Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1262: Zhang Xianer

Chapter 262 Zhang Xianer

"Then I will fulfill you!" How could Lin Hao care about this group of threats, the sharp sword with strong blood evil spirit in his hand suddenly exploded with the power of the law of thunder and lightning.


He Qun let out a scream, his head was cut off, and then his head was smashed into pieces by the sword energy of the law of lightning!

The screams were made by his soul.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, and another lightning law emerged, covering He Qun's spirit. The dense lightning law contained the sharpness of the sword, raging wildly, and shattered He Qun's spirit several times in the blink of an eye!

The warriors on the street did not dare to approach this side, watching the excitement at a distance.

"Who is this man? I'm really brave enough to torture He Qun and He Qun's father in the street, but we are a leader of the Thousand Island Sect Law Enforcement Hall. If this kid doesn't have a strong background, he will be finished. !"

"Didn't they just say that this guy who tortured He Qun is called Jian Wushuang."

"Jian Wushuang? I have never heard of such a person before."

"I haven't heard of it either. Could it be that the outside sea just came in? Only the guys who have just arrived from the outside sea have the guts to do something with He Qun..."

"Perhaps it is really just coming from the open sea. After all, in our Thousand Island Sect, those tianjiao who are fighting, on the surface, are all friendly and kind, and never do things like doing things in the street."

"If it is from the outer seas, then Jian Wushuang is really amazing. He should not be too old. It is too difficult to cultivate to this level in the outer seas!"

There was a lot of discussion around him, and He Qun's headless body had fallen to the ground, and He Qun's spirit was also suffering. If this continues, it will not take long before He Qun's spirit will be destroyed.

He Qun’s guard, the nine-layered holy realm powerhouse, threw a rat trap at this time, for fear of further angering him and this fellow named Jian Wushuang, causing He Qun’s fall. At that time, he, the person responsible for protecting He Qun’s safety, will eat Can't walk around!

"Jian Wushuang, do you know what you are doing now!" the guard shouted.

Lin Hao sneered and said, "I don't need you to remind me what I am doing. I, Jian Wushuang, came to the Inner Sea for a better cultivation environment and to be strong!

And the powerful purpose is to get great freedom without being restricted by anyone.

I never thought that I had just entered the Inland Sea and didn't have any grudges with anyone, but someone came to show off in front of me. The big deal was to kill this waste, just like Jian Wushuang left the Inland Sea!

In the open sea, resources are poor, and I can reach the current level with a speed of practice that surpasses most Inner Sea Tianjiao, and I can also step into a higher level, but it takes a little longer.

It takes more time, I don't care, but I will not tolerate some cats and dogs arrogantly in front of me! "

He Qun's guard took a deep breath and said, "Jian Wushuang, if you kill Young Master He, do you really think you can leave the inner sea?"

Lin Hao smiled coldly and said, "Then try it!"

With that said, the power of the law of lightning controlled by Lin Hao became more violent, and the spirit of He Qun who was trapped in the law of lightning had already appeared in an illusory state, and it was not far from destruction!

Lin Hao looked at He Qun's guard, and at the same time, he was thinking in his heart that the guy who was observing himself was really calm enough that he couldn't show up yet.

However, Lin Hao can be sure that the other party will definitely appear before He Qun’s spirit is destroyed, because when he shot He Qun, there was a slight change in the line of sight that was observing himself in secret, and, He Qun’s Divine Soul, from the very beginning, through the power of the law of lightning controlled by Lin Hao, constantly manifested his body, and made a secret request for help toward a location not far away.

Sure enough, just after Lin Hao's voice fell, a gentle force descended on the scene.

Appearing on the scene was a woman wearing a pale red skirt, with an oval face, exquisite features, and a fresh and refined temperament. She was an out-and-out beauty.

After this woman appeared, another old man came and followed the woman. The old man's body revealed a faint fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth. This was done deliberately by the other party and wanted to shock Lin Hao.

"Master Sword does not need to be so angry. This is a misunderstanding. The young woman Zhang Xian'er, He Qun came to invite Master Sword to be a guest on the order of my eldest brother. I did not expect to cause such a misunderstanding. Xian'er is here, especially I'm sorry to Master Jian." Zhang Xian'er said apologetically on her face.

"Zhang Xian'er, the granddaughter of the third elder!"

"It is said that Zhang Xian'er's appearance is unique in the Thousand Island Sect. I finally saw it today, if so!"

"It turns out that it was the Zhang family who wanted to see Jian Wushuang. No wonder He Qun can only act as a messenger."

In the crowd, there was a low voice again.

Lin Hao had a general understanding of the identity of the woman in front of him as he listened to the discussion around him.

There are 18 elders in the Thousand Island Sect, one overlord, two deputy overlords.

The strength of a person who can serve as an elder is not described in the jade slips that Lin Hao obtained before, but he can guess one or two. At least they are the best in the emperor realm. Otherwise, they are not qualified to arrange one. The strong who first entered the emperor realm came to protect Zhang Xian'er.

Even though the number of Qiandaozong powerhouses is extremely large, the holy realm powerhouses are already one of the characters, let alone the emperor realm powerhouses.

He Qun is surrounded by the guards of the nine-layer powerhouses in the Holy Realm, and Zhang Xian'er is guarded by the powerhouses in the Emperor Realm. This also means that they have a high status for the family they belong to, and they may be regarded as the core successors. To cultivate.

Zhang Xian'er's identity is respected, and she apologizes in the street, and if she changes to someone else, I am afraid that this is a misunderstanding.

But Lin Hao was clear. From the beginning of this incident, Zhang Xian'er had been observing herself in secret. Maybe, the conflict between He Qun and herself was led by this woman.

What is she testing?

Lin Hao did not remove the law of thunder and lightning that trapped He Qun, but he also stopped attacking He Qun’s spirit, still pretending to be vigilant in his eyes, and said: "Miss Zhang’s brother wants to see me. But, why bother sending such a beaming clown to show off in front of me?"

Zhang Xian'er still looked apologetic and said, "Master Sword, this is indeed a misunderstanding. My elder brother planned to invite you himself, but suddenly got into trouble, so I asked He Qun to invite him temporarily. For a big misunderstanding, how about Young Master Jian letting He Qun's soul go to Zhang Mansion for a comment? So that my brother and I have a chance to apologize further.

Moreover, I, Zhang Xian'er, can guarantee that He Qun will not retaliate against Master Jian for this matter! "

Lin Hao pretended to ask for a moment, and then said: "Okay!"

As he said, he withdrew the power of the law of lightning, and He Qun's spirit immediately returned to his body, controlling his power, and regrowing a head, but his face was pale and the damage was not light.

"Master Sword, please follow me." Zhang Xian'er smiled.

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