In the screen

【The armor with broken ice armor took off successfully!】

【Tony's smile is extremely contagious】

【The laughter was extremely hearty. 】

Countless comments passed by

…‘Remember this smile, this is Tony's happiest smile’

…‘Cherish the present, you will never see such a smile again’

…‘Woohoo, my Nini, I hope the world will be better to you. Tony looked at the comments.

"What are they talking about?"

"The happiest laugh you've ever had?"

"I've always been happy."

Tony was puzzled.

The atmosphere of the barrage was a little sad.

It made him a little afraid of the future.

Pepper was thoughtful.

"The hero is lonely"

"Being a hero requires a price"

"Maybe in the future you will really lose your smile."

Tony's heart skipped a beat.

He looked at Pepper.

"Will not"

"As long as you are here"

"I will always have a smile on my face."

Little Pepper smiled

"Are you sure you are talking about me, not the female reporter?"


Tony couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The technology of the armor is far ahead of this era.

What kind of danger will the armor be unable to deal with in the future?

How terrifying will that power be?

Alien technology?

Future technology?

Or the power of a parallel universe?

Tony looked worried.

He began to worry about the future.


【The test flight is over and everything went well】

【Tony flew back to the private villa and ordered the armor to turn off the fire】

【The armor that lost its power was like a heavy boulder.】

【Smashed through the ground and fell into the basement】

【Smashed heavily on the front hood of the sports car……】

【The robot Benben starts spraying dry ice】



Rhode's laughter came.

Tony had no expression on his face.

In fact, he was extremely embarrassed.

It was so smooth before!

From taking off, breaking the ice, and flying again.

Everything was so cool and handsome.

The performance of the armor was so perfect.

It was the crystallization of his supreme wisdom.

It was simply impeccable!

Everything was so smooth.

In the end, it fell down.

It also smashed a car...

It destroyed everything.

Tony was extremely embarrassed.

He quickly changed the subject.

"That's my favorite car."

"I'll let Happy drive all the cars away now"

"Can't park underground"



Nick Fury laughed loudly.

His eyes were full of admiration.

"Although there are some flaws"

"But the power of this armor is strong enough"

"Coulson, you must let Stark join us."

Coulson, who had already set out to Stark Industries, received the order and swears on his chest.

He promises to complete the mission.

But Black Widow looks worried.

"Chief, are you sure?"

"Stark's character will not obey discipline."

"What if he doesn't obey orders? What should we do?"

Nick Fury pondered for a moment.

"After he was rescued, he first announced that he would stop making weapons."

"Such a person must be kind-hearted."

"That's enough."

Nick Fury's ability to judge people is beyond doubt.

Black Widow said nothing more. She was really not interested in a playboy like Tony. When she thought about cooperating with him in the future, Black Widow was inexplicably worried. The picture on the screen was still going on.


【Famous scene 6: First actual combat!】


The Iron Man Armor is meant for combat.

Flying is only an aid.

What really deserves attention is its combat capability.

Actual combat is the best way to test its performance.

At this moment, whether it is Tony Stark,

Nick Fury, or other Avengers, they all opened their eyes wide, wanting to see the combat capability of the Armor with their own eyes.

In the screen

【Tony sat on the sofa, staring at the TV】

【The TV reports the tragic situation in the war zone】

【Tony's face became more gloomy, and his eyes became more determined.】

【He seems to have an idea.】

【After testing the arm part of the armor, Tony began to take action】

【Upgraded high-tech mechanical arms to support every part of the armor】

【Just stand there】

【The robotic arm can put each piece of armor together on Tony】

【The moment the mask is closed and the lights come on】

【Armor equipment is complete!】

【Red and yellow armor flying across the sky】

【The speed is so fast that it produces sonic booms.】

【In the war zone filled with smoke, terrorists killed innocent civilians】

【A set of armor descended from the sky like a god】

【Kill all terrorists easily】

【At the moment of leaving, a shell hit】

【The armor fell to the ground, creating a deep pit.】

【Smoke filled the air】

【The next moment, Tony, wearing armor, climbed out of the pit】

【He fired a shell at the armored vehicle in the distance, then turned and left.】

【Boom! There was a loud noise, and the armored vehicle behind him exploded.】

【Tony didn't even look back.】

【A real man never looks back at the explosion!】

【Iron Man’s first battle, victory!】


"see it"

"It's the armor I developed."

""The combat capability and the ability to withstand attacks are strong enough!"

Tony was as excited as a child.

He paced back and forth in the office.

Many thoughts came to his mind.

"There are still many areas that can be improved"

"For example, missile defense capability"

"With a little improvement, the shell just now could not hit"

"The armor shell material can also be improved."

Tony murmured.

He is a scientific and technological genius. He can accurately identify problems based on actual combat.

Then summarize experience and improve weapons.

Pepper looked at his excitement.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The love in his eyes was not concealed at all.



Nick Fury nodded with satisfaction

"The combat capability of the armor is very good"

"Better than I thought"

"I can't wait to invite Tony Stark."

Black Widow came forward and said in a magnetic voice:

"Calm down, Fury."

"The time in the light curtain is in the future"

"Stark is still a playboy now."

Nick Fury nodded, but he couldn't suppress his excitement.

He had been thinking about the Avengers' plan for a long time.

Since decades ago, when he saw the green Skrulls and the Captain Marvel flying all over the universe, the Avengers' plan has been circling in his mind.

Now, the appearance of this light curtain has undoubtedly brought him great hope.

Black Widow knows the pressure Nick Fury is under.

Nick Fury said that the three scars on his eyes were left by aliens.

It still hurts today.

Anyone who can hurt the director and leave horrible scratches must be a very dangerous and terrifying person.

Black Widow looked at Nick Fury.

"Don't worry, Chief."

"The team will be formed"

"We will avenge the scratches on your face!"

Nick Fury said nothing.

He was a little panicked.

This light curtain... probably, shouldn't expose the source of the scratches?

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