Inn Room

It has been a day since the end of the trade fair.

At this moment, the soul-eating Gu, which is iron-green in color and has sharp spikes that resemble sea urchins, floats and rotates, constantly sucking in animal souls.

Some are baring their fangs and claws, some are wailing in pain, and some are dull in expression. One after another, pale blue animal souls are spit out from the gray-white soul-burying toad at the bottom.

No matter what kind of animal soul, the soul-eating Gu accepts all of them. Its body continues to grow until it swallows the soul of a lion-like beast king. The appearance of the soul-eating Gu turns into a deep blue, and strands of light hiss from the spikes, like flying lines drilling into the facial features.

After a while, Qin Yiguan slowly opened his eyes, took out the three-turn moon soul Gu, which was about one finger long and shaped like a curved hook, and called on his true essence to activate it.

From a perspective that ordinary people cannot perceive, Qin Yiguan's soul, which had become swollen and empty due to the rapid strengthening of his soul just now, was emitting a layer of clear light, shining brightly.

It was like a burning fire, surging and hot, and like a sandalwood incense, spreading everywhere.

As time went by, the "dirt" was gradually discharged, making the soul transparent, mellow and pure.

After an hour, feeling the state of his own soul, he took out another Moon Soul Gu and continued to refine his soul.

Choosing to use the Soul Devouring Gu to strengthen the soul will inevitably bring some side effects, and it is necessary to refine the Gu repeatedly to remove impurities. Until he clearly felt that his soul had no impurities at all, like amber, he stopped and urged the Soul Devouring Gu to strengthen his soul again, and so on.

Qin Yiguan's soul is like a pool, and the three-turn Moon Soul Gu is like a bottle of gouache paint. If you want to dye the entire pool, one bottle may not be enough, but you can achieve it naturally by trying a few more times.

The problem is that the subsequent strengthening of the soul is like constantly filling it with water, turning the original pool into a pond, and then expanding it to a lake, or even an ocean...

In this way, the volume of the soul has increased, but the original color will be diluted and no longer have the previous purity, which makes it necessary to refine the soul.

Therefore, strengthening the soul and refining the soul are carried out simultaneously!

First, strengthen the soul, and then refine the soul, repeatedly hammer the soul like an iron embryo to remove impurities.

After repeating several rounds, when the moon was at the top of the tree, Qin Yiguan lay down and fell asleep under the quilt.

The impurities in the soul can be eliminated through soul refining, and the most practical way to get rid of the soul's restlessness and settle down is to sleep.

Strengthening the soul, refining the soul, and calming the soul are the three aspects of soul cultivation, and none of them can be missing.

This time, Qin Yiguan slept until noon.

When he woke up, the dizziness in his brain last night was gone, and his soul was more compact and rich than ever before.

"Ten souls!"

If an ordinary Gu Master practices the Soul Dao diligently for twenty years, he can reach the realm of a thousand souls.

Ten souls are just a small step on the road of Soul Dao practice. Once the practice is upgraded to 100 million souls, it can return to reality and interfere with the human world.

In addition, as Qin Yiguan's soul was condensed by the Moon Soul Gu several times, the appearance of the soul began to change.

His original ten souls were completely his own appearance, with the same face, mouth and nose. Now the torso and limbs are integrated into the body, curved like a hook, like a crescent, full and full, deep blue, and the facial features are engraved at the top, sunken like a negative carving, and the pupils are also a round moon hook, almost out of human form.

This is the result of repeatedly using the Moon Soul Gu to refine the soul-Moon Soul!

As soon as the Moon Soul was formed, Qin Yiguan felt relieved, as if he had taken off a layer of cotton clothes and felt light all over.

In the empty cavity, the connection with the group of moon Gu became closer and closer. Without deliberately perceiving, one could see through the every move of the Gu worm.

Activating the Moon Piaoshang Gu, the long streamer emerged from the dark blue mist, following the mind, like a swimming dragon and a spirit snake, wriggling freely, knotting into a rope, hollowing out into a ball, and many things that previously required careful guidance to do, can now be achieved with the mind.

This vague touch is as if there is an extra piece of meat in one's body, waving it like an arm.

Suddenly, recalling something, the mind moved slightly, the streamer rushed, flew and circled, gradually weaving in front of the body, outlining a falling...

