【Famous scene 1: My friend, I am on your left】


Arctic Ocean. Captain America was confused when he saw this title. On your left? What does this mean? Logically, between friends... shouldn't there be a relationship of superiors and subordinates? How can there be left and right? What kind of posture is this? Captain America was confused. He stared at the screen. He wanted to see it more carefully.

"New friends?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

Captain America was curious.


【In the morning, it was just dawn】

【A figure is running by the lake】

【He doesn't run fast.】

【Probably because I ran too long.】

【Due to lack of physical strength】

【Getting up so early to run】

【It's already amazing】


On a park bench,

Falcon was looking at the video.

He was stunned.

He looked at the lake in the video.

Then he looked at the scene in front of him.

They were exactly the same!

And the figure in the video was himself!

Falcon was a little confused.

"It’s me?"

"Famous scenes of the US team"

"The person who came out at the opening……"

"It's me?"

Falcon was full of disbelief.

He couldn't help but get more excited.

Does this mean that he and Captain America... have become friends?

Falcon widened his eyes and looked carefully.


【Falcon running on the lakeside trail】

【A figure behind him gradually caught up with him.】

【Much faster than him.】

【It looks like the falcon is leaving us behind.】

【In fact, the opponent has already trapped the falcon several times.】

【Well-developed muscles, strong body】

【You can tell it’s Captain America at first glance!】

【The American team ran by】

【When passing by Falcon】

【Said hello】

【Captain America: On your left】

【Falcon: ???】

【Captain America ran away】

【Screen switching】

【Still by the lake, another perspective】

【Falcon Run】

【The American team circled again and passed by】

【Captain America: On your left】

【Falcon: OK, OK, OK, got it. It’s on my left.】

【Switch perspective again】

【Captain America caught up again and entangled Falcon again】

【Falcon: Uh, good morning, Captain.】

【Captain America: Don't try to get close to me, idiot!】

【Falcon: Get out!】

【Captain America: Go home and pick cotton!】

【Beep... (Mosaic)…】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America: ???

"Am I that rude?"

"Impossible. Absolutely impossible."

"I have always paid attention to language quality."

Captain America felt embarrassed.

He represented the justice of a country.

But now he was cursing.

And the curses were so ugly.

Not only that.

There was a serious discriminatory meaning in it...

It was totally inconsistent with his status.

"Is this video fake?"

"Technology is so great now"

"The video must have been shot randomly."

Captain America thought to himself.

The video broadened his horizons.

Although he didn't know how to use photoshop,

Captain America had already guessed that the video was fake.

"Well, it must be fake!"


On the park bench,

Falcon's smile froze.

What did Captain America say?

Silly money?

Go home and pick cotton?

Is this Captain America?

Is this the Captain America promoted by the team?

At this moment, Falcon felt like the house was collapsing.

It was unbelievable!

"Is Captain America such a person?"


"Absolutely impossible!"

Falcon couldn't believe it.

He sat on the bench with a dull look on his face.


【The clip just now was a spoof】

【Don't take it seriously】

【Everyone has a responsibility to fight piracy. 】

The video explains that it is a second-hand video after all.

It almost killed Captain America and Falcon.

It still needs to be explained briefly.

The screen switches.

The original scene is presented

【The American team caught up】

【Falcon heard footsteps and looked back.】

【His expression was visibly panicked.】

【Falcon: No no no, please don't say that……】

【Captain America: On your left】

【Falcon: Please……】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief.

His toes almost tore the sole of his shoe.

For a moment, he really thought he had scolded Falcon.

Fortunately, the video helped him clear his name.

It did not distort the facts.

"The video producer has some conscience.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now I understand what the title means."

"On his left side means he is always running."

"Pass by his left"

"It's not a love position."

After figuring this out,

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a little happy.

The first famous scene made him socially dead.

But it also showed a few highlights.

His physical strength is much stronger than Falcon.

The video fully shows it. Captain America is still very satisfied with this.


On a park bench.

