Latest website: Takashi Okuda has not had a good life in recent years.

Because Changtian Technology is Sharp's life-saving straw, if it cannot conduct normal business relations with Changtian Technology, Sharp may slowly suffocate to death.

The reason for relying on Changtian Technology so much is that TVs are not easy to sell.

Sharp, which was established in 1912, has caught up with three waves of good luck in total.

The first wave was the expansion period of Toyo Japan. The active pencils and ore radios sold by Sharp were very popular in Toyo.

At that time, the country of Xia was full of wars, and the people were in dire straits. They didn't even have a relatively mature national industry, let alone an industrial company that could produce radios.

The second wave is Toyo's self-cultivation after the war.

Sharp mass-produced the first batch of domestic TVs in Toyo, and also set foot in household appliances such as microwave ovens and refrigerators.

The third wave is the industrial transfer of the United States.

Sharp began to quickly move closer to the new electronic business, and high-tech products such as LE were put on the research and development agenda, and achieved good results.

Until 2010, Sharp was the world's most famous LCD TV manufacturer and LCD panel seller.

But there is no smooth sailing company.

Sharp has also faced strong competition in recent years.

In Japan, brands such as Sony, Panasonic, Fuji, and Sanyo are constantly impacting the LCD TV market.

Among them, Sony's share in the high-end market is already far ahead of Sharp.

Moreover, in the international market, with the rise of South Korean brands such as Samsung and LG, and Xia Guo's cheap LCD TVs are catching up.

Sharp felt the winter.

Since 2013, Sharp's business has shrunk extremely. After all, TV sales have suffered from Waterloo and the economy has encountered difficulties.

This kind of difficulty is actually the feedback of the Toyo economy. Economic growth has encountered a bottleneck and cannot grow.

Sharp even sold its own headquarters building, just hoping to have more cash flow and strive for the company to tide over the difficulties.

In the 1990s, the economy of Toyo began to decline, so the big market in Toyo was not good.

If Sharp's products cannot be sold abroad and only rely on the Toyo market, then even if Sharp sells its headquarters, there is no way to get through the difficulties.

Just when Sharp was at its most critical, Changtian Technology extended an olive branch to Sharp.

Changtian Technology placed an order with Sharp to purchase LE screens on a large scale at a price absolutely higher than the market.

in the past. Companies such as Apple, Samsung, and HTC need to use mobile phone screens, and most of them use Samsung or LG screens.

In terms of mobile phone screen technology, Sharp, Samsung, and LG have their own advantages.

But because Samsung and LG have a very wide industrial chain, they have a very obvious price advantage, and they are inextricably linked with many semiconductor companies in the United States.

Therefore, companies such as Apple usually use Samsung's screens directly instead of looking for Sharp to buy screens.

Not to mention Samsung's mobile phones, isn't it good to use your own screen? Impossible to use another brand.

Changtian Technology purchases screens from Sharp at a price higher than the market price, which is a timely help for Sharp.

Sharp, of course, attaches great importance to it.

Without further ado, Okuda immediately signed a cooperation agreement with Hanhai Technology, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, to supply Hanhai mobile phones for a long time.

The cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant.

If there are no accidents, Sharp's financial report at the end of this year will be very good.

Although it is impossible to make up for the holes in the previous years, the profitability of the main business is growing. If we can ensure a stable cooperation with Changtian Technology, it is not impossible for Sharp to turn losses into profits in a few years.

It is precisely because of the good cooperation with Changtian Technology on mobile phone screens that Sharp is even planning to cut off its loss-making TV business and use more production capacity to supply Changtian Technology.

However, the warning from the U.S. capital circles made all Sharp's plans come to an emergency stop.

Sharp's industry is divided into two parts.

One part is the real industry, and the other part is the financial industry.

If the real industry still has the right to speak

If not, then the financial industry will completely hand over its lifeblood to Wall Street.

So Sharp had to think carefully about what Miguo's father said.

The headquarters of Sharp in Osaka.

Okuda Takashi called an emergency meeting.

The atmosphere in the conference room was very depressing, and Sharp's top management had no way to solve this problem.

Takashi Okuda even said with some self-mockery: "If we follow the advice (threat) of Wall Street, immediately cut off the cooperation with Hanhai Technology, and no longer supply Hanhai mobile phones, then Sharp, which has lost its main income, will definitely go bankrupt. This time period may be longer."

