Tianyuan Baojunlian!

It is an auxiliary Gu insect that can continuously produce Yuan stones and a large amount of natural Yuan. It is known as the 'Mobile Yuanquan'!

In the original work, Fang Yuan once obtained a third-level Heavenly Yuan Baolian in the Flower Wine inheritance, which benefited him so much that Gu Yue, a powerful fifth-level master, would not hesitate to seize it.

Tianyuan Baolian was created by Yuanlian Xianzun, one of the ten nine-turn sages.

The Fourth-Revolution Heavenly Yuanbao Junlian is refined from the Third-Revolution Heavenly Yuanbao Lotus.

The process of combining the three-turn Tianyuan Baolian is mysterious and complicated, changing from nothing to reality, seeming virtual and then real. It is necessary to waste a natural spring and wait until nine complete lotus leaves have grown before it can be picked.

To refine the Heavenly Yuanbao King Lotus of the fourth revolution, it will cost seven primordial springs, and to refine the Heavenly Yuanbao King Lotus of the fifth revolution, it will cost another nine, sixth, and eleven gulps.

It is definitely one of the Gu insects with the most complicated conditions for advancement in the Gu world!

In other words, this fourth-turn heavenly Yuanbao Junlian is actually carrying the wronged souls of seven Yuanquan.

Talking about why he had such a precious Gu in his own aperture, after Jiang He traveled through time, he learned from combing through his memories that the original owner accidentally obtained it from a hard rock in the wild, and returned with a surprise.

That night, the original owner died.

Jiang He mentally and resolutely resisted this kind of forcible cheating and pulling people into time travel.

But after tasting the Fourth Transformation Heavenly Yuanbao Junlian, I have to say one thing:

Nice needle!

In addition to the large amount of natural primeval energy produced by the Third Transformation Tianyuan Baolian, it can produce about fifty primeval stones per day.

According to Jiang He's personal experience, the fourth-turn Heavenly Yuanbao Junlian can produce about 320 yuan stones per day.

That’s 116,800 yuan a year!

The monthly living expenses of an ordinary family of three is only one yuan.

A perfect money printing machine!

It should be noted that there are three main points in the practice of Gu Master:

One is qualifications, the second is resources, and the third is Gu worms!

Jiang He's own qualifications are only 57% of the C-level, and there is a certain chance of breaking through to the third level. He is not too bad, nor is he very good. Among the C-level and D-level people in the Gu Yue family, he is on the average and slightly above. of.

It is almost impossible to make up for the problem of qualifications, but it is not impossible. There are also Gu insects that can improve the qualifications of Gu masters, such as jade Gu, woody Gu, muddy gold Gu, etc., which should be impossible to find in Qingmao Mountain.

As for the Blood Skull Gu in Gu Yue Yiyi's hands...

Jiang He thought that he would not stay in Qingmao Mountain for so long. When he faced Fang Yuan, there was no question of who would squeeze the blood of whom to improve his qualifications.

Lack of resources is a common problem in Qingmao Mountain.

From the cost of feeding Gu insects during the Gu Master's training journey, to the loss of temperature and nourishment, to the investment in the process of refining Gu, to the three families in Qingmao Mountain and the Thunder Wolf Pack, and the beast tide every three years, all are due to resources. Lack, caused by lack of living space.

Throughout the original work, this is true for mortal Gu Masters, and the same is true for Gu Immortals.

Now that Jiang He has the fourth-turn Heavenly Yuanbao Junlian, there is no need to worry about resources. On the contrary, there is quite a surplus that can be used by others, but he dare not...

The problem of poisonous insects can also be solved indirectly through families and caravans.

Jiang He couldn't help but feel a little dizzy when he recalled that the more than two thousand yuan stones produced by Tianyuan Baojunlian in the past week were hidden in his rice vats and bamboo cabinets.

"Right now, the quantity is small and we can still hide it. Over time, it won't be a small amount. We can wait until the caravan arrives to see if there are any Gu insects suitable for storage than the Gu rooms in the clan.

Strive to be promoted to the third rank as soon as possible and become a senior member of the family. As for leaving Qingmao Mountain, you need to plan hard! "

Jiang He's heart moved, and the crimson essence surged suddenly, pouring into the spherical crescent moon pupil Gu. His eyes once again glowed with blue soft light, and he looked at a certain thatched hut.

After a few breaths, the thin Li Liu came out of the side window. There was already a cloth bag piled at the foot of the wall. It contained something, estimated to weigh three or four kilograms.

Wang Ergou took out a peculiar wooden handle from his pocket and made rubbings along the corners of the wall, leaving more than ten peculiar footprints, which were messy but regular. He also carved several claw marks on the window edge, and Sprinkle a handful or two of fluff prepared in advance, the purpose is self-evident.

After finishing all this and cleaning up any unnecessary traces, the two of them put their small bags on their backs and left quietly, walking briskly.

