【Famous scene 5: The hammer is too busy!

This title feels very... funny at first glance. As we all know, Thor's physical body is ordinary.

The hammer is his true body.

To Thor, the hammer is everything, the most important thing!

The hammer is too busy?

What is going on?

Thor was puzzled.

Loki was even more curious.

Odin was also confused.

How busy can a hammer be?

In fact, it is just a combat weapon. It's like a Gatling gun on the battlefield. It just needs to keep firing blue flames.

The hammer only needs to hit and smash.

What is considered too busy?

Even Odin himself couldn't figure out the meaning.

The atmosphere became subtle for a while.


Stark Industries

"Thor's hammer is a great thing"

"If you can get it, study it."

"Maybe we can make an identical one." Tony imitated and copied any weapon he saw, and then upgraded it. Thor's hammer was his target. Pepper said:

"He is from Asgard"

"Hammer Material……"

"There shouldn't be any on Earth, right?"

Tony was stunned.

It seems to be the case.

"you're right"

"This makes me more curious"

"Can make such a hammer"

"How advanced is the technology?"

Actually, it's not that advanced.

The hammer was made in the Dwarven Country. They only make cold weapons there.

The forging method used is similar to the ancient technology of hammering iron on Earth.

The technology is not advanced.

But the raw materials are awesome!

If Tony is given such an environment and raw materials, the weapons he makes will be even more amazing.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner looked thoughtful.

He had always been engaged in human research.

In his opinion, Thor's hammer was more like a person.

A person with thoughts and self-awareness.

So when it heard Thor's call, the hammer would fly over.

"Of course, it could also be a more advanced AI."

Just like Jarvis in the Anti-Tony 09 armor.

When you order the armor to come,

Jarvis will start the program and fly over with the armor.

The hammer may be the same. Banner also had the idea of studying

Thor's hammer.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked at the word"Hammer".

He looked thoughtful.

"Thor's hammer is really a good thing"

"If I were given this hammer"

""How will I use it?"

Captain America began to imagine.

Holding a hammer in one hand and a shield in the other, the two weapons should work together.

A set of combos gradually formed in his mind.


"I am eligible"

"Pick up that hammer?"



Nick Fury chuckles

"To be honest"

"I like Thor's hammer."

"I must pick it up and try it out if I have a chance."

Black Widow said,"Men are so boring." Hawkeye was also unconvinced.

He thought it was just a hammer.

Anyone could pick it up, right?

However, the title said"Busy Hammer".

How busy does it have to be?


The video officially begins

【on the earth】

【Jian and others began to take action and arrange tools】

【They're going to extract the ether particles.】

【At the same time, the villains attack】

【A huge spaceship lands on Earth】

【The villain walked down from the boat.】

【His steps are very bold and confident.】

【Everything seems under control】

【Thor took the hammer and went forward】

【The battle between the two sides is about to break out】

【The villain strikes first】

【Thor tried to block it, but failed and was thrown to the ground.】

【Its eight forks are raised】

【It's hard to imagine that this is the posture of a god.】



Thor scratched his head

"A little embarrassing"

"But it doesn't matter"

"It's not a big deal."

Loki said with a smile.


Brother , you are awesome.……

"Don't be so sarcastic."

Loki quickly shut up.


【Thor uses his classic move: throwing the hammer】

【I have to say, this trick is really effective】

【The villain was knocked out】

【Fell heavily to the ground】

【Thor chased after him, hammer in hand.】

【Because of the operation of Jane et al.】

【The magnetic field and space nearby change】

【This creates a complex transmission channel】

【Thor collided with the villain and fell down】

【Teleported to outer space planet】

【Thor's one trick is enough to conquer the world】

【Throw the hammer at the villain again!】

【However, under the influence of the magnetic field in space】

【The hammer penetrates space and returns to Earth】

【Because at this time, Thor is still in outer space】

【And summoning the hammer】

【So the hammer changes direction, very extraterrestrial】

【Heading straight to the depths of the universe】

【Outer space planet】

【Thor's battle with the villains continues】

【The two fought and fell back to Earth again.】

【Falling from a high altitude!】

【Thor summons his hammer again】

【The hammer just flew out of the earth】

【Even the solar system has not yet flown out】

【Turning back, heading towards the earth】

【Finally, we are about to return to the ground】

【Hammer turns direction】

【Flying towards Thor. 】

Hammer: I'm really impressed!