"But if we refuse to implement the demands of the Americans and continue to cooperate with Hanhai Technology and supply Hanhai mobile phones, Sharp will die immediately in the Wall Street financial market, and we will not receive loan support from American financial institutions. Bankruptcy is the way to go."

Both options are death, but one is early death and the other is late death.

Okuda Ryuji just felt a trace of sadness.

It is easier said than done to let the company operate autonomously and independently.

Especially in Toyo, a country without complete independence, every company is actually a bargaining chip and tool for the big country and the capital transactions behind it.

After a heated discussion.

Sharp finally decided to stop supplying mobile phones to Hanhai, but they must ask Wall Street to provide Sharp with enough loans with low enough interest to help Sharp tide over the difficulties.

This is actually just the first step in Sharp's survival.

Even with the money it gets, Sharp is completely uncompetitive in the home appliance industry and will eventually die, so Sharp needs to find the latest industry as soon as possible.

After making this decision.

Okuda Takashi took a deep breath and said helplessly: "But before we cut off the supply, we need to explain the situation to Changtian Technology."

In fact, Takashi Okuda still has a little hope in his heart, hoping that Changtian Technology will have a good way to help Sharp solve the problem.

It's not that Okuda Takashi is so pro-China, or that he loves Xia Guo.

All of his decisions are driven by interests.

Orientals are all egoists without exception.

The United States gave the Japanese government three days, while the Japanese government gave Sharp 24 hours.

Before Sharp decided to announce that it would no longer supply mobile phone screens like Hanhai Technology, Takashi Okuda personally made an international call to Wang Xiang, explaining in detail to Wang Xiang that Sharp is currently in a predicament and has no choice but to choose.

Okuda Takashi also said that Sharp will immediately package all the mobile phone screens in its inventory and send them to Xia Guo.

Sharp currently has only about 200,000 mobile phone screens in stock, which is not even enough to sell Hanhai mobile phones for a month.

And now the time has come to the middle of the year, and it will be September soon.

According to the plan of Changtian Technology, a new generation of Hanhai mobile phone will be released in September.

Now is the time to stock up on large-scale purchases of mobile phone screens.

Sharp's sudden cut-off of supply will definitely have a serious impact on the production of the new generation of Hanhai mobile phones.

Amidst Takashi Okuda's continuous apologies, Wang Xiang hung up the phone.

The news that Sharp will cut off the supply of mobile phone screens did not surprise Wang Xiang.

Because during this period of time, Wang Xiang and Chen Xiao are analyzing, after the Hanhai mobile phone has gone through two major outbreaks and hammered mobile phone companies around the world, what kind of reaction will the capital of the United States have?

Because Chen Xiao came from rebirth, the first thing that came to mind was to cut off the confession.

Chen Xiao's memory of this tragic experience was quite deep.

Before Chen Xiao was reborn, Xia Guo didn't develop the chip industry because he wasted too much time, so the entire industrial chain of the chip industry, from design to R&D to production, was all in the hands of the Americans.

As long as you touch the interests of the American people, the United States will immediately cut off your chip supply chain.

In addition to prohibiting the sale of chips, he can think of ways to sanction you, including the development and production technology of chip talents, and even production tools.

This supply cutoff made Xia Kingdom's relevant industrial chains pay a heavy price for it.

, the cost has increased several times.

So after Chen Xiao's rebirth, 10 years ago, the first technical bottleneck to break through was the chip.

Fortunately, Changtian Technology has developed a carbon crystal semiconductor, which is completely different from the semiconductor structure in the United States.

From the design of carbon crystal chips to the manufacturing of equipment and chip manufacturing, the entire industrial chain is in the hands of Changtian Technology.

This makes the United States helpless, and it is also the basis for Hanhai mobile phones to be sold well in the Xia country market and the European market at the same time.

So the only weak point is the screen.

Wang Xiang immediately reported Sharp's situation to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao lives in the office, typing rhythm with his hands on the desk.

There is really no way around the screen.

The production chain of mobile phones is too long.

There is a large industrial chain behind every component.

It is also for this reason that the emergence of smart phones has driven a new round of take-off in the global economy.

Otherwise, the capitalist market should have experienced an economic crisis around 2000.

It is because smartphones and the mobile Internet applications behind them can drive too many industries and have too much market value, which abruptly delayed the global economic crisis for about 15 years.

