Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 555: Truth and Absolute Strength (2 in 1)

In this era, American media such as The New York Times have no such title as fake news.

On the contrary, in the eyes of many people of Xia, especially intellectuals of Xia, the words spoken by these overseas media must be authoritative and credible, and even bring some heroism that dares to expose the fact that the Xia media dare not reveal the truth.

So when the hat of Wang Yu as a commercial spy was put on the head of Changtian Technology, the whole event and the atmosphere of the industry suddenly became different.

Many Western media have reprinted this report from The New York Times.

The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal analyzed the so-called connotation of the news from multiple angles.

For example, the "Washington Post" said it even more miraculously, portraying Wang Yu as a chess **** that is ambushed in the United States by the relevant scientific research institutions of the Xia Kingdom.

And gave this behavior a very loud name called the Hermes Project.

And it is asserted that there are still a lot of scientific and commercial spies like Wang Yu, and they are common among Xia Guo international students and Xia Guo scientific research people who communicate with scientific research institutions in the United States. .

Hermes is a man in Greek mythology. His most classic behavior is theft, and he also stole a herd of cattle from Apollo.

This kind of description is an absolute insult to Xia State students and scientific researchers for those who know Greek mythology and Western history.

Because they sent Xia Guo international students and Xia Guo related scientific research institutions to the American academic circles to communicate with the experts and scholars who think they are robbers and thieves.

And it is concluded that these people came to the United States to steal semiconductor technology such as computer chips.

As soon as the news came out, the PC industry and public opinion circles became lively.

In the PC industry in the United States, especially in the Silicon Valley of the United States, many elite scholars have launched a heated discussion on this news.

The results of the discussions were surprising.

For example, why did Xiahui suddenly develop a chip behind it?

Because Wang Yu is a commercial spy.

It must be a fact that Xia Guo relied on spies to develop the chip.

Some people even concluded, "Did the carbon crystal hard drives and carbon crystal memory produced by Changtian Technology also steal related technologies from the United States?"

"The answer is very obvious. Those people from Xia who work in scientific research institutions in the United States are trying to steal the technology in the United States, so there are masterpieces such as carbon crystal storage, Firefly OS and Pangu chips."

Not to mention, such rumors are well-founded and well-founded.

In order to make this rumor more real, some media have turned up the research and related papers on carbon crystal materials by relevant research institutions in the United States in the early 1990s.

It is pointed out that the reason why Changtian Technology can develop carbon crystal storage is because the people of Xia Guo obtained the complete experimental content and related results of carbon crystal materials by improper means, and based on this, they obtained the research and development of carbon crystal storage. success.

Not to mention dual-core chips, the concept of dual-core chips is proposed in the relevant research materials published by Intel.

Wang Yu got Intel's research materials, so he helped Changtian Technology develop the Pangu 2 chip with a dual-core structure.

Under the reminder of the so-called Intel insiders, everyone also knew that it was because Changtian Technology suddenly used Intel's scientific research results to create a dual-core chip, which disrupted Intel's scientific research rhythm.

Some of these news are buzzing in the United States, and they have also been reprinted by the media in the East, South Korea, and Lion City.

"South Korea Ilbo" even used "Can plagiarism save Xia Guo's semiconductor industry? "The title.

And it is believed that the Pangu chip is the result of Changtian Technology stealing Intel.

This report made South Korean semiconductor companies such as Samsung LG gloat.

The successful development of Changtian Technology's Pangu chip has indeed shocked the entire semiconductor industry in South Korea. They did not expect that Xia Guo, who had lagged behind him for so many years, could actually develop a chip by himself.

Well now, it's decrypted, and it's just technical plagiarism.

Pangu chips will certainly be held legally accountable by Intel and other companies, accusing them of infringing intellectual property rights.

Of course companies like Samsung are happy.

Xia Guoyanjing, Lianxiang headquarters.

Lianxiang's executives and employees have learned about the business espionage of Changtian Technology.

Seeing such news, the feelings of many Lianxiang people are still very complicated.

