< Episode 190 >

Ostmark Oblast, Schlotz-Ether Castle.

Several gliders crossed the dark night sky.

Inside the glider full of tension, there was no time to step with the nervous Spetsnaz crew and their equipment.

Lev recalled the briefing he had just given to unwind.

‘Iter Castle is a concentration camp for social celebrities, and many of France’s major politicians and generals are housed there. Rescuing them is thought to be of great help in military operations in France.’

The commander’s low voice in the briefing room had the power to make everyone nervous.

‘A small Saint Eater near the Austrian village of Eater is being guarded by armed SS forces. Because the road is very rough, it is not possible to deploy a large number of troops at once, so glider assault is the only way at present. Parachute airlift not only risk too great a force to break apart, but if discovered they will immediately execute the prisoners of war.’

The Russian Empire secretly created a number of de facto puppet governments, governments in exile.

It was a preparation for before and after. The provisional governments, created by gathering students from Germany and other hostile countries, asylum seekers, and other high-ranking officials, would become the new government sponsored by the Russian Empire after the war.

read at https://readwn.com

My father even made the provisional government of the colony as a model case with the goal of tying up colonies that would later become independent as pro-Russia. Indeed, such provisional governments were also able to exercise limited administrative powers in occupied territories.

Of course, administration itself is impossible where there is no bureaucratic group loyal to them, so it is impossible to do anything other than cooperate with the Russian military administration. The support was quite large.

‘After an assault with a glider, escape the prisoners and move to the river through the mountain pass. The distance is about 500 meters, and once you get to the river, friendly flying boats will move, and board a flying boat of the Naval Air Corps to escape.’

I don’t know how long the flying boat can fly, but if you don’t want to see them run out of fuel and can’t return, they had to somehow meet the scheduled time.

“it’s okay?”

“…If I go missing one more time, my father will bury me in the Kremlin.”

The reason Lev was put into this operation was simple. This is because the number of Spetsnaz members that can be deployed from the center is small.

Not all Spetsnaz are the same.

There are light infantry units on the front lines that specialize in communication, reconnaissance, and search, and there are units dedicated to domestic affairs, killing gangsters and spies, and subduing terrorists and violent criminals, intelligence units, and even gulag guards, even though they have one job. There are also dedicated units.

Special reconnaissance, irregular warfare, intelligence gathering, target assassination or kidnapping, hostage rescue, sabotage, path clearing, psychological warfare, counter-terrorism, and aircraft guidance missions are all commonly thought of. I was proud to have come this far.

In any case, the majority of special forces of that kind are currently tied up in India.

A significant number of troops will be devoted to the ‘Operation Corn’, which causes a rebellion in India and makes India independent.

Indeed, Spetsnaz are always understaffed. It is not possible to randomly hire people with insufficient abilities, and Spetsnaz is the most elite among the best of the Russian Empire, whether physically or mentally.

Therefore, there was no choice, whether it was an instructor or Nabal.

Of course, since the allies are quite close, it was great that they could somehow escape if they were rude.

“Approaching the target point!”

Lev clenched his fists involuntarily at that shout.

Looking to the side, the other people mumbled and memorized the Lord’s Prayer, and the nervousness was evident. If he did fall, he would have been killed without even shooting a single shot.

No, it wasn’t a fall, but if you hit a tree right away, the wings would be shattered and the fuselage would overturn, and at least half would be on the casualty list.

Lev, who was sitting next to Lyudmila while checking to see if the pistol was in place, was shocked for a moment when his hands touched.

I felt wet. She was also quite nervous, so her hands were wet with sweat.



“What would a sniper do if his hands were so wet and slippery?”

“….. thank you.”

Lyudmila, who received the gray leather gloves, put the gloves on her hands without saying a word.

“One minute ago!”

At that call, the passengers all took a shock-proof posture at once.

“Hold on tight! It looks like it will be a hard landing!”

There is no way a glider would be suitable for landing in the middle of a mountainous area. Still, it was better than airborne descent, and it was chosen because it was quick.

– Aww!

The speed decreased sharply as the counter-propelled rocket was fired, but…


The glider tilted as there was a crashing sound and the sound of something breaking.

“f*ck, what!”

“Wings caught in trees!”

The fuselage leaned and the screams of the frame were heard for a moment, then silenced.


“Landing complete! casualties?”

“I don’t think so…”

“Get your gear! It moves quickly!”

The leader took the lead. The normal access road was difficult to use because the door was twisted as the frame was crushed by the impact of a hard landing.

It was quite a tough canvas, but when it was stabbed deep with a bayonet, it tore at once, making a path.

“in action!”

no time to drag The core of all operations was to kill the guards and secure the hostages as quickly as possible, since there was a high possibility that the stealth and speediness had been compromised.


