Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1449: : Xu You's rebuttal

Lv Bu helped Gu Yong up and said, "Yuan Tan doesn't need to be polite, you wait to get up."

After entering the city, Lu Bu clearly felt a different Yecheng. Between the expressions of the people on both sides of the street, what he saw was not the dishes and worries when he first entered Jizhou, but the ruddyness. The people looked at the soldiers' eyes. Without the fear of the past, many of them have children in the army. They have a better understanding of the situation in the army. For Lu Bu, they can only be grateful, which does not rule out that there will be some extreme people.

What Lu Bu needs is to be able to let most of the people get the life they yearn for. As for the interests of a small number of people, he will also use tyrannical means to protect all this.

After entering the prefecture and herdsman's residence, Lu Bu glanced around at the people and said: "The lord led the soldiers to settle the rebellion in Jizhou and Qingzhou, and now Jizhou and Qingzhou are stabilized again. It is your credit."

Different from the dodge gaze of some civilian officials, the generals in the army stared at Lü Bu with scorching eyes. It was Lü Bu who led them to victory in battles, which greatly improved their position in the army.

"It is true that many aristocratic families hate the prince, and the truth is understood by the prince, but how well the prince needs to be governed, presumably all of you are well aware of it. The scholars in the family are willing to As an official in Jizhou, the prince welcomes him. If he is unwilling to help the prince, even if he leaves, but if he chooses to stay in Jizhou, he must abide by the prince’s rules, otherwise he will be rebellious.”

Lu Bu's vocal words shocked the hearts of many aristocratic officials. They understood that now Lv Bu has the strength to fight against the Jizhou family. From what happened in Qingzhou, it can be seen that in order to deal with the aristocratic family, Lu Bu did not hesitate to deal with the Jizhou family. The most important position among the officials is the people of Lu Bu. Even if the family wants to win over these people, the price they need to pay is not small. Past experience tells them that they should not underestimate Lu Bu at any time, otherwise, The family might pay a very heavy price.

"Everything obeys Jin Hou's orders." Gu Yong saw silence in the court and took the lead.

"Everything obeys Jin Hou's orders." The officials who responded echoed one after another.

Lü Bu nodded and said: "No matter what your thoughts are in your mind, this lord, three days later, in Yecheng, there are no private soldiers in the family, and the number of guards is strictly limited. Feng Xiao and Yuan Tan and the Inspectorate are responsible for this. "

"Here." Gu Yong and Guo Jia said.

Aristocratic officials in the venue secretly increased their vigilance. They knew that Lu Bu would definitely make big moves after entering Jizhou. They didn't expect that they would start their actions when they arrived in the city.

"General Zhang Xun is responsible for cooperation, and the lieutenant generals always obey the dispatch." Lu Bu said.

"The last general will lead." Zhang Yun clasped his fists.

Zhang Yun, originally a fierce general in the Jizhou army, was re-used after taking refuge in Lu Bu, and now he is a deputy general of the Jizhou army. This status was not achieved under Yuan Shao's command. The Jizhou army has 30,000 people. , Being able to become a deputy general of the army is the greatest affirmation for a general.

Secretly, many aristocratic families tried to win over Zhang Xi, but they failed to achieve the desired results. Zhang Xi played a huge role in a series of events in Jizhou.

After the crowd dispersed, Lu Bu left Xu You and Zhen Yao. The two represented the most powerful forces of the family in the city. After successive turbulences in the Jizhou family, the two families often benefited from them, and Xu You It's even more important to Jizhou, who is respected by status, and it is still possible to get some benefits for the family with ease.

There is no need to mention the Zhen family. Now in charge of the Jizhou Chamber of Commerce, the influence among Jizhou businessmen is beyond comparison with other families. Of course, all this is brought to the Zhen family by Lu Bu. No family is willing to compete with the Zhen family. By the way, the daughter of the Zhen family is the wife of the Marquis of Jin. This relationship is enough to stop them.

Even Xu You had to admire the original methods of the Zhen family, and unexpectedly had such a relationship with Lu Bu. Among the Jizhou family, the most profitable was the Zhen family.

The people of the Zhen family were extremely low-key when they acted normally, and they did not violate the orders of the prefecture and animal husbandry in the slightest. This frustrated the idea of ​​some aristocratic families who did not deal with the Zhen family who wanted to secretly rectify the Zhen family.

The strength of the Zhen family now surpasses the Xu family faintly. Zhen Yao is the prefect of Wei County and is extremely prominent. What a arrogant person, even in front of Gu Yong, he sometimes behaves arrogantly. The reason why Lu Bu was able to enter Jizhou in the first place was his greatest credit, and he said this sentence when he was free. The words were on the lips, causing dissatisfaction among the generals.

Naturally, Lu Bu had heard of this, and Xu You in history eventually died because of this character.

"Premier Zhen and Xu Biejia's hard work in Jizhou during this period of time. I heard about one or two things. I don't know how they think about the Jizhou family?" Lv Bu asked Zhen Yao thought a little. "Nowadays, everything of the Zhen family is given by the Jin marquis. The Zhen family only follows the orders of the Jin marquis and dare not violate it in the slightest."

Xu You sneered secretly, what kind of relationship the Zhen family had with Lü Bu. Everyone in Jizhou knows that the Zhen family obeyed Lü Bu's orders. It should be a matter of course. The Zhen family gained more benefits from the Chamber of Commerce. It made other aristocratic families jealous. The Chamber of Commerce relied on normal methods to profit, which was not much better than the secret methods of other aristocratic families. This was also the reason why many aristocratic families were jealous of the Zhen family.

The Xu family is also in the Chamber of Commerce, but Xu You will not be satisfied with the immediate interests. Lu Bu's family in Jizhou, Xu You is very low-key. Without Lu Bu's deterrence, Xu You became active.

Lü Bu nodded in satisfaction. The reason why Zhen Yao stayed was to remind Zhen Yao to a certain extent not to make the family members unruly because of his own reasons.

"Jin Marquis, now the family in Jizhou is panicked because of what happened in Qingzhou. At the beginning, the family in Jizhou took refuge in Jinhou, but they took a lot of risk. If they were to be eradicated by tyrannical means, it would cause turmoil between the family. , Makes the family feel cold.” Xu Youdao, Zhen Yao did not dare to say, it does not mean that he did not dare to refute Lu Bu's words, in his opinion, his words are correct.

Although the Zhen family’s strength among the families in the city was outstanding, they performed very low-key. They did not accept the refuge of other families. In comparison, Xu You gained more benefits from it, and now it is even more faint. He has become a representative of the Yecheng family. Coupled with the breakthrough of Jizhou, he has contributed the most, and in his words, he has no respect for the past. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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