Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 15 The Five Poisons Heritage

In recent days, two important events have happened one after another in the Gu Yue Clan.

First, Jia Fu sought an explanation from his clan for the disappearance of Jia Jinsheng. During this period, he attempted to frame Fang Yuan as the murderer, but in the end the matter was dropped after Zhu Junzi's verification.

Fang Yuan took this opportunity to expose the wine bug to his tribe and became the focus of everyone's discussion.

The second reason was that there were foreign demonic cultivators in the village at the foot of the mountain, and they were killed on the spot by the Gu Master stationed in the village.

In terms of heat, the two are comparable, but they are different from each other.

The magical effect of wine worms in refining true energy is well known to the world, but it is only at the first level, so it is talked about by many students who are still in the school.

And more Gu Masters in the clan focused their attention on Jiang He, the resident Gu Master who killed the foreign demon cultivator.

The news that Jiang He had searched the demon cultivator's aperture and seized the trophies came from the Chishan team who participated in the support mission. Many people were asking insinuatingly what benefits he had obtained from the demon cultivator, but Jiang He remained silent. My younger brother Jiang Ya didn’t say anything.

It was in the limelight for a while.

It wasn't until the family inquiry was over that Jiang He revealed three Gu insects: Flower Bud Gu, Windwalker Gu, and Water Milk Gu. This allowed others to get a glimpse of his true nature, attracting many Gu masters in the clan to pursue him with admiration.

Ordinary low-level Gu masters are limited by various reasons and only have three or four Gu worms. In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang He now has seven Gu worms. The financial pressure of feeding is not ordinary.

Just when others predicted that Jiang He would take the initiative to offer Gu insects to the family to relieve the pressure, Jiang He uncharacteristically gritted his teeth and persisted, remaining indifferent to the persuasion of the family elders.

In this way, some people's suspicions are more and more confirmed - Jiang He gained more than what he revealed!

But the empty orifice is the Gu Master's most private and obscure place, how can others forcefully explore it?

What's more, there are clan rules!

There is nothing you can do if you let others scratch you.

June is the beginning of summer.

The breath of summer has just arrived, the sun is scorching, and the breeze is blowing with a little bit of heat.

The seedlings in the rice fields have grown to the height of an adult's calf, and the fields are full of green.

Under the shade of bamboo, inside the stilt building.

The crimson true energy tide in the empty orifice keeps rising, slapping against the water-film orifice walls and washing away endlessly.

The waves are splashing, the tide ebbs and flows.

The Tianyuan Baojun Lotus rooted at the bottom of the Kong Qiao sways with the tide, and a large amount of natural essence pours out from the gaps between the petals, condensing into crimson essence to help warm the Kong Qiao.

A group of Gu insects inhabiting the True Essence Sea are like floating duckweeds drifting with the current, rising and falling.

Some Gu insects seemed to be unable to stand the 'roller coaster'-like excitement, so they plunged into the True Essence Sea to swim. However, after a while, the True Essence Sea gradually depleted and revealed its true form.

Three hours later, Jiang He, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes again, twisted his body, and tried to move his muscles.

There were crackling sounds coming from the waist and the back of the neck, which were crisp and clear to the ears.

Sitting for long periods of time can hurt your waist and easily lead to hemorrhoids...

This is one of Jiang He's past life experiences.

I stood up and walked to the corridor, looked up and saw that the sun was setting over the western mountains, and the mountains were dyed.

At one end of the dusky sky, a dark gauze quietly covers it, and the light moon comes.

After Wang Da's incident ended, Jiang He no longer had too many worries and could devote more time to practice and warm up his acupoints. The village was in leisure time and there was no trouble.

He looked inside intently, inspecting the condition of the water film orifice wall, and said with excitement, "If we continue to maintain this progress, I'm afraid I won't have to wait until the end of autumn to break through to the second high level!"

Mobilizing the true energy to warm and nourish the empty orifices ultimately consumes mental energy. It is impossible for ordinary people to practice without stopping. They also need to eat, excrete and rest.

Wang Xiao, who was as thorny as a cantilever and slept on a bed of ice water as in the original novel, only sleeping three hours a day, was not included in this list.

Breathing in the slightly cool mountain breeze, Jiang He watched the red sun setting in the west and the silver moon hanging in the sky, relaxing his tense body and mind.

Returning to the house, Jiang He rummaged through the bamboo cabinet and found a pottery bottle with a strange smell.