Lev, who was lying on his stomach with his stomach on the rock, and dressed in a poncho, loaded the Mosin Nagant.

It was a special operation rifle that was modified to use subsonic bullets to achieve a silencer effect. Currently, the Mosin Nagant has been pushed out by FN 1938 and is difficult to see even in the second class at the rear, but it was used quite often in Spetsnaz, which has a lot of autonomy in weapon selection.

First of all, there were some snipers who felt that the long-range accuracy of the FN 1938 was low, but there were several snipers who thought that the FN 1938, a semi-automatic rifle, was more advantageous than the slow-fire Mosin Nagant.

First of all, Lev thought that shooting accurately was more important than rapid fire. If I had done a rapid fire in the first place, I would have scraped it off with the silencer gun I always carry with me.

Seeing his colleagues approaching the castle with a scope, Lev slowly aimed.


A sound that could be heard close enough was heard. The silencer only reduces the sound, it doesn’t eliminate it, nor does it lower the gunshot of a rifle bullet.

Still, the sound did not travel far, and a bullet pierced the head of an enemy guard scouting from above the wall.


The second bullet flew and knocked down the other enemy.


This time, the third time, Lev, who killed both the smoking enemy and the sitting enemy by placing their guns in a straight line, almost decided that there were no more enemies.

Immediately after that, a military dog and a soldier appeared from the inside out, and Lev quickly punched a hole in the opponent’s head before the opponent could react when he saw the corpse.

The last one was a military dog. The military dog, who barked several times, followed its owner.

‘It must have been a big day.’

Lev breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed that his comrades were infiltrating.

In indoor warfare, the sniper had nothing to do. Therefore, his task was to stop the invading enemies with a sniper.

‘I feel déjà vu.’

Of course, the Russian army would not have ignorantly launched an air strike with seismic bombs here. At that time, the only aircraft that could be supported were those equipped with earthquake bombs, but…

‘Thinking about it makes me hot.’

I almost died myself, and floods and droughts in China were caused by that. Of course, due to the butterfly effect, the camp of the Three Democrats completely collapsed, and de Gaulle, furious at the attack by warlords, occupied Guizhou Province and incorporated it into the Governor-General of Indochina, where the Free French Army sat down. It wasn’t what you knew. It was far beyond my responsibility in the first place.

‘By the way, there are German troops stationed in the village down there, right?’

I wish there were only infantrymen. This was because there was nothing useful as an anti-tank weapon except for limited weapons such as anti-tank grenades and anti-tank mines.

Before the operation began, land mines were laid on the main access road, but of course, that alone was not reassuring.

In order for the Germans to come, they have no choice but to come either by destroying trees and forests, or by climbing up a 100-meter-long mountain road that comes up from a village on the other side of the landing site. Of course, it would make sense to be on the lookout for that.

‘I can’t see the inside of the village because of the church and the trees.’

The bell tower of the cathedral is obscuring the view. Lev, with his tongue stuck, carefully hid himself in the dark and began to move.

After some time, Lev, who passed through the cemetery and went down to the cathedral without being detected, could see the city straight from the top of the tree.

‘Damn it.’

The town was nothing but a few cars, but the visibility was great and the two towns on the map were straight ahead.

And in a village a little over 1km away, there are some tracked vehicles.

‘Is it a tank…?’

No, there were no tank guns at all. I don’t know if there was a machine gun or something because it was so far away, but there was no turret.

‘Is it a tractor that looks a little weird? I wore gloves for that.’

The slant armor body that looks like a wedge overall, and it looks pretty thick even when you look at it, it looks like it can block any shells, but I couldn’t even guess what the equipment was made for.

But what is certain is that if an armored vehicle that doesn’t know what that tank is or what it is, climbs up with the infantry, the commando will get f*cked. Even with only one machine gun, there is no way the commando can defeat it.

‘It’s a pity that I put anti-tank mines on it.’

Destroying the orbit is the only way, but if the track is cut, even if there are a few more such objects, the road itself will be blocked until they are pulled out and removed, so it will be possible to stop the advance of the German army except for the infantry. It didn’t look like a single gun was running, but even if it was a tank anyway, it seemed that the angle to shoot wouldn’t come out well if it was left on that road.

At that moment, the sound of tearing machine gun fire was heard from behind, followed by an explosion a moment later.

I can’t help but hear this gunshot. It’s a German machine gun. And I don’t know if the explosion that followed was a gun grenade or a hand grenade. In any case, considering that the gunshots ceased immediately after the explosion occurred, it seems that the explosion subdued the enemy machine gun seat.


Lev, seeing that the Germans had also heard the sound, began to run quickly, scrambled down from the tree.

“It’s f*cked up.”

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