The chaotic civil war on the space carrier is still going on.

【In front of the blown-up propeller】

【Tony, wearing armor, analyzes the situation on the scene】

【Captain America stood on the deck, acting as a foil】

【Captain America: Stark, I'm in position!】

【Tony: Great. I have to get the system working first.】

【The turbine was filled with debris and the propeller could not turn.】

【Tony: Captain, I need you to go over to the box and tell me which switches are overloaded.】

【Captain America immediately jumped up, jumped over, and opened the box.】

【Tony: Which ones are overloaded?】

【Captain America: Uh, these look like just some ordinary circuit boards.】

【Tony: Okay.】

【Regardless of whether Captain America is frozen or not】

【He doesn't understand these switches.】


Stark Industries.

Tony sighed helplessly.

"Really unreliable"

"Why can't there be someone who understands me?"

"Where is Dr. Banner?"

"It would be great if he was there."

Little Pepper reminded:

"The video just appeared"

"Dr. Banner is transforming"

"Big and green.

Tony looked surprised.

"This aircraft carrier is too vulnerable to bombing."

"If it were me, I would definitely use high-strength materials"

"Definitely not like Nick Fury"

""Knock knock search."

Pepper didn't comment. Tony was always generous when it came to weapons.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America blushed slightly

"I actually held Tony back."

"Now, the circuit board"

"Has it become so complicated?"

Captain America has seen circuit boards.

Basically, it's just a wire and a switch.

That's it.

The circuit board in the video is extremely complicated.

He really can't understand it.

"I lose this time."

Captain America admitted reluctantly.


【Spacecraft carrier cabin】

【The Chase between Hulk and Black Widow】

【Still going on】

【Black Widow Runs Away】

【Hulk is in hot pursuit】

【Damage to a large number of equipment】

【The speed of the black sister finally slowed down】

【Hulk slapped her and sent her flying】

【The whole person fell down at the foot of the wall, with his legs bent.】

【Full of fear, extremely weak】


Corvo Lab.

Banner sighed.

He had high hopes of meeting Black Widow.

He never expected to scare Black Widow like this.

"How to restrain the Hulk?"

"He is too dangerous"


The Hulk is like a weapon.

It's not afraid of being powerful, but afraid of being out of control! No one will like an uncontrolled weapon, no matter how powerful it is.

"If Hulk's muscles"

"Plus my smart brain"

"It will definitely form a perfect individual."

Dr. Banner has an idea. He is even ready to conduct such an experiment.

His own brain, plus the power of Hulk.

Just thinking about it makes people excited!



Black Widow's heartbeat quickened.

In the video, Hulk's pressure was too strong.

Huge muscles.

Beast-like roar.

Being targeted by such a big guy was simply despairing.

Hawkeye looked at Black Widow


"It's all my fault.

Although the two of them quarreled with each other on weekdays, they would definitely support each other when something really happened. Black Widow smiled.

"It doesn't matter"

"This is not what you meant."

Nick Fury exclaimed:

"I didn't expect it either"

"And what Natasha is afraid of"

"I can scare you like this."

Black Widow:... To be honest, I am a little weak in the picture. I usually think I am brave.

But when I faced Hulk, I was so scared that I was sweating all over. I could only run around. Black Widow couldn't help feeling embarrassed

"Fury, this is all your fault."

Nick Fury:???

"Why blame me?"

"If you hadn't called the Avengers together, this wouldn't have happened."

Nick Fury:……

""Okay, okay, it's all my fault."

Nick Fury did not argue.

He looked at the light screen.

"Can you escape?"

The widow sighed.

"I'm afraid I can't escape"


【The widow was forced to a dead end】

【Hulk rushes towards Black Widow】

【Suddenly, a figure rushed over】

【He knocked Hulk over and rolled on the ground for several rounds.】

【Thor immediately got up.】

【Hulk stood up, gritting his teeth】

【Thor: Banner, we are not your enemy, calm down!】

【For Hulk, the word Banner is taboo】

【Hulk hates weak things】

【Banner is a weak thing, so Hulk doesn't like him.】

【When it comes to Banner, Hulk's anger levels skyrocket】

【Saul also gradually became angry】

【He held out his hand, calling for the hammer】

【This means he's serious!】



Black Widow breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Thor was on the aircraft carrier.

He is a god.

He will never be afraid of Hulk.

"When gods fight, mortals suffer"

"Let them fight."

"I'll just stand aside and watch the show."

Nick Fury thought thoughtfully.

"Who do you think will win between the two?"

Black Widow and Hawkeye were silent.

It's hard to say!

Although Thor is a god, the strength he has shown so far and his stupid personality make him look like he will not win.

Hulk is only angry and smashes things everywhere.

He doesn't look like he will win either.

It seems that neither of them will win.

Black Widow:"I guess it's a draw.

" Hawkeye:"I think so too." As soon as the words fell,

Black Widow and Nick Fury looked at Hawkeye at the same time.

Their faces were full of surprise.

Hawkeye was confused.

"Why are you looking at me?"

The widow said:

"How dare you guess here?"

"Why don't you guess what you are doing in the video?"

Nick Fury added:

"He must have sneaked into the cabin and was preparing to cause trouble.

Hawkeye was instantly embarrassed.

Why did he bring the topic back? He turned evil once.

He was embarrassed for the rest of his life.

Hawkeye also wanted to know what he was doing at this moment in the video.


In Corvo's laboratory,

Banner breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Black Widow saved, he was more relieved than Black Widow.

He couldn't imagine how miserable he would be if Hulk really beat Black Widow to death.



Thor stretches his muscles.

"I'm coming"

"My fight with Hulk!"

"Brother, who do you think will win?"

Loki answered without hesitation:

"Of course it's you, my dear brother!"

"Hulk is just a human being"

"There is no way I can be your opponent!"

Thor nodded in agreement.

"I think so too!"

The brothers continued to watch the screen


【Thor and Hulk's battle is evenly matched】

【But obviously, Thor didn't kill him.】

【He in the video has been through the earth experience】

【The character has already matured】

【Thor knows very well that the Avengers are not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.】

【So much so that in the battle with Hulk】

【Thor is gradually losing ground】

【This battle ended in nothing. 】

The comments were full of regret

…‘It's a pity that the two didn't finish fighting here.’

…‘If you really want to defend to the death, Hulk may not be your opponent’

…‘It’s really hard to say, but the two will have a showdown later.’

…‘Check out the video, their second duel has also been edited out!’

【Famous Scene 6.5: Thor and Hulk's Second Battle]

Everyone: ???

What is Famous Scene 6.5?

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