Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1722: Protoss hooked

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-two chapters of the gods take the bait

Although Ouyang Feier tried to control herself not to look at Lin Hao.

But in her mind, Lin Hao always appeared.

At the beginning, in the real martial arts world, she left Tianhan Sect and was almost killed by the sect thief. It was Lin Hao who rescued her.

Then, Lin Hao entered the Heavenly Han Sect, and the two became brothers and sisters of the opposite sex. Lin Hao went to Shangguan's family alone for her, helped her regain the soul lamp and restored her freedom.

The disaster of the real martial arts came, and the Heavenly Han Sect was besieged by the Yu clan. She almost died in the hands of the Yu clan. Lin Hao was still Lin Hao and saved her. In that battle, the grandfather Ouyang Zhengde who raised Ouyang Feier grew up. When she fell, only Lin Hao was left.

She has been working hard, not wanting to drag Lin Hao back, hoping to share some pressure for Lin Hao.

But in the end, she fell into the hands of Zhenshi Shrine again and became the ice master. That time, Lin Hao still saved her, arranged for someone to find her soul lamp storage in the gods, and Take it back.

However, when she learned of all this, she never saw Lin Hao again, and learned that Lin Hao had fallen, Ouyang Feier had been living in pain during these twenty years in the heavenly realm of Gods. In guilt.

Now, Lin Hao is back.

Not far from my side.

With her head down, Ouyang Feier's tears kept falling, but a happy smile appeared on her face.

It's fine when you come back.

Everything is fine!


At this moment, a large number of Protoss gathered in one direction.

This time, the plan of action of the Protoss to kill the squad has been noticed by the Humans, and no effort has been made. Even many people in the attacking and killing squads have been discovered and killed by the Humans.

But in this area, there are still many members of the assault team that have not been exposed.

Now that they have connected with each other through secret methods, they are going to make a big vote!

The ten outstanding human races, at least there are more than six people gathered together, if they can catch them all at once, this will definitely cause a huge blow to the morale of the human race.

Moreover, every one of them who participated in this assault mission can be said to have made great contributions, as long as they can go back alive, they can get amazing rewards.

People from the protoss attack and kill squad are constantly gathering.

Gradually, there are more and more Protoss in the team.

At this moment, they no longer hide.

Because this is no longer an attack, but a direct attack!

There are at least a hundred people from the gods of the gods, and there are already more than 500 people at the peak of the true gods.

And in an area where the protoss team had just passed, the ground suddenly cracked, and a round figure crawled out from the ground, slapped the dust on its body, and muttered: "It's strange, these protoss guys, in the end, What do you want to do?"

"Brother Fat, the situation is not right, we have to send the news back immediately." At this moment, another person emerged from the ground next to him, a handsome young man.

"Little guy, don't be impulsive, first see what they want to do?" Fatty said.

These two people are the fat man Chen Hui who steals the sky, and Wu Hanfei who swallows the sky.

Wu Hanfei frowned and said, "Fatty, are you afraid? If you are afraid, continue to hide here and I will inform others."

The fat man swept out with a slap, and slapped Wu Hanfei on the forehead, saying: "Okay, you stinky boy, the wings are getting harder and harder, don't you, Fatty, how many protoss I have brought you to ambush in the past 20 years? Fatty, I am a person who is greedy of life and fear of death?"

Wu Hanfei did not speak.

It is not.

Since arriving in the Heavenly Realm of Shenxiao, Fatty has completely changed like a person when he was in the realm of Zhenwu.

Although his fighting style is not like Jiang Chenyu Jianxin Su Yu's strategy, nor as strong as Wei Liang, Feng Dongyu and the others, he has never avoided fighting.

There were even a few times when I ventured into the depths of the Protoss camp to inquire useful information, and took action at critical moments. There were also many times, **** battles, and I was almost exhausted and did not abandon them. Friends!

"You bastard, I have taught you for more than 20 years, and I still don't understand it. What use is it for us to send this news back now? Besides knowing that such a protoss team has appeared, what else do we know?

The message to be sent back must be the most detailed, such as knowing where they are going and what they want to do!

This kind of information is meaningful, so that the strong of our human race can make the most accurate response. The current battlefield situation is severe, and all judgments cannot go wrong. Otherwise, it will affect the whole body. "

"But we can't do nothing!" Wu Hanfei said stubbornly.

The fat man sighed and said, "It's not doing nothing, but continuing to stare at them."

"What if time is too late when we discover their purpose?" Wu Hanfei asked.

The fat man looked solemn and said: "Fat man, I have my own judgment!"

Wu Hanfei said: "If Brother Lin is here, he will definitely have other better methods."

Fatty sighed and said, "If that guy is there, I don't bother to take this risk, Fatty, just leave it to him to get a headache.

However, he is indeed gone now...He is in the True Martial Realm and has left hope for our human race. Fatty, I am in the God Realm, so I have to hold this hope for him.

Don't worry, Fat Master, I know in my heart, go, and follow up immediately. "

As he said, the fat man once again used the secret technique of stealing the sky to cover his breath for him and Wu Hanfei.

Following all the way, about half a day passed, the Protoss in front stopped, and then began to disperse.

"Their destination, it seems to be near here, what on earth is there, it is worth the gods to mobilize so many gods and the peak warriors of the true gods to come over?" the fat man muttered.

Wu Hanfei said: "What should I do now?"

The fat man glanced at Wu Hanfei: "You don't move here now, Fatty, I will come closer to inquire."

"Be careful." Wu Hanfei said, although on weekdays, he always screamed one by one, but apart from Lin Hao, this is the person Wu Hanfei is closest to.

The fat man grinned and said: "Be a hundred hearts, Fatty, I'm doing business, when did I make a mistake?"

That's how it was said, but before the fat man was ready to approach, he made a lot of preparations cautiously, and the secret method of stealing the heavens and veins came out endlessly and blessed him.

This is not a joke. There are more than a hundred people in the gods of the Heavenly God Realm, and more than 500 people in the true God Realm. Once discovered, even the powerhouses of the false gods are in great danger!


In the valley.

Suddenly, Lin Hao, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, stood up.

Protoss, got the bait!

Even if there are more than 20 humans from the Heavenly God Realm watching around the valley, their feelings are not as good as Lin Hao.

The mental power after the mutation is very special, even the top powers of the Heavenly God Realm are not as good as him in terms of spiritual power.

But Lin Hao got up, this was a signal.

Jiang Chen also got up immediately, looked at everyone, and said: "Everyone, there will be a fierce battle next, this battle is extremely important, don't take it lightly!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone stood up.

Clenched a fist, or a weapon.

They are always ready to fight!

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