【However, Thor and the villain traveled through space again.】

【Back to the desolate planet in outer space】

【The hammer turns again】

【Flying straight into outer space】

【The scene changes to Jane, the doctor, and two friends.】

【Because of the space distortion】

【A sudden encounter】

【The two sides just finished greeting each other】

【The hammer flew past, almost touching the ground.】

【I was flying into space just now.】

��Why did it fly back again?】

【Because on the other side, Thor and the villain……】

【I've traveled back again.】

【Saul fell into the subway station】

【The subway door opened】

【Sol: How do I get to Greenwich?】

【Passenger: Come on and sit for three stops】

【Sol gets on the subway】

【A great god, the god of thunder, the avenger, the son of Odin……】

【I'm actually taking the subway】

【The scene was inexplicably funny】

【And the Meow Meow Hammer is still flying around. 】

Hammer: Meow, where the hell is my master?

【Finally, Thor got out of the subway】

【He walked into the center of the vortex】

【The hammer finally came!】

【Hammer: Thank God, I finally found someone!】

【During the whole process, the hammer was basically flying everywhere】

【Fly here, fly there】

【Even the hammer itself doesn't know where it should fly】

【This gives it a busy】



Thor looks at the hammer in his hand

"Thank you for your hard work, baby."

Loki came forward.

"It really made it busy."

"Brother, if you ask me, don't litter."

"In case someone picks it up"

"That's not worth it."

Thor smiled coldly.

"Who else but me is qualified to hold the hammer?"

"What's more, the future hammer was cast under a spell by his father"

"Only people with pure hearts can take"

"You, definitely can’t make it."

Loki: …

Thor looked at Odin

"Only my father, I, can pick up this hammer."

Odin was silent. (To read the best novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Remember what you said today."

Sol's eyes lit up.

"Father, do you want me to always keep a kind heart?"

Odin said faintly:


"I hope that in the future when you get slapped in the face"


Thor: Is there anyone else who can hold the hammer?

In fact, Odin really knows one.

However, this person is not in Asgard now.

But in the future, she will definitely come back. She may even destroy Asgard.

This is what Odin is most worried about.

"However, when that time came"

"They are two brothers"

"Should be able to handle it, right?"


Stark Industries.

Tony grinned from ear to ear

"I would like to call this hammer: the flying hammer."

Little Pepper said faintly:

"Don't give random nicknames"

"Don't forget your Anti-Tony armor"

"Is there anyone who can match this suit of armor?"


Why are you exposing the shortcomings of your own family?



Nick Fury's face was solemn.

He didn't care about the hammer flying around.

What he cared about was this battle!

"Apparently happened in Eagle Country"

"Aliens invaded, but the Avengers didn't respond?"

"I didn't show up either?"

"What is going on?"

Nick Fury was in a heavy mood.

Black Widow pondered:

"Maybe, everyone has their own things to do."

"For example, Captain America is busy, and I am busy too."

"Clint and Dr. Banner are also busy"

"As for Tony, he should be picking up girls.

Nick Fury:……


Corvo Laboratory

"The power of aliens should not be underestimated"

"Real space is distorted"

"Even if Hulk went"

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it?"


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's thoughts returned.

He had just thought of a combo.

As long as he could pick up the hammer and use the shield, this combo would definitely make the enemy unable to resist.

"There are opportunities in the future"

"Must try"

"Pick up that hammer!"


