Jiang He remained calm as he drank the porridge, recalling the original plot.

The old man Wang who lived outside the village mentioned by Old Xu was an old hunter. He was well-known for his hunting skills passed down from generation to generation.

This old man Wang had two sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Wang Da, died in the mountains while hunting three years ago, and his daughter-in-law committed suicide for love.

Currently, only the second son, Wang Er, and his daughter serve him.

After Wang Da's death, the old man Wang's family insisted on moving out of the village and living in seclusion.

When the original owner was the resident Gu Master of this village, he sent someone to order Wang to move back because of his seclusion, but was rejected and the matter was left unresolved.

A stubborn, aloof, and bad-tempered old man.

This is the impression of the villagers on Wang, including the original owner.

But... after traveling through time and knowing the plot, he will not be deceived by it.

Old man Wang is a mortal. His hunter status makes his family more affluent than other farmers, and he can eat meat occasionally.

Although he has had some troubles, he has finally settled down in recent years. When his second son Wang Er gets married and has children, he starts a family and his daughter gets married, his life is clear.

But the problem lies with his eldest son, Wang Da, who died while hunting!

Not only did he not die, but he accidentally obtained a Gu Master inheritance in the wild, opened his mind and practiced, and became a Gu Master.

With the inheritance of the Gu Master inheritance, Wang Da has been practicing hard all the way. Today, he has reached the middle level of the second level, and is at the same level as Jiang He himself.

Moreover, he killed his wife and took her heart, and refined the second level first poisonous Gu, love and separation!

There is also a second level Gu insect shadow accompanying him, which can hide its tracks and is suitable for stealth.

Because of this, Wang Da can avoid the original owner's detection and hesitation, and frequently travel back and forth between the tree house in the mountains and his home.

The configuration of Wang Da's Gu worm revealed in the original book, stealth plus poison, is a perfect assassin template.

His appearance in the original book was a little unexpected.

Not long after, the old devil Fang Yuan went down the mountain to hunt wild boars and accidentally ran into Wang Er and his group. The arrogant Wang Er took action directly, and then... nothing happened.

Later, during the mid-term assessment of the academy, Fang Yuan followed the red circle on the map and found Wang Da's tree house in the wild, and saw the key.

As for Wang Da, he was eager for revenge and made a desperate attack at the end of his life, but he made the wrong target and let his wronged brother Fang Zheng take the blame, which was really laughable.

Speaking of which, in terms of combat power, Jiang He's existing means were not enough to resist the sudden attack of the opponent, and there was a great risk of death in the battle.

The opponent has not attacked Jiang He and the former village Gu Master, because he is afraid of the Gu Yue clan.

The accidental death of the village Gu Master will inevitably call for an investigation by the Gu Yue clan. With the help of the Gu worm, the old man Wang's family is also at risk of being exposed.

The gain is not worth the loss.

This complex relationship with fear and compromise has led to the peace between the two sides until now.

If you hadn't made a move, I wouldn't have known.

But... it's a hidden danger after all!

Jiang He ate slowly, and Old Xu finished his narration one by one, and then turned to talk about the land borrowing between Mrs. Du and Zhao the Hunter.

This is a ridiculous and stupid thing.

Two years ago, Mrs. Du fell ill in winter and stayed in bed for a long time, taking medicine constantly.

In the spring of the following year, the seven acres of paddy fields belonging to her were urgently needed to be planted, and two acres of them were high-quality fertile fields near the stream.

Mrs. Du was in poor health and had only one daughter in her family. She had no choice but to lend five acres of paddy fields to two familiar neighbors for farming, and agreed to divide the harvest into 30% and 70% in autumn, with Mrs. Du getting 30% and the two neighbors getting 70%.

In the past two years, Mrs. Du has been ill for a long time and has not recovered. She has been in danger several times, but fortunately she survived and the land borrowing was extended to the second year.

