An unprecedented press conference lasted for more than three hours, but many viewers were not bored. Instead, they watched with great interest and gained a lot of knowledge.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these are all the products that our Wosheng brand brings to you. At present, our Wosheng brand has established our direct stores in more than 1,500 Walmart stores. Our Wosheng brand only adopts the direct sales model. We will bring you the best products and the best services, so that you can buy and use them with peace of mind. Tomorrow, you can buy our products in all major Walmart stores. In order to thank everyone for their support, we also provide you with the most sincere benefits. First of all, after-sales service. If any non-human quality problems occur in our products within two years, we will directly replace them for free, and the whole machine will be repaired within five years, and the core components will be guaranteed for ten years..."

"At the same time, we also launched a trade-in service and a trade-in subsidy. All products can be paid in installments..."

"Next, I will announce the price of our products..."

Sam stood on the stage, feeling his blood boiling. Tonight, he is the protagonist.

The prices of each product were announced by Sam's Club. There are not many products of Wosheng, and there are only a few products of each type.

When the prices were announced, many people took a deep breath.

Wow, this price is really expensive.

Take the huge refrigerator that came on stage first. Although it is big and beautiful, the price is also beautiful. 25,999 US dollars, which is more expensive than a car.

Other products are also very expensive. Obviously, this is not prepared for ordinary families. Ordinary American people can't afford these things. Even if they buy them, they can only choose a certain product to buy.

However, it is still no problem for the middle class and wealthy people in the United States to buy these things. After all, these large appliances are not often replaced. For example, this large refrigerator, you can use it for many years after buying it. And you can also trade in old for new, there are replacement subsidies, and you can buy it in installments.

After all, buying a few Wosheng products is not difficult for middle-class families with an annual income of more than 100,000 US dollars.

It's cruel. If Xu Huasheng saw this price, he would definitely sigh.

The price increase is too much. For the refrigerator that cost 25,999, Huasheng gave them a price of 7,000 US dollars. As for the cost price, it was less than 3,000 US dollars, and Huasheng Group made 4,000 US dollars with tears.

I thought that was enough, but the capitalists are even more ruthless. The price of the supply to Walmart by Wosheng Group was directly reduced to 12,000 US dollars. On the Walmart side, a refrigerator made 14,000 US dollars with tears. Even if taxes and the so-called old-for-new subsidies and free installation are deducted, a refrigerator can easily make 10,000 US dollars.

A refrigerator makes a net profit of 10,000 US dollars, which is too much profit. This is 100 million US dollars for 10,000 units.

However, this kind of product, even in developed countries in Europe and the United States, I am afraid that the sales volume will not be too high. After all, it is too expensive. It is good to sell hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of units a year.

But even if tens of thousands of units are sold a year, the profit is also scary.

This is the power of high-end products. Small sales volume and big profits. Don't think that they are just making money. Anyone who can afford this stuff is not short of money. What they want is to be different. This is the so-called high-end. High-end products never talk about cost performance.

If we talk about cost performance, the luxury goods industry would have gone bankrupt long ago.

A press conference shook the global home appliance circle.

That night, consumers who watched the press conference were full of curiosity. They planned to go and see these products tomorrow even if they didn't buy them.

But compared to their happiness, no one in the global home appliance brands could sleep.

Especially European and American brands and Japanese brands, whether it is Philips Siemens or Sony Toshiba. They all held an emergency meeting this night.

After watching the press conference, they understood that Wosheng's slogan of making America greater this time was really not an empty slogan. If the technology of these products is really as powerful as the press conference said, then it will definitely be an unprecedented earthquake for the global home appliance industry.

Because this means that the United States has once again led the world for many years in home appliance technology.

After an agonizing wait, the day finally dawned and Walmart finally opened.

After the door opened, many people entered Walmart and went straight to the Wosheng direct-operated store.

The Wosheng store area has officially debuted. The simple decoration style, under the special spotlight, all the products are so beautiful. This style is completely based on the decoration style of future Apple stores.

When these consumers get close to the products, they understand that these products areThe difference between the products and other products.

These products are so beautiful and textured. Compared with Wosheng's products, all the products currently on the market have become ugly ducklings, and only Wosheng is a white swan.

