Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 16 Was it intentional or accidental?

The fire wheel was spitting high, and the chairs were hot.

Under the shade of the forest, Fang Yuan was thin and walked between the tall trees. The scorching summer sun was like broken gold flowing clouds, shining through the gaps between the leaves, shining on his expressionless and cold face.

Following a stream from the top of the mountain, he walked down for half an hour and vaguely saw a green rice field and rising smoke.

"The smoke from the empty forest was slow after the rain, and the sound of steaming quinoa and cooking millet in the east was heard. White egrets flew over the vast paddy fields, and orioles sang in the shady summer trees."

After walking another hundred steps, he found wild boar footprints on both sides of a mountain road.

He walked forward again, passing by wild deer and beehives, and finally found a dying wild boar in a large pit full of sharpened green bamboo.

"I'm lucky!"

Fang Yuan smiled and raised his hand to kill the wild boar with a moon blade.

Blood gushed out of the wound and soon accumulated at the bottom of the pit. Fang Yuan looked straight ahead, as if he was used to it.

Since he got a first-level white pig Gu from the Ksitigarbha Flower Gu in the secret cave in the stone crevice yesterday, Fang Yuan began to have a demand for pork.

He had to eat a whole pig in five days. In order to avoid suspicion from others, Fang Yuan was forced to go down the mountain to hunt wild boars. He didn't expect to get a bargain here.

"But there are many traps in this forest. I still need to find a hunter to ask... Uh!"

At this time, a voice came from his ear.

"Wang Er Ge, I set a trap like you yesterday. It's just in front. There might be prey. Let's stew it and have fun!"

"Yes, yes! Wang Er Ge, stir-fry, grill, or stew, it's all up to you!"

After the two of them said respectfully, a gloomy voice replied, seeming a little unhappy and depressed, "Let's talk about it later! I have to go back to repair the roof."

As they spoke, a group of three people walked out from behind the bushes and happened to meet Fang Yuan's cold eyes standing there.

Seeing Fang Yuan standing near the trap he set, Wang Er Gou frowned, took two steps forward, pointed at Fang Yuan's nose and shouted angrily:

"Whose stinky boy are you, damn it! Dare to steal my Wang Er Ge's prey, are you looking for death?"

"Oh?" Fang Yuan murmured softly, glancing at the Wang Er he mentioned with contempt.

He naturally heard that this person was pretending to be powerful, but unfortunately... it was not a real tiger.


The blue light in his hand condensed into a ball, and the dark blue moon blade suddenly appeared.

"Gu, Gu Master?!" When Wang Ergou finished his last words in his life and tried to dodge.


The moon blade approached and the head was separated.

The beheaded body fell down instantly, and dark red blood plasma gushed out of the neck like a spring, soaking the ground.

"Master Gu Master! Master Gu Master! No offense, spare my life!"

Witnessing his friend's tragic death on the spot, Li Liu panicked instantly, his face turned pale, his body softened, and he knelt on the ground, kowtowing repeatedly.

"Hmm?" Fang Yuan frowned slightly, squinting his eyes and staring at Wang Er, who was clenching his fists and looking angry, and sighed that it was a bit tricky.

This kind of look again!

Why should I be inferior to you?

Why should I kneel to you?

At this moment, in Wang Er's heart, a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time in the past erupted completely.

"I can't kill Jiang He, but can I kill you? Die!"

Wang Er picked up the longbow behind him, put an arrow on it, and swung it in a circle. The arrow flew out.


The arrow flew fast and shot in front of Fang Yuan in an instant.

Fang Yuan lowered his body and forehead slightly, successfully dodged the arrow, and quickly approached Wang Er.

Seeing Fang Yuan approaching on his own initiative and giving up the moon blade for long-range attack, Wang Er's face was ecstatic, he clenched the machete and swung it down suddenly.



After a while, the battle in the forest came to an end, and Jiang He arrived at the right time.

"Master Jiang He! Master Jiang He!" Seeing the familiar Jiang He coming, Li Liu was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and wailed with all his might.

Jiang He turned a deaf ear to him. He first looked around and looked at the blood on the ground. His eyes finally stopped at the cold-faced and nonchalant young man, and asked calmly:

"Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"

"It was on purpose!"