Falcon breathed a sigh of relief

"so far so good"

"No house collapse"

"Idols are still idols." Falcon was so excited watching the video. In the future, he actually became friends with Captain America. They were good friends who worked out together. This was a great honor for a retired soldier. But... Captain America kept mocking him while he was running. Falcon felt a little embarrassed.

"Run when you run"

"Why do you keep saying that embarrassing thing?"

"There will be a chance later"

"I must be on your left too!"

Falcon said in his heart



Carter on the bed.

A smile on his face

"Steve, you really adapted to modern life."

This scene made Carter very happy.

A person who had been frozen for decades suddenly woke up and returned to modern life.

At first, he must have been confused and uncomfortable.


Captain America adapted quickly and even made new friends.

""Sam, this guy looks good."

Carter commented in his heart.

He was very satisfied with Falcon.

After all, Falcon was a man.

Carter didn't want Captain America to have a woman around him.

However, this scene didn't last long.

The scene changed.

【Captain America received the mission and said goodbye to Falcon】

【A sports car drove up and stopped in front of me.】

【The car window is rolled down, and the widow is sitting in the car】

【She had long hair and straightened it】

【Looks very sexy】

【The American team got on the car without hesitation.】


Carter's bedside.

The electrocardiogram showed a faster heart rate.

The alarm sounded.

The doctor came to take a look.

He found that Carter had calmed down.

His heartbeat returned to normal.

He couldn't help but feel strange.

"Ms. Carter, what's wrong with you?"

Carter was embarrassed.

Can I say I'm jealous?

I'm eighty or ninety years old.

Lying on the hospital bed and saying I'm jealous.

Who would believe it?

Even if the other person believed it, how embarrassed would I be?

Carter shook her head.

"I just had a nightmare."

"Sorry to trouble you."

"I'm fine, you guys go about your business."

The doctors breathed a sigh of relief and left the ward.

The sound of their discussion spread into the ward. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"See, Ms. Carter's face is red."

"Yeah, she seems embarrassed."

"What's wrong with her? It feels like my girlfriend is jealous"

"I feel the same way. Why should I eat vinegar at such an old age?"

Listening to the doctors' discussion[]

Carter covered her face with the quilt awkwardly.

She looked at the light curtain

"This video is so disturbing"



Nick Fury holds a file.

The name on it is Sam.

After watching the video,

Nick Fury immediately asked someone to find Sam's information.

After all, this Sam is on the list of heroes in the second phase. This is the first new hero in the second phase that appears in the video. Nick Fury found something interesting. Sam's previous troops are a bit special.

"They used a new type of equipment"

"Can fly, shoot"

"Tony's armor"

"But it is far from the advanced armor"

"There is only one set of this equipment left.

Nick Fury looked thoughtful.

He speculated that Sam could become a hero because of this set of equipment.


"I can rest assured that"

"There will be no problem with his obedience.

Nick Fury smiled.


Stark Industries.

Tony searches for Sam's information.

After all, he is a veteran.

The information is confidential.

Tony calls and asks Rod to check.

Rod immediately scolds

"are you crazy?"

"You're asking me to reveal secrets."

"I will be court-martialed!"

Tony said with a smile:

"How many times has it been leaked?"

"Forgot Gears of War, awesome?"

"Check it out quickly!"


Soon, Sam's file will be sent to Tony.

"It turned out to be this equipment"

"My father participated in the research"

"But later this plan was shelved.���

Pepper came forward and looked at the file.

Tony said:

"This is a confidential file."

"After you read"

"will be shot."

Pepper said:"With you here, I'm not afraid."

Tony smiled

"Captain America's new friend"

"not bad"


Sam's appearance has sparked a lot of discussion.

This is normal.

After all, he is a new hero in the second stage. He is the first to appear.

Of course, there are more discussions.

As the famous scene on your left ends, the second famous scene begins.

【Famous scene 2: Meet Carter again】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's heart trembled.


He would never forget this name.

