Captain America has figured out the nature of the light curtain.

The title looks serious, but the content displayed is basically not serious.

"Since it involves me"

"You must be trying to embarrass me again."

"What would Nick Fury and I bet on? Captain

America couldn't figure it out.

He wasn't a gambler.

Whether before he was frozen or now,

Captain America had a strong hatred for gambling and drugs.

How could he bet on gambling?

Captain America looked down curiously.



Nick Fury scratched his head

"I'm betting against Captain America?"

"What's there to bet on?"

"Betting on who can last longer?"

As the director, Nick Fury is naturally incompatible with gambling and drugs.

Even if it is gambling, it must be to carry out the mission.

What mission is it for Captain America?

Black Widow said faintly:

"Speaking of gambling……"

"I think Tony Stark shows up here."

"It is more appropriate."

Nick Fury and Hawkeye agreed.

Nick Fury said again:

"Since you don't believe I can win"

"I'll bet you ten bucks."

"I will definitely beat Captain America."

Black Widow smiled slightly

"no problem"


Stark Industries


Tony sneezed.

"Someone must be scolding me."

Little Pepper rolled her eyes at him.

"There are many people who scold you."

"I haven't seen you sneezing all the time."

"This time the scolding will be even more severe."

Tony chuckled.

His eyes were fixed on the light screen.

"What do you think Captain America and Nick Fury will bet on?"

Pepper shook her head.

How could she guess?

Tony smiled and said:


I guess they were betting on whether they could get a certain pretty girl's number.……

"What else is on your mind besides women?"

Tony smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the subject.

"Who do you think will win?"

"have no idea"

"Then wait and see"


【In the empty room, Captain America is practicing boxing on a sandbag】

【The muscles on the back are bulging, giving a strong feeling】

【Every punch will make a loud noise】

【Nick Fury: Can't sleep?】

【Captain America: Seventy years of sleep is long enough】

【The two chatted for a while】

【Captain America: You have a mission for me?】

【Nick Fury: Yes, the Tesseract was stolen】

【Captain America: Who stole it?】

【Nick Fury: Loki, an alien. If you're willing to come, I'll give you some lessons.】

【The world is changing so fast】

【Nick Fury is worried that Captain America won't be able to adapt】

【Captain America said confidently: I am used to it.】

【Nick Fury: I bet you ten bucks that you didn't】

【Captain America looked disdainful】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's eyelids jumped.

To be honest, the degree of change in this world is far beyond his imagination.

Flying Iron Man.

Mutated Hulk.

There are even gods from outer space.

However, Captain America thought carefully.

His future self has been away from the ice for so long. He should have adapted to this world.

What else can shock him?

There is no way!

Captain America firmly believes in his own judgment.

He believes in his future self even more.

"This ten dollars"

"I'm sure to win!"



Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief

"This is the gambling game."

"This ten dollars"

"I will definitely win."

Nick Fury was also very confident.

But Black Widow disagreed.

"Chief, don't forget"

"The American team in the video has been away from the ice for a long time"

"He must adapt to this society first"

"Then I started exercising"

"What's more, S.H.I.E.L.D. is here."

"I will definitely show him the world."

Nick Fury was silent.

It was really possible.

He had always wanted to form the Avengers.

When he saw Captain America, he would definitely try to win him over.

Then he would show Captain America around S.H.I.E.L.D., including all the weapons of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Captain America might have seen everything he should have seen.

That's why he was so confident.

Nick Fury sighed.


"But it doesn't matter."

"Ten bucks, if you lose, you lose."

"If we can get Captain America to join us, we will win."


Stark Industries.

Tony looks disappointed.

"It's not a bet on phone numbers."

"Are they men?"

"There is no masculine quality at all.……


【On the aircraft carrier deck, Captain America met Black Widow and Dr. Banner for the first time】

【Greeted each other】

【Captain America communicates with Dr. Banner】

【It is obvious that Dr. Banner is a little excited.】

【He has studied the US team for many years.】

【Now that I see the live material, I have the urge to dissect him】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked calm.

His expression was quite disdainful.

"Isn’t this an aircraft carrier?"

"During World War II, I saw a lot of"

"What's so strange about this?"

"I'm sure to win this ten dollars."

Captain America sneered in his heart.

For many forces, aircraft carriers are rare objects.

But for the forces where Captain America is, there were many of them decades ago.

It's not worth being surprised at all.


【On the deck, the alarm suddenly sounded】

【Widow: You better go inside.】

【Captain America looked puzzled, and he and Banner walked to the edge of the deck.】

【Under the sea, huge propellers rotate】

【The reverse thrust gradually lifted the aircraft carrier off the sea.】

【Dr. Banner: This is worse than I thought】

【The scene changes and everyone appears indoors.】

【The staff are operating the equipment and busy with their work.】

【Through the huge glass windows, you can see the blue sky and white clouds】

【The unreachable white clouds are right in front of us, as if we can reach out and touch them.】

【Captain America put his hands in his pockets, looking surprised】

【Nick Fury: Guys……】

【Captain America stepped forward and took out ten dollars from his pocket.】

【Nick Fury】

【Didn't say a word the whole time】

【He lost with a clear conscience】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked dumbfounded.

His mouth opened slightly.

This scene shocked him.

It was too much!

Aircraft carriers... could actually fly into the sky?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

He would never have believed it!

Of course, the most embarrassing thing was... he boasted too early.

He kept saying that he would never be surprised again.

What happened?

He was slapped in the face.

He also lost ten dollars.

Captain America sighed.

"Don't brag too early"

"This era is beyond my imagination"

"You really need to be more humble."



Nick Fury smiled happily.

Black Widow silently took out ten dollars and handed it to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury said:

"See, Clint?"

"In just a few minutes, I made twenty dollars"

"Defeat 90% of the workers."

Hawkeye looked at the embarrassed Black Widow and couldn't help but smile.

Black Widow sighed.

"You win."

"I never thought that Captain America would see a flying aircraft carrier."

"He should be embarrassed."

"Why am I embarrassed and I lost ten dollars?"

Black Widow was a little depressed.

At this moment, the light screen changed again.

【Famous scene 4: Loki is caught]

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