Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1143: : Purpose of the Envoy of Jingzhou

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lv Bu nodded and said: "In this way, the envoy of Jingzhou has other purposes to go to Bingzhou."

"From the subordinate's point of view, the lord should meet with the envoy of Jingzhou in person, and he may be able to get news that is beneficial to the lord." Jia Xu said.

After entering Huguan, Zhang Mao immediately felt the difference in Bingzhou. In the past, he only heard other people talk about the changes in Bingzhou. Deep down, Zhang Mao was skeptical. After seeing the scene of Bingzhou, Zhang Mao The surprise in my heart can be imagined.

Seeing the majestic Jinyang City, Zhang Mao was even more unbelievable. Even if the city of Xiangyang is compared with Jinyang City at this time, it seems a little inadequate. As Jingzhou's gateway and governing office, Jingzhou has invested in Xiangyang. A lot of manpower and material resources.

The wide and neat streets and the houses on both sides of the road give people a pleasing feeling. They have the experience of the envoy of Jingzhou in the past. Zhang Mao's performance is extremely low-key. When the four counties of Jingzhou refused to obey Liu Bei's orders, Zhang Mao felt the urgency. At this time, Lu Bu's attitude can be said to be crucial.

After occupying the land of Sanfu, the Bingzhou army only needed to send troops from Wuguan to attack Nanyang County, Jingzhou, thereby forming a deterrent to Xiangyang. This was the main reason why Jingzhou strongly advocated the allied forces of the princes to attack the Bingzhou. Wuguan was in the hands of Lu Bu. Will give Jingzhou a strong threat.

Although the land of Chang'an is chaotic, once Lu Bu's army stabilizes the land of Sanshou, it will be the greatest deterrent to Xining City, Jingzhou.

After Cao Jun captured Henan Yin, he failed to enter Hongnong. Hongnong was secretly supported by Jingzhou. There was a rift between Jingzhou and Cao Cao, and he definitely wouldn't let Cao Jun threaten Jingzhou so easily.

Jingzhou is the place of the four wars, and it is necessary to guard against enemies from other places at any time. This is also the reason why Jingzhou's development was greatly restricted at the beginning.

Knowing the low-key of the envoy of Jingzhou, Lu Bu secretly smiled, this is the benefit of absolute strength.

If Binzhou had suffered heavy losses in this battle, the princes' attitude towards Binzhou would definitely not be as respectful as it is now.

"Let the envoy of Jingzhou come in. Anyway, the envoy of Jingzhou is one of the nine princes. I dare not let one of the nine princes wait outside the prefecture." Lu Bu said.

Dianwei smiled and walked slowly outside the prefecture. He didn’t have any favor with the envoy of Jingzhou. From Lu Bu’s tone, he also felt that Lu Bu didn’t care about the envoy of Jingzhou. He was thinking about it a little bit. How can you embarrass the envoy of Jingzhou?

As one of the five tiger generals, Dian Wei felt full of fighting spirit. Looking at the Bingzhou Army, his status is second only to Zhao Yun. What a privilege. Thinking of blocking the way to see Lu Bu, he couldn’t help feeling grateful for his choice. .

Zhang Mao saw a rugged and strong general walking out of the prefecture and animal husbandry, and said, "This general, this official is an envoy from the Han Dynasty, so please report to the army on your behalf."

Dianwei smiled and said, "As expected by this general, your Excellency is Zhang Taichang."

"Dare to ask the general?" Zhang Mao asked, knowing his identity, which shows that the person in front of him has a certain status in Bingzhou.

"This general is Dian Wei Shiye, the head of the personal guards under the tent of the Jin Marquis."

Zhang Mao hurriedly said: "It turned out to be General Dian, General Dianwei's name, but the officer is like a thunder."

This sentence Dianwei is more useful, and his eyes on Zhang Mao are softened a lot, "Follow this general in, but no one else can go."

Zhang Mao smiled and said, "Of course."

An official who followed lowered his voice and said, "My lord, he is just a general in the Union State Army. An Gan is so rude in front of Taichang."

Zhang Mao glared at the official and said, "Hugh is so nonsense."

Dianwei’s name has been known throughout the world through the award of Lu Bu’s lieutenant generals in the Dahan Newspaper, but the Dahan Newspaper introduced the generals who awarded Lu Bu’s award. Dianwei has been able to become Lu Bu’s personal guard commander for many years, to a certain extent. The above can affect Lu Bu's decision, the more you must be cautious at this time, a trivial matter may affect Lu Bu's decision. Zhang Mao came with a mission and must be careful.

As a messenger of the Han Dynasty, there is no problem with being arrogant in the rule of the princes. However, the situation in Jingzhou cannot withstand too much turmoil and must be kept low-key. This is also the helplessness of the imperial court today.

Seeing Lu Bu, who was not angry with himself in a black shirt, Zhang Mao hurriedly saluted: "The officer has seen the general."

Lü Bu looked at Zhang Mao for a moment and said, "Zhang Taichang came from afar, but it was hard work. However, he was busy with his affairs and couldn't meet him personally. I hope to forgive me."

Zhang Mao hurriedly said, "The general is polite."

After taking his seat, Zhang Mao directly took out the imperial decree and said: "The general, the imperial decree, reward the general's civilian officers and generals."

Lu Bu secretly despised, it seems that the envoy of Jingzhou also understands the function of the imperial Otherwise, how could it be so casual.

Of course, what Lu Bu didn’t know was that the envoys of the Han Dynasty were also bullying and fearful of hardship. For ordinary princes, they still had to be respectful when they saw the imperial decree. They did not dare to go beyond the slightest. The main reason was that Zhang Mao understood Lu Bu’s character. If the performance is excessive, it may be counterproductive.

Besides, the effect of this imperial decree was originally a dispensable thing for Lu Bu at this time. Otherwise, Lu Bu would not directly honor the generals under his command without going through the hands of the Han Dynasty.

"Just tell me what you're here for, these two are Jia Xu and Li Su." Lu Bu said lightly.

Zhang Mao bowed his hand and said slowly, "I don't know how the general thinks of the current saint?"

Lu Bu raised his eyebrows and Liu Qi became the emperor of the Han Dynasty. He was naturally extremely dissatisfied. At the beginning, Liu Qi and him were unhappy outside of Xiangyang City. Presumably Liu Qi at this time was extremely dissatisfied with him. It was just because of the power of Bingzhou. Had to show weakness to Binzhou.

Zhang Mao, who had been observing Lü Bu, saw the subtle changes in Lü Bu’s expression, and whispered: "Originally, the saint was dying and appointed the little prince as the prince. Who knew that Liu Bei was on the way back to the army of Jingzhou to capture Military power forced the officials of the Han room to submit. Today, officials in the Han room have a lot of dissatisfaction with Liu Bei. The prefects of Lingling County, Guiyang County, Wuling County and Changsha County have openly accused Liu Bei."

"Speaking of which, you are going to Jinyang this time to get the support of this lord?" Lu Bu asked.

Zhang Mao solemnly saluted: "At the time Jingzhou attacked Chang'an with troops, there were many misunderstandings with the general. If the general was willing to support the little prince, Jingzhou would be grateful."

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(End of this chapter)

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