During this period, the peasant women of the two neighboring families took care of them from time to time, boiled medicine and served them, which was also appropriate.

After the year, Mrs. Du was much better and asked the two families to return the lent land.

In early spring, the other family gradually returned the land until the spring ploughing time, and only the hunter Zhao family still withheld three acres of paddy fields.

Faced with Mrs. Du's request, the hunter Zhao family tried every means to stop them and acted like a spoiled child.

First, the land was supposed to be borrowed for three years, but the time was not up, so it was changed to five years.

Second, these three acres of paddy fields were given to them by Mrs. Du, and there was no such thing as borrowing land.

Third, he and Mrs. Du calculated the expenses of taking care of him for the past two years, such as the cost of medicine and firewood. He also said that his daughter-in-law got sick because of making medicine for him, and so on...

Two days ago, the Zhao hunter family and Mrs. Du had a verbal argument by the field. Both sides cursed each other and cursed the ancestors of the whole family. The third son of the Zhao family was so angry that he pushed her off the ridge of the field. Fortunately, she fell into the stream and only wet her clothes. She was not seriously injured.

This incident caused a lot of controversy in the village.

Since then, Mrs. Du knew that it was impossible to take back the three acres of paddy field by herself, so she went to Jiang He, the village Gu Master, to complain and ask for justice.

"This matter has spread to several surrounding villages, and people in the village are also talking about it."

Old Xu said seriously.

After chewing the last bite of the flower roll, Jiang He moved his lips and teeth lightly, smacked his lips, and looked away, as if considering.

Old Xu, who was standing by, bowed his head and kept silent after explaining the reason. He put his hands on the seams of his pants, observing Jiang He's expression and waiting silently.

After a short silence, Jiang He suddenly spoke:

"Old Xu, this porridge is too sweet. Add more water tomorrow."

The hand holding the soup spoon shook in the porcelain bowl, making a clanging sound.


Old Xu's expression froze, and he was slightly stunned.

"What? Didn't you hear it?"

Jiang He frowned slightly, his tone was angry, and his attitude was unquestionable.

"Yes, yes, I heard it, sir! I will definitely do it next time!"

Old Xu nodded repeatedly, smiling and obedient.

Jiang He glanced at him, staring at him, "By the way, have you found what I asked you to find?"

Being stared at by Jiang He, Old Xu paused, "Well... I have some clues."

What Jiang He asked Old Xu to find was nothing else, but something that is very common in this vast southern border - a tree!

This tree is naturally not an ordinary thing, and it is an old tree over fifty years old.

One of the main materials for refining the first-level wood armor Gu to the second level is the core of a fifty-year-old tree.

Different tree species will have certain differences in the steps and auxiliary materials during the refining process.

He had previously asked Jiang Ya to purchase some materials on his behalf, and Jiang He had to prepare the main materials for the refining himself.

The defensive effect of the first-level Wood Armor Gu is really limited. It is difficult to keep a low profile and obtain new defensive Gu worms in the short term.

Moreover, he is not satisfied with the Stone Skin Gu and Animal Skin Gu in the Gu Room of his family. It is a good choice to refine the second-level Wood Armor Gu.

Whether it is for a certain unstable factor in the village or the wolf tide in the near future, Jiang He needs to do his best to improve his strength.

Jiang He gestured, "It's good to have a clue. Send it to my downstairs tomorrow. Is there any problem?"

"No, no problem. I will go and urge those young men. I am mainly busy with spring plowing and can't spare time..."


After packing up the food box, Old Xu was unwilling to give up and asked about Mrs. Du and the water diversion. Jiang He laughed and said that he would talk about it in two days.

Rural trivia is nothing more than fighting for fields and water, and trivial matters.

The fields that ordinary people regard as lifeblood are not worth mentioning to him.

The good habit of procrastination that I developed from slacking off in my previous life is still being used even after traveling through time.

It’s not important, it’s not urgent, it doesn’t concern me, so when it’s time, there’s no need to rush!

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