But it is precisely because the industrial chain is too long that it is impossible for Changtian Technology to eat up the entire industrial chain of mobile phones, so a series of secondary important things such as mobile phone shells, motherboards, basebands, screens, speakers, and intercoms Parts are distributed to other companies around the world.

Doing so can shorten the battle front of Changtian Technology, let Changtian Technology go into battle lightly, and get the finished product as soon as possible.

Chen Xiao also considered the risk factors. When purchasing the screen, he did not choose Samsung with the best display effect, but chose Toyo's Sharp.

An aging company like Sharp is still one step away from bankruptcy, and it is heavily indebted, which is jaw-dropping.

In terms of his size and economic structure, Western capital should not be interested in him, and Changtian Technology should be relatively safe.

Chen Xiao's assessment is also completely correct. In the past few years, Hanhai Technology's screen supply chain has not had any problems.

How do you know that Westerners don't talk about martial arts, and they don't even want face when they are so cheap.

Directly put pressure on the Japanese government, and ask the Japanese government to put pressure on Sharp, without any excuses.

This kind of strong measure does not even care about the life and death of the enterprise.

Chen Ling immediately asked Jobs Wenqi to come over for a meeting.

Simpson participated in the teleconference via video because he was in Europe.

The topic of Chen Xiao's meeting this time was what to do with the phone screen?

At present, there are still many materials for mobile phone screens, such as LE, IPS, and OLED.

Among them, the former has a longer lifespan and the latter has a wider color gamut. Oled is actually an upgraded version of LE that can emit light spontaneously, but it has serious stroboscopic problems, and the current technology is not very mature.

And whether it is IPS or OLE technology, the most advanced technology is still in the hands of South Korea and Toyo.

For example, Mi 4 also uses a Sharp screen.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "This matter is a bit troublesome, Wen Qi, how many screens do we have in stock?"

Wen Qi has already counted the data: "At present, we still have 2.2 million mobile phone screens in stock, of which 700,000 are supplied to Nokia and Bird, and the rest are Hanhai mobile phones. We have to reserve 10 of them. % as repairs, not much left over.”

Chen Xiao nodded. In fact, this kind of screen inventory is within the ideal range.

But the other party suddenly cut off the confession, which is an unexpected risk.

Jobs' complexion was a little bad.

He himself is very picky.

Therefore, under constant trade-offs, the screen of Hanhai mobile phone was selected to be supplied by Sharp, and it was Sharp's high-end screen.

Now there is a problem with Sharp's supply. In the choice of high-end screens, only Samsung's screens are left.

Some domestic companies do have the ability to produce LE screens, but the quality of the screens and the expressiveness of colors are far inferior to those of overseas companies.

Of course there is another

With no choice but to find Wanwan company - AUO.

Jobs offered his own advice.

"Although AUO's screen and quality are worse than Sharp's, it is barely usable." Jobs said, "But as far as I am concerned, I don't really want to use AUO's screen, because this kind of low-end screen can only If it is used on low-end mobile phones, if it is used on Hanhai mobile phones, it will definitely lower the reputation of Hanhai mobile phones and cause a bad influence."

Wang Xiang has dealt with companies in the Wanwan area. He fought back and forth with TPMC for several rounds at the beginning, and he is very clear about the virtues of these companies.

Compared with Toyo's company, their bones are softer.

Wang Xiang has some bad premonitions: "I'm worried that AUO will also cut off the supply to There are several screen suppliers in China, but we went to investigate, and the technology is really not up to standard, and the quality is too poor .”

"Even if we inject capital now and invest in these screen manufacturers to allow them to purchase equipment and develop technology, the entire cycle will be very long."

Everyone looked at Chen Xiao, waiting for Chen Xiao's decision.

Chen Xiao said, "Actually, we have three options to choose from."

"The first one is to acquire a domestic screen production company and reach a technology transfer agreement with Sharp. We can provide Sharp with enough funds to let him share the technology with us, and we promise that the technology will only be used for the screens of Hanhai Technology series mobile phones. Production depends on whether Sharp is willing, and of course it also depends on how much pressure the United States puts on Sharp."

"Secondly, AUO needs to increase the supply. The screen is almost a little bit worse, but we can still endure it. We can make up for consumers in other ways. But AUO is also an uncertain factor."

"The third…"

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