Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 97 Demon Cultivator's Tribulation

In the bright spring, there are beautiful apricot blossoms in the sky, and the fragrant wind spreads across the streets for ten miles.

The sound of rain last night made the leaves fall, and the mulberry fields were filled with coir raincoats at dawn.

On the flat and straight road, a caravan galloped past, its wheels rolling, shuttling through the endless green fields, like a sharp arrow piercing the tranquility.

After a torrential rain on a spring night, the road was muddy and full of puddles. The spinning wheels picked up the mud and threw it backwards.

In the team, a carriage was walking slowly. Qin Yiguan was holding the reins and sitting outside the carriage. Inside the carriage were the master and apprentice of the old man Qishan.

The carriage he drives is driven by two horses, which are powerful enough to pull the carriage forward.

Several flags fluttered in the wind, and a lantern hung high on one side of the carriage beam, showing a clear flag.

There are quite a few similar carriages in the whole team, and they are all Gu Masters who are traveling together.

After all, there has recently been a blood demon cultivator who has been committing crimes nearby, making people's lives uneasy.

Thanks to the geographical terrain of southern Xinjiang, most of the trade roads in Zhongzhou are straight and straight, without the need to wind back and forth between the mountains, and the traveling efficiency is greatly improved.

Gu Master mounts are very common in caravans in southern Xinjiang. They are as big as buses, slow-moving black-skinned fat beetles, pack chickens, mountain spiders, winged snakes and other Gu Master mounts. They are extremely rare here. The one that is widely used is a kind of beast - - Hard-shelled blood centipede.

Its body is about ten meters long and about ten feet wide. It has a flat back, is as red as paint, as hard as iron, and has excellent carrying capacity. There are a number of red gold tentacles distributed at both ends. It relies on the tentacles to dig forward, so it will leave two holes on the ground. Group shallow pit.

A blood centipede with a hard shell can carry at most more than 10,000 kilograms, which is comparable to a truck in previous lives. The goods were all sorted and stacked on top of it, pressing the centipede's body to half a man's height, but it did not prevent it from maintaining a reasonable speed and keeping up with the team.

For an ordinary small caravan, only four or five hard-shelled blood centipedes can complete all the freight work, so it is the best choice.

But it also has some flaws. Its slender and wide body makes it poor in steering ability. It is difficult for the ship to turn around in a catastrophe. There are also certain problems in climbing and descending, so it is suitable for flat plains like Zhongzhou.

In addition, what is different from the southern Xinjiang caravan is the internal composition of the caravan.

The large number of mortals who serve as low-level coolies account for a relatively low proportion in the caravan, and their positions are replaced by many low-level Gu Masters.

Due to the participation of more Gu Masters, the overall quality of the team's personnel has improved visibly, and the traveling speed has also been greatly improved - from an ordinary slow walk to a trot.

Although this speed is not as effective as others, the efficiency is more than twice that of its counterparts in southern Xinjiang, and it can travel hundreds of miles a day.

As far as the eye can see, the cars and horses are noisy and the ruts are like combs.

Qin Yiguan lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes. His hands shook the reins from time to time, as if he was driving the horse and controlling the direction. However, in the eyes of others, he could not help but look amateurish, and some of his movements were completely unnecessary.

In fact, Qin Yiguan was silently calling the horse-controlling Gu planted on the two horses, and he also intended to use this to test his own soul.

The two horses were in his hands, and their every move was under his control. They were like puppets on strings and could be manipulated at will.

Lift your legs, take steps, hold your head high... it's all up to your heart.

In the past half month, he repeatedly activated the soul-eating Gu to strengthen the soul and the moon soul Gu to refine it. Finally, he upgraded his soul to the level of a hundred souls, but he also exhausted the last beast soul in the soul-burying toad, including many. The souls of the King of Beasts and the King of Thousand Beasts.

With such rapid progress, Soul-Eating Gu takes the greatest credit, but it also spends a lot of time refining the soul.

