the current one should be avoided."

Dong Beiguo took a sigh of relief...

Young Eagle....

Young eagle? ?

When the wings are full, you will fly into the sky!

The implication is still very good, but...

Judging from what Qi Lei said just now, I always feel that he really wants to raise a group of vultures and rush into the bald eagle den to disrupt the situation...

After thinking about it, it looks like... it's not impossible!

This plan is good.

Everyone thinks the same way. If there are really a group of talents who are ahead of their minds and lead the Internet age, of course it is good.


But the only problem is...

This kind of talent is not easy to choose, how to choose? What are the selection criteria?

In response, Qi Lei smiled, "The test questions for the selection...I have already come out."

Dong Beiguo, "Where? What question?"

Qi Lei, "Didn't you see it?"


Dong Beiguo is stuck! Liao Fanyi and others are also stagnant! !

Thinking of what, Dong Beiguo pointed to Qi Lei and blurted out! "You? You are the exam question!"

The answer to him was Qi Lei's affirmative reply: "Yes! I am the exam question!"

"There is no preparation for this kind of exam, nor can it be informed in advance. It depends entirely on the instinctive reaction of the examinee and the smell of news events!"

"The rumors about me, including the big G in front of the girl's building..."

"There are many doubts, many things worthy of scrutiny."

"Let it ferment in the school forum...whatever the attitude!"

"Find out the clearest ideas! The most keenest! Even the ones that discredit the most logically!"

"This is who we want!"

Dry! !

The old man on the back almost burst into swearing...

He finally understands now, why it said Lei Qi is a strategy...

You can't think of what he is doing...

That's it!

Some are not convinced, this bend is too big.

"I don't think it's reliable. What if you don't talk about you on the forum?"

Qi Lei, "Impossible, my business has all the attributes of hot news! I have news consciousness."

"If you say that this can't be news at a media academy, then you can only abdicate and let the virtuous, teach a group of sloppy things!"


Dong Bei is dead!

Unlucky boy, give you a face.

He stared, "If there is news, but the comments are mediocre! Didn't you find the kind of talented talent you want?"

Dong Beiguo seems to have found a breakthrough!

"Yes! I don't think I can find it!"

Squinting at Qi Lei, "The kind of person you want is not a journalist in the traditional sense!"

"Keen thinking! Also quick-witted! Extremely talented in language writing!"

"It can't be a normal language talent, it must be the kind of talent that is close to the market, popular and vulgar!"

"Don't you say you want these people to be internet celebrities?"

"Then this kind of person has to be able to capture the public's psychology! He is talented in communication studies, and he has to ask for an image!!"

"Such a person...Where can I find it?"

"Hey..." Qi Lei grinned, "If I can't find them on campus, I can recommend two to you outside the school."


Dong Beiguo was taken aback, "Push, recommend?"

Qi Lei, "Yeah...the characteristics you mentioned...both of them have!"

"News talent, keen thinking, insightful psychology, extremely high language talent, and popular and vulgar!"

"The image is not bad!"

Dong Beiguo was tempted, but...

I don't know if there is a lesson from the past, I always feel that Qi Lei is here waiting for him!


Qi Lei, "Really!"


Qi Lei, "Hashi."

Added another sentence, "In the third year of high school, but if you want to recruit these two people specially, you have to prepare three places."

Dong Beiguo is even more confused, and recruit two people to prepare three places?

What kind of trick is this?

Qi Lei said, "Wait for three to five days, and wait until the procurement office is finished. If you are interested, you can go and see those two people."

Dong Beiguo frowned and thought for a long time!

Qi Lei is not like a joke!


These two kids who are still in the third year of high school may really be the kind of talent Qi Lei said!

Suddenly he said, "You will let go of the trial office! Bring me these two kids to take a look."

Qi Lei heard, "Okay."


Three days later...

Harbin, twenty-third middle school's style and sports classroom.

Liao Fanyi and Qi Lei are sitting side by side. At this time, Liao Fanyi is holding two files...

After reading it carefully, Qi Lei said, "I really don't see anything special on the file..."

The two people's files can really be said to be the general generation! You can even say nothing!

To have academic performance without academic performance, and to have expertise but no expertise.

Liao Fanyi really suspects that it is not reliable.

Qi Lei smiled calmly at this, "When you see someone, you will understand."

Liao Fanyi raised his eyebrows, "I have such confidence in them? Say it in advance! If it doesn't work... I'm not giving this face anymore."

Qi Lei jumped out, "It's impossible not to."

As he was talking, the vice president of the 23rd Middle School knocked on the door and came in, "Professor Liao, Manager Qi."

"I brought you people, do you think... one by one, or two?"

Liao Fanyi thought for a while, "Come on one by one!"

Individual appointments are highly accurate.

As soon as the voice fell, the vice principal went out. After a while, girls who were not too tall pushed in.

The first impression given to Liao Fanyi was good, at least the image was justified.

I just don't know what the quality is.

However, the girl side...

Before coming in, the girl was still a little perfunctory, "What's so special about Beiguang, why is it so rare for you? Also special tricks?"

She didn't plan to care about the special recruits. To be honest, if she just looked at herself, she would endure just thinking about it.