Fang Yuan spoke clearly and loudly, looking straight ahead. A faint light shone on his palm, indicating his identity.

Jiang He smiled happily, "So it's my junior brother! How come you are in the mood to go down the mountain and kill people? You are in a good mood!"

Fang Yuan looked at Jiang He silently without revealing his expression.

He remembered that he had seen this man in the gambling stone shop before, but he didn't care about him until he was interrogated by Jia Fu and heard that someone had killed an outside demon cultivator and seized a lot of benefits. That person was named Jiang He.

Now that he had seen the real person, combined with his memories of his previous life, Fang Yuan became more interested.

"Just two mortals, what's the big deal? Kill them, and you can report it directly to the family. Just say that it was done by me, Gu Yue Fang Yuan!"

Jiang He didn't speak immediately. Li Liu, who was kneeling beside him, trembled.

"Oh - you are Fang Yuan!" Jiang He raised his eyebrows, revealing an expression of reminiscing about something, "My brother often mentioned you, beating up classmates, extorting Yuanshi, and each time he could get more than 60 pieces, tut tut!

Uh, I remember that in the gambling stone shop, it was you who opened the toad in public, right?

Good luck, good fortune!"

"Brother, you are too kind! In terms of fortune, how can you be more fortunate than me? The confiscated Wind-Walking Gu, Flower Bud Gu, and Water Milk Gu are much stronger than a single toad!

Demon cultivators are not common..."

Fang Yuan's words were meaningful.

Jiang He ignored them, looking eager, "These mortals are trivial, but you and I get along well, why don't you go to my place for some tea?"

"Thank you for your kindness, senior brother, but I still can't do it!" Fang Yuan's expression remained normal and he refused directly.

Jiang He looked slightly embarrassed. He glanced sideways and found that there was another guy kneeling here eavesdropping. He immediately shouted, "Get out!"

Li Liu, who was already on the verge of collapse, was so frightened that he rolled over and ran away, fearing that he would be hit by a moon blade too late.

Looking at Fang Yuan again, Jiang He's expression changed slightly, and he felt a little more relieved, "It seems that something happened to my junior, so I won't keep him!"

He turned around and raised his feet to walk away.

Suddenly he stopped, looked at Fang Yuan and said with concern:

"Junior has just come down the mountain. I don't know what traps are around here. Some mortals are very skillful in their craftsmanship, and even I may not be able to see through them completely. I should be careful, junior."

With a shake of his hand, he took out a roll of bamboo paper from the flower bud and threw it to Fang Yuan.

"There are traps here, as well as some gathering points for beasts. If junior brother wants to improve his life, he can do it himself!"

Fang Yuan opened the bamboo paper and saw that lines of several colors were used to outline the terrain near Qingmao Mountain, and various patterns were drawn among these mountains to indicate different groups of animals.

Elk, boar, bear, beehive, snake nest, etc., the content is quite detailed.

With a quick glance, Fang Yuan immediately found five wild boar gathering spots, and then he closed the bamboo paper with satisfaction and smiled at Jiang He.

This good relationship is well earned!

Jiang He also told Fang Yuan to be more careful in the wild, his words were like a teacher who cares about his younger generations.

After watching Jiang He leave, Fang Yuan walked towards the woods.

A quarter of an hour later, after it was confirmed that Jiang He had completely left, Fang Yuan left again.

First, he threw out the white boar Gu, turned into a white light, and started to eat the wild boar carcass in the trap.

Fang Yuan looked alert until the satiated White Boar Gu flew back, and then he relaxed.

But then, he fell into an unprecedented vigilance, far more than before.

After waiting for a stick of incense, he took out a dark red Gu insect with the appearance of a blood leech from the hole.

In the blink of an eye, the Gu worm wormed its way into one of the corpses at its feet and devoured it. After fourteen or five breaths, as if it was not full, it quickly wormed its way into another corpse and continued to devour it.

After fifteen breaths, the Gu insect flew back into Fang Yuan's hand, and there were only two mummies left in the forest.

Fang Yuan pushed the mummy into the trap, making the trap collapse on its own, and then filled it up.

After looking around, Fang Yuan withdrew his gaze, stood up and left.

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