Deep in the universe.

Gamora's face was solemn.

She had just overlooked the most important thing.

Aether particles!

It sounds ordinary.

But it has another name.

Reality Stone!

One of the six Infinity Stones!

Gamora's father, Thanos, has been looking for it.

"If this thing stayed in Asgard,"

"They must be well preserved."

""No need to worry, right?"

Gamora felt a deep sense of uneasiness.

What she didn't know was that

Asgard had the Cosmic Cube, which was the Space Stone!

If the Aether stayed in Asgard, the two Infinity Stones would be too close to each other, and there would be big problems in the future.

So after the battle, the people of Asgard gave the Aether to the Cosmic Collector. The Collector's power was not enough to fight against Thanos. Of course, the Space Stone did not stay in Asgard in the end. These are all later stories.


【Thor's famous scene ends here for now】

【I have to say, Thor has grown up.】

【In the past, he coveted the throne】

【Now he is indifferent to the throne】

【He's really mature.】

【Heroes need to grow】

【Thor needs it, and so does Captain America.】

【Ever since Captain America was dug out】

【Before I could adapt to modern life, I experienced the Battle of New York.】

【But after the Battle of New York】

【Captain America begins to adapt to this world】

【And made new friends】

【Next, please watch Captain America’s famous scenes in modern life!】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was shocked.

"Is it my turn again?"

"Why don't you let the new hero show up?"

"Are we the only old ones showing up?

Captain America was a little confused. There are ten more new heroes in the new list! But up to now , the ones shown in the video are still Iron Man and Thor. Now the US 963 team will be shown again. It's still the first generation. What about the others? Don't you have your own independent famous scenes? Captain America was confused.



Nick Fury looks at Black Widow and Hawkeye

"What's going on between you two?"

"They've appeared twice."

"You two don't even have your own famous scenes?"

The two were a little embarrassed.

In the previous famous scenes, although there were scenes about the two of them, they were all supporting roles.

Unlike Iron Man and Captain America, they all had their own famous scenes.

Black Widow felt a little hurt.

"Fury, I feel so sad.

Hawkeye:"Me too���"

Nick Fury said helplessly:

"Never mind, just keep watching."

"Even as a supporting role"

"There was also a scene where you two appeared again in the evening."


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner scratched his head.

"Captain America is here again?"

"Will Hulk still appear?"

"Why don’t Black Widow and Hawkeye have their own famous scenes yet?"



Thor saw Captain America's name and couldn't help but grin.

"See, Loki?"

"This one kissed the secretary and Carter"

"The man who kissed Carter and then kissed Carter's niece"

"It's here again"

"Such impure-minded people"

"You definitely can't lift my hammer."

Loki took the opportunity to flatter him.

"The only ones who can pick up the hammer are you, my father and my brother!"

Thor agreed.



Carter lying on the bed

"Is it Steve's turn again?"

"I'm so lucky to still be able to see his picture."

"He should have adapted to modern life, right?"


Hydra base.

Winter Soldier holds a piece of paper.

On it is written his escape plan.

After watching the previous video, he realized that he is a friend of Captain America.

He should escape and find Captain America.

The plan is now complete.

But Captain America appears again.

Winter Soldier temporarily stops.

"Let's see what Captain America did."

"Huh? Since I'm still alive……"

"Will we meet Captain America?"


On a park bench,

Falcon was looking at the screen, feeling extremely excited.

For a veteran like him,

Captain America is an eternal legend. It was his honor to see Captain America's famous scenes. If he could meet him in person, it would be a blessing. Falcon stared at the screen without moving his eyes.


【After the Battle of New York】

【Captain America met a new friend in the Avengers】

【But taking off the identity of the Avengers】

【Captain America has his own ordinary life】

【He made new friends in his ordinary life.】

【Thoughts stuck in seventy years ago】

【How to make friends with modern people?】

Famous scene 1: My friend, I am on your left].

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