Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1263: Dialogue with Zhang Yuntu

Chapter 1263 Dialogue Zhang Yuntu

Zhang Xian'er led Lin Hao to the area closest to the core location of Emperor Island No. 2 in District 9, where there was a mansion belonging to the Zhang family.

"If Master Sword is interested, Xian'er will invite Master Sword to the mansion in the first district of the Zhang family." Zhang Xian'er took Lin Hao into the mansion and said with a smile.

Lin Hao was silent.

He knew that what Zhang Xianer said was not a lie. There were elders in the Zhang family who served as the third elder of the Qiandao Sect. They were extremely powerful, and there would be a mansion in the first district.

"Girl Xian'er, you have so much trouble inviting me to come here, what is it?" Lin Hao followed Zhang Xian'er to the backyard of the Zhang family mansion, with a look of doubt on his face, he asked.

"Young Master Sword waited patiently for a while, and my eldest brother immediately finished his work. When he saw Young Master Sword, he would naturally know.

If Master Sword is really waiting to be boring, he can walk around in this mansion at will, and Master Sword can also browse through the classics collected by our Zhang family. "Zhang Xian'er smiled.

The other party is mysterious, Lin Hao is really curious, what is it for?

As for the classics they were willing to open up their collection for himself to watch, Lin Hao didn’t really check it out. What he can see must be what the other party wants him to see, and things that really involve some secrets are definitely not. It makes no sense.

"Since Young Master Sword is not interested in those classics, Xian'er will show his ugliness and play a song for Young Master Sword, how about?" Zhang Xian'er kept searching for topics.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Being able to listen to Miss Xian'er playing is something other people can hardly find. It seems that I, Jian Wushuang, are blessed today."

"Xian'er is just a little tuned, I hope Master Sword will not laugh." With that, Zhang Xian'er waved his arm gently, the skirt was lightly swayed, and an ancient long piano appeared in front of her.

The lotus fingers flicked lightly, and a beautiful piano sound suddenly came out.


Zhang Mansion, in a secret room.

He Qun, who had suffered heavy trauma and pale and bloodless, stood in front of a tall man at this time.

"Brother Yuntu, I tried to test Jian Wushuang according to your instructions. I didn't expect this guy to play his cards completely out of common sense. If Xian'er hadn't appeared at that time, I think this kid might really kill me. That's it!" He Qun had a lingering expression, and when he mentioned this incident, his expression was still afraid.

"Brother He, Jian Wushuang's reaction was indeed beyond our expectation. It caused you to suffer. We Zhang Family will compensate you for the wronged Brother He suffered." The man said.

He Qun's face was puzzled and said: "Brother Yuntu, this Jian Wushuang, even if the martial arts talent is really strong, it can be Zhang Family's power in the Qiandao Sect, there is no need to be so polite to him, right?"

"Jian Wushuang is the one brought back by Su Yu!" The man said meaningfully.

He Qun immediately condensed his expression and said: "No wonder he was so bold, it turned out to be backed by Su Yu, huh, Su Yu won't be long, after Su Yu steps down, this Jian Wushuang, I want him to look good! "

The man smiled faintly and said: "Brother He, I know you hate Jian Wushuang, but Jian Wushuang is of great use to me, but I can assure you that after Jian Wushuang loses its usefulness, I will take care of myself. He is sent to Brother He, at your disposal."

"Brother Yuntu, you have said so, I will naturally give you this face. During this period, I promise not to do anything to Jian Wushuang." He Qun nodded and said.


In the backyard of Zhang Mansion, Zhang Xianer's song ended. In the backyard, the sound of the piano still echoed.

This Xian'er's piano art is indeed very good, but compared to the people of Shenyinmen that Lin Hao has contacted, it is still a lot worse, but Lin Hao still shows an intoxicated appearance, clapping his hands: "Xian'er The girl’s piano art is really exquisite."

Zhang Xian'er smiled, with a variety of styles in an instant.

"Haha, Xian'er, I came back half a step this night and missed your playing. It seems that my brother really doesn't have this ear blessing." At this moment, a hearty laughter came.

Lin Hao followed the voice, and saw a tall and straight man in brocade, striding towards this side.

Zhang Xian'er immediately introduced Lin Hao and said, "Master Jian, this is Xian'er's elder brother, Zhang Yuntu."

Zhang Yuntu came to Lin Hao, nodded and smiled: "Master Sword, I want to apologize to you about He Qun. It was my misconsideration that caused this misunderstanding. I hope Master Sword has a lot of... "

Before Zhang Yuntu finished speaking, Lin Hao interrupted him, saying: "Since the matter has been explained clearly, I, Jian Wushuang, is not a caretaker, so Zhang Gongzi doesn’t have to say any more, as long as He Qun doesn’t hold a grudge. In revenge, I will not trouble him anymore.

Now that Young Master Zhang is back, why don't you just talk about business, what is going on with me? "

Zhang Yuntu smiled, then looked at Zhang Xian'er, and said, "Xian'er, you will arrange the banquet yourself first, and then you will treat Master Sword well."

Zhang Xian'er nodded and said, "Master Sword, that Xian'er will leave first."

After Zhang Xian'er left, Zhang Yuntu and Lin Hao sat down in the pavilion in the backyard.

"Master Sword, I know that you are also a refreshing person, so I won't sell it. The reason why I am looking for you this time is because of Master Sword's talent. In the environment of the open sea, it can reach the present situation. It really makes me Zhang Yuntu's heart. I am very impressed.

And Master Sword should also know some things about our Zhang family in the Thousand Island Sect, so I might as well say that although the Thousand Island Sect exists in the form of a sect, there are still large and small family forces.

The strength of the family power also determines the status of the Thousand Island Sect, so I hope Master Sword can join our Zhang family!

I am fond of Lord Sword’s future, and he will definitely become a resounding figure in the Thousand Island Sect.

One thing I hope Young Master Jian can understand, this is not to recruit you into the Zhang family as a subordinate, but a cooperative relationship.

This kind of cooperation will give you huge benefits. In a short time, the Zhang family can use a lot of resources to help Master Sword step into the Emperor Realm. After Master Sword enters the Emperor Realm, our Zhang family can also continue to serve as swords. The son provides the necessary training materials!

When Young Master Sword possesses great strength, even if he wants to become a powerful figure in the Thousand Island Sect, our Zhang family can also help.

What our Zhang family needs is that if one day encounters trouble, I hope Young Master Sword can help. "

"That's it?" Lin Hao asked.

"That's it!" Zhang Yuntu added: "As the leader of the young generation of Zhang family, I need to consider a lot of things, and it's not just me. In the Thousand Island Sect, other family forces will continue to win over Tianjiao. Martial artist, Lord Sword, on your side, I just rushed to invite others in front of you."

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