On the one hand, the employees of Lianxiang, as people from Xia Guo, were absolutely astonished to see such news.

This means that there has been no essential change in the Western-centered rhetoric for hundreds of years, that is, high-tech products can only be researched by Westerners or even white people, but people of the yellow race and Xia people cannot make them. of.

This conclusion will make people very inferior and sad.

After all, the greatest despair is not not seeing hope, but seeing hope and then shattering it.

On the other hand, Lianxiang's employees feel a little fortunate.

Because if it is determined that all the technology of the Pangu chip comes from Intel.

Then Intel and related technology companies will definitely use legal means against Changtian Technology.

Whether Pangu chips can be sold in the market has also raised a big question mark.

If the Pangu chip cannot be sold in the market, the most competitive Jiaolong series PC of Shenchuan will have only one way to go, and the biggest beneficiary will also be Lianxiang.

At that time, a large number of computers purchased by government agencies, enterprises and institutions only considered Lianxiang.

After all, Changtian Technology and Shenchuan have already carried the stigma of theft. At this time, the state-owned enterprises and institutions representing the country's image will purchase Shenchuan's computers. Isn't this a slap in the face?

No matter what the employees of Lianxiang think, the executives of Lianxiang are happy.

By the end of 2004, the pattern of the PC market will undergo major changes.

Lianxiang successfully acquired IBM's personal computer affairs department, jumped to the world's third largest PC manufacturer, has a good global reputation.

Under such circumstances, which brand of computer will be purchased in the domestic centralized procurement, that is to be expected.

Yang Qing, who learned the news, was overjoyed. As expected, the American technology company hit the fame of Changtian Technology and Shenchuan as soon as it made a move.

Yang Qing also changed Lianxiang's advertising slogan at the right time - emphasizing the authenticity of the system and emphasizing that the chip was authorized by Intel.

In fact, this is also playing the faces of Pangu and Changtian Technology from the air.

That is to say, although Changtian Technology has developed the Pangu chip and the Firefly OS system, neither of them is legal and is a disgraceful act.

Gu Sure enough, the impact of the commercial espionage thing is quite large.

In Yanjing, the leaders responsible for the procurement of government agencies, enterprises and institutions were very surprised when they heard the news.

Yanjing is an international metropolis, even a window city of Xia Kingdom.

There are some things that can have a major international impact if they are not handled properly.

"We must verify whether the Pangu chip of Changtian Technology is legitimate? If it really comes from Intel, as reported by The New York Times and Western public opinion, then the impact of this incident will be very great!"

"Xia Guo has just joined the WTO a few years ago, and he has a commitment to respecting intellectual property rights among technology companies around the world."

"Under this premise, a large number of overseas technology companies will establish factories in the mainland of our Xiaguo, and are willing to transfer the relevant industrial chain to our Xiaguo."

"If we know that the source of Pangu's chip design and production technology has serious legal and moral flaws or even involves knowledge plagiarism, and we continue to purchase Shenchuan's computers regardless of it, it will be quite detrimental to our country's reputation."

The relevant departments of Yanjing, which had already signed a contract with Shenchuan, directly stopped this procurement and activity, and requested the relevant departments to investigate and study.

Intel also seems to be quite cunning, and immediately announced to the global media the development of its next-generation chips.

The next generation of chips, named Core chips, are dual-core chips.

The two cores in the Core chip will share a 12-megabyte L2 cache.

From the perspective of performance and chip structure, Core chips and Pangu chips have too many similarities.

This makes it even more doubtful whether Changtian Technology has indeed stolen Intel's relevant knowledge and technology.

Intel announced this news, which almost nailed Changtian Technology to the position of a plagiarist.

In fact, this world is extremely unfair and absurd.

Developed countries have a great say in the world, so many so-called facts and truths are not real facts and real thoughts.

Who would have thought that it was Intel who dissected the Pangu 2 chip of Changtian Technology and found the inspiration and method to develop a dual-core Core chip?