"This is called professionalism!"

After watching the two of them disappear, Jiang He nodded.

The soft light in his eyes dispersed, and he looked inside into an empty orifice.


The crimson sea of ​​true energy is bright red and as deep as blood.

The half of the crimson primeval energy consumed to activate the Crescent Moon Pupil Gu has been driven by the massive amount of natural primeval essence that Tianyuan Baojunlian continues to produce, and the level of the primeval ocean is slowly rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Gu Master's true energy recovery speed is inseparable from his own qualifications.

Fang Zheng, who has first-class qualifications, can recover eight points of true energy in one hour, while Jiang He himself can only recover six points.

In the original work, when Fang Yuan was in the third level of cultivation, the third level Tianyuan Baolian brought him a second-level qualification level true energy recovery speed.

And now Jiang He possesses the fourth-level Heavenly Yuan Baojun Lotus, and his cultivation level is comparable to that of the second-level one, even better. His true energy recovery speed is better than that of a first-level person, and his cultivation speed is also the same.

After confirming that the surrounding area of ​​the village was safe, he jumped off the roof and returned to the house.

With a thought, the crimson sea of ​​true essence set off waves, one after another beating against the water-film orifice wall, warming and nourishing the empty orifice.

next day

The morning clouds are dim, and the dew is not yet shining.

The mist in the mountains has not yet dissipated. Farmers carrying hoes walked out of the huts in twos and threes, stepping on the morning dew and heading towards the rice fields.

In the stilted building, Jiang He had already gotten up and was getting dressed.

Last night, he warmed up his empty acupoints until midnight before falling asleep. He should have slept a little longer, but the biological clock he developed in his previous life made him wake up almost at the appointed time, so it was useless to stay up any longer.

He opened the bamboo cabinet and deposited the 320 Yuan stones newly produced by Tianyuan Baojun Lotus one after another.

Estimating the remaining space in the cabinet, I am afraid that Jiang He may need to consider finding a suitable place to dig a pit to bury the Yuan stones in the near future.

This is the disadvantage of not having storage-type Gu worms.

Da~ Da~ Da~

A steady sound of footsteps came from downstairs.

After a while, the door was knocked.

"Master Jiang He?" The voice was slightly hoarse and low.

"... Come in!"

There was a brief silence in the room, and then Jiang He's light tone came out, which was the same as before.

The visitor pushed the door open, but he was a short octogenarian with gray eyebrows and temples, and he was in good spirits.

He wore a dark bamboo hat, had kind eyes, and wore a pair of cloth shoes that were rare in the countryside. He held a food box in his right hand, and a wisp of fragrance emanated from it.

The old man's surname was Xu, and many people in the village called him Old Xu or Grandpa Xu. He was the main person in charge of Jiang He's management of the village, and was also responsible for his daily food.

"Meet Lord Jiang He!"

"Well, Old Xu, put it on the table."


The old man opened the food box layer by layer, and successively brought out a plate of pickles, three flower rolls wrapped in hot sauce, and a bowl of white rice porridge.

The dishes were not a good harvest, but they were rare in the countryside where people were hungry and insecure.

Jiang He grabbed the flower roll and fed it directly into his mouth, scooping a small spoonful of pickles from time to time, and swallowed two mouthfuls of porridge in a row, ignoring Old Xu who was standing by his side.

The porridge with syrup was sweet and fragrant, and it was steaming hot. It was a great enjoyment to wake up the stomach that had not yet fallen asleep.

In his previous life, he had to get up early to go to work, but he didn't have time to enjoy a proper breakfast. Over the years, he had stomach problems, which troubled him a lot.

In this life, someone provides food for him, so he doesn't have to worry about it, which is naturally very comfortable.

After taking a sip, he glanced sideways.

When Old Xu entered the house, there was no water stain or mud left, almost spotless. It was obvious that he had scraped the mud off the soles of his cloth shoes on the steps before going upstairs.

There is no need to say more about the meaning.

Jiang He ate the flower rolls and nodded slightly. Old Xu got the order and immediately opened the chatterbox, reporting the recent situation of the village in detail.

"Sir, the planting of seedlings is nearly halfway done, the canals have been cleared ahead of time, and the irrigation of the terraces is not a problem. It's just that there are some conflicts in the order of the water diversion, as several families want to divert water to the fields first..."

"Mrs. Du and the hunter Zhao family in the north of the village had a big fight over the land borrowing issue two years ago. It's spring ploughing time, and Mrs. Du wants to ask you to be fair..."

"The Qian family's house was robbed, and it was said that foxes and raccoons broke through the windows..."


Jiang He listened and ate at the same time, just like listening to the morning news, but the content was all rural trivialities, which was not very novel to him.

At the end, he said:

"I heard that old man Wang who lives on the edge of the village has been sick these two days, and has a severe cough..."

Hearing this, Jiang He paused in his heart, and his eyes moved.

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