Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1144: : Visit Li Su

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lü Bu coldly hummed: "This Hou now has no interest in who is the emperor in Jingzhou."

Zhang Mao's expression was slightly stagnant. Lu Bu was talking about the emperor of Jingzhou, not the emperor of the Han. It can be seen that Lu Bu did not recognize the status of the Jingzhou imperial family. of.

"The general, who is not a sage, can do nothing. When the general was in Xiangyang, the Cai family was also very helpful. I hope that the general can help one or two in the past and the Cai family. If things can be done. , The general can be the king of Jin." Zhang Mao said.

Hearing these words, the corners of Jia Xu's eyes kept shaking. From Zhang Mao's words, you can see how weak the big man today is. In order to win over the princes, he actually promised the throne. Since Gaozu, whenever there are words of kings with different surnames , Will be punished by the people of the world. Of course, the temptation to become a king is also huge. There is an essential difference between cracking the earth and sealing the king.

The king has the absolute right to rule under the rule, and even the royal family cannot interfere in the affairs of the land, and the king can have his own army.

Lu Bu coldly snorted: "Zhang Taichang's remarks were meant to push Benhou to the cusp of the storm and become king. Benhou has never thought about supporting Liu Cong, and Rong Benhou will think about it before making a decision."

For the Jingzhou imperial family, Lv Bu didn’t look good. It was mainly based on the news from Yanzhou that Cao Cao had the intention to support Liu He. Once Cao Cao supported Liu He in Yanzhou, he could imagine how much it would do to the world. In the turmoil of the Han Dynasty, the last trace of face in the Han room will disappear.

"The safety of the Han Dynasty depends on the general." Zhang Mao saluted again.

Lü Bu nodded slightly, but did not express too much. At this time, Bingzhou was already on the cusp, and it was necessary to take a certain risk when blending into Jingzhou's affairs. After all, the emperor of the Han family was Liu Qi at this time. If Liu Cong succeeds, he can get a certain benefit, if he fails, he will be infamy.

In a certain position, we must consider all aspects of the problem.

Lv Bu’s attitude made Zhang Mao deeply worried. If he could not get Lv Bu’s support, the situation would be extremely unfavorable for Liu Cong. Literati could not ignore the energy contained in Lv Bu, especially in Youzhou and Jizhou recently. , Bingzhou and Chang'an's aggressive drafting made the princes feel a sense of horror.

In the Battle of Huguan, Lu Bu had already demonstrated the powerful combat effectiveness of the Union State Army. At that time, the Youzhou Army did not even mobilize, and the Union State Army defeated Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army. The Youzhou Army had made great achievements on the battlefield. Dare to ignore the power of Youzhou Army at this time.

Zhang Mao decided to walk around at the top of Bingzhou. If he could persuade the important officials under Lu Bu's command, it would be a good way.

In the afternoon, Zhang Mao went to Li Su's residence. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, since Lu Bu had Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Gu Yong and others, the reuse of Li Su has decreased a lot, but Zhang Mao didn't think so.

As the counselor who first followed Lu Bu, Li Su held a high position in Lu Bu's heart. Although he did not know what Li Su was responsible for in Bingzhou, he expected it to be very important.

The ability of a counselor or an official is important, but sometimes the monarch is more concerned about the loyalty of his subordinates. Only a loyal subordinate can make the monarch feel at ease.

Regarding Zhang Mao's visit, Li Su was a little confused. It is said that Lu Bu did not agree to Jingzhou's proposal for the time being. Even if Zhang Mao was walking around in Bingzhou, he should go to Jia Xu's place.

Facing Zhang Mao, Li Su’s etiquette makes people unable to fault. In any case, Zhang Mao is a very common person in the Han Dynasty. Anyone with a little eye can see clearly what kind of situation, these official positions have become a means for the Han Dynasty to win over the princes, as long as they have enough strength, they can get official positions.

After taking his seat, Li Su smiled and said, "The humble house is so simple that Zhang laughs too often."

Zhang Mao handed his hand: "As a high-ranking official under the Jin Marquis's command, Mr. Li can be so frugal and admirable."

Entering Li Su’s mansion really touched Zhang Mao. Li Su’s status in Bingzhou is definitely very high. Looking at the mansion from a distance, it looks solemn, but after entering the mansion, it’s not as luxurious as imagined. Even the residences of some officials in Jingzhou are inferior to the prosperity of Jinyang, and it is well known today that as a senior official in Bingzhou, Li Su wants to make the residence more luxurious. It is a very simple thing, perhaps as long as it reveals that little bit. Meaning, it can make the following officials rush.

"The Marquis of Jin once said that no matter how luxurious the mansion is, the place to rest is nothing more than a house. No matter how luxurious it is, what can be done as long as you feel comfortable." Li Su said.

"The Marquis of Jin said that if the officials of the big Han can be like Lord Li, then the Han Dynasty can be prosperous."

Knowing that Zhang Mao is a flattery, Li Su also feels comfortable, UU reading laughed and said: "Zhang Taichang came to the humble house in person, there must be something important, right?"

"Master Li, and the current situation of the Han room, I must know that Master Li, Liu Bei controlled the military power and acted arbitrarily in the Han room, which attracted complaints from officials in the Han room. At this time, Liu Bei is so similar to the original Dong Zhuo." Zhang Maodao: "The Marquis of Jin is the courtier of the Great Han. The first emperor was seriously ill. General Cai Hao sent troops to merge with the state under the control of the Kuai family. In fact, the officials of the Han family were opposed to sending troops to attack the state. The Marquis of Jin was the general of the Great Han. Also, what a loyal minister who was in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, who was able to sweep down the Chang'an rebels at that time."

Li Su sneered secretly. The princes attacked Bingzhou, but they were afraid of the power of the Bingzhou army. As for what Jingzhou said was being frustrated by the Kuai family, it was completely nonsense. It was just to find a suitable excuse for the original mistake, with a little insight. People who were able to judge the truth of these words, the princes jointly attacked Bingzhou, but the Han Dynasty made peace from it, and even took the official position and title from Lu Bu.

"Zhang Taichang said straightforwardly." Li Su said lightly.

"If the general can support the little prince Liu Cong at this time, then the Han family will be happy. Although Liu Qi is the eldest prince, he is too drunk. Adults have heard of it." Zhang Mao whispered, Liu Qi once had a conflict with Lu Bu because of the daughter of the Qiao family. This is a good starting point, which can definitely arouse the resentment of the state officials.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Mao's words, Li Su's eyes narrowed slightly, and he kept thinking about the impact of Bingzhou's support for Liu Cong.

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