Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6475: : Colluding with bandits is a capital offense

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The businessmen with contacts made the development of Chigu City extremely rapid. During the battle against Guishuang, Chigu City provided a lot of help to the Jin army and made a lot of contributions.

When Chigu City was first captured, there must have been a lot of troubles, but after these troubles were gradually resolved, Chigu City completely belonged to the state of Jin.

Such changes were brought about by the efforts of Jin officials, which also proved that Jin has a solid foundation on the road to prosperity.

If these cities captured by the Jin army can develop rapidly and have a higher sense of belonging to the Jin country, they will bring greater help to the prosperity of the Jin country.

What I saw along the way made the Queen realize that the strength of the Jin State is justified. If these cities captured by the Jin State can be used more by the emperor of the Jin State, by virtue of the means of the Jin State Emperor, these cities will be destroyed. What a huge effect it will play.

This also made the queen feel sad for the fate of the Anxi Empire. The cooperation with the Jin State caused the Anxi Empire to suffer heavy losses on the battlefield of Guishuang, but if this is the case, the emperor of the Jin State may not be satisfied In the future, Jin's plan will definitely be launched against the Parthian Empire.

It is conceivable how terrible the state of Jin will be when it is fully operating.

Of course, if the Queen knew about the alliance and plan between Prince An'xi and the Emperor of Jin, she would definitely be more worried about An'xi's fate.

Forming an alliance with the emperor of the Jin State itself requires great courage. You must know that the emperor of the Jin State has never suffered a loss in terms of planning. How many people who formed an alliance with the Emperor of the Jin State eventually suffered a loss.

It's normal for Anxi's prince to have ambitions, but is it really okay to plan these things with the emperor of Jin?

Chigu City was originally an important city outside the Western Regions. After it was owned by the Jin State, Chigu City developed extremely rapidly through the means of Jin State officials.

Chigu City, as an important place of transportation, has four city gates, three of which are used for the service of merchants who do business, and the team of these merchants is huge.

Sometimes, a huge chamber of commerce may have hundreds of vehicles. Such large-scale trade is not uncommon in Chigu City.

The businessmen who come and go inject more fresh blood into Chigu City.

Because of the businessmen who come and go, the prosperity of Chigu City is more guaranteed.

This also made the Queen clearly see the means of the emperor of Jin, who could reach such a level only by doing business. The emperor of Jin can be said to be a terrible person. If he stood on the opposite side of the emperor of Jin, How frightening it would be.

The queen is a little rejoicing that Guishuang is now owned by the state of Jin. It may not take a few years for Guishuang to restore its previous prosperity. In terms of development, it is not inferior to Chigu City and Guishan City.

In such an empire, you will get more development opportunities, many of which are unimaginable to outsiders, but this also proves from the side that the emperor of Jin's methods are brilliant.

With such means, the rule of the Jin State can be made more stable. Why do these people who have benefited from the Jin State stand up against the Jin State? Is it because of their love for their homeland?

Sometimes, people are more realistic. When they are more satisfied with their current living conditions, will they still object?

The emperor of the Jin State grasped this point very well, which is also an important reason for the rapid development of the Jin State. If the Jin State loses these means, it will be more difficult to develop smoothly.

Whether it is a large army campaign or subsequent development, there is a great test for the monarch's methods. If you can't do these things well, you will inevitably face more troubles in the future.

The emperor of the Jin State has the means to manage these captured cities, which will rapidly increase the background of the Jin State, and will make the Jin State more calm when dealing with wars.

The enemy will not get more benefits from the emperor of Jin. What they get will often be the defeat of the war and the loss of more autonomy in the hands of the emperor of Jin.

The growth of Jin State did not happen overnight, but behind these growths is the hard work of Jin State.

Of course, with success, all efforts are worthwhile.

In the bustling Chigu City, Lu Bu and others did not appear obtrusive. In order to conceal their identities, a group of people appeared in Chigu City as businessmen.