But... the key is not her!

However, after entering the door, I saw Qi Lei at first sight. There was almost no buffer or surprise. He immediately felt relieved, and said, "Just say why I was suddenly recruited? So that's what happened?"

I didn't even think about that station, even before Liao Fanyi could speak, he said, "Teacher, let's say it in advance... It's okay to take me away, but I have a boyfriend, so he must take it away too! "

Liao Fanyi did not stare out! !

Is it really like what Qi Lei said? Hiring two people, three places?


Cleared his throat unnaturally, "Your name is... Kou Zhongqi, right?"

That's right, Kou Zhongqi is in front of him, the only fierce Qi Lei has ever seen!

Regarding Liao Fanyi's question, Kou Zhongqi lowered her head and played with her fingers as if not serious.

This makes Liao Fanyi very dissatisfied, this is an interview! It’s too perfunctory to go directly to the college interview, right?

Curiously asked: "Are you...not nervous at all?"

Kou Zhongqi, "Not nervous."

"Then why did you come in and make a condition? We won't agree to such an unreasonable condition."

As a result, Kou Zhongqi pointed at Qi Lei, "Teacher, can we really fish (really)?"

"Give a sentence, agree or not."

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Kou Zhongqi didn't waste it at all, pointing to Qi Lei: "I know him, you must know, otherwise you can't name me and Bao Bao."

"And Qi Lei has not known us for a day or two. I have seen several moles on his butt."

"It's also impossible for him to not know the fact that Zhang Yang will get wherever I go."

"He must have told you this too."

"This kind of unreasonable dare to come if you know it..."

"Then there are only two possibilities. One is that you have accepted it, and you can agree to any excessive conditions."

"Second, Qi Lei may be very important, and his words have weight!"

"So...then let's not go around the corners? Just say it, can't you?"

Liao Fanyi: "!!!"

His face is blushing! The last sentence came, "You go the boy in!"

Kou Zhongqi bowed suddenly, "Thank you teacher!"

I stunned Liao Fanyi directly, "I haven't agreed yet, what are you thanking for?"

Kou Zhongqi pointed at Qi Lei again, "He smiled at me, that's too much."

Liao Fanyi: "..."


What a premium!

Dare to speak, big heart, fast mind! Clear thinking! And the meat and vegetables are not stingy...

Kou Zhongqi seems to have a natural temperament...

At first, Liao Fanyi hadn't figured out what temperament it was.

Now I understand, "The world...the old lady is coming!"

right! This is the temperament!

Qi Lei is also smiling....

Xin said that the female wolf Kou all received this, regardless of past and present, there is no one who can stand under her firepower range!

She also gave birth to the wrong time, if another ten years pass...

Kou Zhongqi has all the characteristics to become a big V on the Internet.

Zong Baobao came in later.

As soon as I came in, "Teacher, please accept me, teacher, I'm good, good, Kou Zhongqi passed, then I must be fine. My dad is talking about cross talk. I have been good at basic skills since I was a child, so I counted on this mouth. How about living? If you don't dislike it, use it! I must be obedient and sensible, and I will study hard, and I will definitely become the pride of Beiguang, your pride..."

Barabala, Liao Fanyi didn't say a word, Zong Baobao kept on!

What surprised Liao Fanyi even more was that the child didn't even need to ventilate, so he took a breath.

Liao Fanyi was convinced...

Just this slogan.... There is one end of the Beibei Broadcasting System which counts as one sip, none of them can compare with it!

"Passed! Child... Passed! I want you!"

Do not nod again Liao Fanyi is afraid that he will be suffocated to death!

Baby Zong has heard of...

Bare his teeth, "Teacher, should I give you another paragraph? I can say a little bit more."

Liao Fanyi: "..."

What is Thanks to [Zhang Weiyu the most handsome] (tui) for the golden league! !

Nothing to say.... I don't know what to say.

Old man's first golden league...

Still at this time.

You can go to the "Big Reward" section to find the Golden League reward information of "The Flowing Years", participate in the event, and you can get a monthly ticket draw, and you can draw 6666 votes...

It's not a dream to get a straight-up leader! (You must vote here to participate in the lucky draw...)

Moreover, with these 6666 votes, "The Passing Years" should be in the top ten of the monthly ticket list.

Keep asking for votes, keep asking for rewards! ! Continue to add more tomorrow! !

This may be the most recent time that Lao Cang's book is from the top ten on the monthly ticket list...

I want to say, thank you everyone for your love of "The Passing Years" and your support to the old man.

I really need a monthly pass...

Ask for monthly tickets for all channels! Let me fly in the sky for a while.

In addition, I would also like to thank [Cucumber 43] for the silver league reward...brothers!

Thank you [Norns] for the silver league reward.....Boss atmosphere! The boss made a fortune!

I would also like to thank [Elephant], [Ten Sticks,] [Orange Carrot] who can’t distinguish how many leaders gave rewards!

And crazy dog ​​ and three points poison...salted fish is not salty enough.

Forgive me, I don’t have time to look through the reward records now, and I can’t remember the name of each of you. After waiting for these few days, thank you one by one!

Plus more!

Hard work and more! !

(Paste after posting above is not counted as positive number of characters)

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