Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6476: :who are you?

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Mr. Lin said: "It's still reasonable. Today's matter can be resolved with an apology."

"Is that true?" Guo Jia asked.

The servant who received the signal from Mr. Lin stepped forward and said something in a low voice.

Guo Jiaqiang held back the anger in his heart and said with a smile: "This matter is simple, I will go to the house to pay a visit later."

"Okay, okay." Mr. Lin chuckled, thinking of something, his face was full of smiles.

In Chigu City, even if Mr. Lin had a certain status, he would not dare to do anything wrong, after all, he would be punished.

But after the other party offended him, it is reasonable to ask for some compensation. A group of outsiders still want to play awe-inspiring in Chigu City.

Seeing that Dian Wei and the others were subdued, the diners in the restaurant sighed secretly. There are some things that they know to be true, but they will be punished if they speak out without any real evidence.

With such a thing, Lu Bu also lost his mind to stay in the restaurant. "Go to the mansion of Mr. Lin to have a look. Some of the situation in Chigu City can't be seen from the outside."

"My husband is wise." The queen echoed in a low voice.

Lu Bu said: "In a huge empire, there will always be problems. The key is what kind of method will be adopted when solving the problem, and what kind of prevention will be taken to deal with such problems in the future."

The queen looked pensive.

With a high position and weight, when facing a problem, you may think of solving it through the power in your hand, but in a high position, sometimes if the issues that need to be considered are not comprehensive enough, it will lead to even greater troubles.

The state of Jin has a vast territory and is powerful. It is very difficult to achieve such a level, and the emperor of the state of Jin is also so different in the way of handling things.

Originally, I planned to read some of Lu Bu's jokes, but I didn't expect that it caused me to think deeply about Lu Bu's words.

"With your presence, the cancer will definitely be eradicated." Guo Jia echoed.

Seeing Lu Bu and the others stand up, Mr. Lin followed immediately, but Dian Wei blocked him, and he couldn't see the graceful figure, which made Mr. Lin feel itchy.

"My lord, this businessman has quite a few guards." He reminded in a low voice when he saw that Lu Bu was followed by three strong men after leaving the restaurant.

Mr. Lin said nonchalantly: "So what if there are too many guards, they provoked me. Even if they go to the government, they will not be able to eat and walk around."

"Young master, be careful. The general often says that there are quite a few rich and powerful sons from Chang'an on this road."

"You don't need to remind me, hurry up and get ready." Mr. Lin said dissatisfied.

After Mr. Lin and others left, there were more discussions in the restaurant, many of them were about Mr. Lin, but these discussions were suppressed very low. If they reached Mr. Lin's ears, they would have some troublesome.

In Chigu City, Mr. Lin didn't dare to mess around, but when he got out of Chigu City, it might be different.

The empire has a strict system, but under the system, it is inevitable that some lawbreakers will be born.

Mr. Lin's so-called mansion is just a small courtyard. Although the scale is not small, compared with the mansion, there must be a big gap.

In the mansion, Mr. Lin obviously had already made arrangements. After some manipulations, he directly described Lu Bu and others as framed businessmen, and his servants cooperated to send them to the government.

Seeing these people acting like clowns, Lu Bu looked indifferent. If these things were placed on ordinary businessmen, they would definitely have the idea of ​​spending money to avoid disasters.

It can be seen that this is not the first time that these people have happened.

Repeat offender, this is the word that appeared in Lu Bu's mind.

However, being able to really see some of the situation in Chigu City will be of great benefit to future development, and it can be regarded as a worthwhile trip.

It wasn't long before Chigu City belonged to the state of Jin. If we could see the problems in the governance of a city, we would be able to avoid such situations to a greater extent in the future.

Lu Bu watched the development along the way, not because he wanted to see the prosperity of the world. If he could find the problem, it would be a bigger surprise.

Chigu City has been able to achieve today's achievements through development, which is accompanied by many difficulties. However, in the imperial cities, there may be unseen situations, especially in these cities that have not long belonged to the Jin Kingdom. If you solve some of the problems that have arisen, there will be more troubles in the future.

Governing a powerful empire is not as simple as imagined, and there are various things that need to be considered.

