【Famous scene 9: Rod's ex-wife】


Rod couldn't laugh anymore.

Things will turn around, and karma will come back.

The retribution for laughing at others has come again!

And just looking at the title, he broke out in a cold sweat.


This is not a nice word.

It proves that Rod has been divorced.

The problem is...

Rod is not married now! He doesn't even have a girlfriend. He occasionally finds a few girls outside to watch the B1 bomber together.

Rod is panicking now.

Looking at the time on the screen, it seems to be 2009.

That is next year.

Will he have an ex-wife next year?

One year.

Get a girlfriend, get married, and then get divorced?

Even if you are open-minded, it is difficult to accept this arrangement.

Rod was deeply shocked.


"In this world"

"There is no love indeed."

Tony disagreed.

He looked at Pepper.

His eyes were full of affection.

"Rod, I think love"

"In fact, it still exists"


"Your B1 bomber may not be big enough"



Rhodes restrained his expression and stared at the light screen.

He really wanted to know. What kind of person was his ex-wife... ?


【Indoor garden landscape】

【Two sets of armor, standing in the artificial stream】

【The red and yellow one is Tony, of course.】

【As for the other set……】

【Looks very impressive, with all kinds of fancy weapons hanging all over his body.】

【The outline can be vaguely seen, similar to Tony's armor】

【The mask was opened, revealing Rhodes' face.】


"Oh yes!"

"Tony, did you see that?"

"I put on the armor too."

"And it's more domineering than yours!"

Rhodes excitedly slapped the table.

No man can resist the temptation of the armor.

Not even Rhodes.

Inside Stark Industries.

Tony nodded calmly.

"I saw"

"But I can tell you clearly"

"This armor has been modified."

Tony's face was very ugly.

With his aesthetic taste and Stark's industrial level, it is impossible to install so many fancy weapons on the armor! And these weapons are very backward for Tony now! In the future, the armor must be modified by external forces.

"Rhodes, although I allow you to wear armor"

"But I feel that this set of armor in the video"

"You stole it, or even robbed it."

Rhodes was stunned.

"Without your authorization"

"Jarvis won't let me go."

"Something must have happened.

Tony nodded.

"I must be dying."

"Someone is needed to inherit the armor"

"And I chose you."


"What did you say?!"

"Are you dying?"

Tony said:

"From the previous picture"

"The nuclear reactor in the chest keeps releasing palladium"

"I'm seriously poisoned."

"When I was about to die, I gave you the armor.

"So, you peed your pants before."

"Is this just pure indulgence before death?"


Why are you talking about that? If you bring this up again,

I won't give you the armor!

"Shut up"

"Watch the video now, someone is coming"

"Maybe it's your ex-wife."

With Tony's reminder,

Rod's expression became serious.

Since the picture is related to the ex-wife, then the ex-wife must appear. Now the third person is finally going to appear in the picture. If not the ex-wife, who else could it be? Rod's eyes widened. He wanted to know who the ex-wife was!


【The ground is full of mechanical debris】

【Tony and Rod's daily bickering】

【The scene switches. What is Black Widow monitoring?】

【Suddenly, a red dot appeared on the screen.】

【Black Widow: Be careful, you two, someone is approaching! This time it's different!】


【A huge piece of armor fell into the stream】

【Splashing water all over the sky】

【The reactor on the chest is unusually conspicuous.】

【The huge armor is as big as Tony and Rhodes.】

【The mask slowly opens】

【An ugly man's face was revealed】


Stark Industries.

Tony was stunned.

"Is this Rod's ex-wife?"

Little Pepper looked puzzled.

"Isn't this the Lightning Five Whips from before?"

"I almost beat you to death on the racetrack"

"You didn't kill him?"

Tony's eyelids jumped.

"Chili pepper, we don't have to be so cruel"

"There's no need to fight and kill."

"What's more, this is Rod's ex-wife"




"Tony, you better behave yourself."

"This is definitely not my ex-wife."

"I don’t have this hobby."

Tony directly retorted:

"You said last time"

"I am not interested in beautiful women"

"In the end, he took them to see the B1 bomber."



There is really no way to refute it.

This is too embarrassing!

Rod wanted to beat himself to death.

What was his future self thinking?

He was actually with a man...

The most important thing is that this man wanted to kill Tony.


The future Rod must be crazy!

Rod was disheartened.

He covered his face.

He was too ashamed to face anyone.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America saw this scene.

His brows were furrowed.

"Am I too old?"

"Why can't I understand Rhodes?"

"Are all colonels like this nowadays?"

"People like this should pick cotton!"



Nick Fury scratched his head

"A new era"

"We should respect Rod"

"Even if his ex-wife is a man"

��Sister and Hawkeye nodded.

Respecting the fate of others is their usual style.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner is thoughtful.

"Rod's ex-wife, is she getting this high?"

"Tony is surrounded by some weird people.

Tony himself could not imagine that the dirty water on Rhode was also splashed on him.



Thor looked dumbfounded.

After a long while, he reacted.

He smiled awkwardly.

"People on Earth are really open-minded."

"Aren't they afraid of losing their descendants?"

Loki reminded in a low voice:

"Brother, actually in Asgard"

"There are also such scenes"

"It's just that you don't see it often."


Is there such a thing?

Odin on the throne.

He tapped the ground with his scepter.

"This is normal"

"Human thoughts are so strange"

"As long as there are people, all kinds of strange things will happen"

"Don't make a fuss."

Facing his father's teachings, the two humbly accepted them.

At this moment, the scene changed again.

【Tony: Wanke, you are still alive】

【Vanke: It feels so good to be back, get ready to die】

【Rod: I'm going to use special weapons against him!】

【Tony: ?】

【Rod: Use"ex-wife"!】

【Tony: With what? 】

Everyone in front of the screen was puzzled.

Someone actually... used his ex-wife to fight?

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