Turning the palm of his hand, a six-clawed spider with green lines on the surface, long slender hairs, the same width as the head and body, and the size of an adult's palm appeared.

Level two Gu insect, love farewell!

It was the second-level first poisonous poison that Wang Da used his wife's heart to refine.

The pottery bottle was nearly black, and the mellow solution prepared from several kinds of poisons was poured into a small dish. Ai Farewell himself took the initiative to come forward and swallowed it in small mouths.

Aibie has one meal every twenty days. Each meal needs to be fed by a solution mixed with several kinds of venoms. It starts with two ounces, and the stronger the venom, the better.

After a while, after Jiang He added more venom twice, Aifeifang contentedly crawled into the palm of his hand and got into the hollow.

Jiang He shook the pottery pot, but there was not much left.

The venom in the clay pots is from centipedes and venomous snakes that are common in the mountains. The toxicity is relatively average. If you want to feed Love and Separation, you can only take the approach of limiting the amount, but it is not too troublesome.

Then, Jiang He took out another spear-like arrow, which was segmented and lumpy, with a black and sharp top, and was about two inches long. It lay in the palm of his hand and writhed like an earthworm.

Second turn, scorpion tail Gu!

After being activated, a scorpion tail will extend from the tail of the spine, which can attack enemies at close range and inject poison into the opponent's body. It has excellent puncture ability but low toxicity.

In addition, if you push it frequently, it will be quite tiring...

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang He gained huge benefits from the demon cultivator, but in fact, he only obtained these two Gu worms from the opponent's aperture on the spot.

And the second-level shadow accompanying Gu seemed to be forcibly activated by Wang Da at the last moment, and eventually perished.

Not to mention the Yuan Stone, not even half of it!

But there are still unexpected gains...

Take out two items from the bud, a white animal skin map, and a booklet bound with bamboo paper and wrapped in cowhide.

The former was obtained from Old Man Wang's house through some tricks. From this, he learned about the habitats of many wild beasts around him, and also discovered the locations of Wang's three tree houses in the forest.

After some searching, I found this booklet.

The surface of the album is smooth and shiny, but the edges of the bamboo paper inside have many creases and missing corners. The paper is yellowed, indicating its age.

It records a lot of knowledge about the cultivation of Gu masters. Although the volume is limited and the content cannot be as detailed as what is taught in the family school, it is still barely enough.

The second half of the booklet records many poison recipes and experience in improving and refining them, totaling fifty-two types, covering a wide range.

The handwriting is different and the styles are very different. It is obvious that more than one owner has owned this booklet. After changing hands several times, the owners have written content on it.

"This booklet can be regarded as a testimony!"

Jiang He brushed his fingers over the withered yellow paper, caressing the faded handwriting, and wondered in his mind what kind of person it would be to write these handwritings.

Page after page, when I turned to the end, I saw that there were still several chapters on blank bamboo paper that had not yet been written, and I suddenly lost my mind.

"It seems that my handwriting will also be left on this book!"

He flipped the booklet again, stopped at a certain page, and read softly:

"Chippoison poisonous poison, snake poisonous poisonous poisonous poison, toad poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poison, scorpion poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poison!"

These five poisonous insects are refined from the five poisonous things, namely centipedes, poisonous snakes, toads, scorpions and geckos.

It is one of the poison recipes with the highest number of turns in this booklet. Except for snake poison poison and toad poison poison, which have four turns, the other three are all three turns.

The scorpion tail Gu that Wang Da used earlier was made based on this.

Among the fifty-two kinds of poison prescriptions, twenty-one belong to the poison path, accounting for nearly half of the total number in the entire booklet. Judging from the handwriting and year, they should be written by the same person, including Five Poison Poison Prescriptions and Love and Farewell. In this case, it is also very likely that he was the original owner of this booklet.

Because Tongwen did not leave a surname, Jiang He decided to name this inheritance - the Five Poisons inheritance.

As dusk fell, Jiang He lit an oil lamp and held a candle to watch at night.

The contract has been officially signed and double updates will start tomorrow!

I would like to thank Situ Anluo for the 10,000 starting coin reward! Thanks to Orchard Road for the 500 starting coin reward! Thanks to 29299 for the 200 starting coin reward! Thanks to HRJGYBZ for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to the e-sports hotel sister for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to Yingjiu Wenxian for 1 monthly pass! Thanks to Situ Anluo for 1 monthly ticket! Thanks to book friend 20210815151816067 for 1 monthly ticket!

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