After these people finished their performance, Lu Bu stepped forward and said calmly, "If you knew who we were, you would regret what you did today."

"Hahahaha, this is the biggest joke I have ever heard. I have told you how to solve today's matter." Mr. Lin laughed loudly, his voice full of disdain.

This is Mr. Lin's home, and the servants of the Lin family are in the courtyard. Even if there are some radical words, it is difficult to spread them. It can be said that he has an absolute advantage. At this time, there is no need to be polite Woolen cloth.

The queen with excellent temperament made Mr. Lin crazy.

Guo Jia coughed lightly and said, "You are the son of Ximen Xiaowei Lin Tan, does Lin Tan know what you are doing?"

"Who are you?" Young Master Lin showed a look of vigilance.

"It doesn't matter who we are, just tell the truth about your collusion with the bandits." Guo Jia said calmly.

At this time, Guo Jia gave Mr. Lin a feeling that it was a bit unfathomable.

"This is the Lin family, you still dare to slander me, come here, take them down and send them to the government." Young Master Lin shouted.

At this moment, the gate was suddenly knocked open, and more than a dozen strong men dressed in ordinary clothes broke in. After they broke in, they quickly stood in front of Lu Bu, staring angrily at these men who were about to rush in. The servants of the Lin family who came up.

"You guys, who are you?" Mr. Lin's panic was unstoppable. In the city, there were so many stalwart attendants, coupled with the indifferent appearance of Lu Bu and others, Mr. Lin felt the truth of the matter. Trouble, maybe it really kicked the iron plate.

"Take it." Dian Wei shouted.

With an order, the guards who broke into the courtyard were like tigers going down the mountain. After a while, the courtyard was full of wailing. The bruises on his face made him suddenly miserable.

"You, who are you? How dare you commit crimes in the Lin family. Why don't you hurry up and call the head of the family back?" A woman rushed over and shouted when she saw the scene in the courtyard.

The woman was greeted by the ruthless **** of the guards. In front of the emperor, these people are threats. Since they are threats, they must be temporarily controlled, so that when the two sides talk, they can avoid some situations from happening. .

What happened to the Lin family was not spread, after all, it was done in private.

In Chigu City, there are also many officials who are much more noble than Lin Dan, and they don't bother to say some despicable things, or they have no real evidence.

The management of the cities under the rule of the Jin State is strict, especially for the cities that have not long belonged to the Jin State. In terms of management strength, the officials' children in the city dare not easily offend them. Otherwise, the price will not be enough for them can bear it.

Mr. Lin and the others stared dumbfounded at everything in front of them. The panic in their expressions was unstoppable. No matter what, they never imagined that these people were so rampant that they dared to tie them all up in the Lin family.

Mr. Lin knew that things would definitely not go well this time. The people in front of him either had great backgrounds or were just a group of stunned youths. It was obvious that these people had extraordinary auras, as if they were people of status. .

Thinking of what he had done in recent years, Mr. Lin became anxious, and secretly made up his mind that no matter what, these things should not be involved in the Lin family.

Ximen school lieutenant Lin Tan got the news and hurried back home, but seeing the scene at home made Lin Dan furious, this was in Chigu City.

But seeing the iron tower-like figure, Lin Dan's figure froze, and his boundless anger disappeared in an instant.

"General Dian." Lin Tan saluted.

Dian Wei glanced at Lin Tan carefully, and snorted coldly: "So it's really you, I thought it was the same name, Lin Tan, you have a lot of skills, you are a school captain in Chigu City, so forget about it." The laws and regulations of the state of Jin have been broken."

It turned out that Lin Tan was in the bodyguard team. When the army was fighting, Lin Tan was injured and was left in Chigu City. After recovering from his injuries, he served as a school lieutenant in the city.

A person from the personal guard team, even if he is just a soldier, will receive a lot of promotion.

Looking at the son, wife and servants who were **** by five flowers, and looking at the back, Lin Dan felt cold all over his body. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom came to his home in Chigu City. It was not because of his merits. , it is more likely that people from the Lin family provoked the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the general will be guilty." Lin Tan knelt down and bowed.

