Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 715 The daughter is a cannon fodder 25

At that moment, An Ran had a chat with Emperor Yong'an, and then entered the palace of the eldest prince with Emperor Yong'an.

Although he is said to be the eldest prince, he is actually not very old, only ten years old. After all, the original prince was only about thirty-five years old at this time. Emperor Yong'an, who is younger than her, is only in his early thirties. At such an old age, the eldest son is only ten years old. , very normal.

Although he was only ten years old, according to the rules of this era, men and women aged seven years old had different seats and there were differences between men and women. Princes over this age were not suitable to live in the harem. The eldest prince moved to this outer hall - commonly known as the Prince's Palace - from the age of seven. The place.

With such a young child living alone, none of their mothers and concubines can rest assured. After all, the palace environment is complicated. Who can rest assured? They are all worried that they will be killed by someone or bullied by some unruly slave, but there is no such thing. The method and the rules are like this, and the concubines dare not disobey them.

After An Ran and Emperor Yong'an entered, Queen Chen came out to greet them.

Although Empress Chen complained about Emperor Yong'an before, when Emperor Yong'an appeared, Empress Chen did not dare to ask Emperor Yong'an not to come. After all, if she wanted to be so angry, she would cry if Emperor Yong'an really left.

Emperor Yong'an asked: "How is the emperor's condition?"

When Queen Chen heard Emperor Yong'an ask about her son's condition, her tears were like broken beads, and she couldn't help but fall down. She said: "It's worse than yesterday. I think he can't hold on any longer..."

"Don't talk nonsense, the emperor is so blessed that he can't hold on any longer!" Emperor Yong'an lowered his face and interrupted Queen Chen's ominous words.

Immediately, he came to the eldest prince's bed to visit.

An Ran also followed and took a look.

At first, An Ran was thinking of finding some excuse to check the eldest prince's pulse and see what kind of symptoms he had, but as soon as he saw the black energy flowing around the eldest prince, An Ran understood that it turned out that the eldest prince was not ill, but secretly. The murderer had done something to him.

I'm afraid that Queen Chen passed away later because of her! Because Empress Chen also fell ill very quickly and passed away soon, exactly like the situation when the eldest prince passed away.

If it was really the man behind the scenes who did it, then it seems that the man behind the scenes was ruthless enough. Not only did he punish Yuan Shen and the head of Changle County, but also the prince and the queen. Since he was so capable, why not just kill Emperor Yong'an himself? How good is it to be an emperor?

An Ran thought that there might be some reason why Emperor Yong'an was not killed. Otherwise, with how ruthless the other party was, there was no way he had not thought of becoming the emperor.

Speaking of which, it seems that the other party is helping Wang Guifei. In that case, it is not certain whether Cheng Wei, a powerful minister, can continue to be a powerful official in the future. Although he did not see anything happen to Cheng Wei until his death, he still has the power over the world, but there is no guarantee. What will happen in the future? After all, if Wang Guifei feels threatened by the other party and doesn't like the other party, the black hand who secretly helps Wang Guifei may fulfill Wang Guifei's wish and kill Cheng Wei.

But for the time being, she didn't have time to think about these things. Right now, she had to save the eldest prince. Fortunately, since the eldest prince's matter was done by the monks, it would be easy for her to deal with it.

At that moment, An Ran moved her hands and feet, and a piece of spiritual energy in her hand went straight to the eldest prince. After a while, the black energy on the eldest prince's body disappeared without a trace.

Thanks to the murderer's poisonous attack, which was not strong enough. I don't know if the other party's cultivation level was not high, or he thought there were no other monks in the world, so he acted casually. An Ran, who was only at the third level of Qi Refining Stage, also successfully eliminated the murderer's attack on the eldest prince. , will suck away the angry black energy of the eldest prince.

The reason why An Ran dared to take action at this time was because unless the other party started scanning with his spiritual consciousness, he would not be able to find out what he had done.

Just like when the other party attacked the head of Changle County at the banquet, An Ran didn't activate the consciousness scan, so he didn't know who the murderer was. It's the same this time when An Ran helped the eldest prince treat an illness. If the other party didn't activate the consciousness scan, he wouldn't know who the murderer was. Know who did it.

And if the other party wants to start a spiritual scan, it will reveal its flaws and allow him to find the murderer.

She is not afraid of the murderer showing off, because she has a lot of defensive means. She is not too worried about confronting the murderer. She acted cautiously before because she was afraid that she would show off the clues first and alert the snake, causing the murderer to lurk and prevent her from finding the murderer. So as long as she She would not reveal her fault first, so she would naturally dare to help the eldest prince treat his illness.

Although An Ran removed the black energy from the eldest prince, because the eldest prince was sucked away a lot of his life by the black energy, his body's weak state could not be recovered immediately, and it would take some time to recover. Therefore, although the eldest prince felt suddenly I felt less uncomfortable now and felt much more comfortable, but my face was still not very good. I only heard Emperor Yong'an's concern and inquiry, and I felt happy for my father's concern for me, so I immediately said: "Father comes to visit my son. I feel much more comfortable."

Although his voice was still weak, Emperor Yong'an could still tell that the eldest prince seemed to be much better than before. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "Okay, okay, my father is relieved when you are well."

The reason why Emperor Yong'an was happy was not only because the eldest prince was much better, but also because his son felt much better when he saw his arrival. He had a feeling that he was indeed the destined emperor and was blessed with great blessings, so he could help the eldest prince. , this feeling that he was really entrusted with the destiny, of course made him happy.

"Thank you to Your Majesty. The emperor's condition was very bad just now. I have been worried about it. I didn't expect that the emperor will be much better when your Majesty comes. Your Majesty is indeed the right one, and he will be blessed with great blessings."

Queen Chen naturally also saw that her son was much better, and she couldn't help being in a good mood, so she was naturally in the mood to flatter Emperor Yong'an so that she could make him happy and come to see her son more often. Regardless of whether it was because of his arrival that her son got better. Well, anyway, it is always a good thing for Emperor Yong'an to spend more time with his son, not a bad thing. At the very least, the snobbish people in the palace will always treat their son better when they see that Emperor Yong'an often comes to see his son.

Empress Chen said this, and Emperor Yong'an thought so too. After hearing Empress Chen's flattery, he felt naturally happier.

At that moment, the palace could not help but be filled with joy and joy, which was completely different from the previous gloom and mist.

Because the eldest prince was much better, Queen Chen was in the mood to entertain An Ran for dinner. An Ran had lunch in the palace before going back.

Today's trip to the palace can be said to be a great harvest for An Ran. He has obtained many useful results. He saved the eldest prince and basically found out whether Wang Guifei is the murderer. It is not a great harvest. Good harvest?

The only pity was that she didn't see the murderer appear until she returned, and he attacked the eldest prince again, so she still didn't know who the murderer was.

Although I don’t know who the murderer is, it’s good to be able to basically rule out Concubine Wang and figure out her situation.

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