Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 760 When a cross-dressing boss meets a men’s cross-dressing boss 6

Mrs. Tang couldn't listen to An Ran's words. After hearing An Ran's words, she said angrily: "If it weren't for him, his aunt could bully us? Every injustice has its owner... As Aunt Cai... What is his backer but the Lord? If we get rid of him, I guarantee that his aunt will be able to turn her tail between her legs and start a new life immediately."

An Ran said: "How did I hear that the eldest brother often advises his aunt not to do those things?"

"You believe it when he says it? It's just a double act with his aunt, one singing the red face and the other the white face. He's afraid that if he doesn't stop his aunt from doing it, the news will spread outside, and people outside will say that he allows his aunt to do evil, so He pretended to be so hypocritical and deceived outsiders, so that when outsiders heard about what his aunt had done, they would speak for him and say that it had nothing to do with him, and he tried to dissuade her, but his aunt didn't listen."

An Ran secretly thought that Tang Zhixian was really not such a person, but she had no evidence now, so seeing Mrs. Tang getting more and more excited as she talked and looking like she wanted to eat his flesh, she could only stop and stop saying good things for Tang Zhixian. , so as not to make Mrs. Tang very angry, and don’t let anything go wrong if she is angry. I thought, as time goes by, Mrs. Tang will know that Tang Zhixian is a good person.

While Mrs. Tang was asking about An Ran, Aunt Cai was also asking about Tang Zhixian.

"Why did I hear someone say in a daze that you advised Tang Anran to take the martial arts exam? You are stupid. You advised him to take the martial arts exam. He will really pass the martial arts exam and then the civil exam. How can he be better than you? Do you want to do it? You must know that he is no worse than you in the civil service examination, and he became a scholar at the age of sixteen!"

Aunt Cai doesn't think about the worst like Mrs. Tang. She thinks about the good. She is afraid that if An Ran can do well in the civil and military exams, it will be detrimental to her son.

Tang Zhixian listened silently to his aunt's complaints. When she had finished complaining, Fang said: "I said, don't always target the second brother and wife. Isn't it good for a family to live in harmony? Fighting over and over again, No matter how capable you are, it will all be lost in internal friction and only make others laugh, so why bother?"

Aunt Cai obviously couldn't listen to Tang Zhixian's words, and immediately said: "You don't have to worry about the affairs in the backyard. You just need to do as I say. In short, everything I do is for your own good and I don't want you to suffer. "

"I have not suffered a loss. Moreover, if we have a good relationship with my second brother, he will not be like those dandies in Beijing. He is also a capable person. Then we brothers will develop the Tang family more and more together." The better, I can benefit from it, instead of fighting like this all the time, and in the end it hurts my loved ones, makes my enemies happy, and takes advantage of outsiders, so why bother?"

"You're too young to understand, just listen to me. My aunt said, I won't let you suffer. If you want to be harmonious, don't fight or fight. What does the royal family do to fight for position from generation to generation? Liu? The royal family is like this, of course we ordinary people are not exempt from it. Besides, the Tang family has a huge business, so of course we have to fight for it, so why should everything fall into Tang Anran's hands."

"Whatever I want, I can get it myself. I don't need to fight with my second brother."

"What do you mean by fighting with him? You already have a share of those things!"

"Since you said so, why bother fighting? We will just get the share we deserve when the time comes."

"You are too naive. If I don't fight, my wife will fight. Will your share be as big as Tang Anran's? If you don't fight, Tang Anran will take it away!"

Tang Zhixian saw that no matter what he said, his aunt just couldn't listen. He was helpless and left in a depressed mood. Thinking about these troubles at home, he couldn't help but get more and more annoyed. Sometimes he thought about what he was doing with so many women. , making the house restless.

The aunt herself was constantly fighting with her wife, which made life difficult for her children, but she was blamed for it. She even arranged for her to have a concubine when she reached an age. Didn't she ever think about her being a concubine for others? Then he fights with others and makes the house a mess, and hopes that his son's future home will be just as messy, with brothers at odds and wives and concubines quarreling?

So he refused Aunt Cai to arrange a concubine for him. Of course, in order to avoid Aunt Cai's nagging, he just said that he wanted to concentrate on the imperial examination so as not to be distracted by women. After hearing what he said, Aunt Cai felt that her son was right, and added Seeing that when Tang Anran grew up, she did not have any concubines and focused solely on taking the imperial examination. I felt that her son was right. After all, when the time came, her son would be immersed in the gentle countryside every day, but Tang Anran was not. Studying hard, then why shouldn’t she be anxious to death?

And because Tang Zhixian did not have a concubine to marry him, and because he studied hard and was promising, even if he was a concubine, there were many people who wanted to marry their daughters to him, which was an unexpected gain.

An Ran naturally doesn't know about Tang Zhixian's troubles, but if she knew, she would probably feel the same way, because she and Mrs. Tang are talking like ducks in a row, and the other party doesn't listen to her at all. Of course, the difference between her and Tang Zhixian is that Mrs. Tang is considered a victim. After all, many things are caused by Aunt Cai's jumping up and down, so she can understand Mrs. Tang's attitude. Unlike Aunt Cai, Tang Zhixian often creates troubles for her and is completely unacceptable. With the person closest to him like this, Tang Zhixian was naturally more stressed than An Ran.

While Tang Zhixian was distressed, An Ran continued to study and practice martial arts.

After traveling through so many worlds, An Ran has never taken on the task of making a wish from a man, and has never been a man, especially a man in ancient times. Therefore, An Ran can be said to be a novice when it comes to the imperial examination. Hui, naturally a little nervous, fearing that he would not lose his original face. After all, he had already passed the Jinshi exam, and it would be bad if he failed to pass the exam.

Not to mention having the memory of the original body, so if he knows the test questions, just like An Ran can no longer remember the test questions from elementary school to university, the original body can't remember the questions in each exam, so An Ran can't cheat. Gotta study hard.

Although he has the memory of his original body, he has never taken the ancient imperial examination, so when he came into contact with these Four Books and Five Classics for the first time, An Ran felt that it was quite fresh, but the content was much boring than what modern students read, and it was not as colorful as modern content.

But there are advantages to the boring content, that is, as long as she can recite, it will be fine, and reciting is obviously her strong point, so after reading this for a while, An Ran felt that Shi Wen could be written well and dared not say, but she did not write the part written silently. There should be no problem.

As for Shi Wen, An Ran is not too worried, because in addition to the help of her original memory, she also has famous teachers to teach her. Mr. Tang will often give her and Tang Zhixian guidance and check their homework. I think they should be fine when they take the exam. .

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