"Your Majesty?" The astonishment of Mr. Lin and the others couldn't be increased. Immediately, their expressions were full of horror, especially Mr. Lin, thinking that he had spoken disrespectfully to the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and that woman was most likely the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. The concubine tilted her head and passed out.

"What's your crime?" Lu Bu asked calmly.

With Lu Bu's gaze on him, Lin Dan could only feel the infinite pressure rushing towards his face, "The last general has no way to teach his son, and offended His Majesty, he is willing to atone with his life."

In the eyes of the guards and soldiers, Lu Bu is the sky, protecting Lu Bu and obeying Lu Bu's orders are what they need to carry out to the letter.

Dian Wei and other personal guards could understand Lin Dan's thoughts, but after such a thing happened, it was inevitable that Lin Tan would be punished even if he popped out of the personal guard team.

A series of matters such as interrogation will be handled by the officials who came here. For such matters, Lu Bu only needs to wait for the results.

At dawn the next day, the officials in charge of the interrogation and Lin Dan were already waiting outside Lu Bu's residence.

Lin Dan's face was pale, obviously because of the interrogation, his heart was not at peace.

Although Lin Dan's status in the city is not high, he is a general in the army after all. Mr. Lin used this to get involved with a group of bandits outside the city. Originally, these bandits planned to rob Mr. Lin. After Mr. Lin revealed his identity , These rogues turned to cooperate with Mr. Lin.

Looting the merchants in the past was a very simple matter for rogues, but under the rule of Jin, it is obviously not that simple to become a rogue. Not to mention anything else, just the defenders of the city are enough to make people These plundering bandits paid a heavy price.

The state of Jin has always attached great importance to the affairs of the rogues, not to mention these cities that belonged to the state of Jin not long ago. The rogues wanted to survive, but they were severely suppressed.

With the help of Mr. Lin, the situation has changed a lot. With the information provided by Mr. Lin, they can take action against some small businessmen, and they will not be too ruthless when looting. situation appears.

Mr. Lin also lived a life of luxury and good food as he wished, and went to various restaurants in the city.

With money in hand, Mr. Lin carried Lin Dan behind his back and acted recklessly.

After Lin Tan learned of all this, the guilt in his heart was undeniable. He only had one son, and he neglected to discipline his son when he was in the personal guards. He actually wanted to take action against the concubine of the emperor of Jin.

"Your Majesty, the whole story has been investigated. Lin Tan didn't know about It was his son who, relying on Lin Dan's identity, was involved with the bandits." Dian Wei said.

Lu Bu said, "Just punish the lawless."

Dian Wei clasped his fists and said yes, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Lin Tan is asking to see His Majesty outside," Dian Wei said.

Lu Bu waved his hand, "I don't need to see you anymore."

Outside the mansion, Lin Tan knelt down and bowed solemnly, the blood on his forehead was clearly visible.

"The last general is guilty. He has no way to raise his son. He offended His Majesty. Even if the dog dies, he will not be able to make up for this crime. He will be wronged by His Majesty. If there is an afterlife, he is willing to fight for His Majesty again." After speaking, Lin pulled out his bullet Saber, pulled his wrist hard, and slowly fell into a pool of blood

What happened outside the mansion was obviously beyond the expectations of the accompanying officials. They did not expect that Lin Dan, who was usually silent, turned out to be so staunch.

In the face of death, it is very difficult to be indifferent, but Lin Dan, who was born in a personal guard, has experienced countless deaths. If it was not because of injuries, he might still be serving in the personal guard at this time.

The guards who were in charge of guarding saw all this, and felt unhappy. This was their former robes. Lin Dan was clearly kept in the dark about this matter, but Lin Dan still chose to commit suicide to make amends.

Dian Wei sighed: "In the past, Lin Dan was also a brave man under my general's command. I don't want to commit suicide because of his son."

"Give it a good burial, you are still a hero of Jin."

Lu Bu was in a bad mood when he heard what happened outside the mansion. The reason why he didn't want to see Lin Dan was because he didn't want Lin Dan to blame himself excessively because of this incident. He could understand that Mr. Lin had such behavior secretly. , and offended himself, how much remorse would Lin Dan have in his heart.

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