The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Li Dabai and Jiang Yi first prepared potions to resist the blood mist and corresponding fog lights, otherwise they would disappear in an instant if they entered the source of pollution.

The leader among the reincarnations was Aries from the G-10 rest area, and the leader among the contractors was Holy Light from the Bright Paradise. These two were the strongest in their respective camps.


The fog at the bottom dispersed, revealing the city gate at the bottom. This was the bottom city of Atlanta City, where the civilians of the Tallman Clan lived in the past, and the top was where the King of Atlanta lived, but now the top was covered by almost liquid blood mist, and now you can only enter from the bottom.

Jiang Yi and Li Dabai took the enhancement potion to enhance their resistance. The city of Atlanta at the bottom is very large. Poseidon built it according to the scale of one million people. Later, after the Siren was in place, it was expanded again. The city can accommodate at least three million people.

Contractors and reincarnations used various methods to enter the city of Atlanta. There are also many resources in the huge city. There are hundreds of exits in the city alone.

Li Dabai was attacked after entering Atlanta. A monster with an octopus head, that is, a human body plus an octopus head, and the octopus tentacles are densely packed with eyeballs.

Jiang Tong looked at the contractors and reincarnations who had all entered Atlanta and smiled with relief. The Heavenly Dao thug Hong Tianzun also entered and began to harvest these contractors.

Ninety percent of the contractors and reincarnations in this period of time are concentrated here, leaving only some who are afraid of death and some living professions in other places, but generally people with living professions will not come to this world, and the mortality rate ranks first among many worlds.

But Fu Bo didn't have such a good time. He was chased by Yi and ran around the world. He was still wondering how he was exposed. After being hit by Yi twice, he broke a horn and ran away.

He chased, he fled, he couldn't fly away even if he had wings.



Hong stabbed a contractor to death, then refined the contractor into a big pill, and then put it into his storage device.

"So much energy, as long as I harvest this time, I won't have to come out for decades in the future."

Hong was guided here by the existence in the dark, but he also knew who it was. It was the god he believed in before. Hong was very happy.

These contractors and reincarnations are very weak, but their energy is very pure and easy to absorb. They are excellent human-shaped medicines.


While Hong was sighing, he found that there were some more human-shaped medicines in front of him, so he went forward directly.

The harvest is still going on.

In addition to Hong, Jiang Tongke also prepared other things, such as awakening the top of Atlanta City, who was also a powerful existence in an era like Yi.

Looking at the rising world power, after this round, it is the time for the cave world to be promoted. At that time, Jiang Tongke has an idea about the several resting places outside the cave world. If those resting places are taken care of, it may not be impossible to move up after the promotion, but the strong people in the resting places are a little difficult to deal with.

There are several monsters in the bottom of Atlanta City that have been mutated by the evil god, including octopus heads, eyeballs, sickle monsters, sea snake women, and some mutated tall soldiers. They are soldiers guarding the city. After the mutation, they lost their reason and became soldiers acting on instinct, attacking all creatures with strange breath.

When the contractors and reincarnations kill these monsters, the things dropped are very rich, and the benefits are even higher than ordinary tasks. It is equivalent to a copy without land reclamation, with resources everywhere, but when they are harvesting, Hong is also harvesting.

When they were cutting leeks, they didn't expect that they would also be among those being cut.

Outside Atlanta, a person who was beyond Jiang Tong's expectation also came, Jun Tianzun from the wizard world, and this guy was observing outside.

"Interesting, the creatures inside are interesting, and the guy on the top is also an old thing, but it shouldn't be as difficult to catch as King Yi. It would be great if we could study it."

Jun was attracted to Atlanta. He was riding a green ox, and his expression was very similar to the [Shepherd Boy] he was studying.

It seems that this guy has researched something. Jiang Tong will see what chemical reaction will occur after Jun enters. Anyway, these energies can definitely be harvested. When it's almost time, Jiang Tong will take action, and Atlanta will be "accidentally closed"

, then this world power will definitely be in his hands.

Jun drove the green bull into Atlanta City. After entering, he saw an octopus-headed monster. He reached out and grabbed it, and then dissected the octopus head on the spot. The green bull under his seat trembled.

This guy did this operation to him countless times, and he even gave birth to fear. The weirdness comes from mental toxins and people's fear, but now a weirdness actually gave birth to fear.

Jun studied more than [Shepherd Boy], but many weirdness disappeared during the research. The source of those weirdnesses was all sealed up by Jun, or refined into some tools.

"These eyeballs have good medicinal properties, which seem to be better than some of the medicinal materials on the Grimm Witch. They can stimulate spiritual growth. As long as the pollution is removed, it will be fine."

Jun took out a notebook to record it. All the parts of the octopus head were recorded by him.

Jun seemed to have come to a new world, constantly capturing monsters, then disassembling them into parts, and then studying them.

Caught the tall soldier: "Hmm? Very strange structure, it can still act according to instinct without spirit. Let me see, the pollution source and the spirit body formed a crystal core. These crystal cores seem to have strong waterway characteristics, which should be helpful for waterway monks, but the problem is still the pollution source."

Hong, who was harvesting energy, felt that something familiar seemed to have sneaked into Atlanta City, and he shuddered.

"It shouldn't be Jun, Jun has disappeared for a long time."

Hong dispelled the idea in his mind and continued to look for these "human-shaped medicines". The contractors and reincarnations were scattered in the huge bottom city, and did not notice that their companions were slowly disappearing.

However, the managers in the rest area found that they found that the speed of the reincarnations seemed to be a bit fast, especially the manager of the G-10 rest area, he always felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar.

"Damn, the natives of this world are so fierce?"

The G-10 manager cursed, but he didn't want to give up the fat meat of the "Dongtian World". It was really that the benefits of performing tasks here were several times that of other worlds.

"Fuck, I said it was so familiar."

[Space reminds you: The current coordinates have been discovered by Evolution Paradise, and the other party has requested the Root of Chaos to notarize and approve it. Please escape from the current coordinates as soon as possible. ]


Dongtian World, Atlanta City.

Jiang Tong took action, and the blood mist covered Atlanta City again, and all exits were blocked.

A tributary of the Avenue River appeared, and the power of the Avenue flowed to the top of Atlanta City. A huge phantom appeared and drove away the blood mist on the top.

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