The soldiers who were in charge of checking the merchants in the past were very meticulous.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Bu nodded secretly. An orderly operation requires a strict system. Chigu City is far away from Chang'an, so it is not easy to implement the system so well.

Of course, the current state of Jin is powerful and just established, and whether these will change over time is also a question that the emperor of the state of Jin, Lu Bu, needs to consider.

After successfully entering the city, Lu Bu nodded slightly as he looked at the broad street.

Wide streets are very helpful for doing business. If the streets are narrow, there will be no small restrictions on the development of the city.

The original Chigu City did not have the current scene, it was thanks to later efforts.

After a brief understanding of the situation, a group of people came to the restaurant in the city.

There was no shortage of good wine and food in the restaurants under the rule of the Jin Dynasty.

Of course, the price of these wines is not cheap, even businessmen who come and go do not dare to enjoy them lightly.

Jin's fine wines and some goods were well received in Anxi and Rome, which further stimulated the enthusiasm of Jin's merchants, and they would devote more energy to doing business.

When you enter the restaurant, what you hear is more about Guishuang and Anxi, such as the price of the goods, and you may make a profit by operating that kind of thing, and which businessman has been successful.

All kinds of news can be heard here.

As for some news about the emperor of Jin, most of them are praised. Of course, there will be some anecdotes.

It's a good thing to drink good wine and listen to some discussions about yourself.

Queen Guishuang is a mysterious person among the merchants, and of course, she is also an extremely noble person. Such a person eventually became the concubine of the Jin Emperor, which made the Jin merchants proud.

Hearing some comments about herself, the queen's face under the veil flushed a little, and she glanced quietly at Lu Bu who was drinking and talking.

"Mr. Lin is here." A servant shouted.

Lu Bu suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the arena was a little dignified, and he became curious about this Mr. Lin.

When the emperor became curious about a person, either the person was prosperous, or the person was unlucky.

"Go and check on this young master Lin." Lu Bu whispered.

Some generals nodded and left quickly.

"Old rules." A voice sounded, but it was a well-dressed young man who walked into the restaurant. Behind the young man, there were many servants who followed. Beside him, the people from the restaurant were flattering him in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, the queen smiled and couldn't help turning her eyes to Lu Bu.

The situation about the state of Jin that I saw along the way was all very good. Now that I see such a scene, it is clear that there is something wrong with this man named Lin Gongzi.

As if sensing the meaning in the queen's eyes, Lu Bu shook his head lightly. To observe a person, one doesn't have to talk to him, there are ways to understand this person.

"Mr. Lin, what kind of connections do you have recently?" A businessman asked courteously.

Mr. Lin snorted coldly: "The door? You can listen to it? It's just a group of lowly businessmen."

The face of the businessman changed slightly, but he didn't dare to refute anything. Mr. Lin may not be well-known among the high-level officials in Chigu City, but for small businessmen like them, he is an existence that cannot be offended.

"What Mr. Lin said is that these businessmen don't want to give you any benefits, but want to get benefits from you. It's simply wishful thinking." A servant laughed with him.

Mr. Lin took his seat at a leisurely pace, glanced at the restaurant, and said calmly: "Most of you are businessmen from the chamber of commerce, and you have little contact with me. It is inconvenient for me to explain many things clearly, but if you want to take refuge in me, I would rather Wouldn't mind."

"Mr. Lin, paying 10% of the profit is really too much. I wait for business, the journey is long, and the consumption along the way is a lot." Some merchants said: "There may be bandits on the way."

"Hmph, you also know that you may encounter rogues. If you join me, you may get less profit, but you won't encounter rogues." Mr. Lin said.

Dian Wei said in a muffled voice, "Does this guy have something to do with rogues?"

Although the voice was low, it was for the guests in the restaurant, so they could hear clearly, mainly because when Mr. Lin was talking, the restaurant was relatively quiet.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Dian Wei. They had some vague guesses about some things, but there was a big difference between guessing and accepting them face to face.