The hundreds of souls are enough for Qin Yiguan to cope with the situation, and he has the confidence to cast some Soul Dao Gu Insects, or make a temporary guest appearance as a Slave Dao Gu Master...

Of course, the current act of controlling two ordinary horses is still a bit incomparable to a group of slave Dao Gu Masters who have thousands of fans.

To raise a herd of beasts, slave path Gu masters need to consume a lot of materials. Only large families can afford to raise them, and even super families can only focus on training a few.

In Central Continent, only super powers such as the Immortal Crane Sect, which established their sect based on the slave path, can provide dozens of slave path Gu masters, while other casual cultivators...


A dull loud noise came from the front of the team, which immediately made Qin Yiguan withdraw from his thoughts. The whole team stopped completely and hesitated.

"Brother Qin, what happened?"

Zheng Shanchuan opened the door curtain, took his head out of the car, looked around, and turned to ask Qin Yiguan, who had climbed onto the roof of the car.

Qin Yiguan activated the Crescent Moon Pupil Gu, his eyes glowed with soft light, and he looked far away at the leader of the team.

I happened to witness a roaring sound, and a huge pillar soaring into the sky overturned several carriages around it, sending dust flying into the sky.

The frightened horses neighed, causing unknown panic and uneasiness to spread throughout the caravan like a plague, sweeping across all directions.

At the critical moment, many Gu Masters in the team showed high professionalism and immediately went into alert state after the initial brief commotion.

"It should be the Jiao Lei Bean Mother Gu! Someone planted a large number of Jiao Lei Potato Gu on the caravan route in advance." Qin Yiguan frowned.

"Ah? There must be someone who wants to rob the Tao! Those who dare to rob the Tao in Zhongzhou are not ordinary thieves. They must be at level four to start."

Zheng Shanchuan's face was startled and his mouth rounded.


Qin Yiguan was a little stunned.

There is no such thing as Bandit Monkey Mountain in South Xinjiang in Central Continent. Due to geographical and other comprehensive factors, there is a group of 'kidnappers' who want to arm-wrestle with you.

It's not a beast, it can only be a human being.

With this thought in mind, a strong aura suddenly appeared at the end of the team - four turns!

not good!

Instantly, he turned his head and saw a blood shadow rushing into the caravan, holding a blood spear, wearing a bloody robe, covered in blood, waving his sword, cutting melons and vegetables, cutting wheat with a knife, blood gushing like a spring, and entering the empty space.

"Demon cultivator! It's that blood-path demon cultivator!"

"Help! Someone come to save me, no——"

"Damn it, fight him!"

At this moment, facing the blood-path demon cultivator so close, the team could no longer maintain order. Many scattered cultivators and Gu Masters who were riding in the caravan fled one after another, rushed out of the road, and drove into the rice fields.




There were several loud noises in succession, and the rice fields on both sides were filled with earth-shaking noises.

Obviously, the demon cultivator had been prepared and had not missed anything.

There was thunder in front and demons behind, which was really a dilemma.

The master and apprentice of the old man Qishan had already got out of the car and discussed countermeasures with Qin Yiguan.

The three of them have limited strength, especially since the poison of the old man Qishan suddenly changed not long ago, and his condition declined. It was difficult for him to fight against the peak of the third turn of the same cultivation, let alone the fourth turn of the magic cultivator?

The three of them looked at each other, without saying much, and tacitly advanced to the front of the team, deciding to temporarily avoid the edge of the magic cultivator.


A figure passed through the sky, and it was the fourth turn leader of this caravan.

"How dare you, demon! I will make you fail here today!"

After speaking, several other third turn Gu Masters rushed over and killed with him.

Rainbow light, wind blade, lightning spear, fireball... all kinds of means came out one after another, all attacking the magic cultivator.

Who knew that the magic cultivator Chang Ping smiled contemptuously.


After a slight sound, Chang Ping's figure suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

It is true that he has not been in good condition these days. I will resume double updates tomorrow...

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