The shadow of a giant tall man holding a trident stood above Atlanta City. The power of the waterway continued to flow into the shadow, and the shadow was constantly solidifying.

Like Yi, this was also an obsession, but it was the obsession of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

"Who dares to offend my tall man race?"

Poseidon's voice rumbled, and all the contractors and reincarnationists at the bottom heard it. They felt that something was wrong.

Jun had just finished studying a reincarnationist, a reincarnationist with three eyes, whose body structure was studied by Jun. After taking notes, Jun looked up.

"The same existence as King Yi, but he didn't open the way. Maybe the spiritual obsession to activate them is not strong enough. Is it connected to the waterway now? I don't know what level of strength it can reach."

Jun rode the blue bull and slowly walked up to the city. On the way, he encountered some strange monsters and dissected them twice. The reincarnations ran away after scouting him.

In the regional channel.

[Wind Spirit Paradise-Pingzi: Brothers, run quickly. There is a guy as perverted as that giant. Let me show you the "scout picture"]

[Abyss Paradise-Li Dabai: Damn, I can't get out. ]

[Bright Paradise-Holy Light: Not only this guy, I feel that there are other guys spying on us. The natives of this world are not simple. ]

[Dark Paradise-He Qiang: What a joke, how can you jsjzbhwjn. ]

[Dark Paradise-White Cat: He Qiang, you come back, what are you doing? What happened? Did you send it?]

[Earth Paradise-Bull Warrior: Don't feel it, just look at this "reconnaissance picture". ]

[Purification Paradise-Chacha Cup: Damn, are there so many monsters like this in this world? Such units should not appear in the same era. ]

[Abyss Paradise-Li Dabai: Look, everyone, there seems to be a "reconnaissance picture" on it.]

The regional channel of the Paradise camp has exploded, and two pioneers have been found here, one of them is at the Dao Lord level. Although the data obtained from the reconnaissance looks much worse than the previous Yi, they still can't beat them.

Then these contractors and reincarnations found that they seemed to be locked in Atlanta City. When they used props to teleport out, they seemed to be blocked. How could Jiang Tong let them run away? Seeing that they were about to harvest and promote, he had to kill them at the risk of being exposed. He used the Great Dao River to block this place, disrupting their spatial fluctuations and completely unable to teleport out.

Unless they return directly to the paradise, but unless their mission is completed, returning to the paradise will be a blood loss. Now they will not easily return to the paradise without reaching a dead end.

Poseidon's shadow has turned into a real entity, all composed of the power of waterways, and it is like a fish in water in the ocean.

He felt a lot of evil breath in the bottom city and some breaths that disgusted Poseidon.

"How could my Atlanta become like this, how could my people become like this, Siren, where are you?" Poseidon was angry.


A shock wave covered the entire Atlanta city, all the monsters were stunned, the blood mist was shaken away, and the powerful mental power covered the entire city. Poseidon was looking for his son Siren.

Poseidon's thoughts were blocked by a powerful evil force under the city: "What kind of power is this? Red spots appeared on Poseidon's body, but they were soon shaken away."

Jiang Tong looked at Yi who was attracted by Poseidon. Yi gave up Fu Bo and came to a place where the breath was more obvious.

Fu Bo breathed a sigh of relief, went deeper into the trench, and began to hide his breath: "What kind of monster is this? It can survive until now. The ancestors have suffered. It's terrible."

After Fu Bo made full preparations, he concentrated his perception, paid attention to all the wind and grass around him, and cut off all the faith energy coming, and no longer accepted the believers' requests.

The perspective returned to Atlanta. Jun saw Poseidon who turned into dozens of meters high, and felt the majestic water power on him. In terms of Taoism alone, Poseidon's obsession was stronger than Jun.

"The first king of Atlanta, the sea god Poseidon?"

Jun began to look at Poseidon. The blue bull under his seat was very familiar with this look. It looked at him like this at that time.

"Hmm? Cave people, why did Atlanta become like this? Tell me, I will spare your life."

Poseidon hated cave people very much. After all, when he attacked the Nukado continent,

He was beaten back.

"This kind of Dao body seems to be similar to the human body of the celestial being, but it is not the same as King Yi's. It's strange."

Jun did not reply to Poseidon's question, but just expressed his doubts, and then began to draw the power of the Dao and began to study Poseidon.

Then, the furious Poseidon took action, and the two fought. A fierce battle broke out in the upper city, and the whole city of Atlanta began to tremble.

Hong felt the breath of his son Jun and wanted to escape, but this place was blocked by Jiang Tong. How could he run away so easily?

Originally, Hong was a supplement made by Jiang Tong. If Poseidon could not attract Yi, then Hong's breath would be exposed by Jiang Tong, and Yi would definitely come at that time, but Atlanta would be destroyed by the furious Yi at that time. Now it is only Poseidon's breath, Yi will not destroy this place, and it can also be used for subsequent fishing.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

This is the sound of heartbeats, the sound coming from the bottom of Atlanta City, as if another existence is reviving, and this reviving breath makes the sanity points of the reincarnations and contractors go crazy.

"Hehehe, I have prepared so many gifts here. If I can't harvest them this time, I will directly destroy the world." Jiang Tong kept staring at this place.

Below Atlanta City is the altar that summoned the evil god. This is the source of the most serious pollution. The Siren was here at that time. The high pollution gave birth to a life here.

This life is Atlanta City. The Siren and those strong men have integrated into this city. The altar has become the heart of this city. This city is now stimulated and alive.

A murmur reached the ears of everyone in Atlanta City, and many contractors exploded after hearing it.

Jun stopped fighting and disappeared with Qingniu. Poseidon had just finished charging and was ready to release a big move, but then found that the enemy had disappeared, so he used the big move randomly.

Jun took his father away. He couldn't let Hong die here. If Hong died and the wizard world broke out in natural disasters, Jun's experimental materials would run out, and he would be busy in vain.

Looking at Jun who caught him, Hong broke out in a cold sweat: "Son, long time no see, father misses you so much."

Jun took Hong outside Atlanta and watched Atlanta moving constantly.

"This city is alive."

Jun was shocked and curious at the same time. He had not studied this kind of life. Hong was reducing his sense of existence and preparing to escape.

Yi, who smelled the breath, also came. Every time he moved, the sea would vibrate. His breathing would cause a gust of wind. There would be storms and tsunamis in the places he passed by. Yi's normal activities would cause changes to this sea.

Poseidon jumped out of Atlanta and was very angry when he saw his royal city undergo such changes.

When these strong men ran out, the contracted reincarnations inside did not have such good luck. Only a few contracted ones returned to paradise in advance, and the rest became demented later and had no chance at all.

They were swallowed by this alive Atlanta. The breath of Atlanta became stronger and more agile. He was born with consciousness and gathered the consciousness of the high-level people of the Long People.

Jiang Tong didn't care about these. As long as he was in the cave world, he couldn't take off. Jiang Tong looked at the data panel and saw that the world power had reached 100,000 ounces and was still rising. He knew that his promotion was coming.

However, Jiang Tong was not in a hurry now. He continued to watch the changes in the Atlanta Sea to see what would happen next and whether he should exaggerate them to satisfy his own bad taste.

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