In Wusun and other places, rogue bandits are not rampant, and the government often clears them up, but it is difficult to completely wipe them out. These ethnic groups on horseback come and go like wind, and the army officers and soldiers go to wipe them out. Fleeing far away, his whereabouts are elusive.

If they were in the mainland of Jin, such rogues would not dare to make waves at all, but near Chigu City, their raids were not many, they would not kill people, and they did not cause too much disturbance.

However, these small businessmen knew that there must be someone behind the scenes, so they had to strengthen the caravan's guards.

Small businessmen also have their protection, that is, the chamber of commerce, and the guards in the chamber of commerce can provide protection for these people, but there are always businessmen who don't want to spend money for guards because of savings.

This also gave some rogues a chance.

Mr. Lin's eyes fell on Dian Wei fiercely, "Your Excellency looks a little unfamiliar, is it the first time you have come to Chigu City?"

Dian Wei said in a deep voice, "It's not the first time I've come here, it seems like I've been there several times."

"Some things should not be said in nonsense. Colluding with bandits is a capital offense." Mr. Lin said slowly.

Seeing that Lu Bu didn't intend to scold, Dian Wei turned his attention to Young Master Lin.

Seeing Dian Wei's gaze, Mr. Lin's heart tightened. From Dian Wei's gaze, he seemed to see blood flowing like a river, and what he felt was the sharpness coming towards his face.

However, thinking that this is Chigu City, Mr. Lin's mind calmed down a lot. No matter who they are, if they do something in Chigu City without any reason, they will be severely punished by the government.

On this point, it is stricter than the inland counties and counties of Jin State.

After all, Chigu City has not belonged to the Jin Kingdom for a long time, and there will always be some bold people making trouble in the city, and the strict system can bring more guarantees for the stability of Chigu City.

"But what I heard from your words is that you have something to do with the bandits." Dian Wei said.

Mr. Lin sneered and said: "This is Chigu City talking nonsense, and you will be punished. If you don't know the rules, forget it this time."

Someone beside him reminded in a low voice: "This strong man, give Mr. Lin 30% of your goods, forget about this matter, otherwise, you may be in danger if you leave Chigu City."

Dian Wei shook his head, joked, the guard commander of the dignified emperor, the prince of Jin, would be afraid of a dude in Chigu City.

He can't afford to lose this person.

But under the system, Dian Wei would not act rashly, unless someone would threaten the safety of the emperor and him, or there was real evidence.

Mr. Lin saw that Dian Wei didn't mean anything, and he wasn't anxious. His eyes fell on Queen Guishuang.

She covered her face with a light veil, but it was difficult to conceal her detached temperament, and she couldn't help but look a little stunned for a while.

Dian Wei glared at Young Master Lin, stood up and stood in front of Young Master Lin.

The burly figure like an iron tower is shocking, but can't help but give birth to fear.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Lin's servants rushed up immediately, and when Mr. Lin gave an order, they beat Dian Wei violently.

Dian Wei moved his hands and feet, and said with a sneer, "My old Dian has traveled all over the world for many years, and those who want to make my old Dian suffer, now the grass is tall on their graves."

"That's because you haven't met anyone you can't provoke." Mr. Lin said calmly: "You were the one who provoked today's incident. If you make an apology, I will pretend that this matter never happened. ?”

With Dian Wei's obstruction, Mr. Lin couldn't see that graceful figure, so Mr. Lin couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

The general who was in charge of inquiring about the news just now returned and whispered in Lu Bu's ear.

Lu Bu nodded and said nothing.

Guo Jia understood, Dian Wei stepped forward, and Lu Bu didn't stop him, which meant that he was dissatisfied with Mr. Lin, and the emperor was dissatisfied, would there be a good end? Besides, Mr. Lin seems to have a problem, and he wants to look at the queen, which is an offense.

"Brother Dian, talk to people well. We are in business for money. Otherwise, if the master is dissatisfied, we will be punished." Guo Jia stepped forward and said.

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