Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1034: : Zhang Yan grabs the giant deer

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Zhang Yan's words, Yuan Liang said that he was very comfortable, he was afraid that Zhang Yan would not know after entering Julu County The sky is high and the earth is thick. After all, Zhang Yan was a thief before, and she must be a lot worse in terms of acting in the world.

"General Zhang can think so, this officer is very pleased." Yuan Liang said.

The two walked towards the city. When they reached the city gate, Zhang Yan suddenly pulled out the saber around his waist and headed towards Yuan Liang’s neck. Everything was too sudden, and they were immersed in the joy of Zhang Yan’s refuge in Yuan. After Liang reacted, he just saw a ray of sword light.

The blood was pouring, Yuan Liang's eyes widened, and he didn't understand why Zhang Yan suddenly shot.

Zhang Yan's shot was a signal to the bandits coming. They turned their swords at the soldiers at the gate, and many bandits rushed towards the wall.

The officials who went out of the city to greet the scene made waves of shouts.

Zhang Yan shouted: "He who descends will not kill!"

The thieves who followed followed yelled in unison, and the collective roar resounded across the sky.

However, under the leadership of the generals, the defenders in the city also fought tenaciously. Although Zhang Yan’s bandits were brave, they were far from the Jizhou Army in real training. After all, these people were just bandits before, Zhang Yan did not train for a long time, and compared with the defenders in Julu County, there was a certain gap, but these thieves were defeated by fear of death.

Anyone who becomes a thief, who does not have a sad history, ordinary people do not want to be a thief as long as they can live on.

After the two sides fought for a long time, the defenders were in a weak position. The defenders on the city were the first to bear the brunt. They seemed a little flustered in the face of the sudden attack by the bandits.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, more than a hundred cavalry appeared outside the city.

The first person was Zhang Yan's confidant general, Sun Qing, and the arrival of more than a hundred cavalry soldiers became the last straw that defeated the will of the defenders.

After the bandits entered the city, the people in the city panicked, but they were surprised to find that the target of these bandits was only the soldiers in the city.

Yuan Liang was the prefect of Julu County. His death had a big impact on Julu County. He lacked some command. The defenders were losing ground under the attack of Zhang Yan and others.

The battle lasted for a full day, before Zhang Yan completely defeated the defending army, and the banner belonging to the Jizhou army on the head of the city had been replaced.

Zhang Yan appeared in the prefectural palace after patrolling the city.

Looking at Zhang Yan, who was wearing a uniform, the family members often criticized Yuan Liang for being incompetent. It was Yuan Liang who recruited Zhang Yan. It was clear that these thieves wanted to plot the giant deer. They didn't dare to confront Zhang Yan. These people are thieves, and they will not act like Yuan Liang with a lot of scruples. As long as they offend them, they might go bankrupt in the next moment.

"This general is now the lord of the city. Perhaps many of you are thinking about **** this general and ask Yuan Shao for credit. This general would like to remind you first, as long as this general finds someone with strange intentions, chicken The dog doesn't stay." Zhang Yan glanced at the people coldly and said slowly.

"Willing to obey the general's orders." Many members of the family agreed. In their opinion, Zhang Yan was nothing more than a thief. When the county was settled down, they had some ways to take Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan said: "I heard that Julu's family is rich in wealth. This general was just a thief before. I don't know who is willing to fund one or two?"

"The Zhao family is willing to give the general five thousand stones of food and grass." The Patriarch of the Zhao family hurriedly stated that the hero does not suffer from immediate losses. If it is against Zhang Yan at this time, it will definitely be of no benefit to the family.

The rest of the family did not dare to neglect.

"I heard that you have a lot of private soldiers in your home. The armor and blades of these private soldiers are better than the defenders in the city." Zhang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Patriarchs of various families expressed their willingness to give half of the private soldiers to Zhang Yan, but they were facing thieves and would not give them reason.

Zhang Yan smiled with satisfaction. He didn't care about the secret plans of these families for the time being. All he had to do was to let the chaos in Julu County affect the defenders in Hejian and Zhongshan. In fact, he didn't expect this. Can capture Julu County so easily this time.

The main reason was Yuan Liang's self-smartness, which gave him a chance. If Yuan Liang knew his true identity, he would definitely not act like this.

The fall of Julu into the hands of thieves had a big impact on Jizhou. Officials in Weijun heard about the incident, and more people advocated sending troops to recapture Julu from the hands of thieves.

This time, it was Yuan Shao’s counsellor and Guo Tu who guarded Jizhou, and Yuan Shang also stayed in Jizhou.

The trial supports Yuan Shang as Yehou’s heir, while Guo Tu supports Yuan Tan. The two can form a check on each other in Jizhou. This is also what Yuan Shao deliberately did. He didn’t want someone to take the opportunity when he left Jizhou. Sit Da, now most of the soldiers and horses in Jizhou are attacking Huguan and it is difficult to return in a short time. What do you think of the Julu County incident? "Guo Tu asked.

The prosecutor said dismissively: "It's just a group of riotous bandits. You only need to send a general and lead thousands of elite soldiers to quell it."

"Although Hejian and Zhongshan have tens of thousands of defenders, it is a threat from Youzhou. There are only 10,000 soldiers available in the city. If it is used, once a war occurs, Wei Jun will be in danger." Guo Tu worried. road.

The adjudicator said: "In the opinion of Mr. Guo, what should I do?"

"To recruit these thieves, I don't know what the judge thinks?" Guo Tu asked.

"Hmph, to recruit these thieves, presumably Lord Guo has learned that the reason why these thieves took Julu County so easily is because of the solicitation of Julu prefect Yuan Liang, who took the opportunity to attack, and Julu County fell into the current situation." The auditioner snorted coldly.

Guo Tu secretly shook his head. Although he was a figure in Jizhou's officialdom, the real strategy was a little worse. Now Jizhou can't withstand too much turmoil.

"There are still tens of thousands of troops in the city. The official intends to send a large army to attack the giant deer, so that these thieves will die without a place to be buried." The trial said.

"This official doesn't agree to do this." Guo Tu flatly refused. He had a faint feeling. Perhaps this time after the bandits seized Julu County, it might bring Jizhou a massive attack by the Youzhou Army. Jixian County is not as simple as it seems. Once Youzhou Army feels an opportunity to take advantage of it, they will never give up the opportunity in front of them.

"Since the prince disagrees, you might as well inform the third son of this matter and see what decision the third son makes." The trial said.

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(End of this chapter)

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