Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 759 When a cross-dressing boss meets a men’s cross-dressing boss 5

As soon as Mrs. Xiao saw her, she said, "My son, I heard that you had a very happy talk with that boy from the Tang family?"

Xiao Yue took a pear from the fruit plate and put it in her mouth to gnaw. While gnawing, she nodded and said, "Yes."

The movements were quite rough and not ladylike at all.

Then he lay on the table and smiled at her mother: "Mom, you don't know, he is a very interesting person. He has attended so many banquets in Beijing. I think he is a bit interesting. The others are just common people, right?" They are idiots who talk about fame and fortune and compare themselves with each other hypocritically, which is boring."

It’s not that she is arrogant and looks down on fame and wealth. After all, people have to live a life. Who really dares to say that they despise those people? If they really despise them, then don’t make money and have fun. It’s just that she hates those people getting together to talk. When talking about these things, there is a sense of showing off and comparison or superiority in the tone, so I don’t like to associate with those people.

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao couldn't help but frown, and moved away the people around her, and then warned Xiao Yue: "Don't forget your own identity! Don't get too close to Mr. Tang. If he likes you by then, It’s not easy to deal with!”

This is what she has been most worried about over the years.

At first, she was afraid that Xiao Yue would do something wrong if she got mixed up with women, so she was always forbidden to get too close to women.

But as Xiao Yue got older and got closer to men, she was afraid that Xiao Yue would not incur a love debt and it would be difficult to deal with it, so when she saw which man she was getting too close to, she also reminded her .

After hearing this, Xiao Yue couldn't help but said unhappily: "Then I can't make two friends? Forget it about women. Men won't let me get close to them. Then I will be alone."

Due to her daughter's special situation, it was not good for her to be too close to women or too close to men. As a result, she never had a real friend. Mrs. Tang saw this and felt distressed in her heart. But this The special situation was caused by Master Huguo Temple. She didn't dare to gamble for fear that something would really happen to her, so she strictly followed Master Huguo Temple's words and prepared to keep Xiao Yue until she was twenty years old.

So now Mrs. Xiao listened to Xiao Yue's complaint and said: "My son, you are sixteen this year, you can just endure it for four more years."

Xiao Yue said impatiently: "How can such a thing happen? A good man must become a woman. If he doesn't, he will not live to be twenty years old. It's all these bald-ass deceitful lies. You also believe it, and it made me become a woman." Such a neutered look!..."

When Mrs. Tang heard him scolding the master of Huguo Temple like this, she was so frightened that she rushed forward and covered his mouth. She was so anxious that she broke into sweat and said, "My son, you can't blaspheme the gods! Master of Huguo Temple If words don’t work, how else can they work!”

Xiao Yue saw that Mrs. Tang believed so much in the lies of Master Huguo Temple. She had no choice but to shut up. She couldn't bear to see her mother sweating profusely, so she immediately said: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything." That’s it.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Tang became happy and said, "That's right, it's only been four years, and it's gone with patience."

Not to mention the conversation between the Tang family's mother and son, An Ran didn't know that the Xiao Yue she wanted to help was not a girl, but a man. She only said that An Ran would return home and continue to study and practice martial arts.

As time goes by, An Ran's martial arts skills become higher and higher.

In the past, the original body only knew some tricks and some superficial external martial arts, but what An Ran has learned now is real fighting skills, and he has internal martial arts, which are completely different from what the original body knew at that time. .

That day Tang Zhixian came back from the academy and watched her practicing martial arts there. He watched her for a long time. After waiting for her to take a break, he came forward and said: "My second brother is good at martial arts. In fact, he can not only take the civil examination, but also the martial arts examination. Being versatile will be good for your future career."

An Ran shook his head and said: "I won't take so many exams. As you know, my mother has always wanted me to take the imperial examination. She probably doesn't want me to be distracted by the martial arts exam."

After hearing what she said, Tang Zhixian nodded and said, "Yes, I was presumptuous just now."

At this time, Tang Zhixian already regretted what he had just said. After all, these words were going to reach his aunt's ears, and he was afraid that he would be told that he was not a good person and wanted to harm his second brother.

It's just that he saw that the second brother's kung fu was really good, so it would be a pity not to take the martial arts examination. He bet that with his second brother's ability, he would be able to become a martial arts scholar or even the top scholar in the martial arts examination. , and because of the relationship between the Tang family and the powerful family, the second brother will never be allowed to go to the front line. If there is any danger, he will definitely let the second brother join the Imperial Guard. The position will definitely not be low, and the second brother will be promoted quickly based on his martial arts skills.

When the time comes that the second younger brother will be admitted to the civil service examination again, then the second younger brother who is a military or civil servant will have a wider range of choices, which will naturally be more beneficial to his official career.

An Ran smiled and said: "Brother is doing it for my own good. I naturally know it. There is no need to be presumptuous."

Tang Zhixian looked at An Ran in surprise, who continued to play with guns after saying this. He secretly said that it seemed that it was not his imagination. The second brother had indeed changed a lot recently. He was not like before, who was influenced by his aunt and was wary of him. He felt that now His mentality seems to be much calmer, which is good. He doesn't want to have brothers in the same family, and they are still arguing. Brothers work together, and they can break through gold, while brothers are jealous of each other, let alone fighting outsiders. Just internal strife is enough. It will bring down the family.

However, the relationship between the two brothers has improved, which does not mean that the relationship between Aunt Cai and Mrs. Tang has improved.

No, as soon as An Ran returned, Mrs. Tang asked: "Did that scoundrel advise you to take some martial arts exams?"

Because there were servants around when Tang Zhixian said it, Mrs. Tang naturally received the news immediately.

"It's really his fault! He is afraid that you will take away his limelight if you pass the exam, so he wants you to be distracted by taking the martial arts exam. If you fail to pass the civil exam in the future, it will be his wish! Who doesn't know that the civil exam is even more important? It’s important. The status of civil servants is high, but the status of military attachés is low! I’m cheating you like this!”

An Ran had just broken out in a sweat and was thirsty. He was drinking water when he suddenly heard Mrs. Tang calling Tang Zhixian a scoundrel. Woolen cloth.

Although the original body knew that Mrs. Tang called Tang Zhixian this way in his memory, it was the first time he heard it in reality. No wonder An Ran almost choked.

At that moment, An Ran said: "Mom, can I discuss something with you? Brother and Aunt Cai are not the same kind of people. I don't object to your objection to Aunt Cai, but brother, can you not call him that?"

An Ran said this, but Mrs. Tang was so angry that she immediately slapped the table and said angrily: "What kind of ecstasy did you drink from him? Don't you know how his aunt bullied us two because of him?" ?”

An Ran said: "I know, and I will never forget it, but if I think about it carefully, my eldest brother has never bullied me, nor has he ever bullied you. We have to have the right to blame, right?"

Thank you ShariC for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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