Qin Yiguan smiled evilly and took back the Moon Piaoshang Gu.

Although the increase in the Moon Dao brought by the Moon Soul is not as direct as the Moon Source Gu in reducing the consumption of true essence and improving combat power, the Moon Soul indirectly enhances the manipulation and use of the Gu worm.

For Gu Masters, refining Gu, raising Gu and using Gu are three profound and complementary things.

Qin Yiguan didn't rush to activate the Soul Devouring Gu to strengthen his soul. Instead, he took out the third-level Phantom Moon Gu and Stone Hole Gu and began to try to refine the fourth-level Moon Shadow Gu.

A fist-sized ball of light wrapped the Phantom Moon Gu, emitting a soft white light, illuminating a corner.

The dice-shaped, square, hard, and gray-white Stone Hole Gu was held in the palm of his hand, staring at the light ball, waiting for an opportunity.


When the light of the light ball suddenly dimmed, the Stone Hole Gu suddenly flew out and merged into the light ball, like an oil pan, stirring continuously.

Qin Yiguan held his breath and concentrated, the Moon Soul shook itself, withstood the repeated impacts, and successfully stabilized the situation.

Pieces of Yuanshi were thrown in one after another, and the light ball also expanded, until...


A cracking sound rang in the box, the light faded, and two Gu worms fell, one dead and one injured.

Qin Yiguan put away the dying Phantom Moon Gu. As for the Stone Orifice Gu, he had bought twelve of them at the auction before, so he was not afraid of using them up in a short period of time.

The Phantom Moon Gu that had just been injured was not in good condition and was not suitable for Gu refining, so he immediately began to refine the Phantom Moon Gu again.


The Gu refining suddenly failed in the second half.

Qin Yiguan asked himself that although he had made great progress in the theory of refining Taoism by learning from the old man Qishan, he was still lacking in practical operation.

Especially in just two times of refining Gu, the amount of Yuanshi invested was close to the ten thousand mark, which forced Qin Yiguan to stop temporarily.

"Let's ask the old man Qishan again!"

After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the wing room, heading towards the room where the old man Qishan and his apprentice lived.

Who knew that as soon as he turned a corner, he met Zheng Shanchuan with a complicated expression.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yiguan asked when he saw this.

"Brother Qin, I don't know why, Master used the green Gu he got at the trade fair, and the toxin turned into a cold poison, which is more toxic than before!"


Qin Yiguan was slightly stunned. He naturally heard the dissatisfaction revealed in Zheng Shanchuan's tone, but he didn't say much.

The original book does mention that the poison of the old man Qishan is a foot injury. Only a green Yao Gu alone cannot completely remove the poison. It is necessary to collect nine kinds of Yao Gu, including green Yao Gu, blue Yao Gu, red Yao Gu, and then form a light road killer move Jiuyao, in order to completely remove it.

He did not expect that the old man Qishan could get the green Yao Gu so quickly. As for Zheng Shanchuan, who created the Jiuyao killer move, he was still young and incapable. The combination of the two accidentally did bad things.

"Then let me go to see the master. Since the poison has changed, maybe the Yuyue Gu can be used again."

Qin Yiguan followed Zheng Shanchuan back to the wing where he lived and saw the old man Qishan, who looked haggard and pale.

After explaining his purpose, the old man Qishan accepted it.

Perhaps it was because of the change of the poison that the Yuyue Gu played an effect, which eased his condition slightly.

Although he was surprised by the change in the poison, perhaps because of the existence of the poisonous oath Gu, the old man Qishan did not have too many doubts. He gave some advice on the confusion raised and suggested that Qin Yiguan take a break for a while. Qin Yiguan accepted it happily. He just wanted to take this opportunity to refine the Moon Shadow Gu.

After sending Qin Yiguan away, only the master and the two of them were left in the room, and they looked at each other.

"Master, Brother Qin..." Zheng Shanchuan hesitated and pointed vaguely.

The old man Qishan waved his hand slightly, his eyelids half closed, his old eyes dimmed, and he thought alone.


Half a month later, on the rural trade road, Qin Yiguan and his party were able to take a caravan and gallop north.

However, in a mountain forest along the road, a pair of blood-red eyes witnessed the caravan gradually approaching.

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