Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1448: : Go to Jizhou

At this time, the aristocratic family also realized the horror of Lü Bu. In comparison, they missed the feeling of being under Yuan Shao very much. Unfortunately, Yuan Shao had become a force that belonged to Yuan Shao, and they had all disappeared. All they had to do was It can be cooperation.

The scenes of changes that occurred in Qingzhou naturally did not hide the prince’s eyeliner. In the eyes of the princes, Qingzhou was the most chaotic place. Compared with the current Liangzhou, it was even better. However, after Lu Bu arrived in Qingzhou, they made them realize What is called tyrannical means.

What followed was a deeper level of resistance from aristocratic families around Lu Bu. Just imagine, once the aristocratic families had no fields and no private soldiers in their hands, and even the guards had to strictly follow the numbers, what influence would they have? Is it? However, under Lu Bu’s rule, there was a school. The talents provided by the school were enough to make up for the vacancy caused by the resistance of the family. At first, the family did realize the horror of the school. As time progressed, the terrible feeling it brought to them became stronger and stronger. Now, no family is willing to choose to seek refuge in Lu Bu at this time, and they don't want the power in their hands to be lost.

The benefit that Lu Bu did for the princes was that the family became more attached, especially after seeing the tragedy of the Qingzhou family, they believed that the Jizhou family would not be much better.

In fact, the aristocratic families in Bingzhou and Youzhou had already adopted such rules, and only in this way could the aristocratic families feel more at ease.

The families under the rule of the other princes were fortunate, but they made the princes a little envious of Lu Bu’s methods. They also wanted to do this, but the conditions under the rule did not allow it. If possible, they would not hesitate to do it. Lü Bu made the same choice. Most officials under the rule of other princes were members of the family. Once the princes choose like this, it means that there will be great turbulence under the rule, and even a situation that is difficult for the princes to control.

After January, not only Qingzhou’s aristocratic family, but also Qingzhou’s Yellow Turbans gradually ceased. In the process of Qingzhou’s Yellow Turbans giving up resistance, Zhao Lu and Chang Chun contributed a lot. They are also the Yellow Turbans and they are persuading. When the Yellow Turbans are everywhere, they can control the weaknesses of these Yellow Turbans, even if their leader disagrees, and most of the Yellow Turban soldiers will leave with the leader’s disapproval. This situation is the most important for the Yellow Turban leader. It is terrible. The absence of the Yellow Turbans in their hands means that they have become the existence that can be slaughtered by others. It is in this situation that the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans have gradually become weak, so that some Yellow Turbans see things impossible and go directly to other states and counties. , Start a new development.

The yellow towels in Qingzhou were calm, and the people were given the land. Everything was moving in the direction that Lu Bu had envisioned. After years of war, the most obvious feature of Qingzhou was that the number of people was very small, but the number of people who were given the land did not increase. The extra fields have become things that the defenders everywhere need to be busy. When they need to be farmed, these soldiers will be dispatched, just like the land soldiers under Cao Cao's rule.

After Lv Bu secretly arrived in the three counties, he was temporarily satisfied with the situation in Qingzhou, and then led Mi Zhu and others back to Jizhou. Of course, Yuan Xi was among them, and now Yuan Xi is the last bloodline of Yuan Shao left in the world. Since he agreed to Yuan Shao, Lu Bu will let Yuan Xi live well. Of course, all premise is that Yuan Xi can do his duty. Otherwise, he doesn't mind letting Yuan Xi go to see Yuan Shao in advance.

The turmoil in Qingzhou during this period of time naturally spread to Jizhou. The fear and anxiety of the Jizhou family can be imagined. When Lu Bu attacked Yuan Shao, the Jizhou family suffered a lot of losses. Yuan Shao has been in Jizhou for many years, and his forces are intertwined. It is impossible for the Jizhou family to have no relationship with Yuan Shao, and this kind of involvement has become the reason for the death of many family.

After the aristocratic family spent a huge price to find out who was in charge of the Inspectorate, they remained silent. They really did not expect that the daughter of Cai family would have such iron-blooded methods, and they did not have the slightest softness in treating the aristocratic family. The aristocratic family can be said to be pervasive, and if there is a slight disturbance, it may bring huge losses to the aristocratic family.

Among the Jizhou aristocratic families, the most serious losses were Qinghe County and Bohai County. When Yuan Shao sent troops, the family secretly cooperated. Now the crisis in Jizhou has been relieved, and the fate of the two families can be done by closing their eyes. think.

Lu Bu was on his way to Jizhou. The news made Jizhou’s family even more panic. During this time, Jizhou’s family had been paying attention to the changes in Qingzhou. The most troublesome yellow scarf in Qingzhou was under Lu Bu’s orders. , Falling apart, all the fields and private soldiers in the hands of the family were handed over. How many families fell apart because of this However, Lu Bu had a loyal army, and they would not treat these rebellions because of their family status. Some scruples.

Many aristocratic families have predicted that if Lu Bu arrives in Jizhou, it will cause greater turmoil in Jizhou. It is very likely that it will be accompanied by the disintegration of many aristocratic families. They can understand Lu Bu’s feelings at this time and put the same things on them. In his body, he might have the same choice. Because of the family's reasons, Jizhou almost fell into the hands of Yuan Shao. Originally, Lu Bu didn't have much favor with the family. Now that the opportunity comes, how can he easily let it go.

Of course, the arrival of Lu Bu gave Gu Yong, Cai Yan and others a long sigh of relief. Standing on the opposite side of the aristocratic family, they were under tremendous pressure. The strength of the Jizhou family was far beyond that of the Qingzhou family. , If there is no suitable reason to take action, the most likely cause is the resistance of the family, so when dealing with things, Gu Yong is even more cautious.

Gu Yong is a member of a family. During this period of time, he has not suffered the infamy, but Gu Yong chose to be silent because he knows what Lu Bu's goal is. For this goal, even if he is suffering from infamy, in Gu Yong's opinion Nothing.

Outside Yecheng, important civil servants and generals in Jizhou went out of the city ten miles to meet Lu Bu, and there were many family members among them, whether they were sincere or not.

Appearing in front of the Jizhou civilian and military commander was a mighty team, and the guards led by Lu Bu, a team of tens of thousands, gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Turning over to dismount, handing the Chituma to the guards aside, Lu Bu walked forward quickly.

"Meet Jinhou!" everyone saluted in unison. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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