Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 892: Unprecedented, daily sales record!

At this moment, Gao Miao was with Ma Guotao.

At this time, the two were also a little worried about the sales of the three 4S stores.

After all, Sky Auto is a new brand, a brand that has never launched a car before.

No matter how powerful the performance on paper, no matter how reasonable the price is, without the approval of consumers and the test of the market, everything is unknown.

But the calls from the factory and the 4S shop caused Gao Miao and Ma Guotao to fall into another kind of anxiety.

The sales volume of Cangqio car seems to be very impressive, and the number is surprisingly large.

Not to mention all the 10,000 cars in the warehouses of the three 4s stores were sold, and all the 20,000 cars in the warehouses in Ning City were also sold.

This was indeed beyond their expectations.

The most important thing is that when the cars in stock are sold, consumers don't seem to mind when they can pick up the car, hoping to pay a deposit to book a car.

The order list exceeds 50,000 vehicles.

What is the concept of a queue of more than 50,000 vehicles?

Last year, that is, in 2016, the best-selling car in the country was the Shanghai Volkswagen LaVida, with a total of 460,000 sales in the year.

If the average is 12 months, then 38,000 vehicles will be sold in a month.

At present, the order volume of Cangqi Automobile has exceeded the sales volume of Lavida.

According to this trend, Cangqiong Motor is likely to become the best-selling car in the country in the second half of 2017.

Gao Miao was a little dazed.

She felt that this data was very untrue.

Because Sky Auto is only sold in three 4S stores across the country—Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou.

The urban population covered by the three 4S stores may be in the tens of millions.

But it's impossible for each 4S store to sell more than 10,000 cars in one day, right?

Gao Miao quickly connected this issue with the person in charge of the marketing department.

She highly doubted whether the clerk at the 4S store made a mistake when making the data, or the data in the system was wrong.

The person in charge of the marketing department of Cangqiong Automobile is Zhang Jingchun, who was transferred from Hanhai Technology Company.

Zhang Jingchun is the vice president of the marketing department in Hanhai Technology Co., Ltd.

Because of his outstanding ability, he was transferred to Cangqiong Automobile Company as the general manager of the marketing and sales department.

Cangqiong Automobile Company and Hanhai Technology Company are equal units.

But from the vice president to the head of the department, this shows that Zhang Jingchun's ability is still excellent, and the group company also values ​​him very much and plans to focus on training him.

Before the data was reported to Gao Miao, Zhang Jingchun had obtained sales data and user reservation data from three 4S stores.

The number of reservations did exceed 50,000.

This data also made Zhang Jingchun feel very incredible, thinking that the people in the 4S shop below deliberately lied about the data in order to claim credit.

After all, car booking is a very broad and non-binding concept.

Today you go to a 4S shop to look at the car and tell the dealer to book a car for me.

This is also a form of reservation.

Therefore, 4S stores are likely to lie about the data.

But when he verified the data of a 4S store and a 4S store, he found that this data was not a lie.

Because every car has found a deposit of no less than 20,000 yuan.

That is to say, the reservation of 50,000 vehicles is a reservation of real money, not a so-called verbal reservation, let alone a false report of data.

If the user pays a deposit, the factory will arrange production.

Therefore, it is impossible for the person in charge of the 4S shop to lie about such data so boldly.

Finally, through Zhang Jingchun's repeated verification, it was found that there are indeed only three 4s stores of Cangqiong Automobile, but when you come to the 4s stores, the users who buy are not necessarily local users, and there are many foreign users.

Many foreign users are not the main force of this sales.

But those foreign car dealers.

The so-called car trade is a car trading company.

They will rent a parking lot in the location, and then open a store at a more suitable port.

This store must be much smaller than the 4S store, and there are very few cars on display.

But the car dealer has a very big advantage that it can sell any brand of cars, and you are free to buy insurance, there is no forced consumption by 4S stores, and the loan is also very flexible, without so many strict measures.

Therefore, automobile trading companies also account for a large proportion of the national automobile sales.

The sales method of car dealers is very rough and simple.

Usually, after the user takes a fancy to a certain car in a regular 4s store and gets the lowest price in the 4s store, he then informs the dealer of the car trade about the price and model.

Dealers in the auto trade will pick up cars at the cheapest 4S stores in the country through their own channels, which can not only meet the needs of users to buy cars at low prices, but also satisfy the profits of car traders.

