Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 716 Daughter is cannon fodder 26

Fortunately, after returning home, Cheng Wei, who was entrusted by her to investigate Miss Yang Er, provided her with important information, which made An Ran think that she might have found the real murderer.

But Cheng Wei saw that An Ran was free that day, so he reported an abnormality to An Ran that he had found out for a few days, but An Ran had been very busy recently and had no time to see him, so he didn't have time to report it.

"I haven't found any other abnormalities yet. The only thing is that Miss Yang Er doesn't like to go out very much. She usually stays indoors and embroiders. However, her embroidery is different from other people's embroidery. When she embroiders, she will reject all the maids and say It's because she likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be disturbed by others. Wei Chen feels that the real reason why she is afraid of rejecting everyone and being alone is not like what she said. After all, this reason is too weird."

The reason why Cheng Wei came to report to An Ran so quickly was mainly because he wanted to show his performance in front of An Ran and let An Ran see his abilities.

I have to say that Cheng Wei's ability is really impressive.

In fact, the reason why Cheng Wei checked faster than An Ran was mainly because An Ran was afraid that his own cultivation level was too low and the other party's cultivation level was very high. If he ran to detect the other party, not only would he not be able to detect him, but he would also be discovered by the murderer secretly. If the other party finds out, if he is not cautious enough and dares to attack her, she is not afraid, because she has defensive means and is not afraid of confronting the other party. If the other party is cautious and scares the snake by herself, it will be terrible, so she does not Dare to check it out in person, otherwise with her current cultivation level of the third level of Qi Refining Stage, lurking next to Miss Yang Er, she will definitely find something wrong with Miss Yang Er; secondly, the limitations of the times - in this world where there are too many controls on women In this era, it was too troublesome for An Ran to investigate some information. Unlike Cheng Wei, it was easier for men to do things. What's more, in order to climb up, he had people collecting intelligence under him. Such investigation would naturally be better than nothing. Enron, in good hands, is both fast and good.

And Cheng Wei's discovery made An Ran feel that something was really wrong with the situation - who made the other party's behavior seem similar to his own practice of often rejecting others? Let her feel familiar as soon as she hears it.

——An Ran secretly thought, fortunately, he has strong cultivation ability now and can practice meditation anytime and anywhere. He no longer has to practice with the door closed all day long. Otherwise, if he had the door closed all day long and was found out by Cheng Wei, he would probably feel strange.

And Miss Yang Er is asked to renounce others for the sake of cultivation, which means that Miss Yang is the secret murderous monk?

And An Ran also remembered at this time that when the palace attended the banquet that day, Miss Yang Er was present with Mrs. Yang, and among the people who attended the poetry banquet with the Lord of Changle County, there was also Miss Yang Er, so if Yang Er The girl is really the secret murderer of the monks in this world. When the Lord of Changle County was attacked in the palace, it is very possible that she did it, and the bad luck charm found on the Lord of Changle County was also most likely caused by her.

Of course, on the contrary, it can also be said that when she was suspicious of Miss Yang Er, she found that Miss Yang appeared at the palace banquet and the poetry banquet, which undoubtedly increased the degree of suspicion of Miss Yang Er.

It's true. If she is really the murderer secretly, she is right to help Wang Guifei. After all, Wang Guifei's son will become the emperor. In addition to Wang Guifei, who will benefit the most, in fact, Miss Yang will marry Jian in the future. Ninghou Mansion also benefited the most - he suddenly became the uncle of the state, how could it not benefit the most?

People will not doubt that Miss Yang Er is secretly leading these things. They will only think that Miss Yang is lucky. She is a commoner's daughter. Not to mention marrying Hou Shizi, her family is getting better and better, and her life is getting better and better. scenery.

An Ran felt that the results of Cheng Wei's investigation were of great help to her.

However, if Miss Yang is really the secret murderer in this world, then letting Cheng Wei continue to investigate will undoubtedly put him in danger. After all, Cheng Wei is just an ordinary person, and the other party is a monk, and An Ran cannot harm him. So he immediately said: "This Miss Yang Er is weird. Please stop investigating her for the time being, lest she has any tricks or hurt you. I will find another way to see what she does when she closes the door every day."

An Ran couldn't say she was a monk because she couldn't explain how she knew the other person might be a monk, so she could only say this.

Cheng Wei said: "Don't worry, I didn't investigate it myself. She doesn't even know who is investigating her..."

"Don't underestimate her. She is the one who can make Prince Jianning marry her life or death. Just thinking of this makes me think that this girl is a bit evil, so you can't be too careful. Even if you let others The one who investigates, she must have the means and be able to follow the clues and find you. Besides, if you let others investigate, I can't let a stranger get into trouble."

Cheng Wei saw that An Ran was worried about something happening to him and was preventing the incident. Although he didn't agree with it in his heart, he was going to continue to stare at Miss Yang, but he still said: "I listen to the princess."

In fact, his investigation method was very covert, and Miss Yang couldn't find any trace at all, so An Ran didn't need to worry.

It's just that he was afraid that An Ran would be worried, so he followed her wishes and agreed. After all, the other party also cared about him, so how could he go against her good intentions.

Seeing that he agreed, An Ran felt relieved and thought that he would find time to study Miss Yang Er.

However, if Miss Yang is really the real mastermind behind the scenes, then Concubine Wang Guifei probably is not, but whether she is or not, she still needs to investigate.

In order to further confirm that Wang Guifei was indeed not the murderer, An Ran went to the palace again while celebrating the eldest prince's recovery, preparing to find an opportunity to check Wang Guifei's pulse.

In fact, this is not a difficult task. After all, Wang Guifei also wants to be friends with her in order to please Emperor Yong'an, so she will definitely get close to her. When the time comes, I will just take the opportunity to find out for her.

An Ran was right. When Wang Guifei saw her, she started talking to her affectionately, hoping to repair the stalemate between An Ran and An Ran due to the divorce of Prince Jianning. This time, An Ran was not as alienated as before. , but let her hold his hand.

This made Wang Guifei overjoyed, thinking that An Ran had changed his mind about her. After all, since her nephew broke off the engagement, An Ran had become completely indifferent to her, and their relationship had dropped to a historical low. Now that An Ran was like this, she was naturally happy. Thinking about it, it seemed God does indeed open a window when he closes a door. Originally, Queen Chen's son did not die as she wished, which made her very disappointed. Now that Princess Jing'an can make peace with her, she can finally gain something from what was lost. .

But here, An Ran took Concubine Wang's pulse and discovered that Concubine Wang really had dysmenorrhea. She immediately understood that Concubine Wang was indeed as he thought. She was not a monk, so naturally she was not the secret murderer in this world, so At that moment, I couldn't help but secretly think, then it seems that it is really Miss Yang Er?

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