Stark Industries

"Rod, did you hear that?"

"You in the video"

"Use your ex-wife to fight"

"It seems that this Wan Ke is not your ex-wife."

Tony said jokingly.

Rod breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew it"

"How could I possibly marry a man?"

Tony's voice followed.

"so what?"

"You're using your ex-wife as a weapon."

""Defeat this Vanke?"

Rhode was stunned.

In the video, he threatened to use his"ex-wife" to defeat Vanke.

Isn't it obvious that he wants to use his ex-wife as a weapon?

He is not Tang San.

How can he use a woman as a weapon?

Rhode was puzzled.


【Rhodes took a step forward】

【The left shoulder lifts up a portion of the device, revealing a cannonball】

【After aiming at Vanke, the shells are charged】


【Small missile, only the size of a palm】

【When it flew out, it was full of vigor.】


【The ex-wife hit Vanke】、

【The steel collided, making a crisp sound】

【The missile fell into the water, and a few sparks appeared.】

【Then it completely extinguished】

【The scene was extremely embarrassing】

【Tony: Hammer's weapon?】

【Rod: Yes……】

The truth is out.

The ex-wife's identity finally surfaced.

Not a man, not a woman.

But a weapon.

Just a shell.

Just like the island nation's beloved"Little Boy""、"Fatty".

They are all code names.


Stark Industries.

Tony laughed so hard that he was numb

"Rod, did you see that?"

"Your ex-wife sprayed two sparks"

"Then there was no movement."

On the other end of the phone,

Rod was looking for a crack in the ground.

Hearing Tony's teasing, he was so ashamed that he wanted to kill someone.

"That's enough Tony, stop talking"

"Also, stop talking about your ex-wife."

"I can't afford to lose this man!"

Rhodes was numb.

He had seen many weapon suppliers.

In terms of weapon quality, no one could compare to Tony.

Especially after watching the video,

Rhodes became more determined. He would only cooperate with Tony in the future.

As for the others, get out of here!

Especially this Hammer.

Take your ex-wife and get out of here!



Nick Fury looks regretful

"What a pity"

"His ex-wife can be a man or a woman"

"Even a Walmart shopping bag"

"But it shouldn't be a shell."

"There is no fun in this way."

Black Widow was a little speechless.

She thought the director was really talented!

He was a little childish sometimes.

However, Rod's ex-wife was not a human being.

It really made it less fun.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief


"This Rhodes did not tarnish his image"

"In my opinion, he barely passed."


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner's eyelids twitched.

"The ex-wife is a missile?"

"Missiles are fine."

"You should at least make a blast so that we can hear the noise."

"I waited so long for nothing."

Banner complained in his heart



Thor looked disgusted

"Earthlings' weapons are really unreliable"

"People are not reliable"

"How come the ex-wife turned into a missile?

Thor and Loki had been waiting to see Rod throw his ex-wife out as a weapon.

Unexpectedly, the ex-wife was not a human, but a missile.

This was not fun at all.

The two felt bored.


As the ex-wife's famous scene ended

The famous scene from"Fullmetal 2".

【Iron Man's advancement journey has completed the first step】

【His reactor was upgraded.】

【Adopting the latest and harmless new elements】

【War machine driven by Rod】

【It was born!】

【The famous scene about Iron Man's progress ends here】


Stark Industries.

Tony sighed heavily.

"The latest harmless new element?"

"Did I discover it?"

"Why don't you show it to me?"

"This is the real famous scene!"

"After discovering and synthesizing new elements"

"Do you think you should give me a Nobel Prize?"

Tony looked thoughtful.

He suddenly realized that the synthesis of new elements was not that simple.

The most difficult part was actually"discovery".

How would he discover new elements in the future?

Tony began to think.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

The 1974 Stark Industrial Expo was held by his father.

Even the entire venue was designed by Howard Stark.

The model was still in the warehouse.

Tony's face gradually became solemn.

"My father said that thing is very important"

"I remember the building above"

"The arrangement is very strange.

Tony stood up suddenly.

"Happy, go to the warehouse and get the architectural sand map of the 1974 Expo."

Happy was stunned.

Then without any hesitation, he went directly to the warehouse.

Little Pepper asked curiously:

"What's wrong Tony?

Tony shook his head.


"Maybe there will be some new discoveries"


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief

"Finally, Tony's famous scene is over"

"It's obviously his famous scene."

"Embarrassingly, it was other people"

"What a guy who hurts others and himself."

Captain America couldn't stand Tony's dissolute personality. He always complained in his heart.

It's not jealousy. It

's just that before meeting, he knew too little about him.

Captain America watched the video

"His scene is over."

"Whose turn is next?"

"Two heroes who didn't appear"

"Or, other people's famous scenes of progress?"


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner rubbed his eyes.

"Tony's famous scene is over again"

"Next round���Who is it?"

"Hawkeye? Black Widow?"

"Or, Captain America, me, or Thor?"

Banner looked at the screen curiously.

He wanted to see Black Widow.

Nothing else.

He just admired this person.



Thor swings his hammer excitedly

"Tony's return is over."

"Whose turn is next?"

"Me? Captain America? The Hulk?"

"Or Hawkeye and Black Widow?"

Loki said weakly:

"Could it be me?"

Thor shook his head

"It can't be you"

"You are not on the list of the first stage."

"You should be in the second stage."

Loki was devastated



Black Widow Shrugged

"This time, it's finally my turn, right?"

Iron Man has appeared twice.

Captain America, Hulk, and Thor all have their own famous scenes.

Only Black Widow and Hawkeye are left.

They both think it's their turn.

Nick Fury said:

"You two stop arguing."

"No matter who it is, after it's over"

"Isn't it the other's turn?"

The two looked at each other and stopped arguing.

At the same time, the light screen video finally changed!

【Heroes assemble, the Avengers are formed! 】

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