"Mr. Xu, thank you. China finally has its own strategic transport aircraft."

An old man in military uniform came to Xu Huasheng and said excitedly.

"Mr. Wu, you are too polite. I am also a part of China. For China's re-emergence, every Chinese person has an obligation to do his part."

Xu Huasheng said seriously.

Xu Huasheng was also very happy today. The Y-20 officially made its maiden flight. This maiden flight was more than ten years earlier than the original Y-20. Moreover, this Y-20 is more powerful, more powerful, and more strategically deterrent than the Y-20 in the original time and space.

For China, ten years is too important.

The most important thing is that not only one Y-20 has been advanced by ten years, but now the technology of the entire Chinese aviation industry has been improved by more than thirty years compared to the original era. The improvement of these technologies will drive the rapid rise of the entire Chinese aviation industry.

The products created by these technologies will also better protect the sky of China. Let China no longer suffer more humiliation in the future, and let China take more initiative in international competition.

Kunpeng spreads its wings for tens of thousands of miles, and now the Y-20 is flying high, which represents not only China's wings in strategic transport aircraft, but also represents that China's national destiny will fly high from now on.

The successful maiden flight of the Y-20 is a day worth celebrating for China, Saxo Airlines, and Xu Huasheng. The Y-20 is the first product of Saxo Airlines. Once this aircraft is mass-produced in the future, Saxo Airlines will be famous all over the world.

However, everyone did not celebrate too much. After a simple celebration party was held in the base, everyone continued to be busy.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and everyone needs to continue to work hard.

Although the Y-20 has successfully made its maiden flight, it is still a long, long time before it can be put into service. The test flight process is a complicated process, especially since China has never built a large transport aircraft before and has no experience at all. Therefore, during this test flight process, Saxo Airlines needs to break through many airworthiness technologies and make technical reserves for future civil aviation large aircraft.

After the celebration, Xu Huasheng did not leave, but was drafted again by the people of the base.

There are many projects in the base now, and each project is very important. And a talented young man like Xu Huasheng will definitely be drafted after he comes.

Xu Huasheng was pulled over to a conference room in the base.

"Xiao Xu, this is the improvement plan for Tu-160 we have currently put forward..."

On the huge LCD screen in the conference room, an old man skillfully controlled the mouse and turned the three-dimensional design drawing on the big screen.

While turning, he explained the design plan in detail.

Xu Huasheng looked at the screen, his eyes full of solemnity. Because this design drawing is a modified version of the White Swan, a long-range strategic bomber.

The White Swan has been in this base for almost a year. In this year, the entire design of the White Swan has long been understood by the technicians here.

All the parts of the White Swan have been accurately mapped, and even the material properties have been analyzed. Now, it is no exaggeration to say that with the current technical capabilities of China, it is already capable of 100% replicating this White Swan. As long as there is demand, China can immediately set up a production line and mass-produce the White Swan.

However, the technicians at this base have become a little Versailles and no longer look down on the White Swan. The little sweetie they once dreamed of has now become Mrs. Niu.

As soon as they got it, they began to dislike it.

They disliked that the fuselage material was not the latest composite material, that the design did not incorporate the stealth design concept, that the avionics system was backward, that the radar did not use an active phased array radar, etc.

This group of Versailles technicians did not think about their attitude when they first saw the White Swan a year ago.

However, this kind of dislike is also welcomed by China, because only when they have better things at home will they dislike other people's things being backward, which is a good thing.

Now that they have disassembled and analyzed the White Swan, digested the design concept of the White Swan, and cracked the technology on the White Swan, they feel that many places can be changed.

There is room for optimization from the fuselage to the engine to the avionics to the aerodynamics, etc. In the conference room, Xu Huasheng listened to the explanation carefully. The more he listened, the more frightened he felt. The more he listened, the more uncertain he felt.

What kind of monster are these crazy Chinese technicians going to build? Can this thing really be realized?

First of all, the appearance was optimized, but this optimization was not optimized in terms of stealth. At the beginning, these people also thought about using stealth optimization, but finally decided to give up after discussion.Because the White Swan is not a stealth bomber, it would be a waste of time to sacrifice other performance for a little stealth. So in the end, this optimization was abandoned, and the optimization was made towards more extreme performance.

Optimize aerodynamics, optimize fuselage materials, optimize engines, optimize magazine design...

They used all the design concepts and technical solutions that Xu Huasheng brought out decades later on this fighter.

After a series of optimizations, this White Swan is no longer a White Swan, but a Bald Eagle. Damn, who has ever seen a White Swan with double three data?

What is double three data? It's very simple, 30,000 meters high, three times the speed of sound.

That is to say, the maximum flight altitude of this aircraft is 30,000 meters, and the maximum flight speed is Mach 3. This is not a bomber, and there is no fighter that can achieve this performance. Even a fighter that is not designed according to common sense, such as the MiG-25, has not really achieved double three data.

And now, the White Swan modified by China is for this data. The reason why these people dare to design so boldly is entirely because China has a bit of a trick in many aviation technologies.

For example, the new composite material technology provided by Xu Huasheng solves the problem of high temperature of materials when the aircraft flies at three times the speed of sound. Moreover, this new composite material is lighter and more ductile than the original fuselage material of Tu-160. The use of this material reduces the weight of the fuselage by 30%.

In addition to the fuselage, other systems have also reduced a lot of weight. More advanced technology makes these systems more advanced, lighter, and more powerful.

For example, the radar system, the radar used by the modified White Swan theoretically beats the original radar by a lot.

And finally, it is the engine with exaggerated performance.

The engine on the White Swan was already very abnormal, but after research by Chinese technicians, they felt that this engine technology could be further modified. After the modification, the overall performance would be improved by about 20%, and the fuel economy would also be improved by 10%.

If this engine is finally successfully modified, and other technologies can also be successfully broken through, the Chinese version of the White Swan may really achieve this exaggerated performance.

The fuel economy of the engine has increased, and the cruising range of this aircraft has also increased significantly. If a 25-ton payload is mounted and it flies at subsonic speed, the cruising range can reach 14,000 kilometers. If an eight-ton weapon payload is mounted, the cruising range can reach an exaggerated 17,000 kilometers.

Looking at these data, Xu Huasheng took a deep breath. These data are too exaggerated. Can China's technology really make this thing? Isn't this a big step? However, if this thing is really made in the end, and it is equipped with hypersonic missiles or ultra-long-range missiles, the deterrent power of this thing will be great.

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