In this absurd world, it depends on who has a louder voice and who controls more media, so whoever speaks is the truth,

From the "New York Times" breaking the news of Changtian Technology's commercial espionage time to the global media rushing to forward the report, and now causing a sensation in the entire academic circle, no one wants to listen to the voice of Changtian Technology from beginning to end.

Because the size of Changtian Technology is too small compared to Intel.

And Xia Guo Media has no right to speak in the international arena.

Even if there are some conscientious Xia Guo media to speak out internationally, the kind of news they give will be considered unreliable.

Intel announced its own dual-core chip - Core chip research and development plan at once, which made people believe in such reports in the West. Intel also successfully played the role of the victim, arousing the incomparable audience and industry people around the world. pity.

The relevant situation was also known to the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences. Li Huaibin, director of the Institute of Computer Science of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, was quite angry when he learned the news.

As a witness of the development of Xiaguo's computer and chip industry, Li Huaibin, how much effort has Changtian Technology made to develop chips? Li Huaibin knew it.

Moreover, Li Huaibin also participated in the research of Pangu chip almost in the whole process. When Changtian Technology was developing Pangu chip, it also discussed and discussed with the Computer Research Institute of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences in a timely manner in many key fields and application links.

The Institute of Computer Science, Xia Guo Academy of Sciences has even undertaken some research on the application of Pangu chips,

This kind of news from "New York Times" almost killed the entire high-end chip industry chain of Xia Guo, and also put a **** pot on the head of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Such an arbitrary conclusion is absolutely unacceptable to Li Huaibin!

Li Huaibin immediately called a meeting of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, and made a solemn protest to the New York Times and Intel in the name of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences immediately issued a statement to the public: strongly protesting the unprovoked attacks on Xia Guo scientific research institutions and scientific research achievements by the New York Times and other media. Strongly protest the unprovoked slander of Xia Guo researchers by relevant media.

Relevant media are required to watch and listen strictly and apologize!

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, as a scientific research institution based on seeking truth from facts and peaceful development of scientific research technology, will retain legal rights and interests.

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences immediately released the statement on the official website and media of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

The statement was reported by Xiaguo state television and state media.

After the meeting, Li Huaibin also got in touch with Changtian Technology immediately, hoping to hear the opinions of Changtian Technology.

In fact, before Li Huaibin called, Chen Xiao had already received relevant reports.

These random reports and inters were all justified by Chen Xiao's expectations.

Seeing the "New York Times" and Intel's relevant statement, Chen Xiao's first feeling is that Intel is really in a hurry.

After all, Intel has been brewing a dual-core chip project for several years. Before it was successfully developed, it was given the first win by Changtian Technology.

The blow was too big for Intel.

Chen Xiao said to the phone, "I see. Thank you Director Li for your concern. We'll be fine."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiao smiled and looked at Wang Xiang and other senior management of Changtian Technology.

Wang Xiang looked at the relevant reports and scolded: "Since Intel said we copied Intel's dual-core chip technology, why have we all successfully developed But Intel just announced the relevant R&D plans and R&D. progress?"

"Instead of directly publishing the successfully developed chips! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Intel currently does not have the technology and ability to develop dual-core chips."

Wang Xiang is a man of understanding!

Song Yi said angrily: "These reports from the United States have no principles of their own. They directly exposed the list of personnel in our chip research laboratory, and even named Wang Yu as a commercial spy."

In fact, the internal personnel of Changtian Technology is the most clear. The core figure of the chip research institute is not Wang Yu, but Chen Xiao.

The success of Pangu's chip development is inseparable from Chen Xiao's chip design ideas. If Chen Xiao did not lead the research in the laboratory, even 100 Wang Yus would be useless.

Chen Xiao was very calm in the face of such news.

He said calmly: "It has been fully proved by this incident that the Pangu chip has had an important impact on the entire chip industry and the PC industry. Otherwise, the capital and technology circles in the West could not have adopted such a panic."

Chen Xiao said confidently: "This world is never about the truth, but about power and absolute strength!"

Chen Xiao's remarks made the people in the conference room very excited. They knew that Changtian Technology would never be a knife, I would be a fish!

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