In the video, a"famous scene 6.5".

It makes people unable to do it.

…‘What is 6.5? How can there be 6.5?’

…‘I am so stupid, can't the blogger count?’

…‘Look, there is an explanation above.’

【Famous scene 6.5, from a long time later】

【Thor meets Hulk on an alien planet】

【The two were dragged into the arena】

【This is not the famous scene of the first gathering of the Avengers】

【That’s why it’s called 6.5! 】After this explanation, everyone finally understood.

After all, in Avengers 1, the result of the fight between Hulk and Thor was unclear.

So the clip of Thor 3 was edited to make it more complete.



Thor was stunned.

"Hulk and I had a second fight?"

"It must be a thrilling battle."

"This time, I will bring the honor of Asgard"

"Defeat Hulk"

"Prove that God is the most powerful!"

Loki cheered on.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner covers his face.

"How much does Hulk love fighting?"

"So is Saul."

"There was even a second fight between the two of them."

"Are there so many contradictions?

Banner was helpless.

In his heart, he was actually very curious.

Hulk and God.

Who is stronger?

The screen appeared.

The second battle between the two officially kicked off.


【In the arena, everyone cheered】

【The scene was in a mess】

【Thor and Hulk have obviously been fighting for a long time】

【Thor's face is covered with scars】

【The whole audience cheered Hulk's name】

【But in the video, Thor's face……】

【The desire to fight is not strong!】

【Thor at this stage】

【I have long regarded Hulk as a friend who has shared my life with me.】

【Whether it's Hulk or Banner】

【Or Iron Man and others】

【They are all his close friends】

【Thor couldn't bear to fight Hulk】

【He stretched out his hand, smiling a little obscenely】

【Thor: No one will bully you anymore, Hulk, the sun is setting】

【The scene is warm and comfortable】

【Only Thor's smile is unusually vulgar.】

【Suddenly, the screen shook!】

【Hulk grabbed Thor's ankle and slammed him back and forth on the ground】

【Finally fell to the ground】

【Hulk wins!】


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner covered his face.

He was too ashamed to see anyone.

He could see that Thor had no intention of fighting in the video.

Even if they really fought, he never killed anyone.

But look at himself.

The big green Hulk.

When he started fighting, he had no restraint.

He beat people to death and threw them around.

Is this what a human should do?

Banner was helpless.

Although it was Hulk's behavior, in the end , it was Dr. Banner who took the blame.

"Saul, I'm sorry."

"If we have a chance to meet in the future"

"I will definitely find a way to make it up to you."

Banner thought to himself.



Thor: ???

Loki: ???

That's it?

Is it over?

Thor opened his mouth wide.

He looked extremely embarrassed. A dignified god, being treated like a sandbag.

Tossed around.

No dignity at all.

The most important thing is that it was broadcast live.

Thor wanted to crawl into the ground.

It was so damn embarrassing!

Loki stood aside, trying hard to hold back his smile

"Brother, how can Hulk bully you like this!"

Thor turned his head silently.

""Laugh if you want to."

Loki laughed out loud.

Thor was even more embarrassed.

Just as Loki laughed heartily, another burst of laughter came.


Following the sound, it turned out to be Odin laughing!

Thor was stunned.

His father was the father of the gods!

How could he laugh?

Unless he couldn't help it...

Thinking of this,

Thor became even more embarrassed.

He covered his face and wanted to jump from the 18th floor.

Odin's smile also startled Loki and made him laugh even louder.

Even the usually serious Odin laughed.

Why was he still holding back?

The laughter was getting louder and louder.

The scene was once very chaotic.

In the end, Odin gradually restrained himself and knocked on his crutches.


"Calm down."

"Stop laughing."

Loki stopped smiling, but he couldn't help himself.

Odin said:

"Saul, I can see that."

"In the future, you will have no intention of fighting Hulk"

"this is correct"

"Because you are friends"

"Friends help each other"

"Even in the arena"

"There shouldn't be a real fight either."

Thor was stunned.

Praised by his father?

He was praised for being beaten up?

Thor smiled.

He longed for his father's praise the most.

Now he was satisfied.

By some strange coincidence, everything turned out quite well.

Loki was stunned.

He also longed for his father's praise. He had done so many things in the past, but his father didn't praise him.

Unexpectedly, Thor was praised for being beaten up


This is also possible?

Loki began to think.

If he was beaten up by Hulk, would he also be praised by his father?

It's not impossible!

Loki began to think in his heart

"Come on, beat me up~!"


【Famous Scene 7: I am God!

The title is magnificent and majestic.

Just one glance at it makes you feel majestic and dignified.

It seems that there is a god standing between heaven and earth, directing the human world.


Thor looked at Loki.

"It's either you or me"

"After all, the gods involved in this war"

"There are only two of us."

Loki straightened his clothes and said seriously:

"That must be me!"

Thor laughed.

"Come on, you"

"Are you worthy to be called God?"

"The title clearly refers to me!"

Loki sneered.

"Then let’s see who it is!"


Stark Industries.

Tony is also guessing

"Little Pepper, who do you think this god could be?

Little Pepper said:

"It's either Thor or Loki."

Tony's eyelids jumped.

"Well said, meaningless process of elimination, right?"

Little Pepper shrugged.

"How could I possibly guess?"

"You better watch it honestly."


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America narrowed his eyes.

"God again?"

"Who is it this time?"

"Loki or Thor?"

The god that Captain America hates has once again become the protagonist of a famous scene.

He can't help but feel resentful.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner adjusted his glasses.


"It seems that I have nothing to do."

"Just watch it honestly."



Nick Fury touched his eye patch

"Who will it be this time?"

Widow thought for a moment.

"Thor or Loki"

"Only the two of them are gods"

"I personally prefer Rocky."

"This person is arrogant and presumptuous."

"Look down on humans"

"It is very likely that he deliberately emphasized that he is a god.

Hawkeye agreed with Black Widow's reasoning.

Nick Fury did not speak.

He was thinking about what kind of situation could force Loki to say this?

Being high and mighty, or being extremely depressed?

With curiosity in his mind,

Nick Fury stared at the screen.

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