Rhode was embarrassed.

He had said that no matter what happened, he would always support Tony.

But he was slapped in the face!

Thinking of Tony's lonely eyes in the light screen,

Rhode felt extremely sorry.

"Tony, I'm sorry."

"I am too ignorant in the light curtain"

"Don't worry, I will firmly support you in the future"

"After you develop the armor……"

"Can I try it on first?"

"This thing is so cool."

"I want to put on a tank and fly to the president."

Tony laughed.

There are always grudges and misunderstandings between friends.

Just solve them.

Tony was not really angry.

He looked at Pepper.

But he saw that Pepper's eyes were red.

Her eyes were full of sadness.

"What's wrong with you, my dear little pepper?"

Little pepper wiped her tears

"With your current personality, it is impossible to stop producing weapons."

"Ethan's death and that experience"

"This must be a huge blow to you."

Tony's heart skipped a beat.

Although he always laughs, he is actually very sensitive.

Such care can touch his heart the most.

Tony forced a smile.

"Do not be sad"

"I am fine now."

"That business trip, as long as I don't go"

"This would not have happened."

Little Pepper nodded.

The boss's safety is more important than anything else.

However, she thought of something else.

"In the previous picture, the armor has been improved."

"A lot must have happened during this period."

Tony nodded.

"I think the first improvement of Warframe should also be a famous scene."

"Trust me, there will be"

"Just watch quietly"


Tony Stark's guess was correct.

The first test flight of the improved armor.

It was definitely a famous scene, well deserved!

Inside the light curtain, the picture appeared

【Famous scene 5: The development of armor, the first test flight of Mark 2]

Screen switching

【In the laboratory, Tony is wearing a semi-finished leg armor】

【Tony: Record, first takeoff attempt. Three, two, one, ignition!】

【The legs burst into flames, bursting with a catapulting force】

【Tony's body suddenly flew up, hit the wall upside down, and fell heavily to the ground.】

【The robot Benben starts spraying dry ice】


Tony touched his face

"This, ahem, is normal."

"There are always surprises in experiments"

"Try to improve again and again"

"It will always work."

On the phone, Rhodes laughed unscrupulously.

"Tony Tony!"

"Do you see yourself banging your head against a wall?"

"Your nose must be hurting, hahahaha!"

Tony had no expression on his face.

He looked at Pepper.

Pepper was also trying not to laugh.

Tony's face darkened.

""Laugh if you want to."

Pepper burst into laughter.

Looking at her gentle smile,

Tony's mood actually improved a lot.

He even commented:

"Should add balancer to the hands"


【Tony: This time I added a balancer to my hands and tried flying again】

【The ignition is smooth and the body slowly flies up】

【Light the palms of both hands to control balance】

【From unstable to handy】

【Finally, slowly landed】

【Tony said with a firm look: I can fly】

【Scene switching, the first generation of robotic arms in operation】

【The armor pieces were loaded onto Tony.】

【Perfect size】

【The bright silver color looks like steel.】

【Jarvis: Prepare for self-examination!】

【Tony: Uh, you should check the weather and air traffic control first.】

【Jarvis: Sir, a lot of calculations are needed before the actual flight.】

【Tony: Jarvis, sometimes it's better to run before you walk.】

【The surrounding scenery is loaded】

【Tony: Three, two, one, take off!】

【The armor soared into the air, flew out of the passage, and reached the vast night sky.】

【Under the night sky, Tony is free and flying freely】

【He is like a bird, carefree and enjoying his freedom】

【Tony: What is the world record for the highest flight?】

【Jarvis: The fixed-wing record is 85,000 feet.】

【Tony: Records are meant to be broken!】

【The armor turned around, soared straight up, and headed straight for the sky】

【Jarvis: Sir, the armor will freeze.】

【Crack... a layer of ice condenses on the surface of the armor】

【Power lost, instruments failed, and the descent began.】

【In mid-air, Tony was waving his claws and fangs, falling miserably.】


Tony scratched his face awkwardly.

With his personality, he would do such a thing.

He did it in the future.

Who would have thought that the suit would freeze and the body would fall rapidly.

Once it hit the ground, it would be certain death.

Rhodes said on the phone:

"Look at you, you've been so reckless"

"Can't you be more steady?"

"Do you know how dangerous it is to fall from a height?"

Tony said faintly:

"Have you tried it?"

Rhodes laughed.

"If I fall down, can I still talk to you?"

"Besides, I have a stable personality."

"How could he fall from a height?"

Tony was too lazy to answer.

He knew that Rhodes had a calm personality and would not fall from a height.

Pepper said worriedly:

"What should I do?"

"you will not……"

"Did he really fall to his death?"

Tony shook his head and smiled.

Although he only saw part of the picture, he believed that he must have added flaps to the armor.

"Open the ailerons to remove the ice coat"

"As long as you remove the ice coat, you can fly normally"

"Don't worry, it'll be okay."


The Arctic Ocean.

The more Captain America watched, the more disappointed he became.

"Howard's son, why is this so?"

"Not as stable as Howard"

"Is it a good thing for such a person to be a hero?"

In the eyes of Captain America, a hero is someone who can sacrifice himself when necessary.���Life.

But Tony's personality doesn't seem like that kind of person.

Captain America can't help but worry



Nick Fury looked stunned

"Tony Stark, it's just as the rumors say"

"Such a big character flaw"

"Recruiting him here requires proper training."


Corvo University.

Dr. Banner shook his head and sighed. He was very disgusted with Tony Stark's character. Such an unstable character. If a fight broke out, it would probably cause a big disaster.

"If it were me, I wouldn't do that."

"Do everything calmly."

"Don't be so impetuous."

I am also on the list of heroes.

Dr. Banner can't help but start to wonder. What kind of hero will

I become in the future ?



Loki is disappointed

"This kind of personality is far inferior to your brother."

"Why did he become the beginning of heroic history?"

""My dear brother, I can't wait to see you."

Thor glared at Loki.

He wanted to hit him with a hammer.

The flattery was disgusting. He really didn't want to pay attention.

However, he was not convinced in his heart. A man like Tony Stark could be called a hero?

And he was the beginning of the history of heroes?

He was worthy of it?

Thor was not convinced in his heart.

【Tony falling and turning the mechanical switch】

【The wings of the armor opened, and the ice armor shattered】

【Armor function quickly restored】

【Tony, who was about to fall to the ground, suddenly turned around】

【Successfully took off again】

【Tony: yeah~hahaha!】

【The sincere smile moved countless people. 】

In the screen, countless comments flashed...

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