Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 67 Survival in the End of the World 7

Ning’s father concluded: “So it’s a good thing that the door was not opened that day, otherwise our family would be the one who would be the one who would be the one to blame for the sake of rice.”

You must know that they have yogurt at home - their daughter loves snacks, so she keeps several boxes.

"Ignorant people are really everywhere. I never noticed them before." Ning's mother said, remembering the old lady who always smiled when she met her at the door, in the elevator or in the community.

"We didn't have much contact with her before, so how could we understand her so clearly, but now it's not too late to understand her. If we meet her in the future, stay away from her. We can't have contact with this kind of person who doesn't remember gratitude but only holds grudges." Ning's father said.

Ning's mother An Ran was deeply convinced.

In fact, An Ran felt that the old lady was quite stupid. She didn't remember gratitude but only held grudges. If one day she ran out of food, no one would lend it to her. Swearing was easy for a while, but the consequences were also terrible, like this People who can still be fine in this simpler green mission would probably not survive more than three chapters in a difficult apocalypse where people die in minutes.

As time goes by, Ning's father and Ning's mother's martial arts have greatly improved, and more and more people are going out to look for food outside. After all, the longer time goes by, the more people will have nothing to eat. If they don't go out to look for food, they will have to Can't live anymore.

Because more and more people are going out to look for food, the number of zombies in the community has not decreased, but has increased - they are all left by those looking for food. After all, not everyone is so lucky and can go back unscathed. , and to kill zombies, since everyone does not have powerful weapons, the number of kills is limited, which leads to the number of zombies increasing instead of decreasing.

What's more serious is that in a few days, the number of zombies will surge.

The reason is that in the next few days, a large group of people will move and prepare to find a military base about a hundred kilometers away. It is said that the zombies have been cleared out of that base and the base is being built. Many people heard it on the radio. Rushing there, this is also the base where the original person wanted to take refuge at that time, but the original person did not leave this time, because the original person and his family still had food and drink, so he did not leave. When the food and drink disappeared later, Seeing someone else passing by, I prepared to follow them and then hung up.

A large group of people migrated. Along the way, the movement was so loud and the human smell was so concentrated. Naturally, a bunch of zombies chased behind the convoy. Before they could catch up with the convoy, they scattered along the way, resulting in an increase in the density of zombies along the way, including the Anron family. The community where it is located.

An Ran didn't know the specific time, because the original person didn't remember the time, but it should be soon, because the situation in the base was already broadcast on the radio. Once the news about the base spread, people would probably go on the road and pass by their neighborhood. , to find that base.

So An Ran decided that before the zombie density increased, she went down to collect some supplies so that she could stay at home for more time in the future.

Thinking like this, An Ran felt that the internal force in her body had a small effect that day and could support her to explode at the critical moment, so she mentioned this matter to Ning's father and Ning's mother.

However, they were immediately opposed by the timid father and mother of Ning. The two of them shook their heads like rattles and said: "No, you can't go out. It's too dangerous outside. Look, there are too many zombies down here. As a result, recently The mortality rate of people who go out to collect supplies is getting higher and higher, so we can’t go out because we still have food at home, so there’s no need to go out and take risks.”

An Ran said: "Look at this, the more people go out, the more zombies will be attracted. If this continues, there will be more and more zombies down there, and it will be harder to get out, so I want to take advantage of the zombies before they are too strong." "More, I'll go out to find some supplies and come back."

This makes some sense. Ning's father and Ning's mother heard this and hesitated for a while before saying, "Then we will go with you. We are not at ease if you go out alone."

Naturally, An Ran didn't want to take Ning's father and Ning's mother with her. After all, they only practiced martial arts and not internal skills. Plus, the training time was short, so it wouldn't be of much use. Following the past would only become a drag on her, and they would be in trouble by then. This mission is going to fail.

And if she wanted to go out alone, she wouldn't have to worry about them, but it would be easier, so she immediately said: "It's too dangerous outside, I can go alone."

"It's just because it's too dangerous, so we have to go together, otherwise we won't be allowed to go. Anyway, we don't trust you to go down alone." Ning's mother insisted.

She couldn't even imagine what she would do if something happened to her daughter.

An Ran really didn't want Ning's father and Ning's mother to go out, but now it seemed that she couldn't persuade her. Ning's father and Ning's mother insisted on going, and she had to go out before the zombies increased. She had no choice but to warn: "Let's drive there. If something happens, you can run back to the car immediately. Although I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, I should have no problem protecting myself, but I'm afraid that I don't have the extra ability to protect you."

There are not too many zombies outside now. As long as the car is in the car and the car is moving, knocking over the zombies is generally not very dangerous. The key is not to let the zombies surround the car.

Ning's father and Ning's mother heard what An Ran said and understood what she meant. It would be a drag on her if they went, and it would be easier for her to go alone, so they couldn't help but hesitate.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to practice their moves all the time during their daily training. An Ran also fought with them, but the two of them together could not beat An Ran alone. It seemed that An Ran had not fallen behind in martial arts over the years - in fact, he had fallen behind a long time ago. The reason An Ran is so powerful now is because she has the support of internal skills - it is not something they can handle after just ten days of training. Their current level is probably not much better than ordinary people. Following her may indeed drag her down.

But if she doesn't go, they really can't worry about her.

In the end, Ning's father made the decision and said: "We will go with you, but we won't get out of the car, lest if we encounter zombies, we won't be able to handle them and will add a burden to you. We will meet you in the car. If there is anything, that's fine." So you can get in the car and run.”

During this period, Ning's father had seen many people collecting supplies, but no one was looking at the car. When he was finally chased by zombies and ran into the car, he was so panicked that he didn't have time to drive. The zombies surrounded him more and more, and finally he couldn't leave. Yes, if someone is watching the car, if something happens, it will run much faster.

An Ran secretly thought that was fine, she should go and come back quickly, there should be no problem.

So I agreed immediately.

Now that the deal is settled, the family prepares to go out and equip themselves.

After such a long period of observation, the three of them already knew what to bring with them when going out.

"If you want to go out, you can wear this motorcycle helmet. Your mother and I don't have to go out. We just need to keep our clothes on." Ning's father handed the motorcycle helmet to An Ran and said.

An Ran didn't refuse and continued.

The three of them were fully armed. Although they were very hot, there was nothing they could do about it. Then they took the hastily prepared weapons and set off.

Thank you Mengyang1117 for the gift~~I beg you to collect and recommend me, and I ask for all kinds of things~~

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