The gap is so huge that it can be seen with the naked eye. This gap is like the gap between smart phones and old phones.

"Oh, my God, this is so beautiful, is this a home theater system?"

"I like this refrigerator, I like cooking..."

"It's so expensive..."

"Wow, is this a DVD? Can it be purchased separately? 5999 US dollars, so expensive..."

When these consumers entered the store, the sales staff became busy and patiently explained the products to everyone.

And the people sent by major brands also came. After they came, they didn't say anything and asked for a set of all products.

For such a request, the sales staff would naturally not refuse. Who cares who he is, since the product is sold, there is no fear of competition.

In a Walmart store, Torres and his wife came to Wosheng's store.

The Torres couple are typical American elites. Torres is a brain doctor in a private hospital, earning more than one million dollars a year, and his wife is a university professor with a high salary.

The couple has three children and lives a happy life.

After entering the store, the couple was immediately attracted by the products in the store. These products are indeed very beautiful and look very advanced in technology.

"Hello, sir..."

A salesperson came up and asked politely.

Seeing this salesperson, Torres laughed.

The female salesperson is white, well-dressed, slim, and beautiful, giving people a very cultured feeling. This is completely different from the feeling given by the salesperson in an ordinary home appliance store. Maybe this is high-end.

"Hello, we want to change a set of home appliances at home. Can you recommend one to us?"

Torres asked with a smile.

"Sir, how big is your house? How many people live there? How many children do you have..."

After the salesperson asked some basic information, he began to recommend products, but it was not a blind recommendation, but a reasonable recommendation.

Torres has three children, and the three children's rooms already have independent TVs. However, the salesperson did not promote all 46-inch TVs, but recommended a home theater in the living room. The room only needs to buy a small TV and a DVD.

There are two refrigerators in the house, one large and one small. The large one is for fruits and vegetables, and the small one is for beverages and cold drinks.

Washing machines, one washer-dryer for washing large clothes, and a small washing machine for washing underwear.

In a word, it is reasonable and not greedy. This recommendation made the Torres couple nod their heads, thinking that this combination is very reasonable and not wasteful.

"Sir, if you want to trade in old products for new ones. We can send someone to appraise your products. All our products are free of charge for delivery and installation. You just need to place an order..."

The salesperson finally said with a smile.

"What do you think?"

Torres looked at his wife, and his wife nodded and thought it was good.

"Just follow this set..."

Torres' wife nodded. This whole set is not cheap, more than 200,000 US dollars. However, for Torres' family, this price is still acceptable. Besides, there is also the old-for-new exchange, and their old appliances can also be discounted, and they can also pay in installments.

The staff became busy and moved very quickly.

They directly loaded the things purchased by Torres and his wife into the car, and then followed the couple to their home. The old products were appraised, reported, and then the old appliances were taken away and new appliances were installed. The efficiency was very high.

This efficiency is actually rare in the United States. In the United States, ordinary people buy home appliances and install them themselves because the labor cost in the United States is very expensive.

Ordinary brands dare not install for free, and the profit is not even enough for labor.

But the Wosheng brand is not afraid, the profit is high enough, even if it is free installation, there is still a lot of money to be made. Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep, and all the services enjoyed by consumers are ultimately paid by consumers.

Good products, good services, if you want to enjoy these things, you naturally have to pay a higher price. But for the rich people in the United States, this is commonplace. In the United States, only the rich can enjoy better service. They usually have to give a lot of tips when they go to high-end restaurants for a meal.

The Wosheng brand is officially on sale, and all major stores are very busy. Although many people can't afford it, even if they come to see it, the sales in the store are very enthusiastic and not a bit bored, which makes ordinary Americans feelI feel the charm of high-end brands.

The sales of all products are also very good. After all, there are still many rich people in the United States. Moreover, these products are cross-generational products. In the United States, the rich are very competitive. If others have it and you don’t, it’s shameful.

And this kind of high-end consumer product is very practical, so many stores have very good sales, and some products are even sold out.

For example, DVD, this product is super popular in the store. Even ordinary families like this product very much at this moment, because compared with their own VCR system, this DVD player is really fashionable.

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