Alkofi came to China again secretly, and this time he was not received by Xu Huasheng, but by the Chinese military.

This time Alkofi came to spend money, and all the orders added up to more than 10 billion US dollars, which is a big pie for the Rabbit military, which is now almost crazy with poverty.

As for how to distribute the benefits among them, that is their business. Anyway, Xu Huasheng doesn't have to worry about it. For Xu Huasheng, the most he can do in the future is to export some pickup trucks, trucks, water pipes and other things.

But no matter how the money is distributed, it will eventually increase China's national defense. More than 10 billion US dollars is a super huge sum of money. With the current prices in China, this money can build a fleet.

So when seeing Alkofi coming back again, the Chinese military's attitude was so enthusiastic that they wanted to take out some more treasures at home.

If Libya really moves its capital in the future, China can still make a lot of money from such a large infrastructure project. It's just that the matter of moving the capital is too big, and Colonel Ka must not have made up his mind yet.

But Xu Huasheng is not in a hurry. It doesn't matter if he can't make up his mind now. After a few of the ten predictions come true, Xu Huasheng doesn't believe that Colonel Ka can still sit still. An ambitious man like Colonel Ka will be scared to death at that time.

If there are no major changes, Xu Huasheng believes that Colonel Ka will definitely move the capital in the end and will definitely spend a lot of money to build a super bastard shell for himself.

Money is just a number no matter how much it is. If you don't have a life, all the money belongs to others. For Colonel Ka, as long as he can live longer, he will not hesitate to empty his own family and Libya. At that time, Colonel Ka will definitely concentrate all the forces of Libya to build this bastard shell, and for safety reasons, Huaxia Construction Company is definitely Libya's first choice.

In fact, it's not just Colonel Ka. If someone else is in Colonel Ka's position, I'm afraid they will do the same. Who is willing to give up the overwhelming power in their hands? Who is willing to lose their own life? If Xu Huasheng was Colonel Ka, the shell he built would be even harder.

Time passed quietly, just when Alcofi was negotiating with the Chinese military.

Xu Huasheng came to the northwest again, to the mysterious 503 base.

The so-called 503 base is actually China's Area 51, the air force base where the white swan is hidden. It's just that this base now has a code name called 503.

Now the scale of this base is very large, but the entire base is basically hidden in the mountains. You can't see its mystery just by looking at the outside.

From the satellite, you can only see that this is an ordinary airport. There are not many buildings next to the airport. There is a large vegetable greenhouse and a thermal power plant, and very few other things.

But there is a world inside the mountains. It is the base with the highest level of confidentiality in China.

Xu Huasheng came to this base again, this time not by his own private plane, but by the Air Force plane. Now the confidentiality of this base is so high that Xu Huasheng's private plane can no longer land.

The purpose of Xu Huasheng coming here today is to witness a maiden flight.

Entering the base, Xu Huasheng saw the first Y-20 in the huge internal hangar. The shit-yellow paint looked very ugly.

But standing next to this plane, Xu Huasheng felt shocked.

How small humans are in front of this behemoth. At this moment, the plane was surrounded by experts from various departments, and they all had expectations in their eyes.

Although the design and research of this aircraft was completed in Shenzhen, the entire production was completed at this base.

During the production process, not only Saxo Airlines has accumulated a lot of experience, but China has also obtained a lot of valuable data and experience.

Everyone worked together and after such a long time of hard work. Finally, this big plane was made.

Now, everything is ready. October 20, 1992, today is the day of Kunpeng's first flight. Whether this big bird can spread its wings for tens of thousands of miles depends on its condition today.

The atmosphere at the scene was quite solemn, and everyone's eyes were filled with expectation and even prayer. They prayed that everything would go well today, and they prayed that China's roc could spread its wings and fly high.

"Mr. Xu, it's time to start!"

The technician said to Xu Huasheng after the final inspection of the aircraft.

"Okay, let's start..."

Xu Huasheng was also looking forward to the first flight of this aircraft.

After Xu Huasheng gave the order, the huge hangar door slowly opened, and the first Y-20 officially started its engine. The hugeThe fuselage slowly left the hangar under the push of four engines.

When the plane left the hangar, many people followed the plane out.

"Tower, tower, everything is normal, request to withdraw..."

The voice of the test pilot appeared on the radio.

"You can push out..."

The tower gave the order, and then the pilot began to increase the thrust. The thrust of the four high-power engines increased, and the huge plane began to taxi on the runway.

The plane did not take off directly, but first slid around the runway to the ground for several circles to do some ground tests.

After turning a few circles, the pilot formally requested to take off.

Everyone stared at the huge plane. The huge fuselage was getting faster and faster on the runway. Finally, the huge nose slowly lifted up. The plane was like a big bird taking off, slowly flying up, straight into the blue sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Looking at the plane getting smaller and smaller, everyone's heart was in their throat.

Although everyone was very confident in their hearts, confidence and facts are two different things. The plane flew in circles in the air, without performing any difficult movements or flying too high for too long.

The entire flight process lasted only fifteen minutes. Before the pilots had enough fun, the designer had already issued the order to land.

When the plane landed smoothly at the airport, there was warm applause at the scene. Many people were excited and even shed tears.

The successful maiden flight of the Y-20 means that the Y-20 transport aircraft has officially entered the test flight stage from the research and development stage. After the test flight stage, it can be finalized and mass-produced for service.

When this aircraft is in service, China's strategic transport capacity will be greatly improved.

After the plane landed, it was pulled into the internal hangar. The hangar was closed and the airport became dead quiet again.

In the hangar, when several pilots came out of the cabin, they were greeted by warm applause. Looking at the people below, several pilots also had red eyes. China has been looking forward to large strategic transport aircraft for too long!

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