Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1033: : Solicitation

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Through this general's order, let Yuan Liang enter the lobby." Zhang Yanlang said.

"Biography of Yuan Liang." After shouting, Yuan Liang followed the two bandits and walked into the hall.

After seeing the fierce boss in the hall, even if it was Yuan Liang's insight, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Why don't you salute when you see General Zhang?" A loud shout came, causing Yuan Liang's hand to tremble slightly.

However, at this time, Yuan Liang, who represented Jizhou’s face, would naturally not show weakness, and he believed that the leader of the bandit would not dare to do anything to him. After all, he was the prefect of Julu County, if he died in the hands of these bandits. , The consequences are not what these thieves can predict.

Yuan Liang snorted coldly: "The official is the prefect of Julu County, who is entrusted by the court, and you are just thieves who have fallen in the grass. If you are willing to take refuge in the official, you will be relieved of the danger of a sword and axe in the future."

In this case, it's okay to fool the ordinary boss. Who is Zhang Yan, and shouted: "Bold Yuan Liang, even talking nonsense here, do you really think that the sword in the general's hand is not sharp? The general issued an order together, not to mention that you are the only one, Yuan Liang, even if Yuan Shao is here."

I have to say that Zhang Yan’s loud shout really surprised Yuan Liang, and the aura emanating from Zhang Yan’s body made him a little frightened. "General Zhang joked. In order to give General Zhang a wealth and honor." It is not uncommon for thieves to call themselves generals.

Zhang Yan's expression slowed down when he heard the words, "Just tell me anything."

"There are many people here, if it is known to others, I am afraid it is a bit bad." Yuan Liang glanced around and said from Zhang Yan's actions, he could see that he was not willing to become a thief, but today In the midst of turbulence, how many brave people fell into the grass, they didn't want to live like this, but they lacked a person to recruit them.

Yuan Liang's remarks offended the chiefs in the hall a lot. They were already decent figures in the cottage.

Zhang Yan glanced around and said: "You wait and go down first."

Zhang Yan has absolute prestige in the cottage. They dare not violate Zhang Yan's words, and many bosses gave Yuan Liang a vicious look.

After everyone dispersed, Zhang Yan turned his attention to Yuan Liang and said, "Yuan Taishou has something to say, now I can say it."

Yuan Liang looked around cautiously and said: "This official belongs to the Yuan family. I think General Zhang is aware of this. If General Zhang is willing to take refuge in Yehou, once Yehou breaks through and returns to the state, he only needs to be here. With a few words for you in front of Yehou, General Zhang will have endless glory and wealth. Why should he lead a worried life? The Jizhou army is strong. Although there are many thieves in the general's hands, once Yehou returns to the army, How?"

Zhang Yan frowned, as if moved by Yuan Liang's remarks.

"When I saw General Zhang, he was not an ordinary person. Even if he enters the Jizhou army, he will surely become a general in the army in the future. After Yehou is a famous sect, it is not impossible for him to become a Hou in the future. It is so powerful that it is still broken by Yehou, and the general should carefully consider it." Yuan Liang said in a persuasive way.

When Zhang Yan heard Feng Hou, her eyes lit up and said: "Whether Yuan Taishou's words are true, and if this general chooses to take refuge, what will be the benefit?"

Yuan Liang smiled secretly in his heart. As expected, it was a group of thieves. He only knew the benefits in front of him. As long as Zhang Yan was controlled, the rest of the matter would be much simpler. He heard about Zhang Yan and entered Julu County for only a year. The time has given the Shanzhai its current scale. Although he is not good at marching and fighting, he can see that even if it is attacked by tens of thousands of people, it will pay a lot of money, Julu There are only more than two thousand soldiers in the county, and they are at an absolute disadvantage when fighting against Zhang Yan.

Ever since Zhang Yan took office in Julu County, Yuan Liang has always been on guard against threats from Zhang Yan. Now it is an eventful autumn in Jizhou. Zhang Yan's dealing with Julu County at this time will greatly affect the energy of the Jizhou army. .

"If General Zhang is willing to take refuge, he can temporarily take the post of Captain of Julu County." Yuan Liang said, Captain is already quite a military officer. He believes that Zhang Yan will be able to figure it out clearly and become one as a thief. The county captain was already a remarkable promotion.

Zhang Yan was quite moved when he heard this, "This general can feel Yuan Taishou's sincerity, but this general has many brothers under his command. What should these people do after this general goes to Julu County."

Yuan Liang smiled and said: "This matter is simple. The officer promised that General Zhang can select 500 soldiers and horses for his army. As for the rest, they can be disbanded as the people, how about?"

Zhang Yan seemed to have made a lot of determination, and said firmly, "The minimum is 800 people."

"A word is settled." Yuan Liang was afraid that Zhang Yan would repent, so he hurriedly agreed. UU reading

After Yuan Liang left, Zhang Yan gathered the important leaders of the cottage in one place.

Three days later, Zhang Yan led eight hundred elite bandits to the county town with great fanfare. People along the way evaded when they saw it, but they seemed extremely prestigious.

Seeing the slightly dilapidated county town, Zhang Yan's mouth showed a sneer that was imperceptible.

Knowing that Zhang Yan led the bandits to seek refuge, Yuan Liang was overjoyed. The family was opposed to Yuan Liang’s move to solicit Zhang Yan. In their opinion, this was Yuan Liang's desire to rely on the power of the bandits and the family in the city. To resist, there was an army of more than two thousand people in the city at this time. However, the generals in the army would not obey Yuan Liang's orders. Many generals in the army received the blessings of the family. After Yuan Shao entered Jizhou, the family surrendered, really secretly. His little moves are constant, and no one wants to give up the interests in his hands.

If the power of this bandit listened to Yuan Liang's words, it would be a big threat.

The aristocratic family's submission to the Yuan family is based on Yuan Shao's huge potential. Following a promising lord, the family's strength can be improved more quickly.

However, Yuan Liang was determined to recruit Zhang Yan, so the family could only open one eye and close one eye. After all, Yuan Liang was the prefect of Julu County, and Yuan Liang was still a member of the Yuan family. It would be no good for the family to rush Yuan. .

Since Zhang Yan had listened to Yuan Liang's solicitation because of his interests, the family also had the confidence to draw Zhang Yan into their camp.

Although the thief who followed Zhang Yan, half of them were wearing armor and holding sharp weapons. At this point, even the defenders in Julu County looked a little shabby compared to them. .

"General Zhang led people to vote, and the officer and You Rongyan." Yuan Liang laughed.

Zhang Yan arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Taishou Yuan, for your appreciation, but today's humble job is still a bandit."

(End of this chapter)

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