【Famous scene 4: Loki was caught!】



Loki's face turned pale.

What the hell?

He was captured?

A great villain.

He was actually captured?

This is too embarrassing, isn't it?

Loki was a little indignant.

On the throne.

Odin's voice suddenly came


"You seem very angry?"

"Are you afraid of being caught?"

"Are you not convinced?"

Loki's face changed.

He quickly knelt down and apologized.

"Father, that's not what I meant."

"It's just that I, a great god, was captured by humans."

"It's very embarrassing."

Thor laughed:


"Humans can catch you."

"Are you worthy of being called a god?"

"You are not much better than humans."


Odin tapped the scepter gently.

"You two, stop arguing."

"Loki was caught, that's a good thing"

"We should celebrate."


"Father, I am still a good person now!"

"Why do you want me to be caught so badly?"

"Am I useless in your eyes?"

Odin said calmly:

"In my eyes, you two brothers are the same."

Loki didn't believe it at all.

He just wanted to prove that he was stronger than Thor.

That's all.

However, for his own safety,

Loki quickly said:

"Father, don't worry."

"No matter what happens in the future"

"What happened in the video will never happen!"

"Even if it really happened"

"You see, I was arrested right away."

"Will definitely reform"

"I won't cause any more trouble."

Odin narrowed his eyes.

"You better be!"



Nick Fury breathes a sigh of relief

"Loki is captured……"

"This means that the Avengers have won."

"It is really necessary to form this team.

Nick Fury became more and more convinced that his decision was right.

Black Widow agreed.

Hawkeye put down his arrow.

"I'm still darkening."

"Capture Loki"

"You can save me, right?"

Nick Fury said:

"Don't worry, it will happen."


Stark Industries

"Huh? Loki is going to be caught?"

Tony was stunned.

He felt a little relieved.

Pepper said:

"This is just a title"

"The next process"

"It could be very troublesome."

Tony nodded.

"Don't rule out this possibility"

"Chili, you need to open your eyes"

"Soon, you will be able to see my wisdom and bravery.……


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America narrowed his eyes.

"I should have participated in the process of capturing Loki, right?"

"Loki is Thor's brother, a god"

"We defeated the gods?"

Captain America gradually smiled.

He never liked gods.

In the past, humans believed in gods. They could even be said to be licking their asses.

But in the end, gods didn't care about the lives of humans.

Captain America always wanted to prove that humans... were no worse than gods!

The appearance of Loki was a good proof.

"As long as I defeat Loki"

"This proves that man is stronger than God."

"Human beings are the most powerful!"


Corvo Laboratory

"Loki was caught?"

"Did the Avengers really succeed?"

"Is Hulk involved too?"

Banner was a little excited.

Hulk was irritable and difficult to control.

If Hulk also participated in the battle, it means there is a way to control Hulk.

This is good news.

With excitement,

Banner stared at the screen.


【Deguo, a square】

【Countless people squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands】

【A figure, dressed in gorgeous clothes, stood in the crowd】

【He used a condescending tone to mock these humans.】

【Loki: Look at the slave nature in your bones. Is there anyone who dares to resist me?】

【An old man stood up】

【Old Man: We will submit to the ruler, but that person will never be you!】

【Loki: I'm unique!】

【Old man: There are many shameless people like you.】

【Loki: Look at this old man. This is what will happen to you.】

【Loki raised his scepter and shone with light】

【He wants to kill a chicken to scare the monkey】

【Use the old man's blood to suppress the rest of the people. 】

At this time, a large number of comments flashed across the screen.

…‘Brothers, remember this, this is Rocky's most handsome moment’

…‘This guy can only be crazy for a while now, he will never stand up again’

…‘Loki, you should find a camera and record yourself now.’



Loki was sweating coldly.

Obviously, in the future, he would kill ordinary people without weapons. This was absolutely intolerable in Asgard!

""Father, this is just me in the future!"

Loki quickly explained.

He was almost crying.

With Odin's temper, he might have prepared for a rainy day.

He would kill him now.

Odin did not speak.

He looked at the light screen.

"Look at the comments above"

"This is your highlight moment"

"From now on, you will never be as glorious as you are now."

Loki said quickly:

"How can this be considered brilliant?"

"I just went the wrong way."

"My future self will be miserable."

"It's all due to me!"

As the god of trickery, Loki is flexible. It's better for him to give in now than to make a mistake and be punished by Odin. Odin snorted coldly. It means that Loki didn't make a mistake now. Otherwise, Odin would have to teach him a lesson!

"Keep watching"

"Look carefully how you were caught."

"The humans you look down upon"

"How did I deal with you?"

Loki quickly looked at the screen


【The scepter charges and launches a wave of attacks】

【The light shines out, and the old man accepts death calmly】

【Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky】

【He wears a blue, white and red uniform with a shield on his arm.】

【Without hesitation, he stood in front of the old man.】

【Loki's attack hit the shield and was reflected back.】

【Knock Loki to the ground!】

【Captain America: The last time I came to Germany, there was also someone high up there.】

【Loki: A soldier is coming?】

【The plane came and Black Widow sat on it to control it.】

【Guns pointed at Loki】



Loki was embarrassed and tried to find a crack in the ground.

Let’s not talk about whether he was doing something bad.

A dignified god was actually counterattacked by his own attack.

How embarrassing!

Thor laughed and said:


Loki , you are so weak.……


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America is standing up

"God? That's it?"

"I didn't even start"

"He lay on the ground."

"A mere god, vulnerable to attack"



Black Widow also smiled

"I was also involved"

"This picture just now is quite handsome"

"Clint, what do you think?"

Hawkeye said he didn't want to talk.

According to the time in the video, he was still dark.

However, Nick Fury suddenly said:

"Loki controls Clint and Astronomer"

"If he showed up here"

"So what are the rest of you doing?"

Black Widow and Hawkeye's expressions changed at the same time.

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