Of course, this way of buying a car also has risks, such as encountering routine loans, car quality problems, rights protection, and so on.

Among the auto dealers who ordered Sky Automobile this time, there are more than 400 companies involved, almost from all over the country.

Some ordered more than 200 vehicles, and some ordered 70 or 80 vehicles.

Some of these orders were ordered by the car trading company according to the requirements of the users, and some of them were made by the car trading company because they knew that the sales of Cangqiong Automobile would be very good, and hoped to make a fortune by hoarding some goods.

After Gao Miao learned the news from Zhang Jingchun. I think an order of 50,000 vehicles is more reasonable.

Gao Miao even asked the staff to find car dealers in Rongcheng, Zhengshi and other cities as customers, and contact them to see if they could buy the Cangqiong a01 car.

Sure enough, the car dealer patted his chest and promised to get the car, but he had to pay a deposit of 30,000 yuan. If he couldn't get the car, the deposit would be refunded in full.

But the price of the car is much higher than that of the 4s store.

The elite version of the 4S store is priced at 259,000 yuan.

The price at the car dealer is 279,000 yuan, and the price of the whole car is 20,000 yuan higher.

There is also a set of rhetoric from the car dealers.

"Now there are only three Cangqiong 4s auto shops in the country. If you don't go through us, you can buy it yourself. The round trip by plane plus the cost of board and lodging will cost you thousands of dollars, close to 10,000 yuan."

"Besides, there is currently only one factory of Cangqi Automobile in Ning City, and the orders are already full. You may have to wait half a year or even a year before you can pick up the car."

"Whether you drive your own gas car or take a taxi or online car-hailing this year, the gas and driving costs of 10,000 yuan will definitely not be able to escape."

"When the car over there comes back, you go there again to go through the formalities of picking up the car and getting a license plate, and then drive the car back and go through the formalities of registering. I want it."

"Do the math yourself. Is it more cost-effective to buy a car from me that costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan and you can quickly drive a new car, or is it more cost-effective to book a car by yourself and wait a year or so? The best thing is to buy it early enjoy."

Auto dealers must be exaggerating when they say this, because they have to queue up to order.

But many local users think it is right to hear what the auto dealers say.

Buying a car from a car trade dealer is indeed cost-effective and much more convenient.

Under such circumstances, many users choose to book a car with a car dealer, and the car dealer only deducts half of the deposit and puts it in the bank for wealth management interest or lends out a loan, and then the remaining money is Go to the 4S store to ask for a deposit.

Take it all and make a lot of money!

After learning of this situation, Gao Miao was not sure whether to continue to let go of sales.

An order of 50,000 vehicles will take 100 days to produce even if Ning City is operating at full capacity.

This is still full capacity, non-stop production.

In reality, it is necessary to consider production efficiency, maintenance of mechanical equipment, and operation of materials.

So the actual order has been seven or eight months later.

Gao Miao could only tell Chen Xiao the information he had obtained.

Chen Xiao's opinion is that as long as the other party gives a deposit, then accept the deposit and give the other party the order.

Chen Xiao is very confident in the sales of Cangqiong cars, so he is not afraid at all that the other party will not want the deposit to breach the contract and not want the car.

Chen Xiao said to Gao Miao: "The order can be released, and the appointment form can also be released, but you must truthfully inform the other party, the time they need to wait, and the terms of breach of contract if they cancel the order."

"Changtian Technology is not afraid that our Cangqiong car will not be sold in the inventory after production. Every time we receive an order, the possibility of users buying other brands of cars is less."

Gao Miao immediately understood Chen Xiao's strategic plan - to blow up the automobile industry in Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea.

The positioning of Sky Auto is very subtle.

The low allocation has reached 259,000 yuan, which will make Toyota, Volkswagen, and GM's mainstream best-selling mid-level cars very uncomfortable.

Consumers ask, I spent 250,000 to buy a few to save fuel costs. They are extremely safe, beautiful and smart, and have very good performance. Of course, the car is much more comfortable than buying a fuel car, and it is much more refreshing than a Tesla. up.

This price will also make some users who are willing to buy more than 100,000 cars very itchy.

If a car with more than 150,000 yuan has been driven for 10 years, the fuel cost may also be more than 100,000 yuan.

Then why not add another 100,000 yuan to buy Changtian Technology's Sky car? The fuel cost is saved, there is face, comfort, the most important thing is the convenience of not refueling, and safety.

