Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1723: Too fat man

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-three chapters are too fat

At this moment, the twenty-odd Heavenly God Realm powerhouses guarding the valley around the human race also seemed a little nervous.

They are not afraid of a battle.

However, this battle is related to the lives of a large number of Tianjiao of Human Race, and the slightest error cannot be tolerated.

The most important thing is that now they have not noticed that there are people from the Protoss approaching, but the young talents of the Human Race have already reacted.

These Tianjiao, all in certain aspects, have special abilities, and it is normal to be able to discover the proximity of the Protoss faster than these strong gods.

The tense atmosphere is constantly permeating.

It was another quarter of an hour later.

The humans of these heavenly gods finally noticed the movement!

The Protoss really came, and this incoming Protoss, the team is very large, surrounded from all sides.

Every human being in the Heavenly God Realm has a deep worry on his face. This time Jiang Chen and the human race arrogant plan to lead the snake out of the cave, they know.

But all of a sudden, a protoss army that was too powerful was attracted, and a little carelessness would result in unbearable serious consequences.

"You are now surrounded, hand over Jiang Chen and others, and the rest, you can leave!" A Protoss Heaven and Divine Realm powerhouse shouted.

On the Human Race side, a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm, with a solemn expression, shouted: "Human Race, never surrender, fight to the end, make a **** road!"

Jiang Chen and the others had also flew out, looking at the Protoss army that appeared in all directions, and taking a cursory glance, a touch of excitement appeared on the faces of the few people who knew the specific arrangements.

More than one hundred protoss gods.

More than five hundred true gods of the Protoss.

This force, even if it weren't all the remaining people in this area of ​​the Protoss' attack and killing operation, there wouldn't be much left.

Solve all these guys, this area, there is no need to worry about human Tianjiao being attacked and killed by the gods.

And secretly.

The fat man Chen Hui used the secret method of stealing the sky to hide his aura and hide under a small mound. He looked at this scene and his face became extremely ugly.

So many protoss appeared to deal with Jiang Chen and the others!

This battle is terrible!

There are only more than 20 Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in the Human Race, and there are only more than 100 True God Realm cultivation bases, and they are completely impossible to fight.

The fat man's expression was extremely solemn, his brain was running fast, but he couldn't find the slightest way. This seemed to be a dead end, no solution!

"Hmph, since you are given a chance, and you don't know how to cherish, then today, I will kill all of you!" A **** clan expert shouted.

The reason why the human race handed over the Tianjiao Jiang Chen and promised to let the others go is because even if their power completely crushes the human race, they will suffer a lot from the human race's desperate death battle. people.

But since the human race does not retreat and must fight, the Protoss has no fear, and only a part of the people will die. As long as they can wipe out these human race teams, it is also worthwhile. As for who can live back to the Protoss base camp and get rewards, then it's fate!


On the Human Race side, a strong deity shouted and rushed out first.

The rest of the human race rushed towards the enemy.

The war begins!

Jiang Chen did not rush out, and the book of martial arts appeared in his hands.

At this time, his book of martial arts had collapsed more than half, and the golden light had already dimmed a lot, but he did not hesitate to destroy two pages of the book of martial arts again.

A blank word fluttered out, breaking through the space of the gods and heavens!

This is the Jiang family's great void art, combined with Jiang Chen's martial arts, barely able to break the space that only the **** king can do!

The space was shattered, and in the void, a channel formed by the convergence of golden light appeared.

Jiang Chen's book of martial arts, the second page of the collapse, turned into a fixed character, and also rushed into this void passage, temporarily anchoring the void passage that was about to collapse and maintaining stability.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao, who was hiding in the crowd, raised his hand and waved, carrying his extraordinary spiritual power, rushing into the passage in the void.

Help Jiang Chen to stabilize this passage.

next moment.

A tyrannical breath appeared from the void passage.

"Protoss kid, die!"

A loud shout came out from the void passage, followed by a figure, rushing out, this is a strong man in the gods of the human race, after rushing out of the passage, without the slightest hesitation, he headed towards the battle area .

On the Human Race side, there is one more powerhouse in the Heavenly God Realm, and nothing can be changed.

But in an instant, there were more than forty Heavenly God Realm powerhouses, and that was enough to reverse the situation of this battle.

After the first human race, the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, rushed out of this void passage, more than forty people rushed out one after another.

After this group of strong gods, more than two hundred true gods of celebrities arrived.

This is Lin Hao's deployment.

A group of strong aid has already been gathered.

If everyone were in one place at the beginning, the Protoss team responsible for attacking and killing the Tianjiao would definitely not appear.

Therefore, most people can only be temporarily placed far away.

Once the Protoss appeared, they were immediately transferred here.

And this is Jiang Chen's plan.

The Jiang Family's Void Collection is extraordinary and extraordinary, plus Jiang Chen's burning of the source of martial arts, only this can break the space and build a void passage.

And Lin Hao's power is also very important. In fact, he is not only responsible for helping Jiang Chen stabilize the void passage, but his abnormal spiritual power has become a coordinate.

After all, Jiang Chen is a void channel constructed in a clever way. If there is no direction for guidance, the human race, the powerhouses of the heaven and true gods, will easily get lost!

As a result, Human Race has more than seventy powerhouses in the Heavenly God Realm.

There are more than 300 people in the realm of true gods.

This force is enough to deal with this battle!

"Brother Jiang!"

Lin Hao's figure flashed and appeared next to Jiang Chen, no matter what Jiang Chen thought, between raising his hand, the majestic and pure power of Qi and blood poured into his body.

Jiang Chen's injury was already serious. In order to complete this plan, two pages of the book of martial arts were once again destroyed. The little roots he had managed to recover before, once again approached exhaustion.

"Don't go to war, stay around!"

Lin Hao looked at the few people left beside Jiang Chen, and after an explanation, immediately rushed to the battlefield of the Heavenly God Realm!

And at the moment.

The fat man Chen Hui hiding under a small mound nearby showed incredible expression in his expression.

Just now, the Protoss and Humans had already fought, and everyone just discovered that Jiang Chen was building a void passage in the rear.

But by accident, the fat man discovered that there was one person in the Human Race team who secretly helped Jiang Chen stabilize the void passage and helped Jiang Chen stabilize his injury!

That guy... so familiar!

Now he has rushed into the battlefield of the Heavenly God Realm, with the cultivation base of the True God Realm, with one enemy and two, without falling into the wind.

The fat man smiled.

Stand up from the mound.

No longer conceal the breath.

Originally, he was still thinking of a way to take action at critical moments, using the secret method of stealing the heavens to save some people in critical moments.

But now, these thoughts have disappeared.

This guy is back, everything is set!

"Small, do it!"

The fat man yelled, his eyes flashed brightly, and he rushed towards the battlefield.

"Hahaha, Fat Master, I'll come too!"

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