The most beautiful woman in his memory.

He had been thinking about her for seventy years.

How could he forget her?

Captain America became a little nervous.

"Carter is alive"

"But she's very old."

"After meeting her"

"What will I say?

Captain America is very nervous.


Hospital ward. Carter's eyes turned red when he saw his name appear.

"Did I meet Steve?"

"Before dying"

"Did I really see him?"

Carter became excited.

His heartbeat accelerated.

The doctor came to the ward again.

Carter hurriedly said:

""I'm fine, just a little excited."

The doctor's eyelids were twitching. Her heart rate was almost 200. Does this look like she's fine?

Is the old lady thinking about love?

The doctors were busy examining her.

Carter's mood gradually calmed down.

"I'm really fine"

"You all should get out."

"Sharon, you go out too."

Sharon is her niece.

The one that Captain America kissed later.

Sharon left the ward.

The doctor held a medical report.

"After testing, your aunt has Alzheimer's disease"

"Her memory is getting worse."

"In the end, forget about everyone"

"You have to be prepared."

Sharon's heart skipped a beat.

She found it hard to accept this fact.

In the ward,

Carter looked at the screen.

"I want to live well"

"Take treatment seriously"

"See you Steve in the best condition in the future"

"What would it be like if I met him?"

Carter looked at the screen and became fascinated.


【In private room】

【Captain America meets Carter】

【Reunion after 70 years】

【One is still young】

【The other one is lying in bed】

【Captain America: Sorry, I missed your date.】

【Seventy years ago, when they were in action, they agreed to dance.】

【It's a pity that it was frozen for seventy years】

【Captain America broke his promise】

【Carter can no longer dance.】

【Carter: It's not your fault, life is good.】

【A sad atmosphere permeates】

【Carter: You are so young, but I am old】

【Captain America: There is an old saying that women are like fine wine, the older they get, the more mellow they become.】

【Carter calmly watched Captain America】

【Captain America: 520, how do you want to spend it?】

【Note: 520 in the East means"I love you".

Unscrupulous merchants hype it up and turn 520 into Valentine's Day.】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was full of questions.

Myself in the video.

Why was he so wretched?

Let’s not talk about Carter’s age. He was already lying in a hospital bed. How could I still be thinking about Sese?

Is this really me?

Captain America blushed.

He lowered his head in shame.

My future self.

How did he become like this?



Carter: ???

Her heartbeat quickened again.

She didn't expect Captain America to be so flirtatious after he came back!

Just a video made Carter very excited.

Her heartbeat quickened.

The doctor came again.

He looked at Carter speechlessly.

They checked again.

There was nothing wrong.

She could only leave in confusion.

Carter watched the video.

"With my current body"

"With Steve's modified body"

"I'm afraid we won't be able to spend Valentine's Day together."


Stark Industries.

Tony covers his mouth.

Looks like"this is hard to judge"

"I didn't expect that Captain America has such a heavy taste"

"He is really not picky about food!"

"Chili pepper, you see"

"This guy looks like a dog."

Little Pepper:……



Nick Fury shrugged

"It seems that to evaluate a person, you can't just look at his profile"

"It depends on what he does."

Black Widow:"I totally agree."

Hawkeye:"You are absolutely right!"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner is looking through Captain America's materials.

He looks confused.

"Serum transformation, has it damaged your brain?"

"How can you say such a thing?"

"How could Captain America do this?"


The video is obviously randomly edited.

But the editing is so accurate that you can't see any problems at all.

This has caused Captain America's reputation to suffer.

Letting Falcon pick cotton counts as one.

Now flirting with the elderly Carter is another.

Captain America's reputation has taken a sharp turn for the worse. At the end of the famous scene 2, a note was added


"Watch the video, please be discerning and carefully distinguish true from false."

It is obvious that the exchange between Captain America and Carter is another dubbing.

But this time, the original clip was not released.

Instead, the third famous scene was directly opened.

Famous scene 3: Elevator fight].

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