The safety of the car of the sky is not what those cars with more than 100,000 yuan can bring.

The luxury version of the model is 299,000 yuan, with a lot of smart functions, as long as those who are willing to buy Tesla and second-tier luxury cars or bba's c34 are very entangled in users.

When it comes to buying a luxury car, is there a luxury car logo?

But the experience will never be as good as the sky car.

And judging from the previous products of Changtian Technology, as long as it is a product released by Changtian Technology, it will definitely become a best-selling product in the world in the future. Zemeng equipment and Hanhan mobile phone have become brands with higher brand value than Apple mobile phones and Samsung mobile phones. Mobile phone consumer electronics.

So everyone has no doubt that Cangqi Automobile will definitely surpass BBA in the future and become one of the most valuable automobiles in the world.

Therefore, it costs about 300,000 yuan to hang a car logo of Cangqiong, which is no less than the logo of bba.

The top version of Cangqi Auto has extremely powerful unmanned driving technology and super comfortable car chassis technology.

This makes those e56 users who spent 400,000 to 500,000 to buy bba very entangled.

After all, the actual riding experience and driving comfort experience of Cangqi car directly blown up the bba.

Therefore, the price of Cangqi Auto is actually for all models ranging from 150,000 to 600,000.

Chen Xiao now requires the company to accept every order, just to allow more users to drive in the sky, and the car will completely abolish the automobile industry in Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Europe.

Let the world's automobile design and production centers be transferred to Xiaguo.

After learning what Chen Xiao meant, Gao Miao immediately asked Zhang Jingchun to tell the 4S store that as long as the user is willing to pay the deposit and agree to the terms of breach of contract, it doesn't matter how many cars the user orders, whether it is from a car dealer or an individual.

Of course, Chen Xiao also had a very clear understanding.

Today's sales suddenly exploded, and it will definitely not last for a long time.

Rather, there are quite a few repressed users who are willing to buy a car, but after seeing Changtian Technology's Sky Car, this kind of desire to buy burst out immediately.

When the mass production of Cangqi Automobile can meet certain requirements, the sales of automobiles will return to normal and will not be as scary as it is today.

But Chen Ling also had his own ambitions.

At least in the country of Xia.

Chen Xiao hopes that the KQ Automobile can replace more than 30% of the fuel vehicles currently on the road.

The news was immediately transmitted to the 4S store.

Of course, the salesperson of the 4S store was overjoyed.

After all, they get a commission for every car sold.

Until 00:00 am.

Day 1's record is over.

All the 30,000 vehicles in the inventory of Cangqi Automobile have been sold out.

Pre-orders reached 56,000 vehicles.

Zhou Lin, a salesperson in Suzhou and Hangzhou, couldn't sleep because of laughing.

She sold more than 1,000 cars by herself today.

This situation is impossible for any brand in the decades of 4S store

Zhou Lin was very happy to post today's record on Suichat and WeChat Moments.

There are more than 100 likes and hundreds of comments in Moments.

This made Zhou Lin's former 4S shop friends jealous.

"My God, you're scared to death, I sold more than 1,000 of them alone."

"Woooo! I haven't been able to sell this number for several years. I was at the Volkswagen 4S store today, and I didn't sell a single one."

"I want to change jobs, I strongly demand to change jobs! I want to work as a salesperson in the Sky 4S shop."

"Even if it's a car, if you mention 500 yuan, it's already 500,000. I'm so jealous baby!"

At the same time, Changtian Technology and its affiliated KQ Motors also announced this result on their official Weibo, chat circles, Weibo public account and official website.

After the information came out, major news media and big Vs reposted it crazily and gave great exclamation marks.

Brother Yan, a big V with millions of followers, was extremely shocked, and said on Weibo: "Oh my god! 30,000 cars were sold in one day, and the order volume was 50,000 cars. The first day of Cangqiong car sales exploded! Xia Guo The auto industry is about to rise!"

Xinlang Motors and other media even published this information in the form of headlines on the front page, and commented: "Changtian Technology redefines what is a real new energy!"

On the second day, the anchor of the TV station spent 1 minute and 30 seconds broadcasting the performance and sales of Sky Auto, and said with certainty, "The technological and industrial products from Xia Guo have created a new height in the automotive industry! Xia Guo Manufacturing will definitely redefine the automotive industry and go to the world!"

At the same time, colleagues at home and abroad were shocked when they learned of this achievement!

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