< Episode 191 >

“Start shooting!”

The commando’s judgment was swift.

If you’ve already caught it, you’d better hit it first. Fortunately, the German army, which was not strictly disciplined in the rear, was still not ready to fight back and forth, and when some of the commandos ran down the mountain road, pouring light machine guns and throwing grenades, they were immediately defeated.

But no fool thought that was the end.

“wire entanglement! hurry!”

The soldiers who tossed the rolled-up barbed wire from their special bag hastily laid the barbed wire in front of them. I didn’t have time to hit the poles, but if I could block the road for a few minutes, it was enough.

A simple booby trap using wires and grenades was also installed. All Spetsnaz members are trained in guerrilla warfare and are skilled engineers.

The Germans were still resisting at Eater Castle in the back, but were quickly pushed back as the covert forces charged into the village, while the infiltrating infiltrators charged with all available firepower at once.

In the first place, it was strange that he was able to withstand the fact that he was supplied with the latest equipment faster than anyone else, and the Spetsnaz, who were specialists in close-quarters and street warfare, and the infantrymen of the second-class German rear units, as well as the situation in which he was ambushed.

Then, someone ran down from behind.

“Traktor! (Tractor)”

“Comred! (Comrade)”

“Who is it?”

“This is Chernobog 2-2. This is a message from the Chernobog leader.”

“Say it.”

“Successful in rescuing hostages, killing all enemies, no casualties and no hostage victims, a few wounded, but not life-threatening.”

“Good luck.”

Of course, it wasn’t at the level that I could call happy yet.

“Hold on in the village, and when the flying boat is close, go down to the river and escape as quickly as possible, that’s the only way.”

The topography of the river is not good for long periods of time, and if the enemy brings an anti-aircraft gun and shoots it, it will be over. There is an escort, but I don’t know if that will be enough. The later the enemies know what their plans are, the better.

“An hour is the minimum time we have to endure.”

It takes about an hour to fly at the highest speed under the premise that the flying boat, which is waiting in Vienna, will take off immediately.

If the flying boat was confirmed with the naked eye, it was planned to move quickly along the slope on foot, and get on the flying boat and run away before the opponent even noticed the abnormality.

“There are three main access roads. Since the area is relatively flat, it seems difficult to block all access by blocking those three places.”

“It doesn’t matter because I have no intention of defending the village desperately anyway. You just need to delay the time so that the enemies don’t come up.”

“All right.”

“If you find it difficult to hold on, retreat to the second line of defense.”

Spetsnaz were willing to throw their lives away in order to accomplish their mission, but at the same time, it was essential for them to know how to distinguish between situations in which they risked their lives and situations in which they were not.

And there was no reason why the precious Spetsnaz had to sacrifice their lives to the extent that they were wasting time with several layers of defense anyway.


– Taang!

The heads of the Germans approaching with gunshots exploded.

Lev quickly found the next target.

Leader, leader, leader.

Anyway, it was a way to lower the morale of the enemy and make the opponent shrink.

With limited ammo, limited numbers, an efficient way to make it appear that they have exaggerated power behind the shield of darkness than they actually have.

And it was excellent for the purpose of slowing down the enemy’s advance.

– Kwaang!

Several German soldiers were shattered after stepping on a jump mine. If it was mistakenly caught by a jumping mine with a lethal radius of several tens of meters and a dangerous radius of 200 meters, it was a moment for a squad to evaporate.

-ping! ping! ping! ping! ping!

And after a while, the symphony of death began to play.

The jump mines that had been tied up with a tripwire jumped out all at once.

At the same time, a series of explosions swept the German army.

-Tata ta ta ta ta ta tata!

Light machine guns hurled rounds at the approaching enemy soldiers, and as casualties increased in an instant, the Germans faltered.

– Whoops!


A sudden intense light shone in their dark-adapted eyes, and the Spetsnaz members flinched for a moment.

It was a flare.

“Keep shooting!”

Lev, who was instantly awakened by the cry of an unknown voice, hurriedly looked for the next target.

I don’t know why the flares were fired, but those flares were a disaster for the German soldiers who were shuddering in front of the barbed wire.

It was like providing a target to aim accurately.

Naturally, the Germans also counterattacked, but they couldn’t even take a scratch on Spetsnaz, who was hiding in cover.

To attack through cover, you had to bring a machine gun or an anti-tank rifle, but where are the rear units? They’re a bit far away from throwing grenades, and since the Spetsnaz have taken over the high ground, there’s a good chance they’ll roll back at them.

The gun had been sharpened, and as Lev was about to take a handful of bullets from his pocket to reload, he felt the surroundings suddenly darken.

The flares were going out.

“Chernobog, the enemies are retreating.”


“Are you going to retreat?”

“No, they are reorganizing now. Reinstalling mines…”

– Kwaang!

“What the f*ck?”

One of the crew members swears at the sudden binge, but no one says a word to him.

– Kwaang!

“These bastards are firing rockets!”

It was literally. The Germans were pouring Nebelwerfers over their heads.

“Damn, give up the first line of defense. Machine guns will cover you, so retreat to the cathedral! We have to narrow the front of the wire!”

“All right!”

“Team Novichok, land mines ASAP! It’s dark anyway, so you can’t see it, and there are rubble on the floor, so you can just bury it. And additionally build a machine gun position on the bell tower of the cathedral…”

– Kwaang!

The last shell struck the cathedral’s bell tower in a nice arc. The church’s bronze bell was broken and rolled on the floor.

“…No, cancel it, install it in the building opposite the cathedral. In a delayed battle, he retreats to Eater Castle. Step back, being careful not to step on the mines!”

Spetsnaz don’t lay mines casually unless it’s urgent. Everything has a pattern, and of course, the Spetsnaz memorize the pattern so as not to explode in the mines planted by the allies.

Of course, each crew member arranges it a little in their own way, but in actual combat like that, it is only in the case of a solo operation with only the same team members in perfect harmony.

To put it simply, if there is a guy among allies that you are likely to step on without knowing it, it is an absolute standard, and this is the case.

The flares start to go off again, and the Germans start coming up.

– aah!

Immediately there was a noise similar to the sound of a chainsaw or the sound of a piece of cloth being ripped apart. It was a German machine gun.

However, the bullets were aimed at the Germans, not the Spetsnaz. A captured machine gun installed in the machine gun position built by the Zenit team was spraying bullets at the approaching German forces.

This prevented the Germans from firing a shot in the back of the retreating Spetsnaz, and had to choose between being hives or lying flat to avoid firing.

But for a while, the fire from the machine gun positions suddenly turned towards the sky.


“It’s the right time! Enemy bombers!”


It was real. A squadron of biplanes bearing the Iron Cross mark was flying in the sky.

“What the hell are these f*ckers doing to us?”

– Bumpy bumpy bumpy bumps!

At the sound of a tin can, Lev immediately threw himself to the ground.

And nothing happened.

– Kwak!

To be precise, it would be correct that nothing happened to Lev. A bomb aimed at the building where the machine gun was installed barely missed.

And immediately the price flew in. A biplane that had been installed in the Eater Castle and twisted to and fro to avoid the concentrated fire of two machine guns captured by Spetsnaz, stumbled and landed over the mountain.

Lev, who had been crawling alone on the ground thinking he was going to fire a machine gun, got up again with a rifle and ran at full speed.

“How long will it take for the plane to arrive!”

“It would have been about 20 minutes. Perhaps.”

“Twenty minutes.”

“The distance from the cathedral to the entrance of the castle is 300 meters long, and since we have laid out truncated barbed wire, mines and booby traps, it will take about 5 minutes even if we don’t shoot. I don’t have time to put the holding pins…”

“Considering that the landing site is about 500 meters, 200 meters of which is a forest with steep slopes and no roads, it takes 10 minutes, and in reality, it only takes 5 minutes to earn.”

“Will you leave us alone when we retreat?”

“I’ll have to let you go.”

When Team Leader Jaslon pointed to the sky, everyone screamed.

“Airplanes aren’t the only ones used by them.”


“Anna, this is Boris. Observing flares from the ground, confirming a small number of aircraft ahead.”

“Follow me, Kapi, Boris, Vasily, Boris, and Grigory.”


The 8th squadron of Do335s deployed to escort the flying boats and cover the evacuation of the Spetsnaz – each given the blunt callsigns Anna, Boris, Vasily, Grigory, Dmitry, Yelena, Yorka, and Zegna – flew quickly.

“From Dmitry to Zegna, cover the Gusi (гуся: goose). Anna, Boris, Vasily, and Grigory will start close air support to expel allies from now on.”

The old city was the call sign for the Spetsnaz evacuation boat.

The flight commander pressed the key on the radio.

“This is the evacuation squadron, arriving within 30 seconds. Do you need air support?”

-Yes! Uh… what should I say?

“I don’t know the call sign. Where are you now?”

– Can you observe the ground conditions from the ground with flares fired from the ground?


-The hostages, Vimpel, and Jaslon escape from Eater Castle and are moving towards the forest through the first landing site to the west. did you fit in?

“I got it.”

– A small number of Spetsnaz members, including the main building, are blocking the enemy with sniper rifles and machine guns so that the enemy cannot pass or bypass the castle. I want them to fire in the direction of the main gate of Eater Castle so they can retreat.

“Please resend. Is the front door facing the right way? The enemy’s activity was visually confirmed. The forest is thick, so there is a high risk of misfire for our allies.”

– There is a new tracked armored vehicle of unknown type on the ground! It has a machine gun on the hull and doesn’t appear to have a turret or cannon! damn it! Something similar to a bump was attached to the front! If there is anything caught in front of them, they recklessly push them with their body and smash them. There are a total of 4 cars, of which one has been destroyed by land mines! At least 120 enemy infantry nearby! Apparently it was designed to destroy thick walls in street fighting! If the enemy vehicle comes this far, the cover team is annihilated! Defeat it first! shit! Anti-tank rifles don’t work at all! It’s not the time to worry about a mistake!

“i get it. Is there anything else I should be aware of?”

– Enemy aircraft have been identified over our place. It is a biplane and is judged to be an attacking aircraft! At least one was intercepted with anti-aircraft fire, and there are about five remaining! They are turning from low altitude and firing machine gun fire! If you don’t shoot them down, the escape team can’t escape! shit! Get LAD! LAD to the left window!

“Everything has been tested and the target has been identified. Intercept Vasily, Boris, and enemy attack planes. Enemy armored vehicles and infantry are ours.”


Lev, who was hiding under the wreckage of the glider and avoiding the gunfire of the enemy attack plane, seemed to see a black arrowhead falling from the sky for a moment.

The rays from their arrowheads shattered the attackers like spears from the sky.

As the tracer bombs continued long, 4 out of 5 enemy attack planes were torn down in the air, and the other one was smashed by the following fighter while making a hasty turn.

At the same time, a roar was heard from the direction of Eater Castle.

The German armored vehicle closest to the wall was destroyed with a lifesaver pierced, and other vehicles followed.

Even the tank that had been stretched out of track was completely burned, and the blood, flesh, and bone fragments of the soldiers caught in the cannon fire mixed with high-explosive and armor-piercing rounds turned into tiny pieces of meat like firecrackers and scattered.

Lev stared blankly at the scene, then quickly turned around and started running.

It was a forest road with a steep incline, but there was no need to worry about getting lost as we just had to go down.

When we finally reached the riverside, we